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f~ ~ .. 3i Pti~'LIC ??~F~la RlidCr GF Tusl?~T COUi'CTL ~ BD. OF St1PERVISOPS ~..~: SLBDNISIOI CGiJTRCL ORDITur_t~'CF SUFDNISIOTJ CCi~TROL CF.D, l.C BF ET?AC'T'ED ?'v LACH GROt~F pt. 10, 1957, ' :3G ;~. At a public hearine held in the offs.^Ns of the L~oartl a'' Supervisors in the Court.hoU;;E~ of Pulaski .^..o~,':y, 'Iir~3_n3.a, can the lt~th day of Sep tember, 1957, at 1:30 p. m. There were present: Members of Roard of Sapervisors: T. I:. Tabor R. J. Shelh~_zrne Warren ~. i~T~?Wf,omb "~.arvin G. Graham, Clerk Roby K. Sutherland, Treasurer Alton 1. Crowell, Couunozzwealth's Attorney Members of To:~=. ,ounca.l: A. ~„ T _ _ .~ . ' ". S. Cumm~._rg:;, ' Wysor, F. L. Carrico, ~~~. ~~. 'r.. A. L2r.^on C. V. .lacks.~z~, Mayor T. B. T'Toland, To;~n ~",anager G~ett S. 2~loore, Tc~wm Attorney R. Lloyd Mathew;,, Town Engineer Gladys R. Dalton, Town Clerk '~Sembers of Planning Connnission: C. P. ^~ilPy Evelyn S. J-'ail cr th~~ Southwest, Times SpectaF ~~•r,: Fc~;,~ ",.1x41 a.,d C. T. Brookman Attorney Garnett S. Moore stated the p;ablic hearing was held Pursuant to legal notice given by the To-~an Council of the Town of Pulaski and the £oard of Supervisors .for the Ccunty of Pulaski., setting the 10th day of Sep',e~n',F~r, 1957, at 1.30 p. m., for a publf.c hearing ~~n the Suix~ivision Con~-.rol F3rrlinance; that-. ~j~'r'~i2 1-i,ry, m~.'r!%'g ~C"i°~.+.n% a.l cl~';~ t.~t." nl7c:r:~ Af S9t~.;r ;*"`•r . ~ _, ,. ~i :1`/~ I?~ ~",erg'. .. f~r~ a-~[','W f'."..~ 4 p,trl ,."C~'~ ~~u~,.~;"~?, al~~.:'•".' Z a. t'1~; Pro K ;!~i~'e~. _.. -"rl~"'i0 may 1t3C'-' affectwi, _1.;~i the public in general, may appear before the said goserslc~ia,1`._T bo~-iies to present their v'ie;a.~. As no or.e appeared to speak for or against the adoption of the Subdivision Control Ordina.n~,e, it wa.s the suggestionvd ?~ir. Alton T. Crotir=ali that the GrdT_narc~,' b4 e~~ncted by the Bo~:r::~ <<yr Superv:~sors at a special meeting. Attorney Moore suggested that each ind:~vidual group //~~ • ,,, 7 P.1~v11i1 (~ fn'y"m~ ~Vr ~.~^)1'..J. ~11c ye., `94~ ~ ~, T «.:1`}i.l +y .4,e,?ly cftt''.6'°' ~I1hG public hearing C7tl the Sutx~.J.v'i :7:i nn Control Ordinance Mayor Jackson askew Council wl;ether it desired to take immediate actiol:, whereupon, 1 1 1 ~~ A;~ ~~ h ~ F ;eft. 10, ~.9 ~ .. _ ~ 1, , :.-, R i~ 1 On motion of :~. H. ~;1~r=a~•, seca nd¢d by A. F. Lemons, and w3.th the follor„ri.ng recorded vote: A.. E. ~.emons -aye ~. a. Cummings - aye .v. H. ?~lysor -aye F. L. Carrico - aye ~1. A. Larson -aye :i t w~i :~ R^SOLV~D, that the Jubdiv~YSitin Control Ordinance be and A7C)P TICi' C'.' ,r t.:. ,~..;:~- ~re,~y ado; `~~~ t. ,~ ~,. r; _~ ~ .,~, fo dub i_c ORDIIVAr'C ORT'T1~'bI~CE III? ADCPTFD FCR21 r C LIATrIS 1 i .. Li::?i~~.ti`~_'t~„~(•'i`1 l^r{. I..,Fi.!'d[~ ,+~;:~~„+;Jl.E1{ '_;"t1:., /\:,'(~4~`,•(`.?i~~.s~+tig1:~; ~~i~1TI~~ I\Y _''~,.a i•. .~4+~y `. -i ~./C~ .~''w OJ ~a G~ •~.. ~ ~'l l .,wl.i .~~11 [~ r~ ~"~Y1~ •13-r~T~~~ ~I~ :~1Se..~. , ~.~ f ,} :, uE?~ ~-t~~'~`: E` `~..d~i~; ~. , .l'Ei ;_. ? ~~;C?~ , ;~I'~2`aJ Tst;~ `.~T';~ `-,:i:a, t"~ ~aY~I~Y`~ + ~t`~ L. ~" ,.v''.1,:a ~1'(„ ~, ;, i'tiV°v""•w L;>1~C "C~;i .''i:`.T) p~,~ji'1~,!a'1'~}•Jfa `?':,F, ..;~1~~.1,G, ~~!1:,:~'i`:\~T~":T.t.~~d~. J.~ ~ ..y:':'~. ' ~ _"T ,.Iii.' 4~ x.' ~}. .'~ i_'.~. ~ -i~t~.i }~: .td"dry+~Jsf ~G3`)a~I.i`~wC~;~ ~~, ~.: F,. "~ .Ci',?:'l~it~J,,t ;:'? U~J ~ ~:):C IvC~ `T"!\3 Z i'::; f~' :r~ "~ P~ ~,f'J ~,...:'~'eYf.' ~ `P(7 ~ i~' .'r'tli''~ .~. , ::;T~'"s" ~':Ei~~1 t'r= .,~~+J "~1 ~'~'.'. ~'t°~ ~3;~ r;{ ~~ _.~;:.lE~}J; ix z;~ ;~~ .F;7I~ ~7.T ~-~°"r t ~ " i+ - A ~` Y'i. T'r 1 ~ ~i i; l ~ i f=G:.~\'I::__. FCr-? ,fst}'_._.r<'.:C~:I ,.~~~~?t:,.f:%"~"~=; C; ~='T>`(~~:.r .. Z:Hdi.: `I C, :~:,a.'%t? C~~ ~`: ~.F"~;~.t]3.~i, L',(?.C;..~.~' ~}').'.j,1:~~.Z• Jff.".~ Ct~ f:~i: i:C4.4 ~;., vt7E3 (:i~!"C':V°clj. f/~~ [[a~ 'r', 'r ; ^N~p \ /~ t /~ Y 1, (T 11 ~1 S~.a 4"r'~~~ y 1 ~ry~ ~' Ibyy /7 r'1~ j t~ • p ~1 }'1 :'t~v7 ~~ ~~,. 5• Q ~~. Ll l:.,1~4Li/.+.1~ YIA~ '•~4V ~dA u~ k11... . j., ~c,a. Xs.l R. ~y1ci1.~C,. .y - ~~• ,j U.1.0~4J. ,~13.~^7;, ~` ~.Y;E'. ~<'~tk:t1C~.1 C)~ ~• 1' '~aJ''dF) C7f• ~117.tu~2 ~, `'11Y'(i}wT:4 ~3.y: k.;> £:'.'L:~:h`:•C'~.?'( ~~.7It~ GTL4F':.~40'EX"E3+:~. ~.~U ctC~~~'~ T`t:lx~;] Lc'1t.~f.Ci,!1£+ +:r ~:E.~SL~tt`C ~}:eF: O'Y'CtCi'1.~` :•,k'~'~`•'' di'~t2s~.on c~£ 2~t~~ end i.`~:.~ d=;v~~:~.t~~~m®x„ w>.t•«~n t:ki~ 17-an of r'u~.~.sk~ r.t ,Y. _, C7 x: • r - ~ c 'P f - r ~ 7 i-~ cl+. .t~ J~.li ~ t;. ~1'~t~Gi:I`~aC.~ '~kl%~.i 1;ii~' f°C1'~.tr':*:3.'c,I~; r•r:~~t~l~t~.~~~.i,~;~:r;• ^t`E; k:~x`e~b;r ~~_'~~2:~%eC.. ;'tax' ~r++~ cct.t~d1.~'S.~ia:~. C?f :~.r~,rt~. $~.~°.a~.te~ tiai.'i:1~9.1:. C:faf-. C.: Csln~t()~F:Ls.~~ 1d.~.~Zt;i ~.~ ~:h_~ '1'Caitirx oaf xt.t~~.~,k~ e V':1r~~1::1#.~~& F~nd ~~1~~~~'.xi 't;ki~: :.~I,.E'~ he~Jc~r,.;? ~:;~~ CCiT'~:+~]T'~.'GE' i:~.t1~.~u cFl~'1 k~r'1.1;1'~'1Z1 rcZ c'.1St£,Y1^t~ Csf fi:.