HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-21-60~2~i(1 Counci_1. rains. June ?~ ~ 1Q~0~ )i n. m. ?`Ii nutPS of the regular meeting of the Pulaski Toti~m Council he.1d on the ?_lst day of June, 1960, i n the l~uni_cipa.l Office, at L p, m. There were present: Mayor C, V. Jackson, p.resi.di_n7. Coun~i.lmen: ?a, S. ^ummings, '~T. F. '°rhi_te, Gl. Pn K. !?ust, T. J. McCarthy, J. R. Martin, J. 1,°1. Nash, ty'. A, ?,arson Absent: F. I., Carri eo ^l~o present: To?m Manager: T. ?~. I`toland Clerk: Gladys R. Dalton ToTan Attorney: Garnett S, Moore V;_sitors: Barbara Brookfield, reporter fc~r the ~outhT•rest Times RPzT, Cu-^tis L. SrTa~;ner C, L, '~Thitehurst Aulden Lemons The nvocation t~ras given by the Rc~T. C. I. ~~Ta~;ner, pastor of the First. ~ethodi_~t Church. Aulden Lemont, command~_n~ officer of the l.ocal_ Air OFFICER'S & AIRMEN'S FLIGHT ASK PERMISSION TO USE NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY FOR HOLDING ACADEMIC SESSIONS Force Reserve unit, asked Co~.zncil for permission for the Officer's Flight and Airemen's I!~l:ight to use the National Guard Armory Classroom for the rnrpose of holding academic sessions. HP said the two groans meet on T~Tednesda~T ni ~;hts and ho1.d at least 2?~ meetings a. vea.r, none of T~rhi.ch are he~.d during th~-~ s~zmmer, Mr, Lemons was advi.,Pd that the rFrrzest would be cons.dornd and he ?,soul d bra ad~~i_sed later, ToUm NIana~er Noland road a petition signed by 1.2 PETITION FOR PAVING OF MATHEWS COURT REFERRED TO STREET COMMITTEE resi dents in P~atheT~rs Court compl.ai ni.ng of the street conc?~ Lions in that area any? askin~* Council t.r authori?e the paving of the Str^rts to stop the dust. Mr. I~loland advised that Cotznc~l.'s recent recommendation that thie particular street be paved to the fire hydrant, would r~ carri.ed out ~•ri_thin ~ very short time. The cost of -paving tho t~~ro dead F~nc? str~Pts n thi.G subd~ Sri ~i nn w?s di scussed briefly. On motion off' T. J. NcCarthy, seconded by G7_en K. Aunt, and Carr; Pd unani.mo~ael.v, ,'t was RT.';S OT `~7F'D, that the matter of '~avi ng the two d Pad PUBLIC HEARING ON REQUEST FOR RE- end streetG n Nlathews Court subdi.~T~sion bP rPferr.ed to the ZONING OF MACGILL PROPERTY IN BOWLING ,Street Comm ttee fora recemmendati.on. COURT; CLASSIFICATION CHANGED TO BUSINESS i~ P°7avor Jac?r^on ±,hen d?cl_arPd the mPPti nn t,o be a ^ubi-~ ^ heari nfi, as had bP~n adverti sPd i n ±,'~~ °o~zthj~-P~t, Ti mes, I ~~~~.~~ C~~.,nc-i1 m,ns. contd. cTl'nr ~~.. ~96n, ~! Tl. m~ ~n ~ r~r„ As+., of I~'m. D. NiacG-i ~ 1 that +h~ cff~ ~; a7 ?oning I~!ap ~r the Token of Pul asks h~ ?m~nde~? so that ~ ~~ort.on ~f the SPct~ nn known as Bow7.in~r Court ma.ur h~ changQd from Its pr~~s~nt rPs~.dent.~a7. • class~.fication to h~xs~nPSS claGC~ficatior.., the snec~fi.c area. be~_ng t.hP ,Tacant lot frontsn€r on the west side of South ~?ashington 'Ivenue and bounded on the south s; de b« the Property of NPnneth ~~illiams and on the north side by the r`rorort~ies of ?