HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-04-57Council Minutes Tdov. µ, 1957, ~ F• r~i. 'j i Minute,; of thE~ regular semi.-montlil;r mee'.i_ng of she Town Council of the TosN-n of :'ulaski, Virginia, held on the ` kth day oS ?November, ? at 4 957, p. m,, n the municipal office. 1 1 ~~ "'here k~ere present; Mayor C. '1. Jacksor_, presi'ing. Councilmen: ~.d. F. 'ah:? te, w. A. Larson, J, R. M ~rtin F. L. Carrico, W. .~. C~.zmmings Absent ; W. I~'. '~Tysor, I. R. Carper Also present: Town T~?anager: T. B. T3oland Clerk: Gladys R. Dalton Tcnm f~ ttorney; Garnett. S. F~ioore Visit.ars; Evelyn S, Ha11 of the Southwest Times T. J. IvlcCarth~r Posse H. Conner The meeting was opened with a prayer by Counci n F~ ~~ Carrico. R The minutes of the regular Semi-Monthly meeting ~eld on the 15th day of October, 19,57, and special meeting held on the 1st day of October, 197, we~~e approved. A s a result of the new parkz ng re , ~.riction in th ~. <Iowritoum area, between 12:30 and 6 a. m., to let the street sweepe! i get close to the curb to clean up the trash and debris, T. ~_. McCaflthy , wySH. a~~. ^LLI owner of Hotel Pulaski, stated that three of his hotel guests had IT~A T L'D FROI1 TART{i'v^v RFS ~. ~ICTIOI~rec~ived parking tickets that morning for parking near the hotel, FGR CLF.,~Td3 T'v'G ST&. and that unless some solution was made of the new parking restriction, ,. he would be forced to close his hotl on Washington Aver_ue inasmuch~as it would affect his business. ue also pointed out that the parking restriction not only affected his 'ousir_ess, but would affect the ~' restaurant business as well, to which fact T~ir. Conner concurred. ~! The m2.tter was discussed by Council and on mo}ion of F. L. Cax°~cico,~ ~t ~! secc7n:ied b~T ~~'. F. ~dtiite, it was urranimous]y '~1 i RESdLVED, that all of vashington fivenue be eli m'LRted .from the new parking restriction. I ~' 's'he Town Manager rea~~ a petition which had been 4. signed by residents and property owrprs in thr~ vicia~i ty of t~.he rea ~! DICbx-FSOI~ YpCiY. estate of T. W. Dickerson on Valle-f street, in which they stated ~! Rr?OTv'"`D E~L~SIiv S,~ they did not object, to the change of classification of Mr. Dickers •s property from residential to business, 1 I r~-'"'~ h..~ t ~~ Council ~i notes coT~t~i. ?~o~. ~, 19:7, ~ P• m. As no orre appeared at th;i.s hearing, either in THOi`'-'PSOr3 favor of or against the rezoning of thy; propert~~ of T. yM. Di.ckerson, PROPERT'i' FEZOl~ED I"~,D'~,'STRIAL Valley Street; and S. L, T'nompson, in Fast Pulaski, Council entered into a discussion of each petition. Cn motion of ~~'. F. tvlhite, seconded by W. S. Cummings, i t wae; unan'~mously RL'~'SOLVED~ that the property of T.'~i. Dickerson DZCT~E'RSGI' PTGP. R??ZOPdED RUS~'rSS located on the East side of 'Jalley Si.reet between Chestnut AIIey and Pulaski Street, and extendin..a eastward from 'Jalley Street to the back property line of the properties described, be rezoned Business from Residential. Gn motion of 6J. F. White, seconded by r^. L. C,arr3_co, C`ounc.ilman Lemons voting against same, it was RESOLVED, that the entire block from Union rvenue to alley t>etween LTni.on and 'vewbern Avenues ar_d between Third Street and Ba.rik Si,~eet, be rezoned Industrial from Business. CouriciLnan Lemons m~.de the motion that items not appearing on the agenda, or not placed on an amended agenda twenty-four hours prior to meeting tune, be not disc~zssed except ?pith the ~~narrin:ous consent; of Council, or members present. T}iis motion uTas seconded by r^. L. Carrzco. Courcil.