~ti43 ii3~.1.G.i ~,i~I°C~(?~"~. ~t:•.1 :Vt.C.~ ~~{tJ4 i{r~SV.TJ'Q QJL'}+~~~ 1.1 K~V{..s~ 4'1.V EI~C%Tl.=6r.Ri~ ~.;.A V(IA3.•) V'.1~i11.ix~n~~IJEx, .7.~~.IJM ~Vfy~.>» s~..^~~°L'~, allev~~ perk ~re~s, ry'Uc:~, ~?~i~~.,. f1.r~+t; c~.u:z~ ~ Flal;~ (~d' ~u~:'y :'ti~JC1.~~f~.fi101'! LaC'7ti..i.C~j.~:'J.'~J. t3I'!:1 ;.~1."f'.:C:?.'C'`E:L~. .'~l'1 iCC1C'4."'~CI'1':f." iF:...?i'',?"c '~ii~:~~ 7•f?~'.$`~.'•3. ~~.JX1Sy a~t:rt :"ofE~ra~~,ae ?'() i{t`1C1:~ir1 c`: r• C~;'~~?~'~Z.~..!"1Ct~ ~1CY:t':t.1C3"i?::a~ t:t 's:P. iT.i:~~ ~ra1 ~e%crr~a~. i?Z ~k:a od~~a~ r,,f LYi;; fl~e^k of fin.: ~'lrc:uiw t~ci;.rt: Pt;::.~.k~. ra;~rityft V~.x^;rlr~~~., d.h~;,~r~.ri i};;y~i:'; e~nv~yarr guar, I~tZ1 ., q~~ire:~. b~ 1~_.',~ to ~~ re~~:r~~;3.-cd„ ~::~c. ~tacs~! ~tzbc?S.z•i~eY,;~ s'r,•al~. p~rc~s~ .far fii.t~ ITnprCav43r;r•. ids 'f1,C~°T'F:3x1 S'Cf~t1,..T'£C~.,, ~~r.d >=~l'lci~.,~, CC1 I~1~`+.`.(:iulri ufivr7i1C7.~''C~:: xx~ixy~J.78,r^.:l~iifiF• tt~C)Vi.C} a: i.i~: f;L".:';'G'~ ~~Ct]Y1 33'Ii7~ 1: •_i~'QS~ f_..Y ~Y~ i.Yt~ l~'~rr'r-.t~~~r~~on ~n'= i'~~~.tc':a~.~.au r!eraC-f~ t~'-~: ~ni. B~aTli ~ a~' tYxis ~ax`~}~.i1~X:aE' 3i'1,"~ ~.'~ b~ hc.3cZ f.;G> .r,~an thE+ rrein~.~:ut~.~r: real 1 fl 1 n~ebzt:s a~.ct~t~•.d ''°a:~• t~~ ax~(3~.rr~r.•v ~u~~.~~.vt r:=1x~; of l~tn~ .Ln tr.e 1~;t*,r~ ~'"Y ..+ ~lt :%v;~'!1C1ii;~.f•; lA~i'`f~•Y.a.}-,.t`fy + yt V .. • j' t f1 k; o.;t 4at:F O?;-„1. »~tll'z. [:kl=1 C. :3T'~'8, ~:L'tl;ic^~L~:C~ 'rd~.~:~2~.~ ~:WL) Ykl'ii~';.{.2 C)~:' tl.i.E.'. ..:•Q~I',~a~ .`-1~F: 1..'A,:ii:.' .~'ty/y. n Y~ j j~ '(~ 1 ~~~ l4L L`••IL N .~.yl. ~, i~\% ~~J \~l'~~%i. .l br:i~cirl4: £'lxl'~ +^L14r'~~r1i~4: tc~ti ~~:~` .e3~.~ ~"~?~~S w~ f il~.y'?~ l•i1G atk.l~;l'.Y.'~.rt'll;~'! Lrj.~~il (3 `.K~:34+•a ~.n..~. ~" .~)LClrll'?¢`C~ ~~i''E'E,''~ii p w4:.? .h?I: Ca''1El1" '~Ei('YX rAl °? „'r ;n ~) .° ~re;~t~.o:~t~ ~.#.~'?z'lir ~tn3 ~x~x'~ ~z].1 (:a~' .;=~~~.ci'~ ::~~'t:.:~:L ~a;~ ~`cya ~:.h,x ~,r~~-: ,4 ir~,Z oaf ~~:~ ho.~~th~ s~fet~.~ ~-;r.~. ;' >z~.~:~zl ~)c~l~'~ar,s c~4' ~:l~e~ pub Li.o~ ~.;~ta ~~.~'~~L~..A ~~,~:') 9 rj 1'l`:Xi(3 j°d ~.s G+ ~i (7d 14th ~~a Ct~.'°;It3I.~.1C''T~`G ~. WYi+:a7 fi",'~S t1'L~l tr ;.:liilpiitf2l~l.~ E'";r1VS,1'i~?1;11C:13~~ EtLZC:C~.!a~4;~ l~.~U:°°?lO;;~.~.~,. :~~;x°V'i~w~tsF: 6:.'1(~ Sc`Zi;' t=1.22Ci ~.,2. I.ti2 thf: inerpret~t~oz~ 4',' ~:.~'t,L c~rd:L~::at:~.v,, e.tt;:ifl.i4'~S~,Oa3 bh~I.l mz'anL'he u.~ v9.;~lori c;~' ~.t 1.ot,; tx`~iC;L,A car ~aax~C~ o:~' xax~a. i.~.~ca twc~ or° more a.o~:.a C~l^ othsx° .r1k~c:~.t~ls~.sri ~.7f :.a:Zd.~ far ~.h+~ purpcas~, '~rh~~th~z^ ~.rr;m.~c~tat~ csr 4'ut~~rF=,. of traxlfY~`;~r cf c~rtrh~rSha~,~. or b~I~.31r~~ ~'ev~:~cbpmprt~ 1T.uZ~d9.Pi~; a,? ~. c~Ytan~;~~ ~.r1 stx'~~;; oY• lca~~.', x.:r::;;, a:nd ir~o?.ud in.~ and ,~ ~ r;e ~ pr+r'.v iotY.s 1.;~ s~,:~ar~utcd ~y t ~~~ th ri t~:4~~t 7r o:e suet tract rc~r ~~~~Yt r3~t: posy ~.a17sc:~~ar~n'; t;a tt1Ca ~:C~0~5f:.'~:3k1 c.~t' :'~i~:'sv re~ul7ti.ons; p~~ovS.:~ec.fl f~cawr~v+~rf, a ~.~.vlslo~ 01° :~.~ntz by ~cc~txrt ~~~do_~ ~ecr~~t car 'L'ht divis~ort a: la~cl. 'lo ps.g'^,~3:is oi' one {:~} acre ~•~r ~~ r. s:7~A'~.~.. nofi ~e deEr~ec.~ ~. suLdZ~ris~.•~rx~ un'Les;a sad 3. di~a~i.sictn :j~I i.ntrol~a ~. s4:r•eet csr ~a~~se~;;ex~t o4' ao~ess or ro,~,:3., ~.~3 G~I~~.~n at2y Subd.~.Y+'1:~~,GC] is proposf~d (3110 2apf`ax•v ~n~' s~S.~ os" :acts t~x~(~ ma°ie ~ax• pc;rmlt i'oF• +a~:~ ~zteot~.r~r: r:i' ~ >trizc,wta.t~o ~rs.x~t;~dA tY:r~ st~.b*3it•1ciCx~, ~.axtd c,wrex' yr a~~y ot'r~a:r car ~~~.1 ~~erL,o~ ~:,r p~;rro~e ~oncsy~n~d t~-~~rw4,rlth 5t:~.3.1 big respcr~.si~a:i.e >r'r~;' px'4P°r c~or~.-;~tax3ce X9.#:1? the proc~+3.urs,~ as sef: forth ixt t•hae~ or~,~.Aduce:. <<~ i4T?~: L~~ :~ r)~~'i:~i.t~.c~r~.s ~`c~r the Latrrpos~ of lsit~ri r~tat~:ar; Axs thls of"d9.n~zrt~;~,~ ti~~ fcai~.owin~ term, prlr~;~s~:s, +a:tr•ri;, anc~. tc,Pa.z• d8z'g'~'~~9.Oraab :-h~.I.i haves °s~<ri.bed. to th+~m 1xt tta`.s ~.~~; ..crn~ ~, Cept ?~;h~re 4;i~.i :r'1y l.rlcllcat;t3s ,<.~ cllffere~2t ;;~f;arxi.ngn i3n~~ss :Lncox~s9.~. wltrt the ~;c~r~t~ktt worc4s, tzscc~ i..z~i tixe ~'x4esent TE'tl~+~ .•ai2~ lnw c~.tade thE: ~'uturrw t~ns~d *~;ords lxl the p?~+raa. dumber 1.nc~.~.id~ 4:he sin~ta~.arL and wards ;.n tre :>~ngulz~x• .~rtail 9.nr,~.ude x~I.~ara:L~ ,? ~ ~ RGa~rez r~in.~ bv~3;A" ~1 L•ner i kae ~ow~rnirt~ bc~c4y +~i tY~e x'ot~+n a:" ~ sA~.~sk2 Qr Gna ''.otkx~ty o#' tu~.,^~k~.,: ~..5 sr:e:c:ZPl~d_ G1iiY".~ C?1~ 13~~T''J~ic•`7,~."t ~~ ~?' I~L~..L~3~?~r ~;~:l.~:l"~~'}, vr1l."~~.t3 C•, , :: st r E.rr-~;•~~ t° ~i1.27;MG~° ~ zi:E'.C! t)~ ~>raa ~'O~rZ1 C?i°` `.;G?ti2"' ~~'T ~'F ~#~:'.,~,.'.S_f'a°~'~c [: f tt ~: ~;4'At . ~t~.Llci~'i31"'tt "' E3:' t,k'z`'• t 3 r"1Y1, tl.%; S'1,1.~.c~.Q3~4 ~. ~ ~d }.'~.~.1. ~ tS TY tl •r, ~ 0 1~ , t• ~? , _ c ~.~.t ~- r~ n.?.p o c~. t ~., 4r ~. t:c ~ a .! rz ~.r ,, ; ~ _;.- 3 ~ 1? . ~~ .! ,, a ~~: ~r'z;~.3.r:~~~~~.:-tF~ 1:~:'~~+"~~7sc~r? 1_~.;~r~=c~t:t taz' ~ :~c~~:~~ r 3. ~lc~ ?`l~r~~3<s3;~ ak' s=~i.u~ a.~:~~E t e1~~re;~i.Ca~~r~tc~r1'd„ nr u~l~~~ ~.,1.C recs,~.l'~t:l.