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,,. ~" ~; Council Mirjutes Oct. 1, 195?, 4 P• ~• Hinutes of the regular s~i-~aonth],y meetin,~ of the Totim Council of the Tcsm of Pulaski, Virginia, held on the lst day of October, 1957, at 4 p. s, in the municipal office. There mere presents Mayor C. Y. Jackson, preaidi.ng. Coancil~mens W. F. White, W. A. Lars®n, A. E. Le:aons, J. R. Martin, F. L. Carrico, ii. S. Cummings Absent: W. H. Wysor and I. R. Carper Also present: Town tanager: T. B. Noland Clerk: Gladys R. Dalton Tcwm Attorney: Garnett S. Moore Town Engineer: R. I1oyd Mathews Visitors: Evelyn S. Hall of the.Southwest Times Mr. James F. Qaesenberry Mr..Joe Shumate, Jr. of Ce~eman Furniture Cerper~ien The meeting was og3ened witb a prayer by Tawn Kanager Noland,; ;; The minutes of the regular semi-msnthly seating held Septaao?~r 20, 1957. were approved. Mr. tames F. Queaenberry asked Caadncil•a endorsement ®t hid; efforts to ascots an =CC permit for interstate hauling, which would ' mean employing between fifty to tit"ty-five men and mean business for ~!~ ~wUT ~TM4r~F`TM the Tort~m in general. 8e further stated he mast show the need et such; AS'r'~ ^OL1iduII!'S EI3~72:~~~a~;~'3 ~ a truck line by local business and industrial concerns, and it t~sa the consensus os' those present that Mr. Quesenberry shoald investigate this need and get sane expressi~ from the local industries first, at Ccywncil would cooperate with his 3n any way they could. ; Mr. Queaenberry else complained of a traffic situatiod~ at the corner of Third Street and Washington Avenue where he rperates k' the Main Street Service Station, in that the one-way trattic created bad situation for care leaving his station. The Ta~wn Manager was instructed to view the traffic situation at this point and see if anything could be dens. The Town Kanager statoKi that Mr. Oscar Blatt :was unable tc: bring his building survey report, bat that it would be sent to the { ^CF~3 ~.~- TfR._,?~h'F~~S Town and Ceancil would be given c®pies of sonde before the r:ett a~estin, ~,i. ,',=h ^~L"'~^''L at which time Mr. Blake warold be present. '_' ~Tn''~,S ti.! ~-~-- r~ ~ ~~~ ' Council Minutes contd. Oct. 1, 1957,4 P~ ~ The Towca Mar-aser stated that since the approval by Council ' of certain improvements at Calfee Park, additional study had been liven to the type of materials to be mood, and he Pelt the Town would aav~e on~the over all cost by eliminating mas©nry autpports RF.~-GI~~"'"'~~D .ALL fer-the bleachers and nee all treated wood constrnctiar~. Mr. TBI?A TFD 'MOOD - ' wOr';i".'FL?CT?O?d Noland stated that it wa+ald take less labor to erect all wood; r GR. CALTI'E PARK r,IT'Ar?L;FuS that the material coat would be slightly less, but the weed stands c®nld be dismanteled at a lower cost if desired later an. He also stated the wood is treated and has a ~narantee of a minimum eY thirty years. This chazJre was discussed at length, and ari motion of W. A. Larson, seeded by J. •R. Martin, it was unaniuie~sly RffiOI~ED, that Council rescind their previous actin, taken. relative to masonry supports for the bleachers, and the t all wood be used as maw recamaended. Tawas Manager NoLmd read a request from the Church of God of Prophecy in which they aNtee to five to the Ta+wn of pnlaakl. the r5 TOiiT OF 'S'AY rirht-of-way from the alley down to LsGran~e Street if the Town AS FRGFGCFD D''~ CHt?RCH G~' COD yd,ll, ~ turn agree to hard surface the alley oast to the Church, GT' PRGP$ECti REFERRED TO and on down from the Church to LaGrange and arree to keep same CG?~z~~TTTEF; up. On motion of W. A. Larson, seconded by J. R. Martin, it was unanimoualy RE50LYID, that the request of the Church oY God of Prophecy be referred to the Street Committee for reCamasndaticn. Town ~ana~er Noland stated that Co~anan I~rniture Cawpa~y- had had to abandon their first plane for canatructin~ an under- ~ronuid tunndl for steam lines ender Madi,,svn Avenue because of the excessive coat, and would like for Council to peas on their re- ccL~n? : t~Rr~ . RFQ r~ST P"F,~iTS quest today for permission to construct an aerial croaain~ of SIOti 1~OR AID Madison Avenud to carry steam lines to aannect their plants, and AER''AL CRGSSI?VG that Coleoan F'nreiiture would accept fall responsibility and maintenance as the crosaints. This request was discussed briefly, but it was decided it would be best td cal Mr. Joe Shumate, Jr., and have him come uP and answer same of the gnestiana bra~ht asp by members of Cwsnci2. (This will be cac~tinued later in meetinr) DR. CGGPER Town Manaser Roland informed Council that Dr. Cooper of 'v LLT'Jt', T^ V. P. Z. had expressed his willinpless to make a ~eolo~i.cal report ~1A~' iZDFGRT Or BRINES HGI,LGTrI ~~ r~'...'r~+'? ~~ ~..~ . ~ Council I~nutes contd. Oct. 1, 1957, 4 p~ ~• of Raines Holltre and that he wanld be in Pulaski an October 3rd to discuss same. Mayor C. V. Jackets: re~caresocided the folly to act as members t>f the Con~ai.ttee on the Pulaski Wayside Park: Mr. ~, 0?