HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-28r+ • ~~ RESOLUTION 2002-28 AUTHORIZING MEMBERHSIP IN THE VIRGINIA MUNICIPAL LIABILITY POOL WHEREAS, TOWN OF PULA5KI wishes to join with other political subdivisions to establish the Virginia Municipal Self-Insurance Association ("Association") to create pools to jointly and cooperatively self-insure and to pool the separate risks and liabilities of the individual members pursuant to the terms of Title 15.2, Sections 2700-2709 of the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, through such Association, TOWN OF PULASKI wishes to join with other political subdivisions to create the Virginia Municipal Liability Pool ("Pool") whereby members can jointly pool funds to provide the necessary anticipated financing for commercial general liability, automobile liability, and automobile physical damage; and WHEREAS, such Pool is licensed by the Bureau of Insurance of the State Corporation Commission; and, WHEREAS, Town of Pulaski has been provided with the following documents which provide a prototype of the responsibilities of the members of the Pool and the amount and terms of the coverage to be provided. • 1. Membership Agreement (7/1/00) including the following exhibits: a. Exhibit 1 -sample declaration pages and coverage forms (7/1/00). b. Exhibit 2 -Virginia Municipal Self-Insurance Association Constitution and By-Laws (7/1/95). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by TOWN OF PULASKI Council meeting assembled on the 2°d day of July, 2002 in regular session, TOWN OF PULASKI certifies its intention to become a member of the Pool beginning 1 July, 2002, for the current Pool year and for two additional consecutive Pool years thereafter; Z. Such membership is contingent upon: a. Final approval of the Member Agreement and of the membership of TOWN OF PULASKI by the Association's Members' Supervisory Board, or its designee. b. Payment of $93,949 or the first year contribution as well as an additional $100.00 membership fee to the Pool pursuant to the quotation submitted or such final amount as mutually agreed upon by the member and the Association or their respective designees. • 3. It is recognized that members of the Pool may be required to pay additional assessments to the Pool and that in the event the Pool is in a deficit position which is not corrected, a member will be liable for any and all unpaid claims against such member. 4. John Hawley, Town Manager, is authorized to do all things necessary to enable TOWN OF PULASKI to become a member of the Association and the Pool including but not limited to execution of the Member agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, TOWN OF PULASKI has caused this resolution to be executed in its behalf by its BOARD and attested by the Clerk of Council. This resolution shall be deemed effective immediately upon its passage. Jeffrey S. Worrell Pauline G. Mitchell John T. Bolen Bettye H. Steger Aye E. G. Black, Jr. A y e Aye James M. Neblett, Jr. A v e Aye Kenneth M. Fleenor A y e Aye THE TOWN OF PULASKI, VIRGINIA Charles W. Stewart, Jr. Mayor Attested: ~cc ~ ei l et,e.u,au Patricia Cruise Clerk of Council • - ViRCINiA Mt7Nlt:II'AL LIABILITY FOOL G(t(MI-: CC)VERAGL• PART RF:NI:WAL DECL1\RATIUNS nmRrwrttRrt rnvsu~r~M; NIIMI~F;It~ vnRl,rrRnoo C't)VM.i?wGF'. PM•.utctn eR~n~r m~ovo2'ro o7~ouo3 AT 12:01 A.M. S'1'ANUARD T1MF. AT YOUR AUI)KlryS >rrtJ-WN IiEI,UW NAMED ENTITY/MEMB1rtt CUVh;121':D: Locality MAILLNG ADDRESS: Vi inia '1'YI'L: Ut~ I'ULITICAI. SU[iDIV1S1ON: Municipality 1N KLiI'UKN t~Ot2 T[II? PAYMrNT UI''1'Lils Ct)N'1'RIRUT[ON, SHOWN ANl) `~L11id1iC'I' TO ALL'I'lil:'l'IiKM <)t~ TIII: CUVL:RAGI: DUCUMI:NTS, WF. ACiK1:L'' WI'E'lt YUU "I'A PRnV1Di: TIII: Ct)YIiKAGI~ 17TSCRIBI:D 13LLOW. t:vvcrn~c l:orn>, Forming P•rrl of this Policy Limit of tnxurancc Deductible Amount 1'UItM A- Public limplaycc. I)ishoncxty C:uvcr:lge 1~4nn DORM 13 - Furkw.ry ~~r Ait4~'ntion t;ovcr:tgc furor i n,i~~wi (. - iiia'.It, iiiS~~C:iT.iTiGL`~ uiiv l:v~ltfa:....,:. (~:..,,.:bC I'i:^.:1 Secaiott 2. - Ou~sidc the Prcmiscx DORM I) -Rubbery iutJ Sale liur~lary C'avc:ragc I'unn (~C)RM O -Public Eimploycxy 1)ixhc~nc~ty (:overage Funn PUKM l' -Public iimployccs [)ishtmcsly Cuverage Norm, per }x:rtiun k:Nl>~UI2.SEMENTS FORMIN(: PAIt'L' OIL TIIIS POLICY WHEN ISSUI;I): CK lU 000(.9,5; CC:(: 6903: lLU1 4K U6 95: t:R 10 221)1; IL 9. ANNUAL. CUN'1'12IBIJTTON: SERVICING CUMPANY: VMI, tixcurancc Progruna 1', t). iiox 12164 Richmond, YirQ,inisl LJL~1 TEI.EPILUN Is: 1-888-294-4A65 • Authorised Signature. llate OT 'd iSEQEb9408 TWA eEE ~ 0 T ZO 9Z unr .7 V1RG1N1A MUNICIPAI,1,lAB1L1'1'Y POOI. ~3()11.Fii2 8c MACHINERY C:UV};I2AG~ PART RLNLWAt. [)I=C,LARATIONS nn w;nrRFg ('nyFUnrF Ni~ng,L:4•u_ vnnl,rRMn(tn [~()VFl~nI;F• 1'w.liltln FROM Q71(11/02'!'() U7/01/03 A'1' 12:AI A.M. STANDAItD'1'IMI~. A'1' YOUR ADDKE55 S110wN Iila,OW NAMED F,N1'ITY/M>!:MBk:K t:OVFRF.D: i.ocality MAILING AUUKk:SS: Virgiinie TYPF. OF POLCI'I(:AL JU)11)iViS1AN: MunicipslitV fir »rm ,n wr ri,u •rnu u~ x,f:wrr nl: •rr+c rv~wrrn l~+rrv~wi W+f~UJU nAlll Cifilfi•!"1"1'!l nlt 't'rit ~'Ti~RM f)1~ 'TkIL' C:UV1:ItAtil: IXX;[1MIiNTS, WL' ACi1Zl;t; Wl"TI[ YOU TO PRUVIUL•: "l"ltl~. (:UVIsRACiLi UI:SC'KI131:1) IiI:I.OW Limit o[ Iniur(tnac Sublimitx PKUI'1?12'I'Y DAMAGE $ t.:1~G (ltCftzgcnnt ('nvcragc) ~t(Zn,000 F.xpcditin~ Lxpenae: 5100,000 1 la~~rdous Suh,tanccx S l W,UUO Ycnah:+blc Grtxle 'i 100,000 . (:nn.