~.'s'~.~r =~~i~r,-.t;k:`'' m `:kz~;~ tt~,.sY:';,~^;7 vl ',`j~ :;ii~ 't~•."lC3~C fx"ta"t'1 i f`c:' 7.C1' ~ :~.I'lE'.• t~,r 1JCr`ii~.:l~~.'_4~"~' ~.R] 2~7.Y "Taco ra~.l~;;~ ~i:lst:=zz7t: .fmc~rrz ~.rz~ 1'ixx~-~~~~:~ tl~.rn~.~.~" - ~'ri~ C:d1T~~~J'ICE by r~:LI'~.~.:ze: n~~~~.~ux•E:~t~~:lu f.I•~rm <:~.n~ ~;he c,at°~,:,or~lon 1in~' of +~~Zt~ ,ka+.~n of ,,''~Za.sls~., '~'hE< allC~aa1,~~. ~Y,.a~t yS:c~'u: ~17~~1'I. ..~r.r,-s'sr t;:~ ;~r:tN' ".-.n~. .:;.a.bc wr~'.~e,E~r fih~ t;~~~r;v C;~' ~.t~ns3. shtz?,'3. ~i~. ~riaa]~y ~'i~i1x~ tr'~e ~'t+:.~'z c~~:' ~~.a%.~+.~'~~i c~z~ wr~,'t;~S.n u t;Nra~^a~'~.~~ I ~ rni. t: til~raaf ~ nr p~,t•~::~ ~a ~i~.4;tz S.l-~ 4;t'i'~ '~'u},72':~ r~~~z~l ~~~~'~..:r w~,~:hat~~ ~a~ :~a.r~c~:•~: uP :~.i,rtl.~~:~, bt;t. v~i't'xi~n #la~~.; u~~.Ir t;kiaz~t,c=f, •+ :3 .> ~..t l::v, ~~`;t su~wy,t3).:4~ 1+~~ s'tz~I33.:t, h~.v. ~,nz~~•y~:~.:srrj~.C by, ~.~ st~~aiv~~;~'c~r~C~~~° ~, rv i. ~~.~.~ 1"',.1:r, ~.;~: ;ala r~.. 5.4~.4~~ ~. 1. {;~y~+l Y.l~C6 ijl~rf Sr ii C% .t.)il ~:vS~, '~.~1' Y{. «~GJ~SA.L ~:An v~ .~, .l..e`".. lJ ~~e'g• ~h`~ pt~z'~~]. oz' wr~.rt; of ~.~nt:~ ~.a ~;e rn~.d~ :}hall tai ~c.r~ca~n ~S ~b.~ ~~r.•M~.imiz~ cap*x~c:et;~~. t ri:i ~fir~.a~.1-Y ~.~,::x';a~rC~a,: r<~:.c3 ~t~a~.~ t<~ kr:c~z~It ~~ ~:h~ f3.arr~1 ~;lt~i:~~ ~.~xz".~::~-:~ c~tnE~rw~.;P s;~r:ci~'~~;d~ tZ>>;~.~,t"~C1~:Q., 'i'x1P. 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TJ'.'°U~3t?~ui.'1 `~r.''X.~;P.6 i.Xt ~;f]i~ L~.3t'~ }A~:~.;~rl~; ~~'r;`~~. TJl:: (Y:'.'.;1S.f.~: J"y X'Y':~Gt ~n1' .'OXt1.Y1~?; Y•HCri..}.'-1~.~. C~17fi £~,r~.+~ 1;°"t:~)~ E'. 'emu ~13r ;_3T`€:cl,. %.~,i 1'YI~. C.'?.'i;f;'~ ~;LtB 72cY.R~C'. C~f~ ~`.Y'!'; 'U?'t"F~~`'.1Y°f~ !%~.:.^GsU~~:,t~:? iIx' ~;,T".1E tT_..~{,i,i ..,O~,Ilt;q C~Y° f;LYI^S°i:21~ iiiC{6?:2~'C.:~G ~?4::,tI''_`'.X'A~?%; 'ii 1,G~'I X',."~7;.`-.<'~:tC'e*'1 ~1~•' i:C~ n'11e.?°.'}1 ;ae ur° r~:~,a~l.c fduz•t:h t<i„acl~ ~n 7 rY~r; ,;;fr,~.3.~;~ ~;~~'c-~~'~:€:z^ ~J1'~.h ~ryc~f'a~ra. ~/RI ~ 11{4 ~~ ~° ~~~ VA C.tL V d .C°~.J L'.~ V'p:~. .6J 'y~~Vl~b ~_i1~~~.w ~'Y .~ ~~~'~.~~ x t,n) !!3I p^o~QNer ,~~::inh~t;fi.~:aris aa1~Y~. ~:xf~.t;i.;~~ :,~.zz`.rGr'v s~;~~rQ,• tzr ehls~ir~~ ~:;ui~lic ~r pr~tx~i'i:t~ ~~iL'~r• .~u~~p;..ya 2.o^a~?_a.'z aF' a`_i. ;:t~..,~oz` t;~rz,.~~ Uf~i.~iTe~ ~ ~' :a c riXZr. i.~4~3 t: t^;aYi':~. ~ x1~~ ': :r ~ ~+. 1 ~~~. •.xl~ va:~. ~c;n e_~. ~,rc~pf~s~yd v~~Mti4~~~y s~tiy~x's ac;.c~ ,:-~:trr!~r,3~s~ dr~~n;:; w:n~. ~~:s~.x~.r~c tti^4"~;C' it'.si.:.72>~ CU~~?~:i ~u~ C1:'3a.TT5r e.l';G'~i l.r+C:~°I''~,Y'7tdiZ.Cll ts~~iLi:.t.:~.~U-> ~. 9y"' ' : ~` •. 3 ors ci. f C)2' s1~ ~t~- t t '{., 'a "4 J. >~ w?~ V~i l~f ~!l. ~? r}~`=~ i ~ .l"~r`w CJ':.~Xi y:A~j S~ ~~~ t3 ~~ dj~v~:'.*z~,~tl 3.:td~~ta,Idt?ra'u3y ~;af,h!:~. sizt~cl:lvwsic~t~j fi~~~-~~~.~~d ~tr~:,,~,~3~~r. t~f' S?i..ti•~:~ CDl`' L°l~ti~'x' :iU_..,~~.'fa ~.C'3c~~'#,O.Y! CIa• F.~.t.~. ~.iXiE;G,~ C•t,a.+?,r;r~I' p~ •3.:1;;j70~t11. r±~ yF:~~er~t~e~ a~.vx;~. ~zav' ~=nd ~.il trarnmorz t'_~.~c3:.i.~-QCs i:r b~ e•z~~~~r~.., ~' :~ ~~I'v~:~7'~ P. C1 3.".~~ ~.1?'t k' S y ~ c;* ~%`:tC'.R 2.9.X1 ° 3 r ;a 7 ~: i'4 f~ ~.:1t:i7;3:? GJCl~ .,~ ,..,.;_:~,~~~~:3ts. ~.C:CF3v1C)X1S C~i' hlY~.~C3.~Tl~~x f>thnt` t::'lia7l N3'~.~'~i >,'.~' C~i~G'a.~..1.X1F;Et :~'.1'.~. Cl.l~l'~Si`~C~C°y htz9.1C2'zl.gs '~t1''rE00'~©c ~.lc} =car's*~;~s s~z:a7.1 t;i~ ?r. ~:i~.v ~~a~a ~s~. ::~~r~~~l;s ;)~° 1-r~~ cis w9.tiz my ur x.2.1 P~.1:7tix1~• s1.:r~:et,sn .a'i.~7~'i%ia~a ~ 3f. !1 2n1 ut~ ~.Ibd3~; f Fs i;r ,~ L 1d.€ Y :~ ~ Yi ~ t pT'Ci~~ Q ji*•C3z./ ..in .~Y"c:~ °'R.;~' ~':Y"E?f;t: ?Y` t°t"JelC~a. f ~ e=`~rr~ i~.U.9 t.. 4.~ .:-~_'.'~if~.. ~.~ j 1.~.~a*~~Z i~. t].~. ti: ~: 4~{.1. .'i. ~~ _l,s :4 <.7~] .~FM ti~f.%~.~Y~.~~ 1 C.i ~./-9. j«~. ~."...i~ :Ut~i J. .~. Y: F' 1,.~,L~ l/~~. )f11~'~ 5 :~.~ r: ~i ¢'.~_k.~:~~. t'1Ci~~~d;i '~a' ~.11.Z I..~~.b.1 ~Y~t~. .r7~~..:~ ~'':j~ i.~.~i_':.: L1~?r t~lAt: rV'~. °•;]~,,: 1.t i7 ~.'.tu ~. 1.F:~~ 5JV ~^~.:{:a Ln 1. ~1 Z~~.11VA ~-!~.t3;~i:ii:€?,' <~5;~ uG~Yi.~:,1:~1s.~(~.~r!?t~~ ni~,G~1 .:~':7`~~.~'i.G='~',;o ;yU~i;I l~;t, ~;{? i".•I':~'' ~.I': ~r;.>,:tc~x~s ~~Fr=~:a9.iZ cc?n~~~~1z~~;3D =.,~.~a2.1 Vic:: t'~.~.!~c3. i:.:.~r~ r~~c:C~,~°.. .~z.... bpi: :~~c: r'l:.i i_x:=. ~;flf:• C";'~'~.~~ O¢' ~~E'. ';_~~v~`i{ D~ t;i^~ ;:~.T'c:U.:4Y: .,~?Ll't.: ;~_~ ~'L'•.'.~>.,~~Z (;C~11;'E '.~( ~~ ~.'~'}' I°c.,i Il."1.~ „ .]X::C~. u?ate 1~ ~~~ ~ 2..G.ftXL~+~~ 1z. ;:1]2 i}.c;.i'7E: C).t' :! IL' ~ ;?'i:a. ':.~-~r_ T~r?}t~ ~.:i ~~;61r ;:~tiii .tai~~~.i'i'l.,i..:~~s~ r~xpc~„c.~,r~rJ~ or .P~t~.~~.__.`.:.....~'ia~sc~~~..ti ].~l.ux`, li~~l. i~l"E'"T~.f?L~.S ~;t) i•?'lc~ .'.~LiX'1~~ 'J'~ _.., ;.a^.i+.#i.~:~l: r:~~•1•C)'Vn.~. t;~' f.;t2f' ;;I,.r,~iit?i~.ux'~ ?%c.'l":o ~;1'3~ 1~'C'i~i~v:,C}~,: ir~Yt~t..'+.' ;~ Est .~ '~~.t.'=3j.i1. f' ~'~;,~•~xi ti<a;~~ri ~i-,~ :x~;c;1~t of ~:'a^~f: "I.'~~tz1 Garr, '.r]~'~~7•r•? ~:?ie: ~~.z~c.4~,~i~~~x•° ~.t:a% ~h~ p:~.~rz~ anc~,. ra~z;:3 :: ra~;~J~i.~t,rlf~~ ,:cz~tk'`~:c., t°Yf.