~'N3"TTr E "'C Roby K. Sutherland, Mr. Ralph Martin, Mr. T. B. ~1snd, Mr. ~_~'^ 0?~ PiJLASE7 ?r: A'~ S TLE PF RK Dave MiniChan, and Mr. (3eor~e Hillaman. On m©tit~ of W. A. :>I~ v~1TIv? Lsra1~ seconded by W. S. Cumin`s, it was unania~ousl3r RESOL~IED, .that the rect~emnendatiarcis stated by Mayor Jackson be accepted. The Teswrs Manaser stated that t3eoneral Crump, Ad~ntant t3ensral, and aeosbera of his party had been in Pulaski the "~~~1. :,~Lfi~ previtma week to view sites fes~ an Armory; tlsat Geaneral Cramcp JISIm~ : ~;~~SF'T G `'Sr.r1 ,;.' ~'E plane to send as architect to Fnlaski in the near fntura and gin ARP~iCRY alter his ractmMndatiara the pro`ress e-t an Armory shtrnld ~® alen~. Hs farther stated that deneral Crwap was ,specially interested in the area ib what is knta~wn as the Mtanritain Pack. It was the recoaonendatitm ®t the Street Coermittee that PC~TT OF S'~ . the request t:f Mr. Everhart for a loading and unloadirs~ ztsne in F.F',~t`ES T C. front of his place of business acs tin Street be not ~rante-d ~T'cFNAnT CLFcS. ~AR'~i:~'C'r ~ ~'^. inasmuch ss Mr. I~erhart et:nld use the batik entrance fee` this purpose; that he monst bit~rer ~,q' the- parking meter ft>r the time he parks in a metered zone, or use the alley b'Y the side of the restaurant, or to the rear of his establiahmsnt as a loading and unloading zorse tiny. dh soticrs t~ J. R. 'Martin, ~corided by W. A. Larst:n, it was unanimaus3y RffiOL'VED, that Ctnvicil accept the rectwmsendatitm of t~se s~ Street Ct~asi.ttse with regard to Mr. Everhart'a request. `' Mr. Shwnate appeared betore Ct:uncil and restated his cteaopar~r•a T•~. S,^^:~ '~ request for an aerial creasing ears Madison Avenue tc- carry stea~a lint~~ 7Tr.~'ti~ tt,.'`y~mJm ~~ ?CF A~'"r:TAL to connect their plants. He said his eompaaiy had worked ant an ~. S'?'~'l~,II~~,~ arrarisement with the Norfolk and Western Railway Caetpar~+ to clear '' `I ~~ ,v a ~i,. Council Minutes contd. Oat. 1, 1957, 4 p. m. the N & W tracks near Madison Avenue by 20 feet. He further stated that the Appalachian Electric Power Company wires wenild be affected and would pre~bl3r have to be raised, but that as yet they had not been able t® talk wi~- the AEP Ca~agy e~ticials/ He stated that the C & P Telephone CEecpany would not be in- volved unless their ]fines were on the AEP Coaapat~y pel®s. This request was discussed at length and on motion of W. F. Sihite, seconded by W. A. Larson, with F. L. Carrico abstaining fraar voting, and being unanimous by other members of Council present, RESOLVED, that the action taken by Cerancil on September 9, 195?, be rescinded, and that Colersn Furnitwre Company be PERr~'TSSION g~{,ed perw3.asien to csnst~xset an aerial creasing over Madison r LTn^2~'. li G^ AERTAL Avenue to carry a~ between their plants, sab3ect to the CROSSIT~T~ FOR S'_rEAN LINE'S approval sP the Totem Manager. and the ?own Attorney, With the urxier• standing that C©leman Furniture Caapany keep the line up and hold the tmwn harmless from any claims for damages, The Town Manager read a farther request fresh the Coleman Furniture Contpa~gy for permisai.on te- construct a 6" air line and 4".water line .under l~ladison Avenue, and eaz motisn oaf F. L. Carrico, seeded by W. A. Larson, it was unanimously RSSOLVSD, that Coleman Furniture Compar~y be granted per- ^OLEN,AN ~LTRN• mission to c®nstract a 6N air line and 4" water line under Madison GRANTED PERM. ^GR ~ AND ~•• Avenue, sab~ect to the terms an agreement to be drawn by the LINr Town Attorney. The Tawas ~atiager brought to the attention of Council a request tehich had been pending for s®e time, of the residents of the South end of Jefferson Avenue beyond Spangler Addition fe-r a WATER LINE TO water line extension and repairs to the street. He stated he felt BE EXTEivDFD 0?v S. ETv`D Or^ JEFF. }~ water line extension would c®st beteeen $500.00 and $900.00 AVE. BE'YGND fiPANGLER ADDN. and $200,00 for grarel on the read, and this could be financed treoae funds already budgeted; that it was his recmmondatien that if mFmera of three of the fear hee~ea located at this point xoald pay tar a water ce~nnecti~ the Tefm shcrald put in the water line and fix the road. On metiem of A. E. Lesoons, and seconded by W. F. Trite it was unanimously 1 1 1 RESOLVED, that the Town extend the water line beyond Spangler R 1 Cvuncil,~inutes,ccntd, ti~ ~~ ~~ Oct. 1, 195?, 4 p. ~. ~, Additian, at South end of Jefferson Avenue and put travel on _ the road under the c®nditie~ns as recaaasended above. It wsa decided bq members present that Council wa~u]:d nl~'t ' ~ Th#a.$daq, October 3• at oc~e m•clock p. m. at the Town ©ffice and to in a bodq t® vieW_the proposed Annexation lines near Br~+n Additioas. The meetint ad3ourned at 6;05 p. m. Approveds q~' Attest: Cler 1 1