~cqucntial 8c Ammonia :~lOU,UW Ucmol+t+on and 1(:C S25u,iiuu Newly Aequireci j.pCation %2~u,irix7 (i2u day.; C'o+nputcr C~wcragc $ IUU,WO ..i•i.a i~-~•ziit e:. :L'+ Mn ...., Vlly' ~ unC~. e~e;~._t ~.:.z/ in. •e,nn/~ •1.x,1 Al 5(N1 h!w 0-49liPCI'UN 42.500 b/w SU-'x'11117"1`(~N !fi,5,0()() b!w !t)()-299NPt1'UN over 3U0111'fl•<)N - refer to VMLI':+n~ $2,500 an all mvtun cYc. Uump.:> 5()flI lP, SS,000 on all transli>mx;r~:> SAW KVA but ~- 20,000 KVn, $10,000 un all tran~forntcr~ :~• 20,000 KVA LUSS PAXIrIv: MUK3't;At;k, U()I.DI~:R: riiA N!A C:UVEKAGI; A'AKT attached. ANNIJAI. Ct)N'CKII;U'1'ION: Sk:KVIt:INt: Ct)MPANV:_ • VML InxurancC YrofirArntx P. O. liox 121 tW Richmond, Virt-iniA 23241 'TELL Pl lON F,: 1-RSfi-295-4865 Authorized SiKnatun: 6'd TSEOE49408 TWA Uatc eEE~OT 20 9Z unr • • VIRGINIA MUNICIPAL LIAKII.ITY POOL PROP[;R'f'Y COVGRAt;k: PART ftF.NEWnL DI-:CLARATIt.)NS MEMBER C'OVFRAGE NUMItF.R: VMLI'PR000 COVEKACE PF.R1Ull i~12nM 07/O1/U2 TA 0710]llU3 AT 12:01 A.M. STANDARD'i'1MF AT YUUK ADDRES5 Sl1+7WN BF LUW NAMF:I) !sN'1'1'i'Y/MEMBER C:()YF.RfU: t.ocality MAt1,iN(: nDURlr~S: Yir inia TYY~: UN POI.iTI('AI, ti(IRAIVISIUN: Municipality •..,., ,•r.,. •.•.,,~ Isw~aca.rl ~,. •ruc: r•r~;u•1•lZtttr tTit1N t11C)WN t\Ni7 SLIl1JC?C.'T TU ALL'f[Il: TLRM (ZP iiv ii}i v,a,. , ~~n ,,,,. ,..,. ' L.' , '1'tTl: (;()VL•'RACit~ 1)t)C'UNIL;IY"1 :5, WF"", /~(iKL'Lj WITII YUU '1'U PR(>VIllL' "1'31l~ CC)VF;RAC;L t)I:SC:RII3L•"i) l3TI.()W. D!':SCK11''1'lON OF YK!':MiSF.ti: Ncr titatcnLCnt vi• V~luc~ on file with the Pixel. Blanket ltca~ cet Pcr~orwl Nrat)ctry KcDiaccmcnt C:nst. Agresti Amuunt Iixira Iixnensc, 4U-RU-IU(}% !~ lot)d (I Iaz;trd zone. A, C: h X rn)ly) l ianhyuakc Sduduled liyuipmcnt l.IMI"I' OF CUVl;t2L'I) CAUS1iS COVL'1Zf~Gts t)I,' LOSSL'S C'oinprchc:nrivc ltisl: Dorm C-omprchcaaive Kisk Punn C:outprehenivc Risk form C'atitprehcttsivc Risk Donn ('otnprchensivc Riv}t Dorm FOltt 1S n •n.. ^ ^ e•~aarvn • ~, c2t1t (,R VL,I `lt)/tQT1 c?nl (°tt t d` [?l97LSIi 1 (7/97} 'v 1tri.ICi~ul.i~, . v iaa.t....v • .~.,...(~! - n - n.-,. ~•~sn~ ciirn^rny~'~ ~Sl~ Gr /!)7J47\.~lA Am,~,~~tnrvtt~~~)t~).I'))dOiSL:LI18riL t (71517), Statonlcnt of"Values. :::•;;;U€_•C;;~l tic ,g yr a pnRnt«; gtpng «r~~.t S25;OOt) [food- :525,000 c~rthq_uake, and other exceptions a> specified in the policy forms. $250 for .scheduled equipment. ~nrNttAt, /•[lf~t'i'i?IRit'1'1t)N~ cRRVtCtl~l[: C[IMC~ANY: vMt, tnaurbnec Prorranw • P. O. Box 12144 .. Richmond. Yir~inia 23241 "1' l~.i .F.P H UK E: 1-RRR-29$-4R65 Authori~ctl Si};tk'lturc B'd TSEOE49bOB 1WA llite eEE~OT ZO 9Z ~~C • ViItCINIA MUNICIPAL [.IABILYTY POOL [',FT~IFRAI 1 tAf~lt t'1'Y (`t7Vt=RArF/R f•'Nf?WAI_ i~F.('I.AItATTONS '1't{[S COVERAGL• IS UN AN C)t't`IJRRENGE BASIS M N:IV1 isEli C:ii'v iSiini;iC iv ii ivi isF,ic: 'v ivi i.'r(;i.vv`ii ..+. , -. 4l)vLi(l~l4M. i'~:Kiiiu !'n\/ia "viiviivZ 'iv` virv+~r A'1' 12:U1 A.M, STANDARD TIME AT YUt1R Al)DRl;ti,S SIIOWN BELUW NAMfr:D N:N'!'i'fY/M1i1~R31•;t2 (:OVERF.D: Locality lilAq,tN(: ADDRESS: Virginia "1'\r l'b: ni• POLITICAL SUBDIVIJIUN: Municipality IN KF'PURN 1~UR'I'![L' PAYML:N(' UI''('Iif: CC)NTR[I3tJ'1'IUN, Sl1UWN ANI) SIJ13J1iG"I"CU r\LL'1'Illi'1'IiKht Uf `I'F1L•' CUVI:RA(;l: l><K'UMT:NTS, WI=. A(iRI:[i WI`1'll YUU'1'U 1'ROVIDF.'I11L' CUVLRAGI: llti~Clt113i:f) AFLOW_ • LIMI'f5 UM' C:UVk:RA(:F: i:ach occurrence limit ~I,UW.{1(N} 1 ksma~,cv to Prcmi~c~ RcntcJ to Xou S l Utl,()nU ilnv urrc~,/irc~ Medical e_rjxvrw limit 9i IU,UW .4nv rn<' /r<rrsnn Nv lault pmpcrty damaF~c limit if wpptiCahlC. ~ IU.t1UV /nor uecxtrrrnc~r. C'UN'1'KL1iIJ'('Ic)N S[K)WN IS PAYA13i.1:: x at inu~paon ~ (:C, portion otthc no fault I:c~doc'wrtk;nh attached to this covt:r,tgt:: C'G UU Ol (lid. 07/9R), Iindoru~mettte 1. 2, 3.4, S, b. ?, t2, !3, 16, 21, 22, 25 ~~L~I I• uaSva at~ai ~: L a V~! i~AIAJ U, V. aWr lilalV~ ts::: TF I.I:PIIUNE: 1-881;-2ry5-4845 Autlwriied tiil;naturc 17atc • 9'd ISEOEtr9bOB 1WA eEE~Ot ZO 9Z ~nC VtttG[NtA MUNtC:tPAL ~,tABCLt~'X POOL POI,LOWiNU rORM CXC'1:SS L1AQiL1TY RGNh:WAL DCC'1,ARAT[UNS 'T'HIS CUv1:RAGC IS ()N AN OC'C'1JRRENC:l:BRSIS jv+~:ivi aic n i.=iiV.`•:i~Aiic, i~T iJi:~l l::. i:: V~A I~HI.;YAA[I nt\~-co.t•~ rsrntn»LU[1MA71[ii/tH'1'11t17101lbZ AT 12a)/ A.M. STANI4ARD TIMIs AT YULJK AnDRl~ 1S SIIOWN S~LOw NAMt:n FNTi'1'YlM4.MI3b:K COVFRI`,D Locality nnArl tH[t; nri,r)12T~_~t~ Vireini:l •fVt~F OF PULI'1'1CAL SU13t)IVISIUN: Municip:ility ____ _ IN Kl~"fiJRN 1~Ult'1'lll: PAYMIiNT OF"1'[Ili C:ONTRII3U'1'It)N, SHUWN ANn SUBJI:C"C TU ALL't'IIr TERM t)I~ '1'tili CUVL•'itA(;[i [XH.'UM1~.NTS, Wl: AG)t1il: WI'I'li YC)iJ TO YKUVII)li Tllli C<?VERAG141)I;SC'RII3lil) Rl;ld)W. 1(.'llla)Ut_ti UI~ tJNDI;RLYIN(i ('OVIiRAt;l: • l.c-cai C'ovcrnment ListhilitV ~ Autamobilc liability -- 1 F.mp1UYCrs I,iabihty N ~CcsveT:t~c nocumcnt (Primary C'ovcra~c/Covera~c I IIi<xlily Injury by Acc:it-cnt I N (INumiser VMI.PI,(.i1.000 It)ocumen[ Number VMLPALUUU I~I.UUt).Cn-tl cacts.lCCiaent „ II("c>vcralc lhx,umcnt PcrioJ IC'ovcragc Pcrioc! 07/Ui/U2 -U7/Ultg3 I II ~O7lO1/U?.-U7/01103 I w Inociiiy injury ~y i)l~u~•~i: q I I Mt, L 1,.....-_ N (,*j.VVV.{/iR/ l:.Il.ll {:I ll~ll{!r{.l. I:hack (k.cumyscc Limit S),t?UO,Ut1Vlxt,iuxl,ciirii C'omEsincd ~inkiu i.luui I1 I RA<il' [Z)NTRIt~t_I'['IUN: I I, ~ at incen[itm p . r~ r: ~:aW l 01.44{ ~ 1.1N.~. . •......_...... ~........,..,.i .hnr..,1'..Minr.nm~-n11 inrtnina ~ Part cif this covC~~s^c can above cl7ixaivC dace: r.,.a...,•.....~.,e. ! ~ 4 VMI P t~X tl(l 01 ....,......r.... _. , _, ---- ---- c[~ RVIt'tN(: [".t)MPANY: VM[. luusranrx Pfo~rams .. P. t). 