~1hi_ting Oil Ccmnany a.nd T. J. McCarthy, As nn c~_ti^~n spoke c;_ther for or a~-a~_nst said amendment, and upon the r~commen~ation from the Vu.laSki. P7ann~n~ Comm.~s~ on, on motion dully ma~Q ?nd seconded, and carry ~d en +,he fo1._lo?ring veto, ?nr S. Cummings -aye J. ?°`. I~?asr -aye .~7. 4. Larson - aye Glen K. Rust - ayA T,r, F, ?^Thite -aye T. J. McCarthy -aye J. R. Iv`tarti.n -aye F. I. ^arr~.co -absent it was RI~;SOIVFD that the present residential claGs; f~_cation of that, certain jracant lot fronting on the west s~_de of South ~°Tash-i.ngton .Avenue and boundr~ or. the ~o~~th ^~.dp by the property of Kennoth ?^Ti11 ems and on the north side by the propprti es of ?^?h tin¢ Oi.l Company and T. J. T'_rc0arth?, bF changed to hum; ness cl.ass_fica- tion. P~"azror ~7 ~ e'cs or, read aloud the f_ o~ ~ oT,ri n~ h~. d for t~~ ephon~ franchi^~ submi_tted btT +he Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Cemnanv: R~: chmor.-', Va . , .z~~ne 21, ?.9~~ TO TI-TF' NtAYOR AND C^I?nTCTL 0~' TJ~; TOI.~ITI 0~' P(77ASIrT, VIRGINIA: Gentlemen: The Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Com-~any of Virginia b~_ds the sum of Fi_:ffv Dollars (`50.00) for the BID OF C & P TEL. fra.nch7sP proposed to he c;ranted in the ord9_nance, kThich COMPANY FOR has been adv?rtised in the Southwest T1mPS, entit7.ed, TELEPHONE FRANCHISE iiAPJ ORDINAPICF GRANTING A FRAAICIIISF TO READ & ACCEPTED• c• Fc~ ~• rc• ~„-, ~ ITS ,>IJCC. „,~OR~ AP1P A,,,,IGI1S, TO U,. ~, TIIC S~'~'P~~'~ 0 ~I~R ORDINANCE AND ,PtTBLIC P7,ACI~;S OF TILT' TO?~~ OF PULASKI, VIRG?NI ~, FOR ITS AGREEMENT POIFS , ?~TIRI'S, CONDUIT ~, CABI ~" ~.ND FTX'1~TRF , " ADOPTED ' And i_f the said fran~h.s~ ~ s granted to ThA Chesapeake and Potomac Te.lPphone Company ef. Virginia, it w~.l_1 ohservc~ and rerform al7_ the cnnditionc ana re- Ci? rements contained .n saic' ord~.nance an~I Vri.1.l rPimb~zrse the Tc~~-n of '.'u.~.aski for the cost of advertise nu the same, and will g~~rF the, bend. as r~c.u~~^ed by ~_aT~. p certifi.ecl check for the s~.im of Fif+;,- Dol7~rs (`"~~.c~}' the bid herer~~ made, ~s hc~r~with Pn~lns~d. TNT' CHI'S n p?~41{~ 1~ nOTOT~AC TC'T;~?~HOTZF CCr~~PANY (~'~ VIRGINIA PY /s/ J. Rhodes NTitchell ~~_~ Cozzncil_ minx. contd. As there were` no other bids, on mot~.on of T''. F. ?°'hi_te, seconr?ed by T,i. C. Cummings, ~~nd carri.ed on the folloiai.ng vote, the following ord:i.na.nce bras ado~t~c~ grant,_ng the franchi.Ge to Tune 21, 1960, )~ m, the ChesaseakP an~T Potomac Teleshor_e Comsany; as Poll o1~r, T°' . ., . ~ C u mmi ng s -aye ?^7. A, Larson - ave 1~~1. F, T,'hite -aye J. R. Martin - aye <T. ti"~. Nash - aye Glen K, Aust - ~--e T,J. ~~?cCarthy - a.ye ,. ~~ T Carrico -aye it AN OR'~INAT~TCr GRANTINf;, A ~~FtAA?CHI~~' TO TTfi' CHI'S:4°~'AKF ^.RTD POTON~~C' TF~-T'?'HOP;F; Cnn'[?',gNY 0't' VIROIPTT.n , TTS SUCCT+,SSORS AVID I+.SSTrNS, TO US?'. TFI'' ~TRI';r TS AND OTIfi?R PI?BLIC PIy~CrS OF THr TOTr1N C~' PULASKT, TTRGT_PTIA, FOR ITS POLrS, T^,TTRT?