HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-03• Ordinance 2007-03
Franchise Agreement between the Town of Pulaski and Wiredog
Adopted: March 6, 2007
Efctive: March 6, 2007
WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Pulaski has determined that it is in
the best interest of its citizens and consistent with their health, safety and general
welfare to provide wireless broadband services to the Town of Pulaski; and,
NOW, THEREFORE be it ORDAINED b~r the Town Council of the Town of
Pulaski, Virginia sitting in regular session this 6 h day of March, 2007, that the Franchise
Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit A is expressly made a part hereof as if set out in
full and is hereby adopted. Additionally, the Town Manager is hereby authorized to
execute same.
This ordinance is effective upon adoption and is hereby adopted this 6th day of
March, 2007 by the duly recorded vote of the Town Council of the Town of Pulaski,
Virginia as follows:
• Jeffrey S. Worrell -Aye
Dan Talbert, Jr. -Aye
Lane R. Penn -Aye
Patricia Cruise, Clerk of Council
Joel B. Burchett, Jr. -Aye
David L. Clark -Aye
Larry Clevinger, II -Aye
Charles L. Wade, Mayor
I, Patricia Cruise, Clerk of Council, certify that the forgoing Ordinance
2007-03 Franchise Agreement between the Town of Pulaski and Wiredog is
a true and correct copy as adopted by the Pulaski Town Council at their
regular meeting on March 6, 2007.
Patricia Cruise, Clerk of Council
TC/c/ordinance/certification 20Q7-03
TO. Mayor and Members of Taum Cowtil
PROM: Trish Cruise
DATE'. March b, 200J
R@ AnecheA frwchfsa ageemwt wiN Wire DOg
John asked me to let you know that Nis ageemmt is basical ly the same agmoment Nat
was dismbured m you at the Ianuary 23, 200'1 meauvg. Thane have been no substsntial
change ThaNcs.
This Pmnehise Agreement ("Agmemwt") is made end entered into as of Min day oC
200 ("Etftive Date"), by and between The Town of Pulaski ("TOwu'S and Wre
Dog Commwioationy a wrporauon ("Wire Dog Communications").'Che Towo and Wire Dog
Communications maybe referred to herein individually ass "Parry", and collectivelyas the "Parties"
A. The Town owns, operates and maimaia~ certain stmet light, traffic signal poles, and the
mieted support arms and wweeting hardware, witM1in tM1e Town of Pulaski (collectively "Town
Owned Poles"}
H. 'Che Town owns, operates and maintains wrtain buildings and o[hu reel property within the
Tovm ofPUlaski (eollectively "Towo Promises").The Town Owned Pales and Tovm Premises shall
be Jointly referred to as "Yawn Pmpetly."
CThe Town seeks to grant Wire Dog Communications the right m use the Town Pmpeny for the
enstmmiey maintenenec, operation aad upgrade ofeTown-wide wireless broadband system, for
the benefit of residents, businesses end govunmevt in the Town.
D. W ireDOg Communioetiom denims to euecb its radios, amennae gateways, whey cables, fibeq
filters, amplifiers and other equipment, end swi¢hing, pmeessing, monitoring, transmission and
disailndion wmpancnts of its broadband wireless system comprise4 oftheequipmen[described on
Exhibit A, and substantially .timiler equipmem as further described in Section LS huaoP
(collectively "Approved Equipment") to Town Property far the putposeof installing, opemung and
maimeiving a wireless broadband netwod in [hc Town ("Network").
& Wire Dog Communications denims to off wireless bmadbwd serviws by mewsoftheNetwodc
ae more fully described in Reuion 1.2 hereof (the"services") ro msidenfial, business and mwieipel
cusmmers in the Town.
NOW,THEREFORE, in wnsidemtion ofthe above refuenwd morals wd Me following mutual
nevty agrumeme, and obligations of the Parties, and with the intention to be legally bowd
hereby, Wire Dog Communications wd the Town egme as set forth above and as follows.
1.1 Cons rucfomfNetwork. Wim Dog Communications shallestablish, conswct, oxm,
operatq upgrade and maintain the Network in accordance with this Agreemwt. ~m
Dog Communications itselCmay pu6rtn the work rrquired m install and maivteln its
Approved Equipment, m operate the Network, and m meet its otherobliga[ions under
this Agrwmenq and Wire Dog Communications may also use cwhactors or agents
for such puryoses, provided that Wire Dog Communicatons shall remain responsible
for wmpliance with all of the revs olYhis Agrecmmt.
1.2 Non-Exclusive Permission. The Tawn hereby gmntsm Wire DOg Communication
the permissiom on a nonexclusive basis for five (5) yeah, m a¢aeh, install, mmml,
operate, meivtvq repaiq replace, reeuazh, reinsmll, relocate, evd remove Approved
Equipmem on and from Town Properly, all (or the limited pugwse ofproviding Wire
Dag Communication's services within the Town, subject m the terms o[ this
Agmemen4 end all applicable laws and regulauons_ Aceess to the Town PmpuTy
shall be Bulged to the terms of tFe licenses required by this Agreement to access
Towv Pmperry and any required pennits_ The "services" shall mvsist ofO wireless
broadband Imeme[ access provided by Wire DOg Communiradons to its subscribers
by means of tFe Network and using IEEE standards 802.11 and 802.16 (wmmovly
known as ^ WiFi' and "W iMax") end protooolsas requireA to rapport 1Fe Network, or
substantally similar suwessor technologies such as IEEG standard 80212; (ii)
fireless services provided by Wire Dog Communications to its subscribers within
the Network osing IEEE smndards 602.1 Ix and 802.16 or substantially similar
soocessortechnelogies, bra without using the lntemer, (iii)evyotheservices Natcan
be provided by means of tFe Approved Equipment, with the exception of cable
evd w)ac ss to the Network by other sevice provides in ordain allow
such provider to provide the foregoing wireless broadband Ivremet access service
end wireless services to the subscribes of such other service provides. Wire Dog
Communicadovs may use the Netwode to provide cable services iv the Town if Wire
Dog Cemmuniations has fatobtaived a franohiseor otherapplicable eulhoriaetion
from the TOwq iv aceordance with applicable law. For purposes of this section, the
term "cable services" shall be defined es it is under tFe Communicatiow Ad of 1934,
as amended. Except as otherwise provided in This Agreement Wire Dog
Communications shall obtain and maintain in forceell licenses, permits, intellectual
propmy rights anti other pertnissiov require4 for it to wnswq and operate tFe
Network and provide the Services-
IJ UseefA edE .Wire DOg Communications approved equipmentshell
be used exclusively by Wire Dog Communications solely for the rendeivg of
es. This provision shall not be comWed to prohibit Wire Dog Communications
fiom selling acccss m the Network m other service providers on a wholesale basis,
for the dimct provision or resale ofservioes m end use¢ In opueting the Network
Wire Dog Communications is committed to in good faith provide an open acess
system on which lhiN parties can provide services enabled by the Network shat may
be competitive with each otFerand Wire Dog Communications.In sevingpricing and
other obliga[iovs far service providers, Wire Dog Communications shall treat
tmilarly situated service providers in a similar mamteg which may indode the
requirement for reciprocal access to the service provideds velwodrs
1 4 S b' Ri h fT dOth N P !n .The permissionsgranted
to Wne Dog Communications pursuant to this Agreement shall be: 61 ex fired by
Wire Dog COmmunicatiorn at Wire DOg COmmwicafion's sole dskend exprcee{(it)
subject to the rights of the Town m use end pemit other to vse Tawn Pmperry,
provided that any future &am of mch righ¢ does not have the effect ofsubstantially
defeating the puryoscs of tbix Agreemem', end Oi0 sub]ed to all deeds, easements,
dedications, oooditionx, cmvenan6,rastnetionx, enoumbrances, claims oPUtle, leases,
licenses, permits, permissioq antl rights (whether recorded or umxorded) ofothers
or that may aRect the Town Property, specifcally including all rights of the
Virginia Daparvnent of Transportation ("VDO9"') ,provided the Town will noti[y
Wire Dog Gmmonicatiow o[ any such rights or obligations that efl'xt Wire Dog
Communications access to or use ofamy Town Property ofwhich the Town becomes
are. As of the Effective Date, the Town is not aware of any existing rights that
would substantially interfere with Wire Dag Communications use of the Town
Property az contemplated by this Agreemem and [he applicable Exhibits, ben the
Town has conducted no investigation intothe exisrenceofany suchrightx, and makes
ranties ovepresentitions regarding the existence ofany such rights az of the
Efieeuve Date. Thix Agmzment grants a mere liwnse with axpect to the right b
ccupy any particular Town Pole or Town Premises. Nothing in this Agreementshell
bedeemed to grant, wvvey, create, or vest any met properly interest in Wire DOg m
rmmmnOl ra110ns,irtcluding any fe or euehold interest or easement.