13ox 12164 Richmmsd, Virtinia 2324! _ TI~;I.1:1'110N1•;: 1-888-24~-4it65 Autlx)riicci Si~~rtaturc i)u~e G'd ISEOEtr9trOB lWA eEE~QI ZO 9z unf • VIRCINIII MUNICIPAL I.IAI3II,ITX POUT, ('ON'I'KIt3t,1'I'ION SUMMARY .7 ~~(/VL;12A(.M: YM;uIO1) l:u[lM (nrnlrn~ TO mmlrn; A'l' 12:81 A.M. S'I'AN!)ARn TIME AT YQUR ApDRE'ati ~iIAWN 13tEi.UW NA1441•;D F,NTITY/MEMSIr;R C.UV[:REU: l.ocalit MAl1,1NG At)nRF.4S: '1'YPk; Ul•' PUI,I'1'lCA1, S1JltMV11ION: Municipality IN Kls'1'UKN I't>K'1'Iili 1'AYMfNT (1r't'IIi? C:ONTRIAIIT[ON, SHOWN AND SUI31IiC:7"1'O ALL'!'!!li'['1:KM U(~ 'flit; C'(7VTRACiR D(H".IIMI:N'IS, WI: A(iKlsls Wl'I'1.1 YUU'("U PKUVIUL ~I'lli; ta)VI:KAt~!{ 1)!?SCRIi~I:D HF,LnW. "t'hc cuvCrIIbv eomixt. of the tbllowing party li}r which a contribution is irulicaled. BASIC.. 'I'hc eantribution may he subject to adjustment CON'i'KiRtJ'1'1ON Al)1'UMC)I311.I~. ('OVI:RACiF PAR'i" it) CiliN1:KAL 1,IAL;ILI'I'Y ((.k:au~stteC) (Jrletr ties if 1_C/.) $ l.OtA[. (iOVF:KNMI?N'C LIA131E.I'I'Y YAK'I' {Uccurrcncc} $ NC) PAl1I:i' I'KOPI:R'I"Y I)AMA(ili I'AK'1' ,'lVALIlI'~ t:XCa~,tiS t.tABtt.ffY (:C~V-~.RA<':1:1'ARI' S 1'KUI'1:K"l'Y C'UV1:KAtiL•' L'AK'1' $U (iOlt,lsK ANI) MAC'HINI:KY COVI:KA(iL•' I'AK'1' $Q C'ItI1~11i Ct)VIiKACiI•: PAK'1' $0 C'ON'I'RII3U'1'lON SFIOWN 15 PAYAtiLi:: 1EVAC,U1'.t at inceprian SFRVIGIN(: (:nMPANY: `vMl, in.~urunrc t`'ro8rxtn.~ r. i). isox iiiCia Ti2icnrnonu, Virginia ~~i '1'k.1, k:M'XKON l:: 1-888-Z4,c-48GS ~•d T SEOEt:9bOB Authorircd SiC;naturc: lWA Uatc. eZE~Oi ZO 9Z ~~C 1 • V~l2CINiA l1'YtJN1CIPAL LIABILITX POOL BUSINESS AU't'OMOBII.>: COVCRAGE/RENLiWAL DEC'i.ARiiTIONS ~Sc~auL u !•n~IL`U ,-!'u' AjI11~7Rii it: VM{,PAi,(ittt) 1~ l•~t~~YVlI\ \•~• M-~-v.• Unya;)2 4tr;F; p~JKt()i1 F R[lM U?/O1/U2 TL) U7/01/03 dT /,2:OI f(.M. ST,4NDAR!) TIA9L•'.9'I' YO[IR r1DOXl;SS SHOWN XF.l,OW NAMb:U F.N'1'I"1'Y/MF'.M13E;K C:UVEIZI~:U: Locality MAl1.1N(;, ~UURESa: Vir ;nia 'ryn;, C)1.• nnl,rrl~;~1;.~1tRn1V)~fQNr Municipality I'I'I:M "1'WO: SCaita)UI,f:OF C.UVLKA~+I:S RNI) C(7VF,Ittill AU7'OMOIitl.liS 'l'ltl.. caYCr71 ~'l: cll)c;ultlcnt proVldC~ anly lho~C GpVCf.1~;C;t whOrG R CllaTb`C l~ ~IIOWn in t11C t;Prlit ti)tLtxltl t:~)lyiiiii i+Giii ~+. I~.ach al'the t:ovcra~c. will apn}y to tilcr.4c; /~i.i7iJiviiii'sii,i•.:/ .flown :w: ~i~v~rctl AL'': (.'s.;)I;1; ~~. ^1lTC):`:lC)~11! :C 8rC ti11UW11 1C CaVC.rQtj %\l,l ! l)IV1lJISli:1 ~? iC1t J 17.tI titrUiar G,'rt:i:i~t. v~ 'Il^. tea: j .^•r G'l1= Qr rnnr~• .cvfphOlc _>c ~}i~it',hJXal in 1'1'IiM TIIRI:1: oCxt to the natnc of the CtwuragC. . I.IMI'1' C'i•)VI;RF•.D '1'I IF. MUS'1"1'1t1~. VIKG[N[A Mi7NICi1'Al. LIAI3ILf1'X C'OV1iKn<rl~S AU'1'(.>ti t'(~I, WII,t. I'RY 1'Ult ANY C)Nl; AC'C'II)GN'l'(>It I.ntiS (:ON"t'lllisii'i'iC)i3 w 1,tA13It_I'I'Y ('OVI:KAC~1'. 1 ~ I.l)llll.l)UV C~C~t11h1RCt3 JIIi~iC i.iilJii _ _ ~(1 NO 1~AUt:i i )i, liiit(/1: ~' 'fit) PnYM1~NTS C<_)V}?RAC;1: $1{?,(~ lncludGC1 i1N1NSUKL'I) $25,000 liociily Injury Yer }'cr.on MU'fUK(ST $50,000 liadily Injury t'cr ltecuient CUV I•:KAGI: (i 32(- Cuxi Property i)amligc: I:1;:!~;1^~ •~ •~,~,,• •• ~ y~Il;g nr C(iivirriiii t1•.1. ~c ~ -. ra~~i) cnvercc! :uttn f2 (•n~r of ~ (:O :'i:i~A: ~ 2 $-0- for aIi IOx< CXCCpt , . Kt:pair. lire c)r lil;1)tcni~ 5U _ Whichever l7~Cductiblc fi)r C't)LI,lSION 2, ?, 8 is less $-0-each cavcn'•d Minus: $ If1~.lY4VV aura C'ovcralc dtx:umcnt nultlUcrx al'vzldc)rxcllx.nts li~rming a part nn~i~: rlv i („nvvt,... a1'thix c{)vcra~c un ahovc ctTi:c;tive date: C'A 04 (?1 (1;Q IJRO), ('C)N7'R}I3U'I'IL)N RO C'A 49 37 l:ndarscmcnt~ f , 2.3.4. ,5, 7.4. 13, l4, 1 S, 16, ! ?, i R, 20.2R & CC OI i G rrwi~+~ ~n ~rti•~nr~ ~"AM V `1~IV• :j i•.h, ~.~ ,•va~ !'Jk*.1 llt$lt°3n~a FM~f'inlr r_ ri_ tica~ i Z~ F4 Richmond. Vir~iltia 2_;241 'f FI.F.F114PIF: 1-1388-295-4865 _ nulhoclzed 1tKrldturc I;:,. S'd TSEOEb9b08 1WA ezE~Ot ZO 9Z ~nC C: 1 1J iil5url"~i,~~ rrU~~aiiis VIRGINIA Mi1NICIPAI. SELF-INS1.712i1NCC ASSCK`IATIUN C't1NSTITU'I•I<?N AND BY-t,AWS (RLS"FATED AS Ul-' MAY 2U, 2{}Ot) ARTit:i.i; ! - Pt1R!'OSE OF nS50C:~n~riON • ThC purpose oi`thC Virginia Municipal Stilt-ln~urancc,~sulciaiioll (`~Atisaciaiiuli") i ili create and administer group ,elf-insurance pooh as the Associalicm deems appmpriaie pursuani to the authority aald po,x~ssin~; the Tsowcrs as providcti in C'haptcr 27 of '1 itlG l ~.L of the t°odc oi' Vir~~ini~l. Such ntx;ls tn;-y b4 li;nmcd liy one or more political subdivisions oi` the Commonwc:aith of Virginia to provide for s:oop~rativC at'tiun in pmvitiing risk lltanagcmctit anti liah;tiry ;nur:incc u;vcragc ti-r Wool nici»bcrs Ind Gmptayctis of pcxli mcltlbers tilt acts or omissiolts arisinb out of the scope of their citiploymcnt, including any or ai t uC the following: l . f'a•,~•wlL~ in~.~,r:~n._r~ iiirltl,lill~ c4ncr~,l anti n+vtessional anti public offieial~ iaab i l i ty' :;:;`Jri .^.t,C'.. i. I~rii~~eiiy liiuri2~'ive, iA elw~ti.,...n~rinn in~11Y:1t1/_.I_ :lntl till;lt\(i 17l'1C111(; and ..~ . lli,1lJ~,l,{ Lttlil-11 ,l,\+j/tii`IC.Ii Div s Cr:3~::; .'~•_ - t .1 6 1.1.. ~ u.i. viir,r li` ce~it<.I t~~Y~i._,t~ c, rtltl'_Il 3, l i'rt)U~ llll,, iil%l%4flta,t alt,u n~;iiun 4t7VC.i µb:.;, iiab.~......~ , 2_.p. ,. .., .-1. ~,- _ L + r ~. ~ t 1. 1,.1' ,:c'v.,.~nrl t r+ir anti dcntai ilcnciiis iU lI1G 1:1t1~/1ltyVV~ ill lililiSu~:i ~~i~Iiaf(Ki .:u.rv3t....,v1 11 c1GpCnclenl~; 4. AutomahiiC insurunt;c, incluuing llloior vehicle Iiabiiiiy ii~•iirui,i::, caLC;abc ::d collision snd sc:c:urity ti;r motor vcilicics owned or opcrailxi, as re%yiiireil vy "~•iLe 4G.2 of the C.odG of Virginia, alld pmtGCtiun against other Iianiliiy aliii li;>; associat~xl with the ownership and use of motor vehicles; 5. Surety and Iideiity insur~utlCC Covertl;C; a+td G. Umbrella and exe~~s, insurance caver:ige;s. ARTiC:LE II - Mr.1vIQERS, MEETINC;S, VOTING Sf:C.'TIC)N I. MEMi31i~.ItS Tlic iiiGiiili~l~ of ul:: ~a::+Ci:.tit:: 31:'.:11 l.