`', C~]~TDTTTTS, CABLES AND FIXTURE'S, IarFI~'RF'AS, a ~rososed ordi.na.nc~, entit~_ed, "A P? (~'?11TP?ANCF GRAI~TTT?~tG A FRANCHIST~ mC ~~TS SUCC??;T;ORS A..T~n ~.S~Tf~T~T`=, TO TT; " ~,,; ~~n C & P TEL. OTHER P?JB?~T(' PLACES OF T. ~~ TC~^iN OF ~P?JI,ASKI, VITP.GINT_A, FOR TTS POL~FS~ T~TIR".S, C~PdnITJTT~', CABLT'S P.DiDn+'IXT[TRt'c'," ORDINANCE t~r,as ordered try be advert, sed by the Council of the Town o" P,zlast~., after its +•~rms ha.d been annroved by the MaYPr; ., nc3 . . '.T?~:Rr,~S, }he terms o:E sai_d ordi nanr.P ti~1erP anDrov~d by the T~,ayor and the same has been ~~.zbli:~hed oncF a week for four successive weeks ;_n "~0?T`t'TI~;~n,`~T TIP~~~S", a newss~trer published ; tit the Tom of ''ul_ask=., end ha~Ti TtP_' ~Pneral ci._rcula- tion in ea.d To*~rn, tThich said a-T--rrti_G^ment .nvited b_c?s for the fra.nch;_sP sro~o.ned t.o bP gra.ntPd -in sai'. ord:i_na.nce, sai? bids to be i_n wri.~,i ng and do7_i_vc-~red ctron +,he c?a,y and hoar named ; n sa; ~? a~?~*erti semPnt to t'^e src's;_din~ off~_cer of the Counc:il., ~in often session; and ~dT-IF;RrAS, at trP session of sai,a Council t~ recP~_ve sa,'r? bids, t•ho PrF~si.d-~_ng off; cc~r read aloud the only bid recei ved, being the b~.r] of The Ch?S~a.rnake anc? Potomac Telophon^ Corns an~r of V~ rni ni a, in ~,,rri ti.ng,and for the sum of FIFTY DOI.~L^R> (`~~0,~O); and ':Tr~'RSA.S, i nau-i?~r tras mac?o her the pr. esi_din,~ officer ;.f any f.~trther bias wer^ offer. mod; ~:nd 'vr?i',~AS, therA werr^ no further bidr offer~~~?, and the pre- siding officer ther~u~on r?ecla.red t•hP bi.d~?ing cl.o^~d; and „'IIrRrAS, the ,,ai_d sroposod ord~ nance anal said bid -~~re r~ferr~~? tc th^ r~,,nc~.l_ as a ~ommittr?r~ o~' +r~ T^rrole t,,rhich r°rorted ~n faslor of accesti.n~ sai. r? T~ir? ?n~ ado;ti_ne said :~ :', TFI"R'Fc''?~', F3 ~. TT 0~?D~T"Tr'n Rv TIIr~' r;nrtp?(`,TT, nF T?-T' T~:TT. OF ?,LT?Ar„T~ ~'t*?r,`"KT LOUT.?TY, TrrR.GTT~?IA, that T?T" CFfi^'.~P,- 1'`?l~.K" nND '~nT-~r.'7! C T~': i T„-'HCPr`' rnr~T',^ I~Ty nn TlTR,GTT~~I ~:, its cuccessor^ ?n~? ~L si nn^, f~tr a -~Prio~; of thi rt~r (?0) Yr~ar. s bo ~n l . ^ herery •~uthori~ ~c? =end cm•~o.,rnred t,c const,ruct, maintain and os erat~ its rost.s, nol ~,,, conduits, manhol es, dl]CtS, cabl es, ?d~rrS and ?.11 Ot}')P.r nF'C""'S?rv nVr'rT"le?d ~'t1~? unr?~rnrnun? ~-,1 aratus nn, over, al_on¢, in, under. .end through the stroets, a.lle~rs, hi.ghtr^J~^ end other. ~?~ablic. daces T,~;thin the 7_amits of the-' ToT~,m of 'u.laG?,~., ~.~~ the ~ount~T of "t~lasl-i, anc? `"+.at~ of ~Tirmin;~ a.nr? to us^ the ~ror~ert~T o~ ot,h~r comsahies anr? ;:erm±• ot~hPr cornrtan~ ~s to , ..~ :_ts ^rotPrt~r U?-'0T1 SuCT'1 arY'?Y1_~''f?m~ntG ~6 t}1P I;wO C~`mn?l1~ °s T??^V '~~"~"!?n; 1'ROTVCHT'D: ~ - 1 1 Co)ln~-il mirs. eon's'. [f/~J t~ 4 l ; ,~ r ~ ^. ~' ~F ~ • j °:'rTTnT- ~. That a1.7 rn~~~ ~r ^+.~d b,r said Com; "nor ,~}1a~]. h~: n°3+ 'infa Sr,'m?71r't,r; cal, and shall 1~~ cn ~ nr'~tE:'r? aS in no 7Tay to ;_nterfer^ T,rth t?