LS Onl A dF b hd T P .Approved Eqoipmem
shall be instilled in substantially similar to the instillation spccifcations
and configurations shown In the drawings and phomgrapbs in Exhibit A. Any
nstalletinn method orconfgumfion that is not substantially similar to an inxtallation
method or wnflgumuon described in Exhibit A shall not be empleyed without Ne
prior wrinen permission of the Towq such permission rot to be utveasonably
withheld or delayed. In determining whether an installation method is substantially
~milar, [he Town may wnsider whether such method causes materially greeter
damage to Town Property than the existing method. Wire DOg Cotrununicmiota may
amend Exhibit q to inolude new or diRerwtequipmevtthat is substantiallysimilarto
Approved Equipmem already iv use by submitting information to mplace or
supplement infomation in Exhibit A and requesting the Town's approval of such
changes which shall not be u onebly withheld or delayed. If Wire Dog
Commuvicauow does oat receiv soy response from the Town within vinery (90)
days of written noun to the Town, then rvch installation method, wnfigumtiov or
equipment will be deemed approved by the Town and Exhibit A shall be deemed
mvdifed.If W ire Dog Communications insmlls any equipment otherthan APProved
Egoipmen[, W ire Dog Communica[ioms shall promptly remove sachequipmentat its
sale cast and expense upon entice from the Town. or the Town may do so at Wire
Dog Communications sole mxt and expense.
1.6 hatallatlon ov Pi ve a Pr . Equipment to be installed on private property shall
comply with all genually applicable Town ordinaitcesand regulatiow, incuding, but
vo[ limited to, the Town's Zovivg Ordinenw.
IJ Co-loca- a Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to obligate the Town to
gran) Wire Dog Cammunications permissiama use any paniwlar fauliryor property
nat covered by Ibis Agreement. The Town reserves the right to enter into other
agreements for the same or different services and the right m enter into cv-location
agreemevts with other persons o entities including but not limited tq
telewmmwicetiona and information services providers, for use oPTOwn Properly
subject m the Town's obligations undo this Agreement No other person or entity
shall be permitted to m-locate any feeitties with APProved Equipment or Town
Property until such person or entity frst enters into a separate a&eemem with [he
2-1 Ceneral Permit. The Towv hereby grants to Wire Dog Commuvicatons a gevusl
permit for construction required or aPPropriate in order to install and maintain the
Approved Equipmeur on Town Propmy ("General Permit"). The Grneml Permit
shall authorize Wire Dog Communications to install Approved Equipment without
obtaining individual permits governing such inalallations, provided that Wire Dog
Communications wmplies with all requirements of applicable Town Code
provisions, regulations and srendard permit conditions governing construction and
safety smndards and procedures The General Permit does not authorize Wire Dog
Comm rztions ro perform any eonsWelion or othu activity in the public
rights-of--way withom Eirst obtaining a Righoobway permit from the Town. In
addition, Wire Dog Communications may be required m obtain a laneclosure permit
submit a maintenance of traffc plan and severe additional Permits and approvals az
required by the Virginia Work Area Protection Manual, effutivelanuary 1,1996, as
emended, and otherapplicable local, state and fedual laws and regulatons.
22 Placement on Town YOlcs. TheTown herebygravrs to Wire Dog Communicationse
license to place Approved Equipmem on the Town Poles ateny lime doringlhe Tenn
ofthis Agreement subject m applicable zoningrequirements "Installed Town Poles"
shall refer m any Town Pole on which Approved Equipment is actually insmlled
pursuant to this Agrcement. Wire Dog Communications will submit an installation
plan for the initial conswction of Ne Network in comeuion with the permitting
process. Wire Dog Communieedons insmllation(s) shall be performed in such e
annu as not m interfere with the strew light services oPNe Town or the operation
of traffic signals- W ithin ninety (907 Uays aHer We ovmpletiov ofall insallatiov on
the Town Poles that Wire Dag Communicatons then intends to install, Wire Dag
Communications shall give mitten notice to the Town designafiog the Tawn Poles
n which Wire Dog Communications has installed Approved Equipmrnt("Plazement
Notice").tech Placemem Notice shall include, m hard copy and elemronic format, a
full rot of asbuilt drawings, showing in derail the exact location of Wire Dog
Communications facilities on Town Propetty, and clearly identifying each of the
Town Poles and Town Premises ro which such facilities have barn attached. The
Town will not ob7eet to Placement Notices provided that the items desuibed in the
notice a¢ otherwise Approved Equipment.
22.1 The Town of Pulaski shall beentitled to pumhese wireless equipment et the
price oCS650.OD pu node (minimum of 3) and Town snail provide spaoe iC
vaileble_ Wire dog snail matchtne number ofnodea pmenased byme Town
m en effort ro double me area cvvuege.
?22 Town shell provide pewcrfor each node ants own expense, not t0 exceed an
eatimatzd wa offive dollars ($5.00) pernode aMUelly.
2.2.J Town Hereby agrees with Wire Dog (or a [arm o!5 years from the dale of
ecution of This Agmement and Wire Dog shall be wti0ed to locate its
equipment on Town property es provided in [his Agreement at vo charge
22J 1'ownshall provideto Wire Dogat no cost, building penni[s forconstruction
of the network. Wire Dog shall submit drawings saisfacmry ro the Tovm
code cnmpnanworceer. All national, amte ana mealwdes am nminancea
shall be met by Wire Dog
22.5 Wire Dog shall be permi¢ed m advertise in and on Town facilities in
aecomanw with mwl orainanaea-
2 J Use of Town Preni ses. TM1e Town hereby gmn¢ to Wire Dag Communicadova a
liwnre durin6 the Tenn to inamll Approved Equipmem dirwtly on the Town
Premises, and to opemtc and maintain Approved Equipment et those Iocafions,
subject m appliwblezoning requiremems. ~re Dog Communiwtiws shall execute
8 scpmate liwnse with respell to eacM1 orthe TOwn Premises, Each In the form. W Ire
Dog Communications shall be entitled to access the Town Premises mr purywes of
installation, inspeotioq repair, removal and upgmdeofApproved Equipment on the
terms specified in each individual license. the Town Matmgu or his deeigvee is
hereby aumorized to execue individual licenses in the Porm of additional Town
Premises and Approved Equipment witnovt menwea:ity o[further approvals by the
'fawn Cowcil.
2A No Exclu 'v .Wire DOg Communications shall not nave the exclusiverightro
se or occupy any Town Poles or Town Premises. Wire Dog Communiw[ions
agrees that, for purposes of the Town Property only and the FCC's Over-the-Air
Rewption Devices (OTARD) rule, 49 CF.R.J L4000. C7 Wire Dog
Communications rights m use Town Property pursuant to this Agreement or any
inaiviaval ace rewae do not cnnsnmm a direct or inanwt owneranip or leasennla
imereat; (n) nn a p(me Tewn empem mat wire Dog Commwicatinna naa me
aght to naa pusnant m mie Agreement or any inamidnal site uwnae is within me
exclusive vac or wv¢ol of Wire Dag Communieatiovs', and (iii) no provision o[
this Agreement or any individual site license impairs the installation,
maimenancq or use of any Approved F,quipmenl.
2.5 No Inlerfeanoe. Wire Dog Communications shall, at its own exPoOSe, install,
operate, and maintain Approved Equipment on Town Pmcerty in a good and
workmanlike manner and in accoNance with applicable Town, state and federal laws,
ordinances and regulations, including, without limitation, any applicable regulatlons
of the Federal Communications Commission.
2.5.1 Wire Dag Communications shall inspect, wnstruct, and maintain the
Approved Equipment in a roamer that will rant cause unreasonable physical
intufermce to Town end olhu tenants or liwnsees of the Town Premises,
including without limitation the opualion or use of any portion of the
unitary sewers, sm~m sewers and drains, water mains, gas mains, poles, or
olhw Towo Property, exwpt to the extent conlempleted by a permit orolhu
applicable liwnse. Wire Dog Communiralions shell also avoid physically
blocking the transmissions of radio equipmem opuated by the Town and
rranls that it will maintain and mplaoeall equipmem and keep in good and
workmao-like condition al no expense b Town.
25 2 Other Wire Dog obligations; Wire Dog shall provide the Town ivtemet
access ro all installed wireless equipment and fine usu end technical support.
2SJ Wirc Dog hueby agrees to provide ( inrernel awes to term of Ibis
Agreemen[at IheTOwn Mmicipel building and network plus3o full wireless
imeme[eccess acwums to be used by Town employees and theiragenta at no
charge for the duration ofthis Agreemwt. Wire Dog hardware charges ere
cot included within this Agreemme Wire Dag shall fulfiweomply with all
requirements in Exhibit C mtached hereto and made a pert hereof.
2.5.4 Wire Dog shall make a good faith attempt to establish a physical retail
presence in Town and shall obtain a business liwase_
2.5.5 Wire Dog shall ofkr to the public, competitively priced services and shall
appear amuelly before Town Council ofTOwn of Pulaski for approval ofall
fees and/or charges for services.
2.5 6 Wim Dog Communications is not obligated m conduct any tests, studies or
Investigations. Wire Dog Commaniwtions shall operate the Approved
Equipmrnt in er that will not cause harmful radio frryuency
interference ("RF Inmrfuence''7 to the Tmvn and other teomisor lieenseaof
the Town Premises.All operations by Wlre Dog Communications shall bein
ompliance with all Federal Communications Commission ("FCC")
requiamems and all othu applicable laws, nodes, rules and mguletiona
25J Subsequentto the installation oflhe Approved F,quipment, Town shall, to the
exrem practicablewithom IimiHng (heTown's ability m conduct itsactivilies
cordance with its nonnel practices, attempt to avoid causing RF
Imerference to or physically blocking the signals of Approved Equipmen[.