~• ~ nlitirr,~l 1~htiivicitln~ Ofthc CUlillnonwG~ltt7 Ui~ V lr~lnlU i15 ~Ci1nCl'i l!! :ltil.llUt, l i ~-c~,~n i f+t. ~11v ~ v\1n nE'~liraini_i• c1C 1C(±i1C:il_`Q r~tCrc~c,l; Which :irG • ~ --.a., t t a ..~~ r,.y~• 1 ~r ni~~rnhcr¢ as 111Ct11bCrS OT a pool CrCsll4`U piir~uaiii tii r+llil.,~ ,, ui:C+ ..~..:. b:::,'tl .. G .-. provided in /~rticlc Il, Sc~c'tion 2 hereof: jj'd ISEOE49408 1WA eEE~OT ZO 9Z u~C r~ SI:C"I'tON 2. APPROVAL. n~' NEW Mt~:MBERS The members' ~upervixory board (`'board") shall receive appli(:ations ti)r mct~bership Jirc,tlti nrtnpcetivc new membcr:~ of the Associsti()n and shall approve such applications 1'ar trlr~inht,rhip in accordance with the terms u!'the Member Agreement, rules and re~nllatic)ns ~..;t~.htih:d by thr hns~rrl fi)r a(lmssinn ol'ncw members to the association, and in accor(lanCC ~ty.t;.. la_;,., nFtl,t~ C'.,,.n;tr,nnw~:ilth of Virginia. and the cults and regulations establishix! by the ;v;.. >... ~, o .,, r, t;.,., !'°.,.,, ,;«:,, !th_ "1`'r)mnticsinn`s rcl~l)1RtiOnS"). The hoard may ddegatc .7 ti-W l~,li ~!\+r;tu,n. vw,a)t,..,.,,,, t2 ~ •- o t ~ ~ .w ~•F,;t+ •wt,nrr,y~l t(~ rhC :{clininistra[or; tiub,CCt to 1'atltlCat1U11 hV ilU1lJ1111~tC:r)ai atiul~+rity i()r: i~:'th(°r., •- ~•r rl the board. SECTION 3. TERMINATION UN MEMSk:RS A nu'mbCr whit fails to tllalcL' timely euniribuiivrt liaytticrii3 ag j,ro'vid~.i! by t;ie ,:.:,;.,ber abrccmenl may he terminated aftcx l0 days written ltotiee has been given to the m(.~rnber aitd the State Gorpitrati(m Commission ("Commtssiori"). Aitcr 30 days writtttit notice to [he lnemhe~r and the C°ommission, Inc board may tcrrninaii: the mcmbcrshir oi'iiny incmbc7 wlto fails to comply with the by-laws, member abrecment, or other requirements of the p(tol, as established from time tit time by the lx)ard. "l~hc board may • alsn tcnninatc mcmtx~rs which in the hoard's judtl»ent tail to maintain t!te underwriting st:~nrizrds ti)r members or which act in a manner detrimental to the fiscal saundt)ess ur e#'Fe>(:tivencss of the; Association or any of its progrants. SFCTIUN 4_ WITIIDItAWAL Ulu MEMBERS rileiilu~,r ii'i:ij% Wtilt(1ril::' 4~(tm t!:C A;C~(lt:+.attttn nt :nty lxu~l created thexeby ulx)n 90 days wrltiL'll 11U11~:L: tll liC {~,(%CirV iii :ii (itii(?rLVi$C ~+r:,L:i~?:l in fhr~ lYtr~t»}1I~r s7o LY`tY1[`.n1 Whl:rc the munber agr(x:mcrtt specifics other conditions for withdrawal, such al;recment shall utnerol. SCC"LION 5. MM'.NTINGS UH' MEMBI+atS The 111Ct11heTti shall itte(>.•t annUatly UIl sllCh datL' and ai 5ueh 111711: iitii! },iii~c witilii, iliC C'alnmurtwealth of Virginia as shad be d(~ibttati~i by the board. Special mc(:iili~;y ()f;n~;t«::rs may be held at such time and place within the C'ulnmonwealth of virf*inia as shall be d(signatlx- in the npticc ihercxtf upon call itf'thc board, the chairman of the hoard, or by not its than iv mcinbers. Sl:(~'TION G, NOTICtb: OF ME:N~ t'INGS >`!oticc (•L'thC :±n+,;21 mrCrins^ and arty special meeting of members shall be given in 0 rY~;tillL..~, to ~;+:,:.,1;Cts' key :)!•lici'r1s twhn m:-y hr_. the mayor or manager of a city of town member, ...... ti7ti i;l"i3iiifuil iii tliC b(iLirv i++f'~u~.(%:'~+:•`rvrc ,,r ,rrt~n~o~.r r)f _1 c'(tuniV ttteml)(`f. UC tl1C C111Cf CXCCUtIVC + ~ rv`.___ C...~., th,>. • )'t'r•n) i,~lu~liVirii)n1 $Itc1t n(t1il.C Of 111GCtlnf~ maY be or actinintsirailvi: Ou;w- ~,t uuy :,.,,... ~.O.iuvu, .- - • . to .t_.... - ~ •L..> w:n.r r1,v lacy>rlinn In :~nV nffCial ~UbliC8liOlt moue ny mall not lcs~ utali , ~, uay tr-l:): tV uw ;r,v~...,.b .'., , 1 of the Virginia Municipal Lcaguo which is m:tilcd not lac than 10 days prior to the date tixcx! for 2 Z I ' d I St:0E4940B lWA eEE ~ 0 T ZO 9Z unC • such me(;dng_ No notice of the time and place of any regular or special meeting of the tnembcr~ ,hall be reyuireci if each member waive such notice in writilag and such waiver is iileci wiiia the records of the mc(;ting. SI:C"1•lON 7. vA'!'1NG B'1~ MEMaF,RS A. Voting; in Pct'son r.., -l, .., ..l,r.r gh%11 •~.-^,~h hsryt• rirt+, vpte~ which, unless lh(~rc shall be voting 1)y l)i0iiy u:; k,r.;vidcd ir. k,a;agr: rh'~, !`•~le;'•,~ ;.,,at t,t_ c_:,<-r c,nly ill person by an elcLctvci or + L~: 1 t'~1, tf ~ 1,.1,. • tlZ,~i~r•it ~,~ tatr~ Irt:rnl)r~r,t J)(tV(:Y)11Tlfo+ [7n[iy ~()r aPPoinicu oll,Gi:it (i- .u~ c.+::;~t+ C. u.. ~ ~:ua+ :•• a,,•,•. ~ n +_ $%i7tiiai vCS ` I 11 t.,>- ~,;`}1 the «~r~rt;,ltlrv of titt~ I71(~tlnS! tillen pUrl70SC. Jllell Vl)tUlb reE/r(: a+l"ut. rC~'i:i,v -J ~• or the administrator prior to any naenatx;rs' mcctitag. B. Votin * r )x ThC board may, by resolution, direct that voting at a speeiii(xi regular annual ul stri;i:iai meeting ot~the memlters shall he held in person or by pnaxy. in such cvet~t: (a) Proxic~ shall he in writing and shall be signcxl by an authorlied representative of a mctnber and shall be valid only tilt the members' meeting next succeeding the • date: thereof and any ccmtinuatace of such meeting; {h) Proxies may (i) he nwokcxi at any lime Prior tea the meeting by a sah;•~,r:nt larOxy cir (ii1 withdrawn in writing fil(xl with the l~dmil~istrau)r or the chairmala ofthc n..u•ritlb pnnr t(. th~* mt`+~tin~ fr)r which such prUXV has b('(`Ia aP1X)illted; ;e; Prc)xi:~ Iray hc~ (,hcitc(i for such mcctinL. includinz- pmxies ii~r election (il )A.tn.;i,S to ua,. „)a.u, . ~di if !rrOxles wiv ~,t)l:;,l!`~ 1, each scali~.