~ t:~;:• c3t~ xic~~ rr~a~~ ~:h~ c~b~jt;t;%:Lv~;~. c;t' t;~~iv~ t•~~*~.x~.r,~,it :ti~']~=' ~J?'tC-' ..al~•;:~Ti'r; f iY'tu.S ~:11r: r rt.~XZS =3]~l c`iE:i.~. ,~~ i1:'.?U ;it.s3: 1: r;. L' ~~'~~ h.r d' m_ p~.ragr~~h` ~.~ above, rsEardin~; his ;general pra~,rj~m anc ob~i~ctl~es, . the subdivider shall cause to be pr~=p4 r•ed a prelimin~.ry pl~.t, ~ to- ether witYi im~aroveraents, p? ens and other su~tlementary traterial ~~ ~y be requlrada if the subdivider shell be 1n disagr~;i~r~~nnt ~~ith. tzh ;uir®n~~ts es est3bl:shed by' Che nge.nt af~ tl:e '~ow4~ ~omnf scion 1x~ ~~grr~ph ~~ 0 2 above Yee shall havB rec~au~•se o; ~~.ppe~I to the Torn . , ;om~nissicn~ ~ ~ u.4 dive (5) rope es of ti]e p~~eli:ninary plat <,nd any supple- 1, n$ntapy +i+s.tori~ls :>perlfied shall. be a~aUmi'tted to trEQ Towz1• "•' "opfr~ on with written a ~ 3.icstian f'or csond~ ~:' onal apprvv~z?. ~t ~I .. , i~ssi FP ;.asst tE3Y1 days p~~ior to the me~tl.xtg at whi.c~x it is to be aonsiaera ~I ect, ~ . . ~.5 Fo11oc~-ira~; (aj r~~v1~~~r o#' the prelit~iriary plat old t~th~r material. submitted f'or confor°mity thereof tp tk~P,i~A regul~.tioxzs, and ;b) negotiations with ti]~ attbdivider on c"ht~.i~es being advisa'hl.e s~pl trig; kin3 and ~:xteiat of lrprove;+zents t4 ha made by Yiit~o the 7wn ^c~,mr~ission sr~ill w~.th9.rx thirt~~ days ~.et thereon as submitte3, . ,ti modified, :end ix ~~rprovedc the "'aT~rz] ~ori~~~.sstox~' sY~~~.~. ~ express ~~ ~n~r~r~.~~ aR c~vnditi-areal. a~:rro~~t~l ~d Qt ~~t8 tr~~ ccn3l::iOns of Bch approva}.~ ii" any, ar if c3isApprot~edt sl`~33 express its c~is~- >prov~l dnd 1tS rQasons th~refOr, In expressing the conditions for ~e aPiSrov~1 of tYye pre].~.m3n~.;ry plat the To~~tn ,:ommi.wsion sha1J~ ~$iG~~te: (a} an estimate Qf public i~r,prdven~ents r~equiPed and .pessary fc~r the: pur~li~~ Y.ealth, :3fi~ty+ mor.7ls an~3 ger.erc.l soelfax•e„ 3 c'3T3~ iff!jJ~'C?1~'t,°iiiOl]ta a3]d tE'iE'c'i~tiOt12]t CJI Ell- daacribed in !!rtAcle 8x1.4, ~v'Y:icl] i`:. shall. require me a prerequisite to appr•av~l off' the fl.rzal sl2bdv1~ Mat a ~~ The action of the Town ,Ommission stall be noted 'On ts~ro _~~-~~;'~os of the preliminary platy referenced one attached to an;t conditions aeter~nined., One copy "shill be returnee to the sub•- ciivider• and th8 other retained b3+ the To~xz Commission~~ 4.? Conditloxzal approv~+l off' a prel.itninary plat shall not ~nstiitute rpprgv~l of the final. Mato l~at'r,~r it s-Nall be de3med 1 e~crmession of appr4~v~a1 ~to the laywc~uts St~bt;,.itted on tree pr•3- lmit;ary p3~at as a gu'de to the preXx-~rc~tion o. the f'1na1 plat which wild. be SttbtAittec3 for approvFl oi' the 'T'own Cc~mm~sslan and f+ rscorciin~; upon fulfil'irnen~ off' ,the r®g~.zirements of and the conditlor~s oi' the conditlon3l Approval, i 4Qg -The z'inal plat aha11 oon~'orm :~ubstar~tially *.o tYi limixcary p13t Sys a.~yprovedy ard~ if des .red b~ thc;~ sub3lvi it may constitute only that pc~rt~.or. of the appra~~red px•sliinir~aY pl:xt whicYY ho proposes to record. grid develop at the t~.rne, p~:•c~v~•__-•. . haa;evero tl^ba,t such p:.rtian Cariforms tG el~.recuire:neu'ts o.- t:hese rsgulrytion~ 4~g AppllCata,ox~ t'or mpprov€i 1, oa th~~ final fal.at shaxl be .>> mittecl in vJrltin~ to the mer:tiazg ai ~, ZO Three () capl.es of tYi~ final plat. c>ln.d other exhi r~squired fori ~ppx'oval sY~a.11 be pz°e~~:,xx~e~3 aa~cl :3hGiI? be submit',ec ro the Torn Camm~.ssit.za :~ithin ~welS+e mcx~tha ~zftr-:r ,approval ~~~` prelirairiary p1.at; o~ h~rwl~3e such ~~ppro~val s-~<11 becUmE r.+.~1~. ~~ VOiCi. ~.X13.~.~~5 X2'1 E?};tt;Z1:.;y.U:;. Of rime Z~ fxp.~liea s'ox° :.end ~~'t'~t1tC:Cl b; town Commission ~s.Il .The 'I'c3::.. ... _ - - _ orate iL' rccelva;s t.-ze 1' ia1a1 p~_at plat and if t:z8 `d'own CQr~rnlssiorl ; s.ils '~o ac`s tilitY~i:~! thirty ds:ys i sha12 be ~:e~.med that ::aid plat: inns bSCn appx°yved., 4012 ~~efor~r Final approval. the subdivide~. sha1J. c;omp~.y ~~it.h such rer°}irement: a qr m:~nin~u~i st~xn:lard.s of design ,3n~1 lwpz*o~rerr~ex:t or p:-e~~ent; acc®ptabla performance r~ona as rwc;uirr~d xan.dsr thF.: pro- visicrn5 of this c~rctiri~1nc;ea ~;~,,lj '.Phe final a~aY'ro~rsl t;h~t: #':rial plat by a cerf~ificAte of f: signature of the Chairman and Secretary of t'r~e i'c~,vn Gammisslo~ Said certifioata shah. contain the date of rt;~praval given and s'r:~~ certify that the subd~.vider l~s complied ~~i~~'1 minir~urr sta.ndarcts ~: desigxx arid irnprovPrnenf:, or pt'°sse~Ated a~;cept;:'~1~° perf'C~z^~mance been qny additions or altera~:iona tG a. d'razvin~; fo:~.la~~t~.n~ final appf°~ s ha: witii:t.n Sixty days aft~:r finat ap;~r°ova ~s ~~~z~ ~proval ~anr1 author.lzatian thsreto'ore given ors i:he f2.nat plat. iracm and t©rm4.natecl, 1 ~TTt.,LE V Procedure for Mats - Sut•~div~s~.e~ng , • Fntir82~ (}utaide tyOY'' oa.