The Town shall also inform n w tenants of Town Property o which
Approve4 Equipment has been installed oflhe exlstenceend localionofsuch
Approved Equipmem and shall obligate each new tenant in its leaze to
opeate its equipment iv compliance with all applicable PCC regulalion4 to
use commercially maso~bleeffons not to reuse RFlmerfuenceor m rouse
physical ivtcrferencewith McApproved Equipment instilled on We PamiseG
and ifthenewtenam causes RF Imerference to the Approved Egnipmen4 to
participate in the inlufereoce resolution process described in Section 2.fi 4.
25.8 In the event eitherpatty mRem from REImmPo¢nce as a result oflhe euiorts
oflhe other party,the affected party shell givetheo0er parrywrihw noticeof
the nature oCRF Imerference, including any studies that demonstrateor may
have been performed in connection with such RF Interference. The ponies
shall then meet end mutually wopuate to determine the cause of the RP
Iotuference and agree on e method for eliminating the RF Intesferency or
reducing it m an acceptable level.
25.9 Subject to the Town's obligallons sal forth in Sermon 2.6.3 and 2.6.4, the
Town shall have no liability to Wlre Dog Communications for RF
Imerference caused by any third parry, provided thatlhe foregoing provisions
shall mtalfecl Wire Dog Communications ngh[s regarding the pmcedum for
msolvivg Inleference in this Agreemenl_ The Town shall exucise i6 best
efforts m assist in the rwolutiev of any dispme regarding RF Imerfeence
used by the activities ofan occupant ofTOwn propertyother than Wim Dog
Commwications or the Town.
2.6 Substitution. Atanytimeduring the Tenn, Wire DCg Communications shall have the
right to install, mainteio and use Approved Equipmem described in its Placement
Notice and any upgraded Approved Lquipmenl later installed on Town Poles or
Town Pamisez I[ Wire Dog Commwicetions determines that a drsignaced Town
Pole rstmot or should not be used for the Network, during installation nr thereaNer,
Wire Dog Communications may install Approved Fquipmenton another Town Pole.
In such event, Wire Dog Communications shall notify the'rown, by an amended
Placemwt Notice ("Amended Placement Notice"), within thirty (30) days after the
ivstillalicn ofApproved Equipment on thesubstilula Town Pole The Town will rot
object to an Amended Plaeemevl Notirs, provided (hat the items described in the
entice are otherwise Approved Equipment.
29 AddTon ofTowv Poles. Al any lime during the Term o[this Agreement, Wire DOg
Communiea[ions shall be entitled to place additional, upgraded, or replacement
Approved Equipment on any Town Poles, and to modify the location of existing
Approved Equipment and to designate additional Town Poles for installation of
Approved Equipment by following the natifcetion procedure sal forth in Nis
A&eemem and the aggregate total number ofinmalled Town Pales shall be adjusted
2.8 Reduction ofiown Poles. Atanytime dunn6 Ne Termofthis Agreemenq Wire Dog
Commvvirations shall be entitled to remove any of Wire Dog Communications
Approved Equipment from any or all ofthe Insmlled Town Poles and Ne aggregate
umber of Installed Town Poles. If Wlre Dog Commwloationa re any
Approved Equipmem from any of the Installed Town Poles, then W ies Dog
Communications shell, wiNiothircy(30)deys after such removal, givenoficethereof
to the Towa, specifying the Inatalled'fown Poles vacated end the lowtionthereof, as
well as the dale of removal The rights gamed by this Section 2.9 shall rot be
exucised inaway Char would def tNe invnt o[Nis Agreement.
2.9 Revleoemm In the event any Installed Town Poles are m be replaced, apuireA
altued or made incepacimted by power interruption or olhu reasons, the Town shall
give Wire Dog Communications reasonableadvamc wriuen notice which shall beat
least thirty (30J days advance written notice, exveptaa described in Section 2.1 L If
the Town removes, repairs or alters Installed Town Poles iF such a way that W is
Dog Communications is required to rcmoveand/or reinstall the Approved Equipmwl
on such Installed Town Poles as contempla¢d in Nis Agreement, then Wire Dog
Communications shall beentitled to reinstall onany other Town Pole ehosw by Wire
Dog Communications az soon as Wire Dog Communieadona elects and the Town
shall not charge Wire Dog Communications any fees for obtaining approval of any
substitute Installe4 Town Poles. Wire Dog Communications may elect to mlowro,
replace or transfer Approved Equipment from all, some or none of the affected
Installed Town Poles to replacemem Town Poles.
2.1o EmuE~ev y. In caze ofan emergency ors EOrceM jor Event (az defined below), Na
Town may remove Approved Equipment as required, if the Town determines it is
easary to prefect the safety ofthe public from imminentdangcr. in theevem ofan
nmergencg the Town shell make r Doable efiarcs to give Wire Dag
Communications oral votive of the nature ofthe emergency and the reasons that tha
Approved Equipment must beremoved beforethc removal rakes place. Iv anyevent,
the Towo shall notify Wire Dog Commwicadons ofthe nawre ofthe emmgency and
the reasons that the Approved Equipment moat be removed az soon as reasonably
practical. The Town shall store and protect any equipment removed by the Town
mtil it is reclaimed by Wire Dog Commwications.
2.11 Damaeed Pole.lfan Installed Town Pole isfully or panislly destroyed or damageQ
and as a result thereof W ire Dog Communications is unable to conduct itsopnations
such Installed Town Pole in a manner that is functionally egvivalem m Wire Dog
Communications opemtiovs before ouch evw4 Wire Dog Communicatiova will so
notify the Town in writing once Wire Dag Communications becomes aware ofsuch
destmo0on or damage. The Town shall give W ire Dog Communicaliona reasonable
notice of whethu or muhe Town intends to repeiq rebuild or restore the applicable
Installed Town Pole If the'COwn removes an Installed Towv Pole on which Wire
Dog Communications has installed Approved Equipment for any reason then the
Town shall giveWia DOg Commmications reaaonablevotioeandprotanand return
to Wire Dog Communications the Approved Equipmem installed on thou Installed
Town Poles. Iv either event W irc Dog Communicatiova shell be emided to install
Approved Equipment on a substiwte Installed lDwn Pole determined by Wire Dog
Communicatiova. The Town shat l pumit the subnitme Town Pole ivstallatiov.
2.12 Removal ofPrev'ouslnstalla-ons lfimbe worseofinsmlling Approved Equipmem
W irc Dog Communications f nds third panyequipment on a Town Pole thatappears
to be abandoned or vo longer in operating shall notify the Town. Ifthe presenw of
such existin6 equipment would imerPere with the installation o opeatiov of
Approved Equipment, Wire Dog Communications may request authority from the
Town to re ve the existing equipmenq and shall only re ve the existing
equipmem upon receipt ofsuch awhonty. If failure to 6rent such authority would
make installation orvperadov ofApproved Equipmwton a'TOwn Pole impmctiral,
Wire. Dog Communications shall inform the Town of the wnsequences, and the
ponies shall discuss alternatives.
2.13 R'eht to lnsoect The Towv shall have the righuo make puiodicirepedions etthe
Town's discretion and cost as wnditions may warmvt. Suoh inspeuions shell not be
charged to Wire Dog Communications. Failvreofthe Town to makeany inspw[ions
shall no[ delay the Network insmllation. Exwpt as otherwise provided in thin
Agreemwq Wire Dog Commuoiwtions is rot obligated to obtain any inapeUions
before proceeding as provided hereunder.
2.14 Compensa[ on tar Installed l'own Pole and T w P
2 14.1 Compcvsatiou for Town Premises. W ire DOg Communications shall votpay a
license fee with respecvo each afthe Town Premises on which it installs Approved
Equipmwq howevu, it shall supply theTowv ofPulaski with free wireless sneers at
such locations az the Tovm of Pulaski designates.
2.15 No Refef from Taxes. The tees required by this Agreemem shall be iv addhion tq
and not iv lira of, all taxes required by the Town, and all othu amowts Wire Dog
Communications may be required to pay the Town by law, ordinance, or other
2.Ifi Cosa d Ex B b W' D C Wire Dog
Communications shall bear all costs incurted by Wire Oog Comm icetions in
connection with the planning, design, oonstmetioq repaiq modification,
diswwecuoq a[achment, ins[ellation, nnvol, opemtioq main[enwce,
rw[lachmen[. reinsrsllation, relocation, removal. and replacement ofNe Network by
W im DOg Communicadoas oral otherwiseauthonzed by this Agreemwl. ire Dog
Communica[ioos shall be responsible foq and fish bear all casts o[, damage [q
repair of, or derarioration of, the Network due to repeiq maintenance, or force
jeure. As between Wire Dog Communications cad the Tawn, Wire Dog
Commwications agrees m bear such costs exwpt m the extent the damage results
solely Gom the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the Town, its officers,
employees, or agents.