~tatit,n sh_ili ho in writintr. shall idcntifY • ,_ t_._:a..a:.... .. .,1 .•1.., 1 1.•.In n i,riraf nvtnl~aatirtn r-j'l+1Ch item ofbusittcss Wtll) IJ SUilKlll}; JU1.It ~t~lll.lLalllVlA c+itti »uth irl~..,~~+v .. v•ev• . ~ c t_ tt •.. •~.1 .,.,., nt the 1?a:etli~d anticipated at tt~e time u! Satin siiu%iiut[irn .a, re voav,. ul..,,.... , (~) 'ln the evetli t' •• ! r 1 , f))(l., d , ,,,}. •„ ~It l)rO7ll(7J iill". ltila\.a1~.4 llrr ~.+(n.ttvla (; ,arv .aac.....(...., nOlaaltaCCS shall be 1(lentlhe(1 by namC, place UI rl:JlUelt(:G t`u'tu iNl+~ilit pooiur'rr: v.aata .. (t) i'roxy solicitations may be mall(xl ic- idicl~ilri:i~ fi; t,,., ,nat;+:~r p.., • ^.. Secliou G Of this I~Ric1c ii or in lieu incrc~r oy puca-l~:~lll;-,, v,7A,ibu ~taa t • ~- ~ r'---: - in~lude a li)rna o#~Proxy, in any ~>iiiciai Pubiicaiion of inu ~ nb,li;a Municipal League ~s providcxl in said Section b ol'this Artielc li. ('. Manner of Votin Hxcent whin voting by proxy as authoriiccl in parai,~r~tph 13, above, voting at i.a:.mt)+vr' tttt_rting shall he viva voce on all quc.~tioris except in the event of a contest for I., .~:..^ to tl~c h:,ar,t .x,hi~•h, l~ltlt. it shall be determined otherwise by a v(~te ol'75% tlf :.,..ia+,r.. .., tha metnbcrs present, shall be by written ballot. • ET 'd TSEOE49408 "aWA e4E~0I ZO 9Z ~nC r: SCG'f'[ON ~. GONDUG't' Off' MEETING The Chairman of tho board steal! preside oucx all metstinbs o? members, except that in his ahsc~l2cc, the Vi4'C-Chairman or anothcf tl2cmbcl- ol~ tl2c bo:lyd shall Presidc. "t'hc Secretary of lhC }ic).1rti yr the Scc;relary's dcsit.-,ricc shall act its secretary for aU meetings of the mcmhcrs. All r~t_~~t-,t~s of melnberr shall be cc>iiductcxl in accurdance with the !mx;ulures set li)rtl2 in ltot)ext's Rt2{C~ r)t~C)rrjt_r. nr ~1eh •,;..i;,,^al ,.~a_a_ti„tQ, the C'hainnan t)r his desi~;ntx; shat! rc;pt)rt az2 the linancial positi~).r c31'tl2c P.ss:~;,•i;.~tio::wt2c! the vatint,~ nt)nls cre:ltc:cl thereby_ The tnembcrs shai! elext board me+nbe•rs as Erovielcei in Article [ll of these By-laws. SECTION 9. QUUttUM • -t-Cn or rt+UTC tnembCTS Shah u)riSiitiito fi itiiiiitiii) t;f ai. j' lii~°.iti:.y.' :); n2^.ri}`L;^_'. tf~, L':!.^.~iali~t' and act upon any item of business. wFten a eluUfUii2 is }~ic~.;it :it ::,,y t;t:,.ai„~, u irtuj:)ritj elf tiiC voting dcle~;atc.~, present may decide any question bTOU~;,bi ncitirC .uc h itiw;titi~; ~xacpt ;.,; uthctwisc provided by law or these 13y-laws. i'TOVUiex% howCVer, In ilte Cvc+ii ii ~4Cri u±ri Is ;.Gt present at an annual meeting of members, vacancies on the bourn may he !ii!cd by majGiity 'vi;tc of the members present. Si:C.'1'IUN t~. ACTION WtTttOUT MEETING Any action to be takcri by members tray tx; taker) withc)ut a mectirtg ifall volin~ :ieico:ltes ~~-1tit!~ tr) vote nn the; maltCr consent to the sctie)12 by a writil2~; tiled with the records c)f the meeting cif members. Such cat2sent shall bC trcalexl for all purposes as a vote at a mcctinS. ARTS(;I,r: itt -MEMBERS' SUPERVIS()itY BU~itD SECTION l . POW M:RS • hC A1SOCiatl()R Sitall he maila rVd ' " `. ~~" ~~•~ .t ~~r it•h ~t r iji lh V 1'l1C.liil vii ai21'ia.+:'iotn~ ~.v..T.. h... +.._~ exercise all ehc lx)wcts of the Association cxcert as otherwise provided by law or by these tiy- 1 aws. SF:CT!flN 2. COMPOSITION AND EL~:C:TION OF BOARD MEMBN:IZ.S The lioarc! shall be uimpoSC~l of not mare than nine nor ltss than lour aoacd mcriil7+;r elce;tctl by the members at their annual meeting. !n the event that Incmbcrs faii to have an election, board tnembexs c+Irrcl2tly serving whose terms have: not at such time cxpireti sllaii as .~,t~n -ti practical fill all vacancies on the board. The number of board tnemtx;rs shall tic tt~~tc~r„I;,it~~t by the l,gartl at its mcclinL grcc;txlinfi thrr elation thcrcvf at the members annual Trievtii2b. I1'tl:c nt'm!Hx of ten;~rtl members is difli,7cnt fct)m the previt)uS year then the ntctnhers „all ..enn:;;; ;.^,tiF~! ~:: !cast t~Nn wtc~ks hefnr~ such mectinst. Ul)alU iiie.iavcra' ST.u.`it Ivw °viL.~(t~ t nt al'1~1Aitli[al t)t'[icials ol'political subdivisions wl+ich ;trsr . r ~_ ~ ~.- ,+ t, in.tivi,Lrll n.utl Cnnnt~c_,tc~~ therewith_ Board tnembcr's IIICtl)ACTJ Ur tetl: t1DSVbiiiu~/ri u~/v 'v'uvu u~......,...... 1'-..... tertris Shali nc sta~vicxl iu ~7r()'viiii: tiµt:3iaC=t!i3rel f3l,ilt^. !`cta2rd chz-ll hc: elc~c-ttx! each yCAr. 1n dctcr2nining tltc nutnbcr of board tnembcr~ tc) be elected, all fractions shall be rounded to the 4 t.i ~d TSEO Eir9f•OB lWA e4E ~OT ZO 9Z unC • C neareu whole number, and in the event the numbc`r of beard meinbcr~ C,vtnot be equally divided by ihrcc, the board in its discretion shall dc,'tcnninc the additional board mcmbe(:s to be ailowt(xi to the diCicrcnt terms for which there may be vacancies. Aboard mcymbcr shall not be eii~bie f(}c rc.s~lcction unless he or she shall have :lttcndccl more titan 50°/pof the lx~ard's m(xtin~~ ciurin~ .,ir?) ntr_.(ttt's ctirrc.»t term. Prior to each annual meeting, the board shrill solicit the names of eMnr~ir~aT~S fr()m the n,emhcrs to till vacancies thereon and it shall make recommendations for el(ietioii by the :»emh~-rs. _sn rho-rvc_nr the uc of proxi4~ shall be directed by the board and arc 5uii%iteu i~ir elc:`t..`n O~ :n~inhr~rc nfthc_ }-[)arct; the notice tQ nlelnhcrs Uf Whleh ihC elCCtlUri Will gill(: F!lilVl. ~iiiiii idc~~tlfy (:+::.:: ~.2:t(.Il(l.^,tr~ wltir•tt yvill hc~ n,lminated by the hoard, hiti ()r her Itlilee Uf r(:sidcilc;v alit! ~liri;iiii Ciijla~.itj' .vith a :^.Cl::~`Ct. .