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~~IIlu#t.an ~~-3 S ~(~ Cn~I,~~~~~~ ~~. ~i.~~~(~~~,E I~f~~,~~, tnllttrlES ~i. ~ttgtlTIIre lltts renDereD ftftg gettrs seruite tts tt UIIl1tII#eer firemttn to the ~IIwn IIf ~ulttski #tlralt~ll llt8 sEruite wi#!l the ~ldttski dire ~C}tttr#TliEn#: ttnD i~t~~,~~, auer #llese mttng gears IIf seruire. !!.e lltts #ime ttnD tt~ttin ttnswereD t1lE tttll to Du#g hg ~iuing IIf ilia time ttnD ~rittting llintself in Ilttrm's wttg to serue ttnD #rra#ect ~E titi~ens of the cZlawn; ttnD i$~&~.~1~. tts tt ualunteer lle lltts warkeD fttitllfullg to lsrQmatE ttnD u~rllIIlD lligll stttnDttrDs of cIImmunitg sttfetg ttlraugll llis work wi#!l the ~ulttski dire ~e}~ttrtment sinrE 145. £~T(~~, ~i~~R~t~~~ be i# ~~~(9~i hg #!lE c~IIwn tdIIUntil of #tle c~IIwn IIf ~ulttski. ~ir~initt sii#in~ in regulttr session #Ilis ~~ Dttg of ~ttalter 193, tfltt# #!lr ~IIwn (llaunri! ttnD (1liti~ens of #tEe dawn of ~ulttski e~tenD ttlPir llettrtfelt ttlttnks ttnD ttll~rreritttian tII (~llttrles ~. ~Ittgmare far llis fcf#g gettrs of ftti#llfu! seruice tts tt ualun#eer ftremttn. • ~tlis resalu#ian is effet#iue ulJan ttDa{~tiIIn ttnD is ttDIIpteD this 5~ Dttg of (~rtaher 1 X43 tts fII!lIIws: ~lttmes ~. ~ielxle#t .age ~. ~Dgttr Tittle .~gie ~ittne ~. Senn ,age ~asElJll ~i. ~eDDie age ~leffreg ~9. ~arrP11 ~gE ~ttltl'tne t~. ~ti#rllell age ~ettge ~I. ~te~er ~1ge ~Illttrles ~. ~#ewttrt, ~Jr. age c~lle dawn of ~ulttski. ~irginitt 11~g: alln .~. Ja tan. fllittgar ~tttrititt ~enDer~rtts#, t2lerk gtIIUntii :7