2.^ Rege r of Damaeed Town P .Wire Dog Commwications prompGY slap
repeiq replacq orre6oisly a[ Wire Dog Communications solecostwd expense, any
iown Pole or other Town Propetty that is damaged materially in function or in form
during [he egaohment, ianalla[iov, maintenance, mattaehment, r gmallation,
relocation, removal, and replaoement of the NUwodr or as a result of area of Wirc
Dog Communications or its contractors oragems in wweUion withthe operation of
the Nework. Without limiting any otFerremediesavailebleto the town, ifWa Dog
Commuvioatiore fails [o repaiq replace, or refimsF such damage or diaturbanee
within a rrzsonable amoum o! lime aRer notice fiom [he Town detailing damage
used by Wire Dog Communica[ionsor its contmmo¢ oragents then the Towo may,
nits sole discretion, bat wilFOUt aqy obligation to do sq repai5 replaoe or afinish
the damage or disturbance. lq the event Iha[ the Town undenakea the repeiq
replacement, or refinishing es a result of W ire Dog Commwications failure to do so
aRer allowing Wirc Dog Communications a reasonable amount of time to do so,
Wire Dog Communications promptly shall, upon receipt ofw invoice forsuch costs
and expenses, reimbvme the Town for all reasonable end actual cosy and expwses
urred iv the repeiq replacement or refinishing Por purposes of this sectioq Ne
term "refnisN' means to restore efkGed property to a condition as good as or bUtcr
then its condition at thetimeofoommevcemwt o[[he work that led to the damagem
Town Property, reasonable wear and tear amep[ed.
2.18 Town Reauled RemovalBel [ W' D C F T - G
Town Prooenv for reasons [h h E If the Town demrm nes that the
pmtectioq, temporary disconneUion aal, relocating or recogfigumtion ofwy
Approved Equipment on Tawn Property is neoassary (i) to pmservepublic heehF or
safety, or ~~ for theconstmction, mpaiq relocation or meimm~wceofa Townpm)ed
for the public welfare (ivclvding witFOUt limitation any furore conversion of
overhead to uvdetgmwd utilities resulting in tFe removal ofa Town Pole),tha Town
will provide Wire Dog Communications with written notice as soon as reasonable
under tFe circumstwcesdescribing which of Wire DOg Commwicatioas hnilitiw arc
afTeomd and the proposed dates by which the work is m be wmpleted by Wire Dog
eomm -cnenna, provided ma. where immeaiare ae~mn is not regnhea m avoia
danger m the public safety or propcrtY. the Town shall Sive Wire Oog
Communications at leas) thirty pd) days prior writlev notice Wim Dog
Communications shall, at its sole wst and expense, promptly diswrmect, remove,
relocate, or reconfgure such portion of the Network as mutually agreed upon with
the Town. The Town will ase geod fei~h eR vs to wnduat Town prgects in e
atmer m minimis negative impact to she Network. Regardless of anything m the
wmrary in this Section 224, the Town will mi request Wire Dog Communioatiens
to removeorrelocare the Approved Equipment in a mannerthat delibemlelymakes it
teal for Wire Dog Communications m operate the Nehvork and provide
rv oeno~ the Town or iv a manner ghat gives any prefuevoe to a aubuquent Nird
pony offering a similar service. Whue any mmoval or relocndon is required, the
"Town will use its best efforts to provide alternate Town Pmpeny on which to place
the Approved Equipmenuhat will enable WreDOg Communications to wmply with
its obligations to provide the Pnblic BeneEra
2.19 Ne~work Comml Center On-~ n A .Wire Dog Communications network
vol cemer operator shall be available to the staff of the'COwn, twenty-four (24)
houaaday, oven ('!)daysaweekf the reportingm Wire Dog Communications
by the l own of problems or complaints resulting from the avechmen4 inslallatioq
on¢ol,opera[ien, meinrwtance, mavarhment. reinswlladoe reJOralioq removal, and
rcplacetnem of Wire Dog Communications faeili~ies. The Town may conlac[ the
network comrol center operator at a telephone number provided by Wim Oog
Communications fom time to time regarding such problems or complains. Wire
Dog Communications will movimr the Network and provide the l'ovm wish
information related to outages or service problems.
12o Namuu oI W' D o C P T' T P .Wire Oog
Communications will provide the Town with information a quanerly basis
describingany Approved Equipment installed on Town Propenyor 0athas been out
of service far a puiod of six (~ months or more. Wire Dog Communications is nor
required to submit such report if m Approved Equipment is required to be reported.
Within ninety (90) days after Wire Dog Communications receipt o[wriuev notice
from the Town to remove such facilities, Wire Dog Commuvieetions shall promptly
ve the facili[ies at Wire Dog Communications cost and expense, if Wim Dog
Communications has not already done u. If Wire Dog Communications fails to
move any abandoned facilities ae described iv this Sediov, then the Tovn shall be
entitled to remove the faoilities firm Town Property Wire Dog Communiralions
shall reimbmu the Town for its reasonable and actual casts and expenses for
removals pursuant to Ibis Section.
2.21 Ma o e ante of W m D n C F l" .Wire Dog Communiwtiovs
shall en re [hat Wire Dog COm ica~ions facilities aincd at alltimes in
safe wndilion avd installed in a good and workmanlikenmanner. Wire Dog
eommnnmatmna anau n Doane ca matauing, reloeaang, removing,
repairing, and replacing Wire Dog Communications facilities.
222 Emereencv Contact lnformafon.The Town shallprovide Wire Dog Commwicalioos
a 24-nou comact phone number to enable Wire Dog Communications m report any
srregarding the Approved Equipment, Me Network, or TOWII Property.ln the
vent Mat Wire Dog Communications capons such wnwms to the Town, Ina Town
shell promptly respond to such call(s).
L23 NoticeoClnterrunfov to Serv w. Toe Town shall give Wirc DOg COmmunicatioosa
m of Mirty (30) days advanw wrirten notioe of wy non-emergency work
which will affect the Approved Equipment, Town Property, or the Network.
224 Cond iovs ofPerfoonanoe The obligations ofWirc DOg Communications heaunder
shall be subject W end cooditiooed upoq thefollowing wndilionsCCovditioos").lf
wy ofthe fallowing Conditions have not been satisfied by a date Mat is one hundred
and eighty (1807 days aHer the Effective Date of this Agreement, Wire Dog
Communications will notify the Town of that fan, including which Condtiore
nsetisfied; itany such outstanding Condi~ions have not been resolved within
n additional niwry (90) days ("Initial Conditions Termination Dale"J, Wia Dog
Communications shall have the option, at that time, m terminate this Agreement by
giving ten p0J days poor writan noliw. If Wire Dog Communisations does not
e the fomgoing termination right a the time oCthe Initial Conditions
Termination Date, Me right shall be deemeU waived and Wire Dog Communications
shall be bound ny all ofthe atrna end conditions ofthe Agreement forthe remeindes
of the Tetm.
2.24.1 This Agreement has been approved and fully exewted by all Parties by fully
authonud repaseolelives_
2.242 The Town Council shall have mkw all the anions required by law to
authorize the Town to enrer into this Agreemwt wd grant m Wire Dog
Communications [he ngMs m use the Town rroverty proviaea in this
Agreement cad no approval of any other local goveming body is required.
2.24.1 TheTown Zoning Commissioq the Stare Coryoration Commission, and the
Federal Communications Commission and any other goveming body shall
have taken any oMer actions required by law pertaining m approval of the
onmllation cad operation of [he Network and the Approved Equipment as
such may be required to grant Wire Dog Communications the rights
necessary m insmll the Natworl~
2.24.4 Wia Dag Communications is able to obtain sigvW lasers or liwnse
agreements for all of the towers end rooftop lease sites (oMer Man Town
Premises) to install all of the backhanl ameonae radio and fibw optic avd
broadband service necessary m opem¢ the Network.
2 24 5 9Te ownws or authorized represcntetivw of the poles othw Ihan the Town
have gmmed Wire Dog Communications the right to auech the Approved
Equipment oo poles in u thm the Ponies agree acmplies with
applicable laws and reg~le[ionsmand upon wmmercially reamneble rotes,
terms end wnditions.
2.24.6 Wim Dog CnmmnNCallnn6 is netpmhibited from covstrucdog and operating
the Network, or perfertning substantially all of the services or exercising
substantially al I of the rights set forth in this Agreement.
