HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-03-93August 3, 1993
Minutes of
August 3, 1993,
There were
Council Me
the regular meeting of the Pulaski Town
at 4:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers in
present: Vice Mayor W. H. Schrader,
tubers: Charles D. Crispin, Roy H.
Andrew L. Graham, E. G. B1
Alma H. Holston, Robert N.
Council held
the Municipal
Jr., presiding
ack, Jr.,
Also Present: Frank Terwilliger, Town Attorney
Thomas M. Combiths, Town Manager
Robert J. Lyons, Asst. Town Manager
Ruth A. Harrell, Clerk
Visitors: Dee Lindsey and Paul Dellinger, News Media
Pete Crawford
Mrs. Walter Novell
Henderson Randolph
Mary L. Duncan
Valencia Johnson
Ronald Vaughan
Frances Delp
James C. Lefler
The meeting was called to order by Vice Mayor W. H. Schrader.
Councilman Glenn led the Pledge of Allegiance and Councilman
Crispin gave the Invocation.
Following the roll call, Councilwoman Holston so moved that the
minutes of the regular meeting of July 20, 1993, be approved as
submitted, seconded by Councilman Black and carried.
HEAR~NG Vice Mayor Schrader stated that first on the agenda was a public
Baring to consider a request by Pulaski Furniture Corporation to close
a portion of an East-West alley located between 5th Street, North and
4th Street, North in Block 34.
Mr. Combiths advised that visual overheads had been prepared to
illustrate the exact location of the alley, and also the Town Attorney
had several agreements to review with Town Council regarding the alley
By use of the overhead visuals, Mr. Lyons, pointed out the 125 ft.
section that was requested to be closed, between Washington and Madison.
Mr. Terwilliger reported that in researching this particular alley,
it was formed back in 1890. This section was platted and at that time
the statute read that the Town would require only an easement over the
alleyway which means that under Virginia law would revert to abutting
9292 August 3, 1993
land owners. Mr. Terwilliger had been in touch with the attorney for
the abutting land owner, the Muncy's, who own the shopping center where
the Southwest Times is located. Their main concern was that they have
continued access to the back of the property. They did not want to
hinder any expansion project for Pulaski Furniture. In contacting
Pulaski Furniture, they could get by with a 40 foot section of the alley
being closed, starting at the eastern line, lot 7, and going 40 feet
would accomplish their objectives. Mr. Terwilliger advised that part of
the request was not only that the alley be closed and vacated, but that
that the entire width of the alley be abandoned to the requester,
Pulaski Furniture, and it is necessary to have that interest of the
Muncy's. Mr. Terwilliger made the recommendation that instead of closing
the entire alley, to close only that 40 foot section abutting lot 7.
Mr. Terwilliger had a proposed agreement with the Muncy's whereby if
that is all we do, and we agree to pave the alley and have it maintained
either directed by the Town or Pulaski Furniture, that they will then
give us a deed to their 10 ft. section of the alley.
Mr. Terwilliger had checked with Pulaski Furniture who advised that
they would be happy to maintain the alley if the Town paved it. This
would remain a public alley, therefore, the Town would have the
obligation to maintain it.
There were no comments from the public for or against this alley
ORDINANCE public hearing was closed at 4:10 p. m.
CLOSING Ordinance No. 93-18 was before Council Closing a Forty Foot Portion
of an East-West Alley Located Between Fifth Street, North and Fourth
Street North, in Block 34 Beginning from a Point at the East Line of
Lots 7 and 26, Continuing Eastward 40 Feet. Councilwoman Holston so
moved that reading of Ordinance No. 93-18 be waived, seconded by
Councilman D'Ardenne and carried.