~~~ safnt~r or conv~niencc~ of_ '_-?F'rSOn" travE?~_~ np• On Or O~rPr thP. Sa1c~v ;'trAPt,s~ 2~ZE?~rS, h1_t?'?"14T~vS a.t1~ O±:~her "`UY~1 ~ r' ~;1~!'('S; 3nd .n the 1nSt2ll ^.t1 On '7n_? ma.n+nnanee ofi~ts >>nderg'ro~zrd s-~stnm, Said Compan~- sha.1.1 not open or "n^u.m•h~r morn of ~.,t^.r ~+rFet, a~1P~r, hi~'rT"rev or otr~r ,-),~}-,~; n rl =1n~ than ,,,,; 11 b~ na nes~?rv to °nablP i t to rerform thy' ttiTo ^l' t~-ith rrorer ~r,nn~mv and ~ff-i.ci?n^?T. 1 CrCTTCA ?. That the nrnctinr. of ;~o1~G Inc' ccrt<truction of enndui ts, under the ,;ro^ision.^ of t~1i~i ordi nano^, sh.311_ h,e surj ect, to +rn slz-~or,-; ~- on n~ t:7~~r` ~ha ~ rman Of t~~ °'-.r~'~t Comm; tten or some other re~;~rnsentat~ve ~~~r?oint^,~ hTr sai:7 Counc'_~ . and :~~= ? ~'om~any shall r~'rl^c•^ =n~? ~^n~-~ri-T rf?l `t'r 91T' ~•'i ~'pT.r,^.ll! O„' i~!~r!'P,t p3vr'?t'.?n~' T°7'11 C~1 T"=~'r }7aZrc? YlF?Pt1 ~7' 4Y~~1 aePd n7" rlanlaP'~r? by i.t ~. n tl'1n nnnrt:rU^.+; On gin'' 71..`3 nten^.11nn ;:;~CTIOT? ~. That s~,,co on ~nP (1.) crnss,~arm of the rn7 es C & P Telephone erected nr ;n one (l.) duct of the cond'~is constructed, under thy' provis-~ ons of th;_.^ ordi na.ncc', .~;h~17 bo r^snrt'~d, free of ohar~'e, fnr the n!tr_nOS~ Of r~rrz.ri n~; Tr'lrf':7 Of' " nor f; rP. ^~ arm Ordinance contd. or y~nlice t,~~nnra~~h s~-~'.~ ,, ot7nrd anr' m?'r,+.~~~^^.~? 1~-r sn~,' TO,.rl1. _ v,O,r: '' r' L'?' "~~.'~ __r°PC a.T'r ~, , ->rl ^ i1~ t~.^i11t?=.n~r? _' n SUeh'? T!I?Y1)~r.:r Y)f' ,^rC'SC'r~?~nr? by tl"lf' c?~.r7 COm?1any, atld n. no oast u.se~? to carr;r ^l^ctric light er h; rh-tnnsi on n,,zrr~'ntS . SrCTIOT? 1~. That, th:~ ^aid Company shall. maintain its lipes ~.41 ;;'nod and safe order ~: n'? cone? ition; ~.nd shall at all. times ful']y i_nd~mnify, -protect ~n-3 sav ~ ha.rmles.^ the ;jai,'. To7^rn from atld again^t ala_ claims ari s.ng from the erection, crnlstruction or nc~~;li.gent ma;ntenan~~, o~P ~t:- said 7.ines. 1 `?r.CTIOT' ~. Tha.t not'n;.ng ~ t1 this ordi.nannF sha.l7_ be construed +.~ 'rant unt,~ ±,hP sa;.d Com-an~.r ~n,r ~-,Y~~~tsivo right or t,o rrnvrnt. ~ ^rant of similar ter; ~~i 1~n~G +.~ nth~r. comFanies. SrCTI~T' ~. This nrd;nan~^ sha~~ h~ in form from ;t.G as~.age. '?~' IT FT?r?TrTT'R CR.n1TTt~'D that, THT' CT~'`~A~'r'A}~.~' ~.T?~ ~(J'1'n1~pC '1'^T,~~'-'TT`~T~Tr Cl1T~m,nT~•?y ~F VTRGITdI^:, befo.r~' 'lrocn~~di ng to act ~,tndnr. t}~ ~- ordinance, shah e~_~,,,.z+, ~ toed, it mho ~enal.t:~r of T''"''T~?'t'Y FI~,~ F~?JT~DR~D DC? T,"R.~, (`~?, rnCl frith tYoo~ ^n''' ~'~tffi c-i F'nt, s~curit~r, n fa~-nr of th° To1h~n of 'ulas'ci, nnn~; boned u,~or. '~.'~o con~tru~tion ari' putting; ; ntn n?,~rati on anc? may eta.; ni n:~ ; n ~-o~' order thr~ r'lant. ,-~,ovLd~d for ~ ~~. this fra.nch.^^, and. +,~~ -~ - - flilrn:! Sti?; n{T Of ~'ffi r'"'_!'11t tele~~r^~~a ~'(`T`tri_CE? 3t rE'aSOn~.bl~' rat•~G. ~n1 motlOtl Cf ". ,"'_. T arSOt1, see^nC'C'"? •hy 'r. ~. C'lmmi-n~'S, ,~.nr? do t:hF foll.oT)i n~ rer.nrdAd .;ot,~, t•'1^ fnllnT,ri nn Concnss~ nn "nr. ~.