2.24] Wire OOg Communiwticns has obtained all applicable penni[s, licenses, and
auhorizations 6om the Slate, and the federal government fonhe installation
and opamtion of the Netwerk, end such authorizations have not been
terminated or revoked-
J.l Allowed Use. The Town receives FlecGwl Service (as defined below) from the
eleetnc militias serving Ne Town Poles (collectively "Electric Udliq"). Subjec~m
applicable mrifis or agreement wish the EleUric Udlily, elcmrical powu m operate
Approved Equipmcm may be taken &em the peww sourceseormwted to the Towv
Poles. The sown will wopuate with Wirc Dog Communiwticns b obtain
permission ftom the Bleuric Utility for Wire Dog Commuoietions to use the
elecniTawn ftom the Tawn Polea
72 Ava=bIDty. The Tewo acknowledges that any Town Poles which vre not supplied
eleurioal poww 24 hours per day or which are otherwise no[ suitable for Wire Dog
Commuvicatiovs use under this Agreement (wlleuively "Unsuitable Poles") are
excluded from this Agreement and Wre Oeg Cotmnuniwfioos will not be required to
offr service coverage in areas eomaining meh Unsuitable Poles. The Town cannot
and will not guarantee an uninterzupmd supply of power, mr can it guarantee the
quality of powu provided by the Geuric Utility. Notwithstanding avNM1ing to the
cannery, Wire Dog Communications performance under this Agreement requires an
adequate supply of elecniTowv 24 Fours per day every day. Wire Dog
Communications shell cot be deemed m be in defanlmr required m provide Netwetk
ee during suet dme and in such areas az are directly affected by the lack of
eleercical power- If 24 hour electriTOwn is not reliably available for a material
number oflnstalled Town Poles and/or thosethat are desigpazed as potential Installed
Town Poles for the Approved Equipmwt then Wire Dog Cemmunicatiovs shall be
entitled, but not obligated, to terminate this Agreement and vll payment obligations
3.3 Eledr'c'ty Costs. The Town fiall not be responsible forwypaymen[orpayments [o
the Elecaic U[iGty or wy other eleotri'fown provide for electrical usage by Wire
Dog Communications, except to the extent en agreemcm to supply the necessary
electrical powe is executed between the Town and the Electric Utility or to the
extent the obligation to pay is passetl through the Town to Wire Dog
Commvnioatons through an egreemem between the Town and the Eleurio Utility.
wire Dog Commwiwtions shall beresponsible forall peymeo[s for useofelectrieal
power, iododing bm not limited to power usage, mamnng and any othu eleetfic
mility services required for she opaatiov of the Network exocp[ as provided
otherwise i writtw agreemem signed by the 'fowv and Wire Dog
4.1 Future Prodm[s. Because of the signifreot i vestmwt by Wire Dog
Commoniaationv in the presem wireless Network, Wire Dog Commwicatiovs
desires the opportunity m provide additiotrel wireless broadband services to the
Town_ Therefom, if during the Term of Ibis Agreement the Town desires Bum time
to lime to wnaider additional winless Internet protowl (IP) applications to serve
icipal operations only ("New Network") then before the Town enters with any
provider into any bids or contraU(s) rela¢d m such New Network the Town shall:
(1) give Wire Dog Communications notiw of such desire to implement a New
Network and provide vll relevant details and answer all reasonable questiws of Wire
Dog Communications, and (2J give Wire Dog Commuvieations the oppottmity m
propose soluions and [ems that build on W Ire Dog Communications Network; and
(3) evaluate the moditleatioMnclusion within this Network Agreement ofthe Wire
Dog Communications solution(s) as the prefaced approach to meting the Te vmi
redelivery ob]udve Notwithstanding tFeebove, Wire DOg Commwications is
under no obligation to propose or provide an Wire Dog Communications solution
and W ice Dog Commwieations retaivstheoption to deride whetheaoproposeother
Wire Dog Communications will et all times during the Term ofthis Agreemem maintain a
program mwager responsible [or implementing and operating the Network. The Parties shall
meet at an agreed upon schedule to discuss ongoing operation of the Network including
ongoing compliance with the Agreement Wire Dog Commwications wd the Town shall
maintain and update a list of all open issues and resolutions tlwughom the Term of this
Agreement. The Town wd Wire Dog Commwications may mutuallyagree upon additional
The authorizations granted in this Agreement shall be non-exclusive and nothing contained
in this Agreement shall be wnsWed to limit, alter, or waive the right of the TOwn to enter
into agreements authorizing persons or entities other than Wire Dog Communications to
and use Town Property m insmll any form ofcommwications equipment or far any
otherpurpase. The Town shall give Wire Dog Communications prompt prior wriuen notice
ofany appbcatiovs received by the Town from others requesting pmnission to install devices
miler m the Approved Equipmev[ w the Town Pcles or Premisex Nothing iv Chia
Agreement shell be deemed m obligate the Town tu grant Wire Dog Communications
permission to use any particular facility, or propertg or right-of--way not covered by this
Agreement, including, without limitation, the Town's public righlsof--way.
Nothing camaived heein shall be deemed ar oons¢ued by the parties hereto or byany third
person m create the relationship of principal and agent, partnership, joint venture or any
ciation between the Town end Wire Dog Communicationa-Nuthing wmained herein
shall be deemed to wnstimm an wdorsemem of Wire Dog Communications or Wire Dog
Communications pmduc[s or services by the Town
Gsceptas otherwise provided in This AgreemevL any diaputebetween the Parries or default
by either party which arises during the Term of this ngreement, shell be subject to the
following admininmtive renmdy:
8.1 Internal Resoluton. Both Parties shall evempt to resolve any con[mvusy claim,
problem, defaulq or dispute CDispme"7 arising out of, or related m, this Agreement
Through Good faiN consultation in the ordinary course of business. The Parties shall
also rely on this mechanism to determine how to modify Wire Dog Communications
obligations pun'uem m Seuioos 221 and I5. ID the event that a Dispum is no[
resolved by the project managers ofwch Party, either Parry may upon wrinen notice
to the other request that the matmr be referred ro senior management offrcials within
eeoh respwtivc organivtion with express authority to resolve[he Dispme ("Request
for Imemal Resoluion"} A wdtteo Request for Ivtemal Rescludon shall begivev by
either Parry wiNiv [Haan (I S) calwder days of the Ponies' knowledge of the
esolved Dispme. Senior managementofTicisls shall meetor conferat leastoncein
good faith, to negotiate a mutually acceptable resolution within ten (10) business
days ofthe Request [or Internal Resolution. Project managers and seniormanagement
for each Party shall be the General Market Manager and Via President, Municipal
Networks respecdvely, for Wire Dag Communications, and the Town Pmjeu
Manager and the Town Manager or Town Manager's designee respectively, for the
Town, and their respective successors in office. The project managers and senior
managemem may be changed by entice given by the Party changing its persormel.
8.2 No,ice. Senior mawgemem offcials are required m meet only once, ben may
mutually agree ro meet more Ihan Door if it appeam ghat further meetings may
essfully resolve tha Dispute Ifthe Paniesdo vot suwessfully resolvethe Dispute
by senior management, [hen the Patty fnding the senior mavagemem resolution
nsatisfactory shall provide written notice m the other Pany, demanding mediation
("RCques~ for Mediatioo"}The Request for Mediatioo may not be given prior ro the
first meeting of senior management, or fifteen (li) business days after 0e request for
Ivtemal Resolwiov, whichever is earliu, and shall rot be given avy later than
Pony-five (45) wlevdardays following Ne aamplction oFlFefimt savior mariagemevt
meeting. The Request for Mediatioo shall set forth all of theissues that Parry deems
outstanding ghat must he submiued to mediation The Party iv rewipt ofthe Request
for Mediation shall respond within tweory (20) wrlwdar days bating any issues it
dorms appropriate for submission to the Mediator. All o[lherequimmevraofDispme
Resolmion and Mediation as described io this Anicle 9 shall be m[emed to
collwtively as the "RUOlution Procedures".
6.3 Med'afon. Any Disputes shell he mediated within forty-bve (g5)calevdardays o[me
date ov the writer Request (or Mediation, or 0c soonest dale thereafter that the
mediamr is available, exoepuhat those for which the remedy requested is injunmive
mlie[or other equimble remedies shall be mediamd widrin ten (10) business days.
8.4 Mediator. Mediation shall be emend into by the parties Iv en attempt to settle evy
dispu¢s under Ihis Agreement. The patties shall agree upon a mediator avd if no
agreement is possible, a mediamr shell be appointed by the Cirevil Cead of the
Couvry of Pulaski, VA_ If mediation is unsuwessful, then the patties agree to
binding arbitration to be held in Pulaski, Virginia.
8.5 Costs- The vests of mediation shall be borne by the Ponies eyually.
8.6 Eau table Refef In the eventofa breachofthis Lease by hessee or Lessor sameshall
be submitted to binding arbitration by a qualifed arbitrator to be agreed upon by the
ponies and ifno agreement coo be meshed, then the arbitramrshell be seleomd by 0e
ludgeofthe Circuit Coon ofPUlaski, Virgivia.'1'he dwisiov ofthe arbitratorshall be
foal and non-appealable.
The Town shall not assign this Agreement, or any poniov of it, without the prior wn¢en
permission of Wirc Dog Communications. Wire Dog Communications can assign this
Agmement m an entity that is wholly owned or wholly wntrolled by Wire Dog
Commwfeatlovs or by a wholly-owned affiliate of Wre Dog Commuoications (each to be
referees In az an •AffEialcd entity") wnnnm me peon eovsaat or me Tows, anbieet to me
wndition that the Assignee ehell be bound by all Iums of this Agreement. Wire Dog
Communications wn also assign this Agreement puauanl m the saleofall orsubstevfiellyall
of the assets or stack of Wire Dog Commuviwtions or Pursuant to the sale of ell or
substantially all of[he assets or operations of Me division of Wire Dog Communiwdons that
s operating the Network or porsuanl to the sale of the Network; provided that if such
ssignment is rat to an Affiliated Emiry, then wire Dog Communications must first obtain
Me Town's prior wdnen eonsml, such C9R9enI not a be umwsonably wlMheld. Wim Dog
Communiwnons may emer into one or more agreements for insmllation of Approved
Equipment, operation of the Network, or both with a entities ("Operating
Companies"), provided that under such agreemwts overall oontmleof the Network shell
with Wire Dog Communiwlions. Approved Equipment may be subject to security
imeresls of vendors or of lenders tc Operating Companies. The Town shall have no
uship immest iv or m Approved Equipmen4 unlus the Approved Equipment has been
abandoned and taken over by the Town as provided for in Section 22fi, or Wire Dog
Communiwtiove haz filed a petition in bankrupmg in which wse Ina Town shell have all
rights provided for by applicable law.