Councilwoman Holston made a motion that Ordinance No. 93-18 be
adopted, seconded by Councilman Crispin and carried on the following
recorded vote:
ORD. N0. 93-18 Charles D. Crispin - Aye Andrew L. Graham - Aye
ADOPTED J. R. Schrader, Jr. - Absent E. G. Black, Jr. - Aye
PULASKI Roy H. D'Ardenne - Aye Alma Holston - Aye
FURN. W, H. Schrader, Jr. - Aye Robert N. Glenn - Aye
Councilman D'Ardenne made a motion that Council authorize Vice
Mayor W. H. Schrader to sign the agreement with the Muncy's, seconded
by Councilman Black, and carried on the following recorded vote:
AUTHORIZED Charles D. Crispin - Aye Andrew L. Graham - Aye
TO SIGN J. R. Schrader, Jr. - Absent E. G. Black, Jr. - Aye
AGREEMENT Roy H. D'Ardenne - Aye Alma H. Holston - Aye
W. H. Schrader, Jr. - Aye Robert N. Glenn - Aye
Mr. Ira S. (Pete) Crawford expressed his appreciation to Town
Council for their efforts and advised that next week, Pulaski Furniture
would be making public an announcement as a result of the action taken
Aug. 3, 1993 9293
TREE In hearing from the public, Mrs. Walter Novell, Pierce Ave.,
addressed Council advising that she had a huge tree on 4th Street that
she was afraid would fall on her property and asked that the Town remove
the tree. Mr. Combiths advised that the Town Engineer had done an
initial investigation of the location of the tree. Mr. Terwilliger had
been working on this complaint and and after a research of records at
the courthouse, he will get Mrs. Novell a reply later this week.
As there were no further comments from the public, Vice Mayor
Schrader called for Council Committee Reports.
In the absence of Chairman J. R. Schrader, Councilwoman Holston
advised that the Personnel Committee had met July 28, 1993. The
Personnel Committee recommended, and Councilman D'Ardenne so moved that
the following appointments be made:
APPOINTMEN'T~wn Manager Thomas M. Combiths as alternate to Councilman Glenn on
the New River Valley Airport Commission;
Town Manager Thomas M. Combiths as alternate to Mayor Gary Hancock
Virginia Municipal League;
Town Manager Thomas M. Combiths to the New River Resource Authority
That John Bolen be reappointed to Trustees to Cemetery Trust Fund
for three year term;
That Frank Gilbert, Jr. be reappointed to the Beautification
Committee for a three year term;
That Eddie Hale be appointed to fill unexpired term of Tom Cox
on the Parking Authority with term to expire December 18, 1994.
That Robbie Gardner be reappointed to the Parking Authority for
a five year term.
That Erin Wigginton be reappointed to the Housing Board of
Adjustments and Appeals for another five year term;
That Betty Sadler be reappointed to the Architectural Review Board
for a four year term.
Motion then carried on the following recorded vote:
Charles D. Crispin - Aye Andrew L. Graham - Aye
J. R. Schrader, Jr. - Absent E. G. Black, Jr. - Aye
Roy H. D'Ardenne - Aye Alma H. Holston - Aye
W. H. Schrader, Jr. - Aye Robert N. Glenn - Aye
Councilwoman Holston advised that at the Personnel Committee, it
was suggested that an additional meeting be scheduled to examine whether
to designate the Town buildings as smoke-free environments. It was also
suggested that we look into honoring outstanding students for academic
WATER Chairman Schrader stated that the Finance Committee had met prior
STUDY to the Council Meeting to review an agreement between the Town and Ernst
9294 August 3, 1993
& Young for a water rate study. The Finance Committee recommended, and
Chairman Schrader so moved, that the Town Manager be authorized to go
into agreement similar to the one that was reviewed with minor changes,
with price of study to be $30,000.
Councilman Graham stated he could not support the hiring of a
consultant in making our water study. Councilman Graham stated that we
do have a good water system, but in his opinion, it had been managed
very poorly for the past several years. The Town Administration, along
with Council, he believed, had the ability to come up with a proper
water rate. Councilman Graham stated that we know the cost of
improvements, and that is the only way the consultants will secure this
information is from the Town itself. He felt we know the cost of
operating our system and the revenue we are receiving, and that we can
identify our problems and he believed the Council should back the Town
administration and come up with a water rate that is satisfactory and
fair to all the people and businesses in our Town. Councilman Graham
further stated that he believed that people elect them to make decisions
and this is a hard decision because we are talking about increasing
rates and it is this Council's responsibility to act on this. We have
to have the money in the water fund to pay for this $30,000 study and he
believed we could afford the luxury of waiting 6 months or so longer to
adjust the water rates although they will give us an interim rate by
September 15 but even that will be near the end of the year before we
will start realizing any increase in revenue. He stated we are running
at a deficit of about $17,000 per month in the water fund and we had not
addressed the issue of how we were going to pay for this consultant
service, how we will pay for deficit that is accumulating every month,
what projects would be folded in for the rate study, where we will get
the money to pay for our second installment of $180,000 to the water
fund indebtedness.