•aEe,~lrai~s _ ., ,1 Previous to the fi1'1ng Gf ..an avn2lcation t'•or cAnditia~~1. ?vat Qf' the prelimlx~ary p3.at the sundiv~.der sh~*~~ll eubrnlic to e age:~t of the Counter ^orr:mi~;slon }dens an.ci ~.atA x•elatl,ng: to t'arr~ation as generally r•equire3 by this ordinance. 'I'Y~.L:~ step -es ript require a fnrm~.l ap~:~~.1catl,on, or tY,e fi.l~.n~; off' a plat wll 1nfGrm the subdlvi.der that tie pl~~ras a*zd .c;~ta a~, aubmit~;pd, aft tnodifled dU~ cr 3o net meet the ob~ectlves oi' tYtbae >reg~la~ Onaa ~,+hen then a~;en~; of the County Go~.missiox~ finds that p~,~ins d data do not meet the ob,;t~ctives` of these regulatio,~s. he s~iall -es~ his rEasons tizwref'ax•, 1 aesi~n~.te ~x' thQ ~:ouritr~ Comrnisslon for the handling of .nutters 't3.lZi::~s . ~it~~ir! paragr~plZs 5.;1 ar~d ga?_ :or any or alb, subdi~riaions8 . ~.~• Qn reaching concl.usiosls, iriforrnally a:~ reaomn;ended above re~;a.rding h1s g®neral progrc~tu ~~nd ob~ecui~-es~ they subdlvide~• shal3. CFiu~e to be prepared a preliminary plat$ to~;ether,,~ztk~ improvement pleris and ot~ier au~plementary materl:~1 as specified kn, this ux~d`a.- nanoeo Should f~i--e s~_~bdlvider be 1n disagre~;r~ent ~~ilth the require-• ~¢ents of the agent of th© Co+.uity Cr~r:+mis~lon, ~yhi.ch d'sagreerr,enL C4~i'!nQt be mutually resolved, t~lex~ the subtlivicle.r, shr:11 rave rc~- course of rppe~l to t~~e wounty Commiss.ian. • ~.,~ F~'ive (5) copi.os of the pre7.1~t7~nary. plat anc~ srzpplQc~en#:ary xreeterir~ls Spetiified Bha11 be submittecz to tare Cotanty Con;m)ssior~ with wrii.tten applioatian far cQnditlorzal a~ep~rovel at ~:e~st: ten. . ant's prior to the meeting at which it is to be considered. ~.6 At tY~e same time that the ~;ubdivider- submits copies oa"' ., the preliminary plat to the County Coraroission as provided In paragra~ah ~. ~, he sba? 1 1lkewla® submit three (~ 1 copies of tkle r ,_ ~: pr6limiz~ary p1aC to. :the Torn Commissio~x. '~.'he ~t~own i;GmL~LSCi1.t~Lt . shall review the plat ,end for~rard tns County Cpmmis~ian and (1) co~~y thereof" with sacra comtnertts €~na recc~rtim~sndat.ivns as it ~y de~:n- irz order. 5<7 {Ullo°xiY1g (a3" reviez~ of .ttie PCB-~.irnina~•y ~~t .tea bu: matierieX supmitted far coz~i'or~ity 1:heret~f. to .these re~~,ti~ (1~) neg4t intl0ns with t~i4~ 3ubdivid®r on 'ch~~gas deerrud.~civl.:;a ~+nd the kind sand extent oi' imprc~ve~-ents to be matte by Eaiiu, ::ua,ci (a y a review of the c3op~- of said plet az: forsriarded by trier Tt}cvn Uor~nl€~sian in acr.or~3anee with paragr~-ph ~.d ~.t~ove, tt~e Coup:t.y - . Commission shell within f'ArLy dayay stet thereon ~+$ ~subruittadp or • r~odix ledo s123 if approved, the Gauxtty Cc~a,m~,ssion shall e~pr~:ss its annrovt~l as Bondi tional approval and sL'ate the a®r~ditiono of ~-uah approval, if a~.yo or i.f di$z~provQd, sh~~11 el:press its disapproval sand reascsns thAr~,f'or, ~n expressizi~; 7.ti~ s,pprovsl the County Gomrnlssion shall in writing noti# s* the suY~d3,ti~idc:r, or cieve7,©per of (a) ari estim~s..e Qf F~itlic improyeR:eni~s rngttlrecl and n~3a~:s~:.°. for the public hcas3ttzg nafety..morals.-az.id ~~' the required i/4Ti~trl3t/tloras art. improv~:mc~n~ts nerform~nce L~on~. mare ~`u11Y descrlbe3 ila 11rtS.c7.e 9.6 wh~.oh 5~8 ~ `the ~ctlon cy~: Cne ~.;auns:y varrm;.iS,~16:~1 ffic1?~..a.1. ~.,.~ aav~v.. ,••• ••••• _•- (3) copies of rhE: preliralnary nlaf:$ refcrrenc~ed ang ati~achod to any conditions determined. Gne (11 oogy ~in~~ll ro retur~re<i. to tre aub~ dividers ox~e (1? copy sha~.l. be f'orwardad to ~Lhe Town ~:omtnissi.cm and. the third Copy r~:#ai:o~:d by E;ho c:o~.xnty Commission. . 50~ Cpnditianal appro~ral pf a preliminary n:1at sh~~ll zioL- car, stitute approval. of ~:be final plat. ~~'j:har it shall ~be ~ieerrt~cs a~ expres$lon of aPProval, to the layouts submitteei an the rre~.i.criinary plat as a guSda to the prepax•ation of, tine final. nle.t whi.h x:17.1 b~~ submitte8 for approval of the County Cou-mi.s~ion an - Tawn Co~umissic~t . an3 for recordi~n~ upon f ulflil.mc3nt of tt~.e rec~aireu~ents of these regulations an3. Y:ht~ conditions of the condl~%ional approv~1lp ~.f ~~:.'a;;~. 5,10 The ftriel: plAt shell conform s~.tbstantf.ally to the pr.e~. t i rni nsarv blest _ • fis a.pr.roved an:~ •if desired by t.rie s>abdivlder~ 3.t mf~y 1 ~~ 1 1 1 constitul~e only that portion of the eppror~d:,prel-1~a~M~ry p1aLA whicY~} he~,prQpoa$s to recor3.~d develop aC Ch.c3 ti.un~t, pxovided, how®ver,, that eµah ~aQrtian conforms $o a~,l tY~e,r.Qqulr~m+~,nts •g.£ these regale-: t~.onsa . .. .. • .. . x.11 A~rplicatiori for app~ov~,I ;af tb~ f~;~a:l p~.at shall., bQ sub-- mittsd 1~i Writing to the County CQmw3ss~~.t~n at lea;~t ten days prior. , to the r~aeting s,t wh~.ota it i.s tq ~-a vOnsidered~ with a, Dopy, of; said appiiq~ti.~. being for~tar~~d sltattltt~Yxt~~,u51y to the Torn Com~-~.ssia~. • ~~, 5.12 Threw (3) copies of tht~ f lrwl n2at and other :eXj11.b1ts required ~'qr gpprovRl $1~~.1 be preparea~• ~,n3 sha31 be Sub-nitted to ;` the .