10 I EReG ve Dare a td Term_ This Agreemem ehan become eftecdve on the EfCulive
Dale and shallwminue iv effcol for ytrersader lbe Commeneemmt Date
(collectively with Renewals Temu "Tura"}
10.2 Renewal. Upon the end of the Term, the Tam may be mvcwul for
_ year periods of lime, upon mutual agreement of Wire DOg
Commuvioadons and the Town.
103 Me or De6ult. In the event that a Party commits a Major Default hereunder (also a
"Defaulting Party")and does noI cure ouch Major Default within days
aftu the other Party (also aNon-defaulting Party) has delivered a default notice
describing the Major Oefaull ro the Defaulting Pant. then the Nov-dcfulting Party
may terminate this Agreement upon providing Defaulting Party
days prior wnrzen notiw of Ina Non-defaulting Pmty's intent to terminate this
Agreemem. If the Defaulting Parry c s Ibe Major DeGult, within sucb
day period, ouch termivalion notice shall not be efftive end this
Agreement will not Irminatc. When used herein "Major Default" shall mean Met the
Defeu¢ing Party has violated en obligation wderthis Agreement, that has resulted iv
actual direct damages to Me Nondefaulting Petty (expressly not inGuding damages
of any oMu third genies). If Mere is a dispum coveemivg whetner Me Defaulting
Patty haz commixed a M jar Defaulmhen inthis Agreement, the Term and Me rights
ofthe Defauhing Party shall sot betuminated until a wort afcompetentjurisdicdon
has ordered the Defaulting Party has committed a Major Defauh that has mntivued
pass all applicable notice and cure periods, m apPliwble, aM Ina Defaulting Parry haz
not erred the Major Default, as applicable, within Ihitty p0) days aRee such ordee
has been signed and issued by such court Iflhe Diapure Resolution Process results in
agreemem between the patties that there is a plan to cure the Major Default that will
be iv the best intuests of sll parties [hen prioao ruminating This Agreement both
patties shall exercise reasonable efforts to implemem such plan in accordance with
such corms as the parries lave agr«d upon. Wire Dog Commuvica[ions should be
nsidued N Major Defauh ofthis Agreement Gorany feilum ifthe failure is caused
n whole or in patt by the failure of another party or by an act ur omission of a third
104 Teem oafon by W're DOeC _NOtwithslanding anythingto Mecontrary
iv this Agreement, the Townrecognizes Natwtteiv issues may advuaely impact Wire
Dog Communications abiliry to wn[inue m operate, maintain, upgrade end provide
the Network and the Public Benefits- Therefore, each party a~ees Wire Dog
Communications is emitted to terminate this Agmemeut by givingas much vetieeaa
onably practicable uvdu the amumstevws using reasonable efforts m provide
at leas[ [hitty (30) days Oeior written votive to the Town, if at any time during tla
Term any of the following events occur end Wire Dog Communications operating
aintenanwee upgmdeofthe Network or provisienofservicesisadversely impaUed
in a material manner.
IOD.I Any local,smte orfederal govemmemauthotiryoeegency (pshall have Wren
any action requiring any approval for [he coninued operation, upgrade nr
ain[eranee of the Network Approved Equipment yr provision ofservices
that sigvi6candy Impairs the continued opemlien, upgmdeoe maivtenance(i)
prohibits or takes action that significantly impairs the operation, up8radc or
aintenance oCthe Network otthe Appmvcd Equipment, (iii) does not issue
o tenni[atesomevokes eppliceblepemtits, Ilcevses, and authori~tions Rom
the Towq state, end the (uleral governmmror agency fonhe opuation,
maintaining or upgrading of the Network.
10.42 The apphrable eleunc providee has ceased or given notim it will cease
famishing serviwto the Approved Equipment installed in 16eTown end used
to provide the Network upon commecially reasonable rates, tams and
conditions and in a mariner that the Patties agree wmplies with applicable
laws and regula[iore.
10.4.3 The owners of towers, rooftop sires, poles or other assets used m install the
backhaul autentaq radio and fiber optic and broadband servicenevessary to
operate the Network cease any grant to allow Wire Dog Communications
ass of, use of and avnchmut to such mweq meHop sire, pole or ether
sect to a manvu that wmplics with applicable laws and regolatiens and
upon commercially reasonable rates, tams and conditions, and Wire Dog
Communicatons operofion, meintevancc or upgrade of the Network of
provision of the wireless services is adversely impadM in a material manner
and Wire Dog Communications is unable to obtain the right m use substiwte
rowers, rooftop sites, poles or other assets in a matmer Ihat complies with
applicable laws and regulations and upon wmmemially reasonable rtes,
corms and conditions.
1044 Wire Dog Communications is prohibited from operating, main0ining or
upgrading the Network, or performing substantially all of the urvices or
exerasing substantially all of the rights set forth in this Agreement.
104.5 Wire DOg Communications mey also termivatethis Agreement in the evwt
of a Monetary Default or a Major Defeuh, pursuant m Section 11 3.
Io5 Removal Obl eafons. Upon termination ofthis Agreemem orupon expiration othhe
Term, Wire Dog Communications, al its awn expense, shall remove the Approved
Equipment from Town Property within onths ofsaid da¢oftertninalion or
expira[ion and velum Towv Property to the wndi[ion in which the property existed
mediately prior to Wire Dog Communications installation, with normal weaq [ear
end evidwtw of iuslsllation exdnded.lf W ire Dog Communications fails m remove
the Approved Equipment from the Town Propetly within months thereafter,
the Town mey remove any of the Approved Equipment so remaining and shall be
imbumed for the equipment and labor costs actually incurred in cotmection with
ving [he Approved Equipment within thirty (IO) days of resuming such
Approved Equipment m Wire Dog Communications or making such Approved
Equipment available m Wire Dog Commuvicauore for pickup al a sak stooge
faeiliry within the Town limits or el suoh othu mutually agreed upon location.
l0.6 Term nafov by Town. NOtwithstavding any otbiK provisiou ofthis Agreement the
Town boa the fight b w'mivete this Agreement iv the following circmmstavices:
10.6.1 If Wire Dog Communica[ians has failed to provide the Public Bweflts, in
whole or in pen, purmam to the terms of this Agreement, the Town may
arminate this Agreement alter giving Wire Dog Cotmnwirsuova reasonable
notice and opportunity m cue. Prior to excmieing this right, the Town shall
omply with the procedures iv Section 9.1, which shall mnatimtesnch mutt
and opportunity to cure, provided that in no evem shall the Town terminate
this Agreement under this Sertiov ll.fi_I in! erthau thirty (30)days from
Wire Dog Communications receipt ofthe written notice described in Section
9.1. The Towv mug iu ita sole dis«uioq chaou to refer the dispute to
mediation pursuant to Section 9 2, btu shall have no obligation ro do so. The
Town Manager shall have full authority m exercise all of the Town's tights
weer mia sunon.
10.6.2 The Town may also terminate IM1is Agreement in the event of a or a Major
De6ult, pursuem to Section 11_J.
11.1 Addresses. Bxcept as otherwise set foM hereiq all notices givev or which may by
given pursuant to this Agreemwt must be in writing and IransmiUed by Q) telecopy
eod, on Me same day, fat class United States mail or(i7 nationallyrewgvized ovw
nigh tlelivery service postage pro-peid as follows:
To the Town ac Tovm of Pulaski
I'.O. Box bfi0
Pulaski, VA 24IU1
AVO: Tawv Manager
Facsimile: 540-994-8609
Withacopy m. Town of Pulaski
P. O. Box 660
Pulaski, VA 24101
Ada Town Attorney
Facsmdle. s4u9so-0leo
And to wire DOg Commmicatiaus al: wire Dog Communioations
Attevtioa Oenual Couoael
W i[h a aapY m. W ire Dag Communications
Attwtiono President
Either pony may change irs address by wrirzan entice to the other party-NOtioe rosy
also be provided to such othu address es eithu Party may from time to time
designate in writing.
11.2 EffecCve Date ofNpi ce.NOticeshall be deemed received ov the nextbusiness dayif
it is sent by lelecopy and frst class mail, or the date ofdelivery or refusal ofdelivery
if it ie sent by over night delivery service.
Wire DOg Communiretions shell maintain in full foreeand effect the insurancepolioiesdasmibed
in the etlaehed Exhibit C.