Councilman Graham stated that we have approximately 250-300 meters
that are not operating. He felt we should have proper water meters and
we have a lot of work to do in the water system. There are not any
capital expenditures to improve our water system in the budget.
Councilman Graham could not support the contract.
Councilman Crispin also commented that he supported the comments of
Councilman Graham. He felt that the Town government could come up with
a proper water rate that would be fair and equitable to all the citizens
and businesses. Councilman Crispin felt the primary problem we have is
tepidity; that we are afraid to take the position and we are hiring
consultants at a cost of $30,000 so that if they come up with a
recommendation and it is voted on, and it turns out to be a bad move,
then we can pass the buck to the consultant and try to absolve ourselves
of the responsibility. Councilman Crispin had no intention of voting to
support a position that requires the Town taxpayers to spend another
$30,000. He felt that they had been elected, and had the responsibility
to do what they were elected or paid for. One of those things, in his
opinion, is to come up with a fair and equitable water rate, or any
other things required for the Town without spending additional
taxpayers' money to accommodate it. Under those circumstances, he would
not support this contract.
Councilman Graham stated that although he did not support the
August 3, 1993 9295
hiring of consultant, if they do come to review the situation, he felt
that Council should be appraised of date they would be here and allowed
to attend those meetings if possible.
Motion then carried on the following recorded vote:
AUTH. TO Charles D. Crispin
SIGN AGREES . R. S c h r a d e r, J r.
MENT Roy H . D' Ardenne
WATER STY. W. H. Schrader, Jr.
- No Andrew L. Graham - No
- Absent E. G. Black, Jr. - Aye
- Aye Alma H. Holston - Aye
- Aye Robert N. Glenn - No
Chairman Graham advised that a
scheduled for August 5, however, as
the meeting date would be changed,
Utilities Committee meeting had been
additional information was needed
possibly to next Thursday.
S.GIBSON Chairwoman Holston advised that the Public Operations Committee had
met July 29 and reviewed the request of Sonny Gibson for permission to
install a "pick-up" window on the east wall of Sonny's Place so that
orders could be picked up from vehicles in the North-South alley between
the restaurant and the former Pulaski Theatre. Chairwoman Holston
stated an objection had been received from the Police Department due to
concerns over access for fire and emergency vehicles and trash
collection. Also, the alley carries a significant amount of traffic
related to the courts. The Fire Chief also objected to the request
because vehicles at the window could potentially impede firefighting
MAIN ST. Councilwoman Holston stated that the Public Operations Committee
PARK .recommended, and she so moved that staff be directed to designate two 15
minute parking spaces on the north side of Main Street between the
historic Courthouse and the the subject alley, for easy access to
Appalachian Power Co., restaurants, etc. during normal business hours,
and carried.
Chairwoman Holston also stated that the Public Operations Committee
suggested that the Town Manager review whether the existing loading
space on the south side of Main Street should be converted to two hour
PEAK CREEK Chairwoman Holston stated that the Public Operations Committee also
met on July 21 and reviewed the dike constructed by the Town at Kersey
Bottom. The Public Operations Committee recommended, and Chairwoman
Holston so moved that the following maintenance plan be adopted:
1) Erosion from a storm that has a significant impact on the
structural integrity of the retaining wall will be repaired by the Town
on the creek side only. This determination will be made jointly by the
Public Works Director, Town Engineer and Town Manager.
2j Repair and maintenance on the property owner's side will be the
responsibility of the property owner.
9296 August 3, 1993
3} The Town will not be responsible for any seeding, reseeding,
mowing or maintenance for any portion of the retaining wall.
4) If the entire retaining wall or a significant portion is
completely destroyed through a natural occurrence, the Town will seek
State and Federal aid to replace or repair the retaining wall if
The Town will forward this maintenance plan to the property owners.
In addition, the Public Works Department will perform the following
items one more time:
a) Remove several large rocks on the north side of the retaining
wall on Mrs. Morefield's property.
b) Reseed the top of the bank.
c) Plant appropriate vegetation along the bank after seeking input
from the Soil Conservation department.