~i c~, ~rr~nm~rt ~r_';th The Ch~s~~~eakP :?n,' "otnrr,ao Te1e:^ron^ COm~anv Tra.. ac~~r~t~d: r'T, r%. Ctlmmi nci'S _ ~*re .T. ~_~~ T'iasll - ~yP, ?'i. A . ?_?rcon -aye Gl ~,r T. ^.ttst - aT;rP ?;. F. "h~.tn - lye T.J.I~icCart?~<r _ ayP J. R. hartin - avP F. T . ('•arr~ co-absent 32~_~: Council mires. ~nntd. June 27_, 160, ~~ ;~, m. THIS .AGR~~'T~'z'rdT, made this 21st. day of .I~.zne, A. D., 7.960, hTr and be1;'~*cen TH?~ CFir'SAPFAKE .AND ?'OT~`P~~a.r T'~TrpHO :~. C0~'A'~TY 0i t,TIn~T?`'Ta., ?~~„^i.naftFr ca'.7.ed "CO~I''rANY", rart,y of the first part, and the TO?~.~' 0'? ?'TII~.ASi'I, VIRGTPIIA, acting' by i is MAYOR AP~?D COUNCTI,, herei_naftnr ca7.7_ed "TO?~TN", party of the second Hart. AGREEMENT - WITH C & P Q'EL. CO FOR SERVICE T1ITNF~'~'~;TH: That ; n cone; <~nra.tion of thf- enactment by "TO'^1N" of an ordinance nn the 21st day of June, ~.D. 1960, Tranting~ -~~rmission +,o THE CFA'^SAP?~AhF ANP, nOTOT~!AC T~'IF,~'HONF COM}'AD1Y OF ~llRr=INIA, ITc `~IJccessors ^n'' assn nn^, fora neri or3 of thi-r.ty (30) years to construct, maintain and overate i.ts posts, Holes, conduits, manholes, dui+,s, cables, t^ri_r. es any a17 other necessary overhead and underground anparattzs nn, over, al.cn~, gin, under and through the str^Pts, a11~ys, hinhT.^~vs and other public ;71ac'r^ T,ri.thi.n the 7.imi_ts of tY?e To~art of ''^,tlaski, in the State of Vi.r~inia: and to use the nronerty of other ccm-~gnies <~nd rPrmit other cemnan.~s t~ u:~P' i_ts -~.ro~~rt;= upon such ~rran~~ments as the two companies may a~~r~e; "COPi?'1!NY" hereby a~^recG to rrovi de a.nd maintain .f.or the "m T°7N" not more than the fol.7o~''i n£? frFe unl.i.mi ted loom. ~,.chan~e tel.Pnhones: Tin X70) Indivi.dua~ '~uGinees t~lenhoncs, or n+,her local exchar~e ser~rices of a monthly revenue value enual thereto, to be lrcater] at such locations along; its ling ^ w:i_thin the cor},o~ate l.i_m~_ts of said toTan as the "TCTf7N" may di~^~ct. THIS Ar=RL:T~'N~'NT sha71 ccr.t;n^zo in ford so 1on.~ as "COM?AI'v'', its successor ~ and assi_g;ns, on~oys the r_~hts and privi7a7es granted in the aforesaid ordinance. IN '°JITNrSS ?~:~FiT'R~'O~', the mar. ties hereto have caused these presents to be properly exPC~zted the da}= and year first abnVe Wrltt('n. THr, cJ~sAnrAl~T R~ ~oTnr~~AC T~.IFpx01`,r~ colvPANY 0~' VIRGIN`?7'A Ry ~s/ .I. .T. .?=tcobs ~.`~"-'~'nPra .._~inme'rc~.a . Mari~~?r ._.._'.".~' A TT1a S T !s/ n rthu r ~^'. Ha rr~_ s on Assam. ~ecretarv '~ ~'."' THr T~'~YOR AIV'D C~UA'rIL nF ?'UI:ASKI, VTRGII`iZA I3y /s/c C. V. Jackson Attest: /s/Gladys R.Dalton Clerk CounciJ_ di.scuss~d at, 7 eng~th the amendment of the l Li.censF TaY a~;ai.nst +he Chesapeake & l'~tomac TPle~honc Company. Nioti_on was made hzr T~,?, 1~. I:arson, any' seconded by J. R. Martin, that this m-~t±~r bP deferred until °or+,~mbPr. There tras further discussion any Councilman Larson T,ri_thdrew his motion. a.nd moved that the License ^rd~nance as i_t apr)i_es to t^~pnhon communica- Lions read 1/2 of ]`~ of the moss receipts, to bP Pf_fect~ve July 1, 1960, which mo}-ion ?Jas seconded by J. 1,'. Nash, and carried on the . recorded vote, which ordinance is as follows: W. S. Cummings -aye W. A. Larson -aye W. F. White -aye J. R. Martin -aye J. W. Nash -aye Glen K. Aust -aye T. J. McCarthy -aye F. L. Carrico -aye Council minx. contd. Tune ''~ , 7.96, 1.