Failure of either Party to wforce any provision oP this Agreement or the waiver thereof iv any
vent renders it impossible or commercially unreasonable forwire Dog Communications mprovide
the Public Benefits in all or a portion ofihe Town or to use any Town Properly in oonnection with
the Network or Services, and such Poroe Majeure Event Dominoes for oroannot be remedied in a
really reasonable matmer within ninetydays (unless the Parties mutually agree in
wridng to a longmperiod [o cure), either patty may aquas[ [he c[Pwtofsuch Force Ma~cure Evwt
be reviewed pursuant m Section 9.1, provided that if no resolution is mutually agreed upon
pursuant Ip Secdon 91, then dtepartiu may eithercontinue with thedispute respludov pmwdures
set forth in Sections 9.2-p.4 or either party may terminate any affea[ed Town Propetly pr Public
eenefits fiom this Agreement or tetmipatethis Agreement provided any such termination will be
reasonably proponioneltofhoe[feet caused by the Force Majeure Event
The Town represents and warrants that: (a) the Town and Ne officials ofthe Tpwn exeopting this
Ageement are auNoriuA to grant [o Wire Dog Conunutdcationsall oftherigh~s granted herein and
makes np othu waranties of any kind, nature or description; (b) all newssery end appropriate
audwrivstions and approvals have been obmined by [he Town and the officials ofthe TOwnsigrdng
This Agreement; c) there is not any inguatioq ordivwce or law that would permit the Town to
terminate [his Agreement except as is expressly smred herein; and (d) Mis Agreement does oat
ontlia wish or violate wy othegagreement, regulation, ordinance or law that is binding upon the
Ibl As respects bodily injury,death, personal injury, or third-paltyproperty damage, Wire
Dog Communications agrees m indemnify, defend with wunsel mwhom Town does
not have reasonable objecfions, end hold hannlcss Town, its appointed wd elected
oRcials, officers, employees, agents, and representatives Rom and against any wd
all claims, losses, damages, defense vests, or liability, of any kind or nature
(wllecnvely inferred to hereinafter a "Claims"), resulting ham Wire Dog
Communications (or Wire Dog Communications conlraGOrs' or subeontraetors', if
any) work performed by, orvn behaROf. Wire Dog Communications, reletiveto Ihrs
Agreemwt, cxwpl to the exvnt those Claims (a) arise solely out of the gmss
negligence o willful m wnduct of the Town ! Claims restating Rom
govemmwtalr CUnuions peformed by the Towv, or (b) w out of the gmss
negligenceorwillful miswnducr ofthe Town for Claims onside Ne swpeoroPoot
resulting from govermnental functions of the Towv. Eurthu, Wire Dog
Cammuvicafions agrees la indemnify, defend, with wunsel m whom Town does m[
have reasonable objwtions,
and hold harmless Towq its appointed and elected officials, offiwrq employees,
agwtR and representatives @om end against any and all Claims directly o
proximately caused by Wire DUg Commwications viola[ionofapplicable lawrelaled
to the Netwodcorthe Services, excepr mthecxmnt Mose Claims(a)ar solely out
o(the gmss vegliganceor willful miswnduet ofthe Town for Claims resvltivg firm
govemmemal functons performed by the Town, or (b) arse out of Ue gross
negligenwor willful miscandua ofihe Town for Claims outside thescope owfnot
resulting Rom govermnental functions of the"town- Wim Dog Communications
obligations wder this Seciiov ere conditioned upon: p that Wire Dog
Commwications shall have been promptly informed of an actual Claim or written
notice of a potential Claim cad shall have hew famished a copy oC eaoh
communication, notice or other aoriov related to the alleged Clam, 2) that Ne Town
shall cooperate with Wire Dog Communications ro provide information and
sistznw nwessary m defend orseule the suit orproceeding ,end 3) That W ire Dog
Communications shall be givev sole control of the deltnse (including the right to
select counsel), a[ its sole expense, and the sole right m compromise and settle any
suit or proceeding provided Wirc Dog Communications will not compromise or
seine any suiuhat admits Ne liability ofthe Town wi~hom Ne Town's prior approval.
Wire Dog Communications shall be responsiblefor all atlomey's fns and oNerwsm
of defending against any alleged Claim, and shall have tho right m select wunseL
The obligations sw fonh in Ihis Indemnification provision (n shall be in eRed
without regaM to wbether or not Town, Wire Dog Communiwtiovs, or any other
perso aimains, or fails m maintain, in erage, o self-insurance
progremm for any such Claims; and (ii) sball surv ve the termina[iov of Ihis
Agreement Nothing huein shell prevent Wire Dog Communictiovs insurw(s) fiom
satisfying Wire Dog Communiwtiovs obligations undo this Section.
162InGingement Ivdanvly_
162.1 Wre Dog Communicatlonscaill indemnify the Town, is ofiven, employees,
on¢ectory wvsuhanm, and agents, but not any wstomus or third parries
('Indemnities"), from losses, corm and damages and defend any suit or
proweding brought against the lvdemnilees to the extent that Ne soil or
proceeding is based ov a claim Nat [he System Opeations wnsdmm
infnngemevt of any United Steles patent, mask work, trade secret or
copyright vnd Wire Dog Communications will pay, or Wire Dog
Communications will ruse the supplier ofthe infringing Sysmm Operations
m pay, all damages awaMCd by finaljudgment (from which no appeal maybe
taken) against the lvdemni~ees, but rot ony watomars or Nird patties, holding
that the System Operations de so infringe, on condition that wire Dog
Communications (p is promptly inCOrmed and famished a wpy oC each
icatiov, no~iw or oNer anion relating to the alleged ivfnngemevq
(rp is givev amhodty ivfortnalion and assistance to defend orsenle the suit
or proceeding in a manveras W im Dog Communications may de[etmincand
(iii)is givev role oomml ofthe def se(including Nerighrto selectwwsel
and m require end allow thesupplier of the infringing System Operations to
pay damages and defend as provided herein), and the sole right to
wmpromise and settle the suit orpmceeding. If any System Operaliova are
held m infringe any valid United Smtes patent, mask work, ¢ade secret or
copyright as set forth above, and av injunmiov from a court of competent
jurisdiotiov permanently prohibim the use of Ne same in the Network or if
Wire Dog Communications believes infringement is likely, then Wire Dag
Communications will (e) prowre the right m use the System Operations in
Ne Network free of any liability far ivRingement, (b) replace or modify Ne
Sysmm Operations in theNetwork with anoo-irtfringing substimteoNmnse
complying substantially with the specifications forthe Network; ore) comply
wish Me subsequem sentwce. In Me event that (i) a vutt of eamperem
jurisdiction determinesthanhe System Opemtions iofiinge theabova-defined
rigMS ofenmher parry, (ii) all right ofeppeal or stay is exhausted as to such
order, and (iip Wire Dog Commuvicatiovs ie unable m replace or modify
such infringing System Operations in [he Network or otherwise procure the
right m cominue using [he System Operations in the Network then Wire Dog
Commvniaations will beamitled to remove Meinftivgivg System Operations
from the Network avd obtain substiwtes Mat will msuh in the Nework
performing substantially as required herein "9yatem Operafions' means OQ
the Network or evy potlion Mereof(ii) products end services as offered for
sale and provided directly by Wire Dog Communications, its parents end
subsidiaries of Wire DOg Communications and wmpaniesconunonlyowned
with Wim Dog Communcations ("Affiliates") orsuboonvadon through the
Network, and (ip operation avd design (including avaehingdevices toTOwn
Poles) o(Ihe Network.
I b 22 to no even will wre Dag Communications or im wppliem be liable for an
infiivgemenvhaL (i) would not have existed but for the use of products or
services i
n the Network Thal w not provided by Wire Dog
Commuvieations or Its Affiliates orsuboonwctom; or (ii) would not have
xisted bw for modification of, oraddifions to, the System Opeatiens by the
Town or the Town or its wnvaetors or agents. Prior m a final detuminauon
that the inGngement arore from subsection (i) or (ii) in Me preceding
emenee, Wim Dog Communications shell remain fully responsible, at its
expense, for the defrnse avd indemnification of any in6ingement claim in
accordance with this Scaion provided, Mat ifit is finally determined that the
infnogementarose Ram subseuian (i) or(ii) iv Ihepreceding sentences, then
the Town will reimburse Wire Dog Cotmnuniw[iona for its reasonable
expenses (indudiog reasonable litigation costs and anomeys fees) incurred
1 ].I Avvl cable Caw and Venue. This Agreement shall be governed by, consWed and
enforced in acwrdance with the laws ofthe Commonwealth of Virginia. The coons
oftne Counry o(PUlaski, Virginia, shall be the proper foram for any dispmes arising
1].2 HeaH~. Tne heading refemnces herein ere for mnveniwm purposes only, do not
vnstitute a part ofthis Agreement and shall not be deemed to limit or affect any of
the provisions hereof.
19.1 Imeerated D¢cumen. This Agreement, mgether with its Exhibits and Town
Ordinanoe NO., constitutes the entice egrecmwt between rim Ponies wi[h reaprol to
the subjeG meuu Hereof Except as set form Heroin, (Here am o promises,
representeHOns o understandings baween Ne genies of any kind or nature
whatsoever with respeG la the subject matter hereof.
17.4 Amendments- This Agreement may be amended Rom lime to time only by
mendmen6 that art wri¢en and executed on paper by both Pmties to this
I ZS Coun emans. This Agmement may be executed in two duphrate wuvreryens, etch
ofwnich shall be deemed an original.
IZ6 Beveft oPubfa SubjeGto theobligations o(Ihe Town end righ[s granted to Wire
Dog Communrations and vthG pmvisivns set fonh in This Agreemem and any
License Exnibi[ or amendmw[ exeeuted by Wim Dog Communications and the
Town in collection with this Agaement, wire Dog Commmications acknowledges
teal (i) the paramount use oPTown Progeny dedicated forpublic use is [ertne benefit
of the public at largq and (ii) ifs use vC Town Property shall not confiid with [he
Towns uses.