(DRAINAGE Chairwoman Holston stated that the Town Engineer and Public Works
Director also explained that the Mifflin Avenue drainage improvement
will also address the drainage ditch near Mr. Ratcliff's Melborn Street
PEAK CREEK Mr. Lyons reported that the Public Works Department had removed the
large rocks from Mrs. Morefield's property. The Soil Conservation
Department recommended that seeding the bank be done in January,
February or March.
Added to Public Operation Committee's motion was suggestion by Mr.
PEAK CREEI~Terwilliger that when we go onto anyone's property that we obtain a
release from them so that they understand that we aren't going to be
liable in the event there is a problem.
Motion then carried.
Chairman Glenn advised that before Council was Ordinance No. 93-19
ORD. 93-lc~stablishing the Family and Medical Leave Act for the Town's Personnel
Medical Policies and Procedures Manual, and so moved that reading of this
Leave ordinance be waived, seconded by Councilwoman Holston and carried.
Under the federal act, we have to have information in our employee
handbook which advises the employees of their right under the act
according to Mr. Terwilliger. The easiest way to do this is to adopt
the policy and then when the Departemnt of Labor comes out with its
regulations, we can amend the policy as necessary.
Chairman Glenn made a motion that Ordinance No. 93-19, to include
section 4, sub-section D, paragraph "d" be adopted, seconded by
Councilman Crispin and carried on the following recorded vote:
Charles D. Crispin - Aye Andrew L. Graham - Aye
August 3, 1993 9297
3. R. Schrader, Jr. - Absent E. G. Black, Jr. - Aye
Roy H. D'Ardenne - Aye Alma H. Holston - Aye
W. H. Schrader, Jr. - Aye Robert N. Glenn - Aye
TRAIN WHISTChairman Glenn advised that before Council was Ordinance No. 93-20
Amending Sec. 10-16 of the Town Code, regulating train signals.
Chairman Glenn stated that the Ordinance Committee recommended to
Council that the ordinance be revised once again to advise the railroad
that they are to discontinue the use of bells, whistles or horns within
the Town limits except when reasonably necessary in the judgment of the
train operator to warn traffic or pedestrians of the approaching train.
Chairman Glenn so moved that reading of Ordinance No. 93-20 be
waived, seconded by Councilman Crispin, and carried.
The Ordinance Committee recommended, and Councilman Glenn so moved,
that Ordinance No. 93-20 be adopted.
Councilwoman Holston reported that when this ordinance was changed
several months ago, it was after a meeting with the County, Town of
Dublin, Town of Pulaski and representatives of Norfolk Southern
Railroad. For safety of our citizens, she could not vote for this
ordinance. Councilwoman Holston felt that ordinance should stay as it
is now, nat blowing whistle at night and blowing whistle during daytime.
She stated a lot of children and adults were in Jackson Park, and
children on bicycles. Also, when train station is open with Chamber of
Commerce and museum operating in it, we will have many people right at
the tracks.
Councilman Crispin appreciated remarks of Councilwoman Holston but
had heard from one other member of Council that he had been witness to
children going out and challenging the train even though the train was
blowing the whistle. Evidently, the train whistle was not deterring
doing something stupid. He did not believe that blowing the whistle
would help. He felt that people who sleep in the daytime should have
the same consideration as those sleeping at night. If the railroad sees
a child or anything else that would pose a danger either to property or
personnel, they have a perfect right to blow the whistle under this
ordinance. He felt it was a good change.
From the public, Mr. Randolph stated that most of the wrecks are at
gates where gates are down and people are trying to beat the train.
Councilman Graham expressed concern over the safety. He stated we
had not had many complaints from 7:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m. Most of the
complaints are from blowing the whistle at night. He felt that if we
had one serious accident due to lack of not blowing a whistle, it would
be a terrible situation. He felt that 11:00 p.m. until 7:00 a.m. with
no whistle blowing, would be adequate. He felt that we might not be
calling the railroad's attention to this matter.
Vice Mayor Schrader advised that the former Town Manager and the
Chief of Police had been over this several times with the railroad
authorities, and he supported the ordinance before Council as it did not
excuse the train operator from blowing his whistle when there was
something on the tracks.
9298 August 3, 1993
Motion to adopt Ordinance No. 93-20 then carried on the following
recorded vote:
ORD. 93-20
Train Whistles
Charles D. Crispin - Aye Andrew L. Graham - No
J. R. Schrader, Jr. - Absent E. G. Black, Jr. - No
Roy H. D'Ardenne, Jr. - Aye Alma H. Holston - No
W. H. Schrader, Jr. - Aye Robert N. Glenn - Aye
Chairman Glenn stated that before Council was Ordinance No. 93-21
Amending Section 10-72 of the Pulaski Town Code regarding the parking of
tractor-trucks in residential areas.