~ p. m. ~' AT OR,.DTTr.ANC~'~ TO ? ~"`-'i`rD AND RI' ~'Tt~ CT pAR9GR~ PH '', T!~T~'PHONIC CnMT~!CTNIC^.TTOAI,S, OTC SFCTIO?`T 51 ~r THE LIC~'nT~'~ TAX CODE TMpOSTT?G TI!'~'NS~' TA;',FS FOR Tr?''' Y`'AR RI'G?T~J?T?G NTnY 1, 1960, APTD F'I\TDINfr AURTT ~_, 1951, ~.n?T~ Fr1R T'PC?i nr~ EVERY YEAR TJ~'RT'AFT~'R BF'.GINNINrr rw'ITH TNF FIRST D@Y OF PLAY AND ENDING Tr1ITH A?RIT, 30 FOI,LO`':~TDTr'r. RF, ?T ~R,DAT?`TFD BY THE, C~iJNCIL OF THE' TO?ti'N OF rTJLASuT, ?rTRGTrrrn ; TFT_F~'HONIC CONII~ItJPTICA.TIONS ; On every bu ,i ness ~rovi dirk' telephonic communica±,ions in thA Town, them shall be a TELEPHONIC license tax of one-half of one rercent cf the p~rc~s receipts COMMUNICATIONS from the company' ~ renta~_s, snbs~r~ rt,i ons and stati ons t~ri thin ORDINANCE RE- hoT.r^ver, busi nets ~?^ne between the T,.Tn, ^>-~~ udin~ the Town ENACTED - , , of Pul.asl-i any n~i nts outsi~T~• the State cf Vir~in~ ~, or messa~PG s^nt. hTT the Government e~' the TTni t~cT Stag>~, n;^ thi.^ State, 'end C & P TEL. the; r of f~.^^rs and a~Pnts. The ~ros~ rer^; y~ts shall b~ for ~"P Trec?di.n~ year Pndin~ Ju.np ~0 any' the tar sha~~ be paid not, ~ ater t'1^n Judy 3? . ~'n ~~,^ry t~l ~rhone com^anv not c~ ass~>d, and not pa~Tirt~ a 7 i c^ner under the a.bnv~ nrojri ~i ons, anc? haT-ink ~ ~ nes runny nG +,hrough this Town, same sha7_l pasT ~~ .OO for each ^ol. ~ l ^^atecl Teri thi n the Town 1 i.m~ ts, and this t:ax sT~all bF '~ai_d on the same basis and tim? as other taXPS under this section of this li.~ense ord~_nance. Pfotion was made by J. TAT, Nahs, seconded by J. R. Martin, and care' ed "rani mo~tsly, t":at the +.~~~ z~T ho7 d a pi cni ^ for its em-~loyes as has been Acne i_n the east. Ma;-or Ja.ekscn stated he wculd bP Glad tc have the '`i.^ni c at h s farm .a.~ain th~ s year. On motion of Td. C. Cumm;n~G, seconded by JET, ^., Iarsr>n, and carr=y ed unan~ mously, i t was R?S~Lj~'D, that there be acce~tPd and entered into the mi_nu.tes of the To~ar_ C~unci~ an abstract cf votes cast ~ n the Totim n~' Pulasl~;_, County o~ Pul.as~-i, Vi.r~ini_a, fnr munici-~a'1 officers of said town, a.t a munici~a7 election held i.n said to~•7"', on Tuesdav, Jung 7th, 1960: A~TR4CT 0' VOTES C:?ST IN TFJ~' T•?tTTvICIPAL rIT''CTION FOR TH?~, TOT°1T1 OF PITTASKI, VTRGTATIA, EnR r~AYOR AP?D P-1F'NfRFRS OH THr T!?T~IN COUTTCIL, HTaID CN TUESDAY, ~nJ ~'~' 1~, ?.~60_ ABSTRACT OF VOTES IN MUNICIPAL ELECTION FOR T~l.YOR OF JUNE 1l~, 1960 FOR C.V,.TACKSON, were cast ~'i~•ht Hundred T'i.Ghty-one(~~?7 } votes. F'OR COUNCIL 41 c~ ~- ~~~~~ FOR BILLY B, FLINT, ware cast TinYlt Hundred Sixty-seven (RF~7) tTotee4,~ FOR CT~AiJDr GALI~IMORE, worA cast Sven Hunrlreri Si.Xt~r-four (76tT~ ~rote~. i~'0~? r'UG~'NE T:, P;~tJCKOIS, ?.