~r~u~ty Commission within twels~c; ;ron';hs after the apprav41 of tree ~reXlmi~iary plat; o~:hgrwiaq stt~~h apPr~ovel shall be+~omq. nu3.l, and ~" void un~,8ss an extensian at' tiwe is ,~~pp:~ icd ~'or and ~,rant;ed by the ~. a~' ~:our,ty nGtwm~.sslpn. S.irnult~neaus With t3;e subralss:ipn~t'r~e conies Of the f final }plat to ttre ".c~uzity Cp~atissiv, „ as prov~.dcsd for *~ this p$r~3graph, three (~~ copies Of the z'1n4:~ plrxt sriall likesy~iae be aubmiticed by 4'ha sut~l~~ider to the T4z5m Cora~ulsaiaxl. 5• ~.3 The CaunLV Co~m3ss2an ;sha~.l wii:hirl thirty days ~~Fter ; tag _. , date ~.t rea~i.ves the i'1ria1 }~lnt nppraver, rea~d~.fy or dieap~arovs such ~ . plat, srnd 5.f the t:ounty y^or~r~iasi4n foi~.s to a~`t • wivhin.~thirty d~ys,• it BAa13 be deemed that said plat YiB.e been apFraved .un3.ess the Tawri Com.>n~.ssion shad.:. have within the ti~irty days not5,fi.ed.',:hq ~4uri~y Comralsslon with a copy of staa:h n~tif ~catlc~n. to tMa sub~~ 3Zvlder of the disapprflva], of the Tov1r~ ~`.pncr~1s31can ~:o tY}e „platy SaZ~. L~efore final r~pprov€zl, the subdivider shall comply witta, s~:GYt req~ire,Ynezsts for mini~aum standards of design. and improvement, ~J ~r pres8~-t azz aece~~tahie pex~forrue~nce bored e,s required -by this ... , ~rdinance® 5.15 rival appro~~r~l sht3:L1 be shoY~iz o:~ th.e original ds".wing trecl.ng oi' fina.l plmt by a certir'i.crxte a.x"$'1xed. thYreto w~Yiich 11 burr the sign~t~are of the Chsirmgr~ a~2d the Se~r3tar.y- a~. the ~xty .ommi, scion and the Chairm&n and the Secretary as' the Taz„r12 orumis~slgn. Ssid cert~.ficate steal.'! can~.aixz the date of approval iven axed shall certify tYi~t the $ut~dlvi~er 1~.as complier3 with .• , inimum ~ta~,darda of design crld ir~provWnent, or prese~iteci aaceg'~~. bee perfer+nanCC bondp t3nd a.ll other rec~T~irements of this .r. ~._+' 4rdiMariCe and. ea2d certii''ir.ate ~hal~. be affixed only aftcsr the respective Com~niasione ffihn].1 have checked said plat 'and r~~oQrta thatF ~.~.1 of the requirements°~Y~ere~.n ha•~~ been m$tn ~' . y.16 Any additions or alterat~.ons to a drawing fo3la~~rin.~ ri approval will atatomaticnl~.y cazzceJ.- wed ~ra#,c'i E;;~id p].nt 2nd certS ficate~ ~~ .. .. ,: 5ox7 Iri the +~~rent thc~ ~tUbdiviaer ~'ui18 tG z't.lf3~ ~~~.~n ~n~ ~oun~ ^ommisBXon the fizz~l s•zbd3,visiorc plat a~ "de~c~r2~~ed abC~ve 'c,.rfc3~'or 1n the event the subdividt~r falls to r~^ord the ~f2.na1 plat '~itlil~ sixt;~ days afhep fir}al approv3l~ then tie ~oMmis~lons' apprcaral suthorixt~tigri theretofore ~;ivan on the flna~, plgt'~ sh~l.l ~b4 immedl ly ~rit~idrr~wYl rind terminrzt®d AA'1`i~I,F V~ . r.,......,.... ~... .... a Procedure rar Pls.ts ~'Sub31_v1Ni ,.,,....,,._a ~....._ ~x•t-~T ~1t~~1n ~~d Fly, ~u~:sid~~ Corx~or~te Lim s. ~.l Proeeclure for plats for sitbdivislo:is loon and pertly outside the corppr^te liwlt4 ~sha:l~! conf'or~ t'o trie pr cec~_tire fc~r subdivl~ians entirely outside tha r.orn~r~te `lirrfits ~ sQt #'e~rth in Article Vm except as fo3.3ovrs (a) In pnr€~graphs 5W3 aha11 bs dee-~ed to bs the agen { b) x`ho `PQ~vn ~°onmi ssl County ^,omrn3ssion ~:nd shall. asp daslgnated fineref`or~ {c) The ';ount;y ^omrolasion sh:11 act iri the posit~.ozl of the Tc,~rn Commission acid sYi~l~. as5u}~e x.11 the re~pnnslbiZitl.E:s desip;n~-ted therPforp 6.2 In the event ~and8r -the pro~rS:sicns of tl^~as Article any under the provisi,c 7`Ow`YI !',omntissiori dt 2 prelirn2nary plat or ~ final. plat of P ~>ropo.~ed su'~df vision a ~~ mutual agreement cannot be reack~ed, thFn tYiert~ shill be recn '~ under +;he provision Qf the ^vde of V3r~'iMia ~ ~r Eix7p@fll. ~bY r~~ 'S Car~missions separatelry or ~olntZ;~ to tl:=e yir~;uit Court o:t~ Pu {~i ='•ni~v,~v i'nr i,.t3t nat9 nri of 4:hF± mFitti~?r Df`" C~i9~:~',".'C,"E3mf~'n~~ ~i u 1 1 ti~~~ r~~rz yam, C~oneral r~~irements and. Minim«m Standards of De~, s j{ fort a Sl d2vision o~and 1 side the COr~ora~ Limits and with~.n r:vo miles ista~nae ,outsideo . L The fall.otiaing requirements ~ ~--:.d minimum • standards `4f design shall ,ply ~ tt~ 'eIY ~ s~xbdivfsidns situated ~ witht•n~~the corpor:~te li~i.te ~ atld '!''I~.~' tyi' p~rt2~~' within twa m~.les tnereuf 1 ° ~ ~ ; ~ .., , .~ "'.1 A~.T ~tr•e•~ts~ irisat'ar as praQtiaal, shell o4nf'prm~.lY3< i©Ca~ .. rl~~ti aria with re:~-nect to tMpir inte~sec3~it~r3~With other rlediot~ted '~ public streets ~ ~-r rt?adr.&y9 1:aside o~ 4utslds of : the . carpor~te , limit'. ~ ,,. , . ~ , ., ;~ 7.2 ~ All prin~c~ry ~:hrough streets and road~tRys ~ vtithin Pr ad~ac~nt.: to s~,bd~:ti~.siQns aha~.l hav3 "rightwo#'-way widtihs of. not less. trian, $0 feetp ~xll local su:~division streets dr road.=~s~ys servir:g on~.y, prat- .. }?ertj- within tkle subdivisioMS shall have rt~'htHof-way w~.dths of not less than .5Q t"eet. ~uizding cort~trt~c~~:ori shall ~he: prohi;bi'ted :. within ~5 feet o~' the rlgnt~of•way~`l~.res a's .may exist or her~in- aPtCr be established on U. S. Route' J.1 end Virginia Routn 4S witYi .. uch v s~tb€tck li:ae beiria hereinafter of featlvc~. !