I]J Nc Waiver of Saver en 1 Nclwidts[anding any other provisions of this
Agreement[o the contrary,nothing in this Agreement nor any action taken by TOwn
ptusuanl to this Agumw[, nor any document which arises om of this Agreement
shell wvsfimte or be wnswed as a waive of either the sovemign immunity or
govemmenml im unity of the Town, o of As elected and appointed officials,
offices and employces, b the extent applicable.
I ].8 Comol'an w' h Lew . In addition to all requirements contained he¢iq iv the
exerc<se of the permission grantd by this Agreemnv[, Wire Dog Communicationa
shall wmply with all applicable fW eral, state and local laws ordioancas, business
license requirements, regulations, orders, direc[ives, rules and policies now in force
or as hereapG evactW, adopted ar promulgated.
1 ].9 $everabilirv. If one or more of the provisions of this Agreement shall be held by a
coon of competem jurisdiction in a foal judicial decision ro be void, voidable, or
uvenfomeeble, then each provisions shall be deemed severable Gom theremaining
provisions ofthis Agreement and shall in no wap affect the validityof~he remaining
provisions ofthis Agreement
1].10 Rentals The Recilak am ineorpomled into d,ia Agreement by referwoe
1].11 Radio Fr Rad' A .Wire Dog Communications represents that
the radio frequency radiation of the Approved Equipment complies with the
permissible axposure limits set forth in Federal Communications Commission
¢gulatiorta at d7 CER. $5 I. UO] @e~ 1.131 Qor as amended from Gme to time-
IN WITNE59 WHEREOF, the Ponies acknowledge and accept the terms, conditions and
obligazions ofthis Agreemen[an evidenced by the following sigtmmres of their duly authorized
represenia~ives. ^ is the incevt of the Parties tlrat this Agmemwt shall bwome operative on the
Eff live Datr_
Title: _
ApprovM CommuvlceHav Equipmeur
Uevlce Power Codsumvllov Profiles
Tropos 5210
Norm VOlis Amp Rating Rating% Op. Hrs. KWh/Mo
110V 0.13 ~ 100% ]31 10.60
220V 0.00 ~
- 100% ]31 1243
460V 0.04 700% ~ _ ]31 ~ _ 13.52 __
Motorola Cavopy 900 MHz Subscriber Module avtl Tropes 5210 with Cmvedorized
Norm Volts Amp Rating Rating % Op. Hrs. KWh/Mq
110V 0.20 100°0 ]31 16.00
220V 0.11 100% ]31 1].91 I
480V 0.05 100% ]31 ~ 1901
Motorola Cavopy 5.2 GHZ Advavlage Subssriber Madole avd Tropos 5310
Nom Volts. Am Ratin Ralin % O .Hrs kWh/MO Billin
110V 0.20 100% ]31 16.08
220V 0.11 100% ]31 1].91
480V 0.05 100% ]31 19.01
Motorola Cavopy 5.] GHZ Advevrage Subscriber Motlule avtl Tropos 5110
Nom Volts. Am Ralin Ratin % O .Hrs kWhlMO Billin
110V 0.20 100% ]31 1600
220V 0.11 100% ]31 1]91
480V 0.05 100% ]31 19.01
Ivaunvee Coverage Requiremnts
Wiredoe COmn111NWriOR4 will Procure aM maimaig & its sole wst and expense,
erage wiN inswance companies possessing an A. M. Best's wring o(A-VII
orshigher Char sarisfies or exceeds Ne below minimum:
(e) Workers Compemariov and Employers Liebillry
Worken Comper~sarion: Smrotory limits
Employers Liability: EI,000,000 each ACCidrnt-Bodily Injury by
Accident; 61,00p,000 Each Employce-Bodily Injury by Disease; aM
EI,000,000 Policy Limit- Bodily Ivjmy by Disease.
(b) CommercialOrnenl Liability huuretwe
Limit of liablity: 61,OOp,000 per accummce combined sivgle limit for
bodily injury (incladive death) etM property damage liability; 61,000,000
persoiul aM advertising injury; $2,000,000 getmal aggregatc atM
$2,000,000 aggregme for products and complned operations- Also
Wiredog Commwintiovs has a 61,000,000 umbrelle/exoess liability
policy that is on top of the above coverage. Wimdog Commuvicmioms is
entitled to allow a wmbirmtion ofpnmary arM excess policies to meet
Coverage: Premises liability; Conrmctual liability; Personal and
Advertisin8 Njury Iiability: Products evd Completed Operations;
(o) Commecial Automobile Liability
Limit of liability: 51,000,000 per o¢unence combined single limit fr
bodily injury [mdudin6 death) e~ progeny damage Iiability_
Coverage: Owned, nomown~ arM hired vehicles.
(d) Umbrella or Excess Liability
Limimf liability: 61,OOg000 pct ocwrrenoe
W'vedog Communicatov will submit at Ne Town's tctuesl, certificates of insumvice
evidencing the rcqui dcovemges prior to the wmmrncwent ofwork. WvWOg
Cotrunmdcarions may obtain any pan or all of the iasurence policies required under Nis
Exhibit wish a deducrible or xlftimored rxention chosen by Wiredog Cnmmmdnrions,
or by a combimrion ofprimmy and excess policies, without the prior written approval of
the Town m any orhermrity. Ifm the time ofwtrumncemnt ofMe work under this
A&eement, Wiredog Corrimunicatlons self-ivsures its wohers' wmpenserion or
automobik liability, Wiredog Commwicarions may, in lies of the foregoing famish ro
the sown a current espy of the state certifcation form for self-i¢surooce or a currem
copy of[he State letter of approval, whiclrever is appropriam.
The Parties agree the wsumnce ( lading xlf-wsumnce) requirements ofthis Exhibit are
rat ivterMed tq aM do not (a) expand or limit Ne'. ifiaariovs made in Nis
Agreemrnt by W irtdog Communications ro Ne iowq if my, or ro) expend or limit
Wiredog Communicatons' liability to the rows sa povidN in Nis Agreemrnt.
Exhibit C
Publie Benefits end Addirional5ervices Provided by Wiredag
A. Public Benefits
Wiredag shall provide the Public Benefits az set Pooh in this Sution A, ben this provision shall
not be determined or constmed to effect other provisions of this agreement, ben shell be in
addition thereto
L Wi-Fi Acwonts. Wiredog shall provide acwunts for the following uses (IJ povernmut
Use (the "Wi-Fi Rroadband Aowuna'~_ Cusmmu premises equipment for norv
govemmem customus, including without limitation any user equipmnt or devices for
sing or using the awoums (wlledively `CPE"J. Wiredog may provide iofonnation
r recommwdafions regarding CPE. Wiredog may pmvide any CPE Cor the W i-Fi
9roadband Accounts otherwise undo the Agreement for Govenment Use accoums on
such toms az W imdog genuelly makes available b thiN pattiea
LI Wi-Fi Broadband AWOWls forpovemmem Use
1.1.1 Wiredog shall Cumish Wi-1'i Broadband Aewums for Gpvermnent Use to
the Town of Pulaski, az follows: W i-Fi Broadband ACCOUms for
Goverment Use shall be assigned by the Town for use by eloued and
appointed officers, officials, employees, con¢aetom and agents o[ the
Town, in acwNanw with section 2.53 o[lhis agreement The Broadband
Accounts for Government Use that are used by the Town during a billing
period will be free. The Town may purchase additional W i-Fi broadband
Accomts for Government Use et the town's sale option.
The Wi-Fi Broadband Acwums far Goverment Use shall provide wirelees
data mensmission end Internet access with a eommeroially reaso~ble
efforts data transmission rote of et Icast approximately 1.0 Mbps
downstream / 1 0 Mbps upstream, and dynamic IP addresses; provided
Wiredag shall pmvide the W i-Fi Broadband Aocow[s far Gpvermnent
Use the service availability it provides to Wiredog mteil customers that
purchase the standard unlimited awes wi-fi product. Wiredog amiss the
right to make changes m the Wiredog retail services and services offered
to the Wi-Fi Rroadband Awoun[s for Government Use et its reasonable
discretion (sobjwt m the genual requiremenm of the pervious sentence}
L1.2 In the Town of Pulazki's sole discretion, the Town may bundle its own
mduding but not limited m, email, software, wppoq Web
pages esystems, V PN software, and oMu services selected by the Town
with the W i-n Broadband product to the Town's end ours at the Town's
cost The Town will be resportslble fonhe cast of CPE and iostellation
es for W i-Fi Broadband accounts for its end users, and may in its
sole discretion, i[self provide and/or charge iu end users Por CPB
insrallation services and ongoing support The CPE shall be approved and
certified by Wiredog to mn on the Network and shall not be detrimemal to
the network's performance.
1.1.3 If Wiredog discontinues the underlying commercial Service used to
provide the W i-Fi Broadband Accoums [or Oovurunem Use and mplaces
it with a product ofthe same or higher transmission rate, Wiredog shall
provide accow[s for such replacement product to the Town instead ondcr
the same [wms and conditions.