~'.llr~h et}lirit;itinn ar-ci nc}lice snail be in r .,~_ - a r ) 1T A .,.vn. til}nc i . rN C! l'f~~ rn ti^c))n fh aG(:aTdilI1CC Wltn ~VGtiO{t a (i, t'; iii(;, 1; aa. i'~(,.,a.a>ai .7)L~ ' l.•,) . c'i~S= C fl(x)r at clc;ctions by any mclnocr. to aU(t1flOR LO L17C. Ix)a7u IIi(;l-lt)UIS i;lu(:ilsli ILJy tii(: aTaC:ii'avLr~~, the (:: ~`:>'tiV(`, (,lir'n!•t(lr t)f ~}1P_ Virginia Municipal i.ea~ruc Snail serve as an t:x-uii)i;ll) vO.iPi, ii,(.e,abCr u:th lt:ll l?(`.::'r~ *.^ `.r()tr~ ()I: all matters which wme 1>ct<)rc the board and wnosc prcac,icc ,11111 i)ir c:u(:a~at+~.d i:. the determinatialt of-a quaium :it airy meetin};. Nc) board mc;mbcr tray he elected or c:antutuc to serve as such If he la, e)i li(i~oriics, ~l owner, O!!leer <)r (,'lriployec of a secviec agCgt fi)r the Association ae delittoci in the i o)nmissit~it' regulations, except that such board m(`ntber may be the Executive Director of fire Virginia Municipal League. SECTION 3. TERM[NATIO>v 06 A KOARD MEM6k;K p, l.c),~,r,l ;t)L+I,tl,r_r may rc~i}~ri from ail duties and responsibilities thlxCUnclc`r at any time by 'rJrltieil iavti~e (i`~Il~rer~! t() thr_ rt1:)IYIT1 1tt or secretary of the !ward- Such nc)tiee ,hal I state the ~...._ .a '' c:lall tsllc c>I~':,•:,`t an;l s~u~h rrcism:)fi(}r) snail automatically take effect an such l1vlG Sali4 r~5ii~-auaiv'it . c+ dale uiti~,ti al ;uC(:LSsi r i1 ' >" `tber li:ai hayr_ hLr_n ccae ~.tc_ 1 1t an earlier date iu which CvCnt ! ~ia.ru i rela SUC:h Tetil~;tiiliu)il ~itt~ii tiiil~ 4iiCtit iiaaTae~iat.".l j' C.rC14t il':ra Clr_•tir}n (~1• t}it~ Sll(:C(;tisnr hoard r1lCmht7. 1'- board n)emhcr's ICTTIi .liliiii i!~ tei',iiiitwt: `u by thv 1)O;17L if t}r~ n,~ lrlita(:T n1C~t5 the rcquirem(`nt far ciibibiiiiy setiotill iii ii:iytiiin ~ -)f this :rtici~ l l l ;::.d lti~5' tiro tr•rinirt_Ilc~l if hL> l)r she; misses two conse(:utivc board meetings ar ape half of the meetings held during the A~saciation's ti~cal year, Board mcitlbcrs, upon resikm:ttion or terminatioil i[or any tc;-at)j,, s -all ~ ~hwitlt tu:r. 3`:er <lnd deliver to the chairman ofi the board, tlis desi~tcc, ar rite adtninisiriiic)i°, pit ills: ri,;il(:iElail ;%fl;(;:, ul'thc Association, any and alt records, books, dlx:umeins aC ntitcr progeny iii the Fnis.cssio;, ar under the contrc~i of such hoard member whilrh bel<)n~; to dte l\ssociatiem. S1-:CTION 4- VAGANC114:S C~ ;~:;i yYuF~ina~V ~,•,•.-(rrinsr cin the baa7d may be till~>cl by the aflirnt:ltivc vale of a inajanty of lllb i~aiiuiiiii~g y%:+~N+ri. =t':.:rn~~rC- Irl C.)s~ ~ where vacancies are till~xl by the remaining tx~ard members, the board may, but nccci pat, solicit nalninatians icolti the nlclnhers, S ST 'd TS EOE49b08 1WA ebE~0i ZO 9Z u~C SECTION 5. POWf%RS OF REMAINING BOARD M1h:MBERS [n case of death, rosi};natic)n, inelitihilily, refusal or inability to aca by any one; or more o! the hcxtrtt memhc~rs, the remainitit; board mctnben shall have all of the powers, ri~lts, and inrorr~t t)('thC Association and shall be chart;cd with the duties Of the lssociation; pruvitlod that i;; srvr_h ~s[~, ni, _iktic-n may he taken unless it is concurred in by a Majority c)f the remaining boatzt Incrnbcrs. SECTION 6. OFFIC:~:RS OF MP:MBERS' SUAERVISO1tY BOARD f1s soon as practical afici i ~ uai 1Tii% •` i; ` ~• " ~ $ ^t '+~^n of )v.~rrl _~.nhcrc~ +IV arlii"v~lii Gt ii~et~ur~.r3 air a.a4vaavaa *ii the tx)ard mCMbers snail Cicct from artto)+g th.: bOai.~i fi~i;riit)Ci5 a C:hairitian .:ltd :; !r(eL-Chai.^.^:a.^. "1'hc CxCCUtivc Uircetor of the; Virginia nrlutiicipai i~e;u~uC shall s~r:rc :+s lilt aa.a.iLaat`Y :):'t1:C board. The teen at"such otiicers shall commence on file chic v'i il(uit eltt;fi~)(i aril i;iintiiil+C ~)r one year of until his of her successor ha.4 bcxan elected or qualir"ies. In the event ur failure ur inability o('any such ol~liccr to act, the board may replace such pcrcrn, at any mcxiing. SF:C'TION 7. KOARD MFl:TINGS, NOTICES, QUORUM • Rcs~.ular mec;tings of the; board shall b~: held at lc;ust quarterly at the principal office o!'thc Wean[-;;~tu)n nr nt such other location as may he ac;c;cntable te) a majority oi'the board. Special ;nr~r~fina.~ i,l'the ht,stT[1 sh.tii he e,n tttc Ca1tl of the C'haicman, Vtco-~'hairtila(i, Ur any two Other ..b.. h~;;i ~~ t;;;,a;r-.~•;s, 'rlt, C-1,:~ir,r-:~n of the• bo?rc1; Or his dcsistnee, shall set the date, time and location of eaC:h iaiCv,ii:b nnai n::tia~~ thr,.,r~-r-('fi1 ctl.til })t: ma-lcd tir,l class mail. nostas~c prepaid, LO 4'ill:ll a i+iiurii ii+Vii~ nr nut 1„ee th:::: 1.vC (;) d::y.• prim t;. rho-Taro c,f srte~h meerine_ or fii) by telcphot~e, a ~. iCIC~,rillll, ZI:I Li',7Altiia% iiii.SiiTiii~, (ii (:'i7iali a^^r~•nr.•atr•w trtit?S122itt[:ci nc,r Ices thyn 24 hours prior to such mcx:ting" Ei1Lll SiiGl'i iititiCC Shiitl sp::c(1y tlAe d::tc, time :'-.^:! 1L"~=,2t:^.) n} 4r+C.}i t~i(~!?tti)~ :)))(I may specify the purlx)sc tiicrc~if find iii[y i~Ctiiii[ F,ro}~CrJ~.ai t.) 1)e ta^.iCet` riiryrrnt. If ~L[~h n[1tirP is by J mail, tclclram, telephone facsimile of c,'-Mai,, +1 1~{~+~ ~~ ~u VrLa~~VU \l) ~U\riA l+~~Wd llai~~a. a.t ~•' i:e or her address ~(.; recorded in the office of the i;ssociaiii+ti. Special Meetings of flit hoard may he held at. any time and lilac:; wifi i'+ut (~:;ti~:. irc)~::l~t alt board members execute a watvcr of nc)ticc anti conso(u to the solo (pectin!;. ivicctir+gs vt rho hc)ard Wray he u)nclu~rted and member, may participate therein by telephone or othc-r iii~ai)s a.; provided Ii)r dircx:tora of stock u)rporations in ~ 13.1-684 B. of the C;ucic of virginia, as amctideci. A majority of the mctnbcrs of the Member' Supervisory Board shall c:onstitutc a quorum ti)r all meettnt~s. 