~i.lsye for eAlaly,,: :~sidential use Fhall be not Ies~ than 2d #'®et ire -~nidth#;~a1.leys ..o1s].y or pet•ti~s~ly for buslne3s use $7i{~].1 not be~ les$; than 2~ feet in widtho ~. ~.3 4n stx-e+sts that ar® raquirgd to have a rig2it--of-waY. widCh 4f 50 f ee'~ or r~~re, ~;rad8s sh~zl~. riot exceed & percent :where topo-~, E~%hic~:I2.y prr~.ctiaal. . ?.~- 'Where a doflectlort arigle pf more than en degrees in the eli~lm8nt •or a stretst ocours~, a r;urPe' of refasonabie Icing= .radius , shr21 be in3~ro~uced. On ptreete fifty ~50~'~e~rt or more i,n.•Width,`:... i~ne center ~.ine radius of curvature ah~ll not be less th~-<n, three ,, riunr:rr3 (3¢tl ~ f set. ~ ~ .. . 1 ~ Intersections of stre®te shall ~~e at ar- angle $s nearly, .~ v uegrees as possible, and sYiall not be leas 'than ~i0: 8egr•ees.~ ?.b `Proposed streets that :'re in a3ignment with existing .. :t•eefis already named sha].1 bear their~• ~nar~as. No new street or zbdi.vlsaon shall duplicate nam®~ of exist2ng ...streets or subdiY;i« S `C~~a ~ _ 7 ~-~_ ] evs shal_1_ be urav+ dec: in the rEa7'~ of lcf: s t4 lie used !~ ~ ~t.a f'ar busiraebs purpasES, and ixi residenGia~. iota unless the 5u divider sows ac~ept2b~.s evidence to the Comr~i.~s:~on or a.LS n~enz that friars is pot. ,a ;Deed .far ~11c~Y~a .. .. ~ . ;.8 Dead end street$ Ecul de saca~ shall ba designed so the :urn-araunds at tl~p a2QSed ends shs~ll.nsve at ini~ntmu-~ raaiu~ f,or outside ourb of at least Forty (~4} Feet; thr~xt; t~zey shf~ll ziot ~ 1 over four'hunflrsd 400} Ypet in length 7.9• ~Ipn,wnegts of'> a,typo, appt+fjv~d:by the' •Tawn Com~t,issian t eubc3.ivisians trhally within Or part the corporate ~.imiGs and by the ~t entirely without the c©rporF~te 'limits sr.Q-11, be set a~ ~] and angle poets of the bot~n;~arios Qf the origin?1 trfzc subdivided snd at e.l.l street 11~terseotic Q. ~,0 9loclte sh~11 z~ot exceed ~QO I Sat neat be •less th.3Y~ 4t~0 fast iri length ?.11 Blocks shall be irl~.cie enough ~ta ai.lo~ ~ or tiro ~ z } to of lots of minimum slez~th except wY2ere ~:rever~l:ed ay topagraphl conditions or sfze o; pro~,~er.'tYe Sn whiok: cn6c, the apprflprlate C4mmis~ion may colter the size< 7.22 •Arrar~ements Of lots stk.l~ be .:~.:t right e.n line, if possible or radial to curved street Sines 7.13 Each loC shall front 4n a ~publ?o stre~st ar on a ,sure cat~nec~tsd to $ thirty (3CJ } f s 7 01~ Corner lots shall be increased. in .size, iahenevex• rieoessary so as tra provide tt~~zt any structure to ,be pl~a,ed, thereon shall conform to the building ana setb~.ek• lines off' both streets o. 7,1~ All 2pt aorr~er m~rkars -shall be peru-:~~nently lac~te 3/~s inchE~s (if metal) in diameter and ~ ~: least; 2~ inches ~n length, .end loceted in th8 ground, tp f11,:S1a.. gr~cien . 7•,lfi ~'he size anti shape of, r~eidc~r_t~,sl laws sha11. be r~s t Town ^.ommissi-on or t'rie ^ounty ^ommisa;iv~i, ~ahichever. his z 3,ziaJ. ~urisdiotion, deems appro~r~.ete, sub~e~~, to t.hie p~r~grai?h ~~xa.d, ,. , paragr~:ph 7.2u, for -the type of bu,S~.dAr~ conternp3.a.ted, ~aravidec9.~ - however, that this lots ~`or resi:~santia]. purpos~,s: (a} wherreir_ both public sewer snd water r.~annectians arr~ Za~avi~ed, -shall bG a t ~ I I ~ ~.13.,. ~~rc~ .+ i E~ mzzl~.mUtn o~. s~;veh'ty~fi°re (?5~ fact avar•~ge Wldtn and ane hundred (IQ~) feet xsve:~zg$ depth and they sha13 .aonta,ln a srslniot~na , of 735Qt~ square fPet~ ~b) wMera~.n ii~thet• a~`~;ubli•c 'rd~tC31''= fir' ~ public sewer conYieptiari is avallnblep shall contain. at ica3G I~nAG4 sa,~,r~e fe~t~ (a) w'rerein a public sewer Coranecb~.ou is, z~at; pro- ~_3ea, lot ~h~Il contain at leasC 3.5og0 square $eet,. {d j s2xao. ; • dth and ax'ea sha11 in no Case be. less than that sp$c1f~.ed i'or ~:~~e lc?Gatlori 3n anv zoning regu~.atlo~as a~ mt~y n©~t ar ix} ;~;he. fut~ra ex7tsty 70~.? Tha ir~stallati:on of a prlv;~te water system oz~ a pr~,vete . sBw~e disposal matt~oc2 ~rhether t0 sorve one ur wore t!~en ona~, lqt . . st~a1.1 be aprrpved by th© Cot~ty H~lth c?ffinerv , 9 ?.19 In oase a tract iS subdivided 'zr~t© Iar~;er pa~cols th9u• ard3,nery bullriin~r fats, suq.n parcels shc:~ll bw so az~range3 as eto a7.14~r the Qk':@ning of flitvl3`~ £itrsaGB f~lil lagxcal Furtraat~ sU.bdivi- . ?.19 L~ue c~pnsideratlorz shall be givers ~y the subdiv.lcier tti °ov~,dZr~ anct by the Camrnlssion$ to req.~ilrir~ thy: provlsiorit, of ablic uses, tYYClud~.ng r•ecreration €3r'f38S , 7.20 `there alleys nre not provided, there shat]. b8 required easements u~; to eight r'eCt in width for poles, ~~+ia^es~ c3n~uitsp etOrfu unde:nitary sewera® gds, water ~nS hr~~~t mains hand ath8r p~~~lia ut1l~.ties Along x:11 rear lot ~.ines and side .lot lineao Ez~~sraents may be a greater L~tidLn far tha exter~s~.on of existing or p7,anned utilities , ?.2l X11 buildings r res~.d.ential, business; ~ and th¢ir Acoessary .