~r,al? Larson objecte~t to -this motion stating he felt a t~ao-thirds vote would be morE~ logical than a. unanimous vote, and made a motion that no action be tal.en on the motion of. councilman Lemons until all Council members were ITII1S I30T APPEAP present, which motion Baas Seconded by W. F. 'vJhi.te. Councilman ?~;; ; CN AGL ~'DA IsUST i~V't, 2~3 DOTE Or Lemons withdrew his Fortner motion and tn2_de a motion that in the CGUi'~C iL Br~r 01'E BFI?3C, DTSCTTSSEP future the rule of procedure at, regular council meetings be that no items be discussed by Couneil not appearing, on the agenda, or by a.n amended agenda within twenty-four hours of the meeting, without a two-thirds vote of members present, which motion was seconded by J. R. Martin, and unanimously carried. Town Attorney tioore disqualified himself as QUALIFIES SELF RE: U7,iSArL BUILDING legal counsel to the Towr_ relative to its project for the re- PPO~?ECT. mova.l of structurally un.,afe Z')1111~1r1gS inasmarh as he owns ATT• BE EI~'L,OYED TO REF . TO`~'ITv' IN PRO.,TE'C T OF R~?OVAL Cr U'P?SAr E BL'JGS . ST. COI•I•~'ITTEE Fcr,C . ?~ GT TO AC CEFT Dr,DTCRTTQr~ Gr ALI!"tT B'i Ciiu~Cl~ OF G00 CF r%O~?i1~'C is ~TFS'I,;i,` 7CYV MILLS SEv1F;R SITUATTOI~ DISCTJSSED 1 I~0 ACTICII TA L!? RE:STrJD" ON J'~'?''TSOIti' ifIL:L~S ;F"w'ER SI'"'tJe"_TTO*~t ~?'"~'~ ~-.r 6 ~ c Council tni.nute~~ contd. I~ov. k, 1957, 4 p. 1 k' E ~, one of the building=. i!~~clu,t~d '.n the survey made by ?'Ir. C~sca.r x; Blake, Engineer. Gn motion of W. A. Larson, seconded by J. Ralp al T•?art.in, it was t!nanimo~x:<<~ ~~ RESOLVED, that an at.f,orr7ey be emplo;;red t.o advi Council of the necessary legal steps, and to make an e°fort to ~{ s: contact. property owners invel~~ed and try to work out some ; solution. It was the recomm~:ndation of the Street $. Committee t£~a.t the Town not accept <Iedicatian of ar, alley by the ., ,. Ch~zrc2-, of God of Prophecy which alley UTould run from a poi :t on t.~to alley which parallels Lagrange Street, eastward to Lagrange Street, ~;. ~~ut would a<:uapt, tYse cle<~icatior, c>^ ~;r. all.; +.ahich ali?~t'd rye a Pro } R' longation of the existing a11ey, parallel to and south of Lagrange Street, northward to First Street. Them was a discussion of the published repor~~ Council had failed to assist Jefferson •"ills in securng some re fur their sewer bi.li. ;tiiayor Jackson slated he ~rishscl to get the ~ t'F?C<~r'ci str2lg'r_fi.; that the statsment ma:IN by '~~r. I'i'.1, Plant ~i 2;anager, u~as misleacl.ing and ~i.r,.^,orr•ect; that there may 'na`pe been s,arno di.scUSS~t.on of the matter, and that he had informed membens t.Ie Chamber of Commerce that Council was reaIy to clisca~s it at but he could not see how Mr. Hill could charge Council with indi t time, I'E?I?Ce when Mr. I?i1.1 I,ad never peen before Council and asked for any relief. s, Tt was explained that the news d er=;, took tYpeir^ stmt er,er~t from a ~` bullet:i.I aei~I.•~~<.-.~~~i 1, f.ri~=: e~lr.~~; -„Y:, f ~F>:.far.-o__'•?ii7.s and th2.t ~:r ITO1art<I cid have some eorre:.poridence reiai,ave t,o this r.!at,i.•er in iii_ file, also a raspy of his le'.:tex~ t.o 2~ir. I'ila.. ii Ctyl]I'~.Ci.l1t1~-Il li~I'1',iYl ,s'ug~E'StB~~I (,:~;f, d f'r)ii'i;:~.t.t.f'E' ~7? ~i !' cppoil:ted t.o n,a.l<~= ~~ stud;/ of the water and sF~tNer for this company aril report bac~'K to Council, and i•Tayor Jackson expressed a ~~ish tfx Cuul~c; i rAf~•r the matter to tii2 'naLer and Sewc~i' Conanittee for a report,. 