•rere c~~st Scv~n Hundred TTaentjT-~iGht (7~~}votes. FOR '.~.'COIaSOT~1 CtTT'~i~'T?`?~`', were cast `~-i-.~ TT,.~nr?red `~ev.~nt~r-five (67J) votEis. FOR GT'nR~rT, T-T. •TnTT~Trm~-,rT~ ..~:re cast Fiv^ Hun~?r^c? ",e„enty-^~nr+(r7~'lvc~;~s, F~?P '•?. A. TARS ON, Z~,erP cast S,x H»ndr^d. r1P,-En (6~1} votes. FOR ?l, F. T.:1-ITT',, T~rerr c~.°t, F i_`T~ Hundr^~ TA'i 7ht~r-nn~ (5~7 1 •,nte. Tot~7. ~'o+,=s Cast - ~`ne Thousand T;~ro Hun~'r~d "event~,r-four (~,271~) - Dr>fac~d - TT~To (2) ~~~ Counsel m~.ns. contd. June 21, lg6n, 1~_ ~, m. VIRCrINT".: IRt TF?~ C7"R.CUIT CnTTR.T CI_?^:RK~S 0!+FICT' ON .T[JT~' ~.F, 19F~0. `.:e, the ttndersi~n~~ ~omm~.ssion^rs n~' r~.^rt;nn held in thF Tor.~rn of ?'ul.aski nn Tuesda~r, June 1.1.;, l9(C, do certify that the above _s a truo and cnrr~'ct ~bstr?n+. from t.re return of said elect,; en, and !ae, the r. efor~, C1PtF'r?7i~_nr` ?nd declares +,y~a}, ^. TT. Jac'rson r-"rP,j.VF'd the hivhest number of votes cast ?t sai ~? r+l ^nt,~ ~n for ~'~aVOr of Sa,_'; Tn.,,ni ~,hq} T~ l l -r ?2, F1 ' nt ~ (`~ ^,~~~~ 711 imn''~'. T'll.t?'^n'. I . NUCkn~ ~' an~ T.inO'a,~nt'1 ~,;mm~'"'I"s, ~"~'C F~lZrpr7 the hi ~^h~,^y mtmrer of vot°^ ^~ st ?+, said electz on for m~mhers of the Co~tn~i_1 of said TnT;rn. ?ccerdin~ly, T,rP ~?o ccrt; fy that C. V. ~Ta.ck^on is duly e1_ected NTa;Tor of sa.i.d Totn1 and Bil lv B, ~ l.; nt, Cl a,t~tn G~'ll imore, runnne I . T?uckol s and ''oo~?.son Cummings, tyre duly elected m ~mbers of the Cnunc~l o° . ?.~ To~•rn. GiYr~n tender our ham's t,h~ ^ t'ne 1_~,±,h daTr of June, l_9F~0. °_i~ned: r'. I., SMITH 0' N~'A~.~ .~l~OS r}. C. HATL Commiss~.oners T•TTFST: /,s,~ ?'T=t.rv_n CT. Gr.~.ham, Cl~~rl~ t7TRCI1'vl~ ; T~, nrTr,pSK.? CrATT?TY CI.?IRK i~ CFFIC'', :IITI~'T? lh, 7.9hC). I, Marvin C=. Crn~nty <foresa; ~?, ; n t,h3t the fore~ni nv __,_ ~; yen at the ~ ect;.en ~ttE'c1.F`d aCCO'"dl T)<~ +O Gr?ham, r~ ~=rk of t~~ ~~ Ci_rcu~ t Court of the the state of tT; r~inia, do hereby certify a tru^ nory of the ~trst,ract o~' 'rotes °rovenamed ^° c~rti_fied, si_~ned ?n~? l_ at~r ~n~' Fern.,~i..ted ;_n my off; ce. Ir ~,;^ctimory ?1hnr~of, I her^un+,o ~n+, m~T hand ~n~ sP?l ~f sa; ~ Cc~art thi , ?nth d~~.r of .Tune, l~~n. ;/c ~ i"'n rTjIN :, GR4H~!'•~, CI~ ~:R.K i"ayor Ja.ck:~on advised Council of devnl.orments with ren~r~'s to t'nF~ L~,;;ter.n Corridor for Routr 7? end said 1~~~twe~n `~S,000. a.nd `6,000, COUNCIL INFORMED will bF needed +~ finance ti,e co~-t of prnnentation r,f evi~?r'ncA for +.,h- OF DEVELOPMENTS , , ^ , OF ROUTE 77 & tern Ars~~~i?.+i.cr,. CIF fnrth~r ~~a--' . ~d that rTi l ~r rcunttr ray $500.APPROPRIATED TOWARD EXPENDITURE rnc~ntl-`r a',t~ro'.~'; ~+•~,i ~', r^~~, `~nr? ; t~ Chamber n~' Comm^rce ~.pprorr; ~t~d OF SECURING THE EASTERN ROUTE :~~CC~ +,,,,,,.,r•,a<. a-',,' ^~~,~enditi_ir~~. Cn mct'nn n~' 1.