- uses, gh~1l be required to set 1?ack a minimum of 25 Feet from all. streat rlght~-of~way lines, axeept that ~~rhere applicUble zoning regulations may be more strir~~;erzto then, those regulati.oz~s shall ?.2: 'here any Zoning regulPtions dC~ riot ~:p-1y and conditions ~rpear to q~prlt, F~rltin~r fl~cilirles Must by provided and be arpprovetl by the ommissiar~ nevix~ flnwl ~urisdlation, ~ ~ . • ~ l., ~~ . .. ~a;, ~ ., duo ~~..'}' _ ~... 1 hr i t~ I ~~; ~ l~,rmee Utili Extensions 11 ~ 1"" i~fYter~,~.fi'' it ~i~` u~~a°~~ary #'c~r s!'the~• public wet@r or` sewer lined or bGt3z to bo a:Xtes~~cle3 from ~:hei~ ~e~.1bt~.ng terminus points across int:erveri~.~i~ a~e~s to a eubd.lvisf.o~~,:. thy: reoponsibi~.' such extensioxi~• S's 'lef`t wl'trh the stt~di-vlder. 11 e2' Any, such e~tensia#ra oonn~ct].xr,~ `or proposed to b@' conneaa to tY~s T'oan public water or sewer aya~e~~ shall be corisCr~uCtecl ~.~ accordaz±~e with tht3 tgininuw speLifl.Cat.1'G~r~~s o#' ~Ghe '~o~rx- tea in es~tabltshing the c~inimur~ spv'ci.t"~,cations ~ aue consic~eratlon vhA: be ~ivpn to exlat].ri~ or posslble #'utuzro de~re3nFt~ant ~ wh#.Ch~ might• b~ served" by th~:s~+ ext~~n~el~t~~s or to exga.nsi4n oa" cha Towz1' a ~-t~.lity syst'e~D in either of ~~thiCh +~sa~• enlarErsmant e~f normal u~ain spec ~;ations shall be z~ecluirt~d 1~ Car:sidored necessary by the ~ow~c Mana~ 1103 Extsxzsions j.~der thin 1~rticZ'e st~a~.l~ upvxz z~ccc~pzanc~ ~~ the 2'o-~ny became ;E~~ property o#' the TAukz o#' ~'u].eelsiq 'Phe sixr d~,v~ider shmll grant t3nd deed unto the fiowua :~~'ee simple tttls t any necessary easa~ent or rt~ht-=o#'Vuaf ra~uirad for th° ~;ox2str and fior mnintenar~oe of the Axtexlsigna pr©u9.c1~~. for czrider tha.a Qrd9.A~2T1G® ; 11 ~4 This r'~rtic].c~ eM.al]. apply both ~~ithS.n the corporate l;tua and within the t~ao u~i].e distanaeo Pirli.nC rnsa~uremeAi:a tY~ereaf ~'Tl L~ X~ Pena3.ties ~ . any owner ar proprietor of a~ly tr~a,ct c ~,::;.~ subdivtdea said tract o#' lend in vioi.ation bf eny of ~>.: ~.}j~~~%~°.sl~ona o#' th] ordinance sha7.1 be ~;uS.].ty o#' a misdemeannr~ puri].shable by ~ Pin of. riot less Lhsn ~1.O.Q0 and r:4t amore this ~~~~.00, az1~d each ~3ay after the t'irst durln~ ~1hiCh the v'folations s~Y!.all continue shy J constitute a edp~erate v°iol~ttl0i ~:: va~~ c. . SMotald any a.rt~.cle0 sec;tiorse subsaetiox~ or provision o#' these Subd,ivl~3i.On regul~ttkpns be declared by a court of .corDpatezit ~urie~- :::tion to be invalid Or uncanstitutloriala such deci~rion shall not feot th4 ga.lidity or constitutionality of Lhe Subdlvi,sion regula« ::.~~x28 as a whole or any part thor~~of other thazx th,e p$rt BG deClt~red Se eat. of Conf'licti~r Ordinances Vj it ordlrtanCesa pr parts oP ordioancesr in conflict with thi9 r rdinarace are heret-y repealed, exaopt as hereinbefore providedo AE't Et'fegtive D gal]. be in full force and eff8c;t ~~__ ~~~~y~ 1 H ', xT !+'t)3THFsR OF3pAI~3ED FiY THE' CC~UPIGYL OF THE TOt,~~ OF P~JI•ASKI, s.t within ten days after the adoption Of thi$ ordix~~rtGe An its h~-V9 certi~'18d copies thereof ~awfull.y d©livered or served on the Commonvrea2tYi~ a Kttorney for the :oun.Cy Of ~Pulaslci~ the Chairman of i:he Board of .SupervlsGrs eitld oa~Ch aat~ber of said 8dard.~ the ChalrmAn Of thc3 County Pl.annirig Go~nAissivn ~,nd each r~ember of thc~ Cgmm? seionfl which delivery ar service eha11 :4nstitut4 notice to the ,governing body of the County of Pula$ki ention of Lhe Town of Pula©ki to adopt the regulatidx~s in this ordinanca~ aMd a requs$t oi' such governing body rerisw and approve or disapprove suah regulationt~, pursuant Co ,~ provisions of thQ Code of Virginia of 195da ag amended 4dopted: Pirat $eadingp November la 1955° HF, IT 4RDAIlvfi1J HY THE COUNCIL nF 'P~iE TQWI~ OF PU~.ASKI~ VIRGINIA, that within ten days after the adoption Of this or3lnanoe9 as revised frc7lN its first re~~dingp an 1*S scar, re~~ding„ the Town Clerk sha31 ., u:o Yaavo cer~tlfi.~d ocxp~.~~ tYaer~aY' ~r~wfuY'~~ c~elt.t~er~d or servr~c~ an tk~e Cc~r~aora.~~~A~.thBS Attcsrney toa• L`Y~a Cc~~.xx~ty~ of Ptx~a~k:~a ~~~he Ct~a~rr~E ref fiche ~ciar'c: t~f ~ap;~~v~.~or~ ~,xt:~ ~°QL:$T '~l~;S~t`t~t?'.C' o=' ~~~5 ~ ~aarr~~ ~:r~e Cr'lA1X':3E~.T! tip' ~~'1G' {~CfilAt~° `PI ~,1i22X1~.YI~.i CD~dP:Tf15~i'J73 ~tY1d ~La:ak't t'~Ql~i~(3!•• Ulf i•~< Caram~.5:1ar~D vr:n2~Y:f i~~~3v~x°.y ~~r~ ~~~;L•4~~c~: ~~a,~.Z aC~,~J',,~~t~~te ~~~~~~.a~ uY:t' (Y,d~'&r~.1~.21'k~, ~?GC1~' ~Uf ~~~: ~ `.L.~?{i.,';r Of" ~L1~.~~at~L ' Off' ~~i'1C! °.:i~ti:1'I'~~f.~:Ci f , the' '`c~~rri cif F'za.~.~Esk: to adt~pt ~:hc'~ 'r~*,~a~.~~~.lc~~€~ va~!~ti~i~.r~~d ~.n 'c~~~. ar•d3naricc:~ as t°eti~~.~~df, arAd s r~~~L~f;~~ ref ~~z~t~i ~av~arnl,~~ ~d.v to revi~s;r and ipp?^c~vs car d~,r~a~pr©v~ ~tt~Y. ~~~~;+.a2.K'~5.ar.~9 ~'~~.tra~.x;~x~t , tt~ „'~.~~r;a ~rt~v~.;~`~.aY:tt~ of thE: C~s~~.t of° ~I:r~,~.~sx~.a ~~f ~~,~c~ ~~' A ~R~ - _ . ~~ . 1