'i'hc Secretary or designee thc`rcof (which may be the Administrator) shall keep minutes O£alt tii(;.~•rirtoa~ nrtx~c~cclinus and acts of the board, but such minutCS Heal trot be vcxbatim. -o^~r•~ :if'wll ^.,it:i:iC~ of th+_ l,~)asci shall he sent to all board iticittben a, soon as practical ,..,.. f<)llowing each mccting_ SFCTtON 8. AT'I'aN:NDAN(;h BY Tr;~.EPHUNY: • f\ pcrsc)n may particil)atu ifi :lily t7;i:i:tiii~, of rho ~ ;,. l ur w::; ;,':,mmirten r)r t2sk ti)rcC aulho(~i~ecl by the boarel by means of a umfcrencc telcplu)nc ar siinilar eommunicztion G 9T 'd TSEOEb9b08 1WA eSE~OI 20 9Z ~~C • equipment if all p(~ons participating in the meeting Catl simultancousiy hear each aihcx; participation by such mcun~ shall utnstituie pre~cnce in person at the meeting. Sb;C''I'[ON 9. VOTING ell s~t_r;t,n. and decrisions of the board shall he b_y vole of a majority Uf the board mclnbers atientlittg any duly call(xl rcbular or special muting at which a quorum is presesrit. St;~'TtON It1. BOARD ACTION WITHUl1'1' MEETING ilny sc:ii(ili wliivh ,it:iy be taker ::y tl)c :sowed at a h(tar:.t :t2eMing m=Zy he taken by written UIial)Ul)(tuS eAr)SC.!)I pUISUa`IIIC tlt tilt rV1(iilr~iTilili~ tier ~lireeiarr:~ v~a(%Cl:`~.^.aX)r;~iiOnc 1c cCt tilrth, 111 1;3. I -(~85 of the C;odc of Vir~,rinia, ;lc alnclidcd. SECTION ll. COMMITTEES '1'hc; hoard may create one or more cixnmittecr and iix the number of members (-f titi: board to Serve on them. L:ach committee may have two or more members, who Serve ai the nleasurc of the board. C;(tmntittces may have such powers grid duties as may he dcsigtiat(xi by the board, except that thc_y shay nut tilt vaeanc:ics on the lward or any of its cotnlnittces; may nett . adopt; an)end or repeat the; By-laws; may not authorize or attpruve distribution of any of the 1~~ndc cf the. A.c(tciation, except according to ti~rmula or mc`thcxi previously prescribed by the ho rrt; s.nrt may t.e,t rcanpve or appoint the Assitci<ition's Administrator or Service Agent. C'rc:ai(r.^. ^r t:r*rlriztt!(!s? o~ ~ _tnt ctf authority to. or actiitn by a comtnittcc does nol alone e0-lJtitiae 4~.^.;p!ia^.r:,:, ~`J ^, hi,-,,_rri !nr_Pi{u_ ~r with the resix)nSihilitics ~DCCifi(~ itl the ~`.unlnliSSion'ti regulations or ae set forth in Section 12 of Article [ll below. Si=CTliiiv i2. u^tJ'I'ILU riP+•tC3 PESPL'N'SI$ILI'!'IES OF !~7N'-l1~BN:Rti' SuPr:RVISORY BOARD The haar(1 Shah have the authority, an(1 siiaii tic C~fiili~;ii1 ;with the dot,, :):'bC^~ral supervision and operation of the Association and snail wt-dui:i tit(; busir.(>ss allii a:,tivitiCS csf rile Assveiation in acu~rdaticc with tlic Member tlgrccntc•rti, isy-laws of tlu r>,. ~t)~iauviy ii~,~tlwuv,•. federal and/or state statutes and the; Commissions rcg`ulations. SECTION 13. LIABILIT)tl~:S QF Mt„ MBERS' SUPERVISORY BOARn Net hoard member shall be liable far any action taken in good Faith pursuant to these ljy- l:s:vs, th~~ C'ctlnm~tisi(tn' regulations, the Mcmbcr Agreement or otherwise in r~peet of the dutl(•s i;; ~,~ tir•:rt thcrr:.lty qtr by Is~w nr fictr an omissinn to act, except 4itr gross noblibcneL; nor shall any iri;%-r(i Ii'lcrrtt,~ l'i:.' ;;.2.i•1L` i()r clay _tc:t nr nn,ititiion by anutlier b(ttrit member or by any ag(nt or CIItE)Il)yLV- ~iite nGu-ii riiay ~,~lii(; j a ;d (.:%riS:lit ,~»1h Ira~l rnuttcc'l (xtnCCftiinY aI1V quC~tiOrts Whleh r r• L.. .J..~'...~. .ra ~r ;;r 11, ~ ~FPr[~At_P tCl any ether matter p(`rtainin~; lnay arlsC W1Ut rCierellL%G tit ttlG uuliw iur ~r„W:a., v• I,.. -- r _....t_ t ..1...11 t.,. f ~rii ~ ,rl rvimnlrnte Ott tIf)rllatlOn and tU CtIL' Assoclanon anu the llplltlVit t)l ~uNt i:()ulla~.a allull ..rV •.Kl ..!•........t,-_-- t protection in respect to any action taken or suffered by the board Members thereunder in good Gi'd ISEOEb940B 1WA e9E~OT 20 9Z u~C faith in acconianec with the opinion of such (:ounsel and the hoard alid members tbereOC shall not he liahte thcrc;lor. StCTION t4. INDEMNIFICATIQN A hoard rnemhcr shall he entitled to hc: indclnnified by the Association and the nsso_-i2tian t?i2y inrie-mnify a 1x)ard menzbcr !o the salve extent as provided titr a dircctvr oCa ~te:`:.k ce,rpora±i!~r. il? A rtiolh I U nt ('hant(x 4 of"Title 7 3.1 of the Cexlc of Vir~iltia, a.~ amended. , !'`i. ()iia'(:vr, v nnle,y`~ ^r Agent (~fthe Au)4i:iti~n )nay he indctnnificd h_y the Association «..... ....,:,~~,t t'.T .~ ~.~ r-mnlnvr+~c e)r .117ent~ of it c;ortx~ration in said Article lV (11~+>tlllic ~rAWU• u$ ~,av~,vv.a (.• er.ucv•., -. ..7,.-.~. _,c___. rat rl CT•Rl., 1 1 ifi, ~.napi~a . (;( 1u1~ 1-7.,. ~•_._ +. tV()iWilllJl<tii t11b t1i% lort.~iiin~, iii i'+e) v+S~Tiit :ihµll ::.^.y ~uCl'• !,?r1r~ nYtitir~iltt_tlll k1c: (111d fTUm any loss ltlnd ()f the 1\J`3Ve:iaiiuti t;XVV~It t(i tjiV CniCi,t ta1iut clay 1'%(): t,C:::2t c,~~.h I~rSc fi~nrl m_lv h[' availablC for clistribUtion to the tnemoG-rs :ts jir(;viuw t;y thi;'r-.,~,~ber A};r~:.::c:'•t a^.`t th= Comn?ISSIOn's regulations. In(IC;IT1n111Cat1()n may 17V' ()iliu iiuiil ;ii?y IWUICi(W ,~+~~+, ~~ ae:v(%w .t 1_~:__.. established in acWrdancc with !d vac, ~-sbtl-iiiu of file I:VtT)misslVf;'s i~F;G-.+(1tr,la. 'I'hc Association may purchase; anti maintain insurance on behaii'i, :ui i;iuiriitilai whc; is or was a board member, officer, c'mployec or agent of the Association alainsi liability atiscriud against or incurrcxl by him in that capacity or arisinb fiom his status in that capacity io the s:unc extent as may be aftbrdcYl directors, ot~cers, employees and agents of a e:urporation in eai(1 • Article lU, C'hal,ter y, `Title 13.1. AR'f[CLE IV - ADM)fNISTRATUN AND Sl!;ItVICE A(:ENT SEC'I'1(.)N i. ADMINKSTRA'1'Ol(Z i~ie: iiGard :ih:lii uplr`vli,~ an :~ dl.a!?