Chairman Glenn so moved that reading of Ordinance No. 93-21 be
waived, seconded by Councilman D'Ardenne and carried.
Chairman Glenn made a motion that Ordinance No. 93-21 be adopted,
seconded by Councilwoman Holston and carried on the following recorded
ORD. 93-21
TRACTOR/ Charles D. Crispin - Aye Andrew L. Graham - Aye
TRAILER J. R. Schrader, Jr. - Absent E. G. Black, Jr. - Aye
PARKING Roy H. D'Ardenne - Aye Alma H. Holston - Aye
W. H. Schrader, Jr. - Aye Robert N. Glenn - Aye
Mr. Terwilliger had no report.
Mr. Combiths reported that:
The Town is currently in process with our annual audit.
The Public Works is finished with the Rural Water Association
first phase of their leak detection tests thoughout the Town.
Mr. Lyons and staff are working on the train station project
and its renovation.
We are also looking at the right-of-way to extend the trail
system from its current terminus at Bob White into Town.
Engineering have finished the lift station at Wurno that they
have been working on for a number of months.
Closing took place with Mr. George Penn in his business on
Washington Ave.
It was also reported that Mr. Combiths would pursue the matter of
the Enterprise Zone with the County.
Councilman Crispin stated that he had requested from Mr. Lyons a
detailed report regarding Pulaski Main Street, Inc. Mr. Lyons reported
that this report should be ready very shortly as the Town Manager, and
Asst. Town Manager had met with the Finance Director so that they can
begin to close out the books at June 30.
August 3, 1993 9299
Councilwoman Holston stated that she liked the "Statement of
Belief" that had been distributed to Town Council.
Councilwoman Holston reported that the 7-11 stores have a project
"People Who Read Achieve" and last year gave money to the Literacy
Program. The information Councilwoman Holston received was given to the
Pulaski County Library and the Southland Chesapeake Division has awarded
money to our local Library.
At 5:00 p.m., Councilman Graham made a motion that Council adjourn,
seconded by Councilman Black and carried.
W. H. c rader, Vic Mayor
Ruth A. Harrell, Clerk
9300 August 17, 1993
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Pulaski Town Council held
August 17, 1993, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers in the Municipal
There were present: Mayor Gary C. Hancock, presiding
Council Members: Charles D. Crispin, J. R. Schrader, Jr.,
Roy H. D'Ardenne, Andrew L. Graham,
E. G. Black, Jr., Alma H. Holston,
Robert N. Glenn
Also Present: Frank Terwilliger, Town Attorney
Thomas M. Combiths, Town Manager
Robert J. Lyons, Asst. Town Manager
Ruth A. Harrell, Clerk
Visitors: Dee Lindsey and Paul Dellinger, News Media
Mildred Bolen Ronald Vaughan
Roscoe Cox Bob Wallace
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Grubb Flo Stevenson
Anne Wallace Winnie Wampler
Margaret Stark Wes Stark
E. S. Hoopes III Jack Jackson
Audrey Jackson Jeanette Stephens
Marlis R. Flynn E. M. Stephens
Mary & Al Trivisonno Virginia Kirkland
Gilmer Newman Ruth Crispin
Nellie & J. B. Warner Elda Kennedy
Eddie Hall Sonny Gibson
Debbie Jonas Tommy Jonas
Stephen Weston Barry Buckner
8 area citizens
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hancock.
Councilman Black led the Pledge of Allegiance and Mayor Hancock
gave the Invocation.
Following the roll call, Councilwoman Holston so moved that
minutes of the regular meeting of August 3, 1993, be approved as
submitted, seconded by Councilman Crispin and carried.
FAIR Mayor Hancock advised that before Council was Resolution No.
HOUSING Endorsing the Concept of Fair Housing.
Mr. Lyons stated that in 1991 the Town received a Community Block
Grant for the Cool Springs Neighborhood Improvements. Each year of the
grant we are required to further the concept of fair housing to meet our
grant requirement. Councilman J. R. Schrader so moved that reading of
Resolution No. 93-12 be waived, seconded by Councilman D'Ardenne and