~, A. .arson,, seconded by T. J, h'cCnrthy, and on the fcl~ ~~rr;_nn vote, ''1, c CUmT7lii1F'S - ~_vE? ~.'. r . T,'h-i to - 'eve .T. R. Martin -aye ~.t was J. ~'. A?ash -aye rxlen T, Rust -aye T. J. "~~cCarthyr_ aye 7 !+. L. C?rr,'_co -absent RF°nT ~~`~T), that the sum o:~' ~~OC~. be anprerri?tic? from the Cxeneral_ Funs? i.n the 19~~-60 I3ud~^et, to heir P; nand' the cost of 1 r i 1 rresnnting Avidence 'n the RnutP 77 P.rc~ect. 3~~ ~ Covnci.l ~n;_ns, n^ntd. .T~anr ?1., 19h0, !~ i . m. ~';aVOr .Tar'1'"f`n 9dvi_SF'd ~e',pr' 1 t?-iat. tht} Fnrlnr^~ ~.~r; at,i on 1r*Fncy had may=` ' is f;_na:' '.nS^er±,; on Of the P?c~.r River jT~,.l_ev "~;'^'~Ort FAA MAKE FINAL of th^ da~r of the T~?eE't,i i"1P. ~n~' had found evF~r~rthln~ ; n oN'^r anr' INSPECTION OF LARVA & CONTRACTORS 'r~s verzr comr.7 imentar,J o'" the f.~ ci.l i_t.~ ~'s; he sai r? ~,=n!-,r~,et.^rG TO BE RELEASED ?~*C't?~.~ 1,~c~ rf'1P.a.ind ~nr? t?~,, n;,~.l.n-,.t ..rOU1r t,~'r-n }`n t,?',P lr?P'al t~rOt?er't~r or t.hF: Airport Commi ^si_cn. The T~,fm r°"~na~~r '7resFn+'~' ~ f~ pane; al ^tatr~r,ent z~rhi ch sho~•T~d the ~m~~_znts ~tl ready s~nent _n tt,F ~°w~r con°tructi ~n ~ro~ram .•tnd the a_nproximate amounts vet to re g,~~r.', in tre T~?ork b^:i_n~ none by the contract, zr*i_th the cal_ ~~_zlations shoT,,rin~1 a t„n+~l pf aJ. nrOXi_mat~l.~T *1~!~,n~~. r^ma_i..n~ n~ for CnnStrU.Ctlon T+7i t?'t tr,,-Y~ f;^'~CnSf t.?''r'7nF'' ,nto C!~nSl.d°r?t,'pn +,t'ln Snt'nr f,.tT?r~ 1-'~~.,qt-trl. --h' ch has been :~.rcr.,m».l_ati n~. '.pother ~ i st showed the e~laro~-; matte 1~n~~t,hs and con:~truction costs of Dome 1?_ mi.l?s nr s~~~:-1er whicr FINANCIAL STATEMENT ON COSTS TODATE T*oulc? r^ necessary for construction to ~~m,~ et,el_-J s~z•T~r berth the & ADDL. COSTS OF SEWAGE TR. PLT. of r? hart, o~' the to,~rn and t,hP annexr~' ~r~a, a rouYh estima.tr: PRESENTED BY TOWN HER. of the total cost be-i nsT ~25e, X00. In vi e-- of the n~comi nd COUNCIL AGREE Route °9 work which Ttiri.11_ nessi_t'!t~ seTreral water a.nc~ S~T,T~r l~_ne ON CONSTRUCTION OF ADDL. SEWER changes ;t T•r-~s a~ree~ +,h.at the f?rat ,-^e-~onsih-il~t,~r of the toT;m ; LINES fcrce dur_~n~ the Su mm~r months weal,' >1r +,^ fit 'ti~^ ±~=m'~' rro~~ram t.e tU,.at r;~' ±,'~e Ron-F~ oq contract. Tt '. ^ ,?~~~;;_ded that sewer construction T~~r=-~ a therefore have t.o b~ ~nrtai~ed someT~*hat r?urin~ th„~ eonstrurtion s~-asr!n ?n~? there T~ras consi.derabl P d; scu^s; on as to ,-~Th;_rh l inPa *.rti o,,7 d bP bv_~ 1t fi.rst, ~n moti.on of <T, R, T'artin, sPCOnr~ed b,r ". °. Cummings, and carried ut~animousl~r, ; t T.*as }~,~~,~nTTT?.D~ that seT=rer lines be constructed as followG: (1) c,.~anCler Addition; (~) to arF=a beti~7ccn t'e-~bern Road any? Ri_ds~e Avenu3, i.ncl.udi n7 Ridre ^.v~rnae, and (~) Va~1Pvr Road, al~_ to be started at t,11P COnvr'n1PrtCA Of ±tiiF' +,nTn?n fOT"C~F, at an ^fit,im'~t^~ COS+„ O~ ~~2,Rf1(l, There beinC' no further hasine:-", the m~etin~ adjourn~~~ ., t. ,:~0 r~. m. /~ ~'L./' ;;r ______...~,..__.....~.._