=Strf»tr\r t/~ :,c3miniacr the linlincial and adininistrativc al l:ii,s (,i till; r»sc,t;i3iiV7'1 hlit ~iie:li J ~d+.itiat strut^t' ~1:all rnf hr= :fin IlWnh~ n11)CCr nr emnle)yee of a n .__ '., ._., t. ............ + V:wr:r.: •. T,,+[.,n:r: n•ft ~nc»~»C t~'1•tV ~t1t(` itrl~~1 :1` Servle:e: Hg(:nt. I"rUY1(1(:(1, I,vW{rYW, file Y utj+++,u 1 •,.a,.. ar•l.w /~Ulnll?ISirator at?EI Sesrvite: ii~;uut :i, ui~iC:IT1,iilitiii i%y tiiL: 1;13:.1:1, :lrtd ::i^.^.' <~.; )^.r(3va1 r)f rhr Commission. + +, r t_ J'.7 „L «.. 1. .. ,.1 • « )..~ns,i •,c „111iOr.r• ThC Adn11nlStrator SO appOlnteXl Snall lurlitll a ("tuVltty Ilvi,u with ah;; ar„~aa~a ar......+.p..... The :unount of the bond shall be detelmincci by the board anu (tic c;'v'ii-o;(~0111,;,c(3, s„a„ .,.. available to appropriate govcrnl??ental abencies. 't'he hoard shall contract in writing on tx.hait of rile Association for life yC(vic:C;w of SiiC i Adlt?inistrator rn? such terms (including compensation) anti ii,r suci? pcricxi ae the board shall deem appropriate. The Administrator shall carry out the duties and responsihilitics ut Torth in such wtttract t1S speciticd in the Commission's regulations. SEGTIUN 2. SERVICE AGENT T1iC i3eiu ~I~ 4 Ml;~~+~t to thl;. nri(lf {-1111r13V:11 Of the Commission, ma_y appoint a ServicC •,•~ L_ 1 x )) - tv M ;.,;;trrw. _nntric:t with such Service A~:enl upon such terms, H~l:llt. 1 llei in)iir\, ~„a„ C;~~er t:l t •- r t. ',-- 1. ..YSV.ne•,ti+\r, ~ti thr~ hn~rd h111 (iecrrl appretprlatC. "1'I1C atl(1 rot such liCrtin3 uiid Wi,„ Sur„ (::.ua~,v..........•.. ,Crvt(%t%l1~CnL shall prl,Vll1C~ :311 1W 'v lVb. i+C;w:iua~ 4.. l~,lfitl tl,~ mr_mhr`h' Ahll~atlonS undCr the j` .., Act as set f(3rth 111 the C:otnmissson's rcl;ulations and shall agrc~ to handle: oil claims incurrul B['d [SEOE~9b08 lWA e9Er0[ ZO 9Z ~~C .• • duriltg the contract period to their conclusion unless approval to transfer thcin is obtainui morn the Commission privy tv such transfer. The Service; Abcnt shat! furnish a titieiity bend cvverinl; ih c'mplv_yec.'ti with the Association as obligee in an altlvunt sufficient to protect the Association against loss of all monies trlaced in the claims fund. In :uldition to all duties and rc.-~ponsibilities set forth in the Service ASent's agrc~e:me~rlt with the Association, the Service n~-cnt shall comply with all rcgeiin;ltlents o1'lhc Commission', regulations pertaining thcrcty. ARTICLE V - MISCEL[.ANIFOUS SEC"LION 1. EX[~:C:UTION OF DOCUMENTS fi[iy cuiiiit:itie:, U~iiiriit i;r iii h~.r u:,~iis~.L'.:: 5it;,.v: vy ihs` C~11'SiTI'nalt t!r Vii'r~-C'lt;ilnn~n ~l{. the board yr a eiufy aaiilorircd uilii:i:r ~,f iltc Adilt[111Jtratiir eii.' ui% a ~S:~t:v[ut;i:n :;I::,11 v`~ CNi;.ir~nr;t Of the activri Of the lluarel alld any sucii t:~:liii;c:ite; or vthvr ittS'S'u122cnt srr sibiaed shall umclusively be prcvumed to be authentic. All facts and matters staled therein shrill conctusivcly be presumed to be true. Sr:C~T10N 2. Ti•:RMINAT)(UN bF ASSOCIA~1'ION The Association may be tcnninatcti at any time upon the wncurri:nce of alt of the: parties • to the Mc-ilthcr A~'eemc:nt (lho "Termination Date"}. In the event ol` termination, the ri;lnaining funds ;ivailabic tv the Association, alter »rnviriin` filr all outstanding obligativtts, shall be distributed to Irlembc7s participatinb at the Tcl)niltation Datc through a forlnuta dctcnnincd by the board. SECTION 3. 41TUS OF TIIH; ASSOC'IA'1'lON •f'L .. ',.... i`al.:.. A s:nn i`• tlr~ G',~mmn»~at.~ilt}1 r~{~t/i rt71n151_ /tal llllf'_tti(lnS ~'1CTt:ii llln~! t Ilii Silua "alt -u,a rl Seiiiauvu ., v .......... .p•- ~ ~' a'--- a 1 ~...,~:.,., ,•1,..11 1. rlnrnnninrsrt in ~r~~.~ir~~ nc•r u7ith th@ laws tll Ie? [tti V;I[itlley, Vi7iilillit:-iGl1 ~irea iiutirlii~iSual~l.,r •,,.......:, v...v..•••••.... .3..__ the Colnmonwcaith of Virginia. SEG'I'l()N 4. AMENDMIENTS 'fhe-~e; By-laws may bC alncndcd at city tilnc by the concurr~ytce of a rii~ijeiciiy iii iiiG board. However, these I3y-taws may not be amended to as to change the purpose vi rile AJ$UCl`alt!(111 as Set tOfth 111 Arl1C1C I thCCC~If or to permit the diversion or application of any of the funds of the Association for any purpose other than those spccitieti herein, ut the Mc~inber Agrcc~tncnt, the statutes of Virginia or the C'ommission's rcbulations. The board, upon adoption nl' ~n simendmc•[tt to these BY-laws shall send a copy of any such amendment la all memhcrs of` the Association. SLC"I'lt)N 5. CONSTRUCTION .vt_._.--_..__ _ ...•,.,1 :.~ thn<o R,r-lenvc in 111,_ m~senline e~encler_ thcv Shall be VY lll:l riiVtr{ 41ii~' was~ua we u.,~.v au .••,,.... ~ ..... .. ....... _______ o__._ • C0115Trueci a.S lhl)tl~,ii ii[i;y wVrc iii~i~ iiSCd 1., the .x,11[^.^L ^; :^.Llt~r'~',:`:?!irr in n{) it~:~tiAns whl:Tc they weluld so apply; whenever any words arc utic~l in these By-llws in the Singular form, they sj'd TSEOE49408 1WA e9E~0i ZO 9Z unr • ~. shall he Construul as though they wcrc also usc;ci in the plural torte in alt ~icuaiiatas witrrrc they .. w~ulci s<~ apply, and whenevc-r any wt~rds wcrc uscxl in these t3y-laws itz the plural ions, mc;y shall be COnstrucxl as tbou~h they wiyrc also in the cingttlar four in 111 situatit~ns where they wcyuicl so annly. trr uWxa,nz a lU Oz'd TSEOEf9b08 lWA eGEtOI ZO 9Z unC