'oti~~etrer, no action was taken by Counc3.1, and the matter Nas tattled. ti~ ~~ Council m:i.r,uted contd. A;ov. 4, 1957, ~ p. m. To~b~~ Manager ?loidnd presented to Cour?ciI the request, of the National Guard for a ceiling in the armory bu~_ldirg; $600. APi nOPFIAT_ that, ii' the town would install tine ceiling {:be Irt=,rLt~r:> of the ED FGR CEILING FOR ART~IORY BLDG. go~rcl mould paint tti;e: anterior. Town Manager estimated the USED BY TdATL. GUARDS cost of the ceiling to be $600.00, and ;;ta.t.ed that. ~ t r~~as almost-. t Inpossi 1 pie !;o peat the bu:i Idi rg o.ithout a ceil_xng. Or. motion ~f s7. A. Iar~an, secor,red Y,y A. F. Lemons, a.nd on t-,i-IP foL_o~tiri.rg rF:r. orded vote : 'v~. ^. L~'t~ite .- a.ye F. I_,. C?rric~~ - aj-e Jd. A. Larson -aye A. r. Lemons -aye .n. 5. Cumm_, ngs -aye J. R. ?•iartin -aye it was RESOLVED, tY,ai. tre s~3m of X600.00 be appropriated from the CenF~ra?_ fund ,fc~r~ irtstaZll rig a ceiling in fi.he armory bu:ildirig now used by the Pulaski National Guards. To~.~2~ E ti,orrtey iwioore report<~cI tr~a t the case of the Annexation suit began or; Ttlursday morning, Oci,ober 24th, and con- tir,ued }:h~°ougYi the <Kth; 2nd that Court would reconvene on SPECIAL I~ETIIdG I~?ovember 9th, at 9;00 a. Ir., at. which t.imP the decision of the TC HEAR DECISION Gr JUDGES GTv three ,judges would be given. A1r. Moorn stated it might be wise. ANNEX-ATIOTv for members of Council be present at that time, ~~i}~ereupon r..ayor Jackson cai.led a sped al meetitlg for Saturday ruo?'Y... r?g at; 9 a. m. ar'~ 'tp.P V:1-rCUlt• ~OUrt.rOU2(i. "aul:c i3..nan Carri cc :-,:~. ~_d he would IikP ~ta go ors record and conncend the Tr_nan Attorney, Town I`~a.t~agpr and Toum ^ngi.neer COrJ1t;CIL CON~METdDS for their efforts in preparing dad presenfi,i.rg the ev=idence in tY.e TOti~1N ATTY. , I~R. AID ENGB. FGR Annexation case. I-iayor Jackson corurPnted that one of the Judges WORi~ ORT AT1~T`~ATIOT~ SUIT nearing the case sari it was one o.f the best prepared and presented annexation cases he Yiad heard; az-ru on hi.s motion, seconded by ~. E, Lemons, and .,~i±Y. t'rIa following recorued vote: w, r. White -aye ^, L. Carrico -aye W. A. Larson -aye A. E. Lenlors -aye W. S. Cummings -aye J. R. I~Tart.ir~ - 2;~e C. V. Jar_kson -aye fi. Una s RESOLTJFD, that Cour~r,~i express their appreciation ~~ ~ !~ 1 VA':' ~R OF GRC'C~iY Cp~~ Otv St:i~Ai'S TO L~ PLACEI r_T~ r~?E'XT A~=ET,TDA Council minutes cont'.d. Nov. •'~', 1957, ~+ p. m~l `; d to the Tow!~i 1` ttorr~~,~~, ~'o'v3i N~ar,ager ar,d Tcnan ~'rlgineer for their ~. efforts i.n prepar•'i.r~~ rnd prest~r~t,i r.g the evidence'Ln the Annexatialti ~' easy. ~, Mayor Ja.ekson called the attention of members a~' f'~ ^ouncil that several grocery s+.ore~~ ~rrc.re r~:me~z*~~rg epen all day if 3 on ~lzt7da},rs a71u 1~~n~ i21t0 tliE: 27i~nt, d1.$+O~<i~.l_T!~ i.ileir s+TdI`P,v Or. thee s.. ~?eraal<r. 'r'e ,tate,i he felt thi. ~~i~r+~ald not tie allowed; that ,'; h pe.r'naps ,just a short time i~i1="`tt:~; f;`,•=' ~~~,, ~,;r3:; ."i17'L~I"i~, CF.;r'i.ct~_2'i~/ ~~ ~. r:c,+ ~1ur'~ng ^inar~h t.itne, and that 3t wds ~ of f:.~ir to other rnercr,ar,s 2.n~ Su~,,~e.~~t@ii that the matter be placed on ".:~~. age; ~~~~7.. i~e.°e k~eing ric furi.i~er husi.rie:~s the meeting ;', 1 1 ad~ryu.rned at 6:d0 p. n. f fi a' App~~oved: e ~~,~ a ti*;a:y nr ~. $' ~, t. 3 a/i ~. ~lerk ~i t~ i~ ~!