HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-18-58~I tia.~v
?•'arCh ~.?~ 19K7, 3;311 ~• ~ri~
minutes of the regular <<leek.:,n~• of i?,e '"owr~ Cr3azrcil. of t'ti~e
'^own of Pu7_a ski, ?.nd Public Hearing o>~ the propcsEd Zonint ,'iap for tie
Annexed area, held r3r~ i~he 18th d2~r of 1`'z~'c , 19r",, a+. 3.30 p• m., in
m /1n
the lc>Zm ~~,. fic~.
There were present: Mayor C. V. Jackson, presidn~.
Coiai~ci.~_rneil: ';v' '"h.te, .T • T „. ~ r I.sx~:ons
~.bsE=~r,t.: ,'. R. "~iurt~_n, '~~. ^. Ct.,~nn~ings, '~'. t;. l~Tysor
Visitors: Re~~. S. Trourrae HoyT.
~''~.Telyn S. r?a' 1 of t'::e Scuthwest Times
i~~irs• Fred r . '"hompson, and
R. I. i~rown, her Attorney
i ir. Harry h' • Ball
;~1r. Foy ,u~~t,
~'~''. '~, ~, o '.l' iii
i~'. 'v • A. Hlackbizrn
Mrs. l~adel~ine Harmar~~
.~{{ T ~. `t
~~' --
-_; ,~,
•. .. .
'ire meatirrg was opened ~•r F,'_: a_ pr<; ;Ter G:7% tl.e Fev. S.
%'"'~wzie Ho~T't., Pastor of the Andprsor. 1"emorial Presbyterian Church•
~R ,
:•:ayor .,acr~on auv:i..>F.cl that the Tc~•^': Plar;ning CommiGsion
had outi.ined a proposal .for zoz,ing of +.,'.•.~t~ annexE~U area, and. l~acl hrlc', .
PUBLIC HEARING tr»ir. ,na}~1ic hearing on tt)~ oning mrp February Sw, 1~~8; and accord-•'
OF ANNEXED AREA ~r~g to law, Couirc:il ~aa;-, no... hcldir.^ i±,~ ~;:blic hcur3.r:~-, a^ ad.vert~_sed
ip t%''e S~L:'i'1':vlest Time^, 2nd if there ~I~ ^ 2'^~7 One pre^e;^,t Zn'h0 '+1oS 2'tOt
far:iliar vT th the zon _r,~ of t;~is area, ^ver~,T effort. would be made to
ems? a.. r. it; tha.+, it was certa3 rl._,r t?;e desire of Council to be fair iz
this matter, as we11 as trear desire that the area be zoned to the
benefit, cf all concerned.
R. I. Brown, Attorney for Mr. and ':'hrs. Fred L'. Thompson,.
y~1 firm had f:.lod l'
s~ •. ~. rU h~~.- a i.,eti, ,_on ~ or. ~ . .: rg the zcrirg of three
diffez'ent. ';,c-,tions cf the Ti)or~p;~ons, the third being Lots 1 and 2
FRED E.THOMPSON of the PPI;I,ers Ferr•jr Sui~divi lion, corner of Peppers Ferry Road and
CLASSIFICATION Iv~ashburrr AvPr)ue. Th.'Ls propErt;;T was ur.i:.lair: the r,orporate liri~.ts
~32'i r)I' t0 271I?t'?Xutl.On 2nC; })F~, 1.};'=:I^~' i~r,Y•fa, ~~ SRllt7~iJU that the P1c.t1211I)~
,~riina.sr~_on snd Cou?).ci_1. would not consider the re-zonir~~; of those
~~~~ ~.
Council minutes contd.
~".a-rrh lf~, 1958, 3:30 p.m.
tots at tl~!i_s time. "1r. Bro-~-r, askp~I Caurrcil to car+sidei• t:ne re-
.oning of the other' +.t,+o properties of Fred F. '^ha'n;i;;;r~z? from re~>i-
dezri:,i al to ~,u.l.r+ess; one 1-t~ir.g on tl:e earth side of Pepper:> Ferrer
noad neat' JaC){;;Ur; ",-?~~~ { ii~T, cr'tU ktit;G•~T; a5 the V:;J_lag~ Food Fair, a.rni
the other propPrt.y beir:g near M2,egi.11 ~ril].age, beir:g also a grocf::ry
store whi c'r. they have operated for fieveral years. ;•tr. ^rown
c~allFd Council's attentior+ t,o t rticlF l~'~ of the Zon'rg Gr~ir,a;+re:,
and also stated that i,hP Pl annS rg Conun:L ssior felt, to re-zone these
properties as bus9.ress r~7ould be "spat zon ~_ng". HP ,pointed out th~.t
in iris opinion t;herP i.,!as "spot. zonLr.g*" or. T?ewbern Eoad, as well as the
lx~tion rf Harry stefi's Snack ~?ar. '"r~. 'T'hompson told Council o:f
their plar~; for enlarging and improving their store rear rtacgill Village
and stated their could riot do this under the present ~,or+3.ng.
Harry H, Hall objected to the business zoning of property
near the intersection of Route 11 ar:d '•'~indsor Circle, sta.tirlg there
were at least siz houses from the ^ail Service 5tati.or, t,o this inter-
section and he felt it should aL be residential. Foy Aust., owner of
much of this ;}ropert.y, stated he lf~j~t, ~_t, wa.s not suitable for resldentia
usc-: because of the lat of th~~ la-nd. l~;x. Hall stateu he hail no
objec-',.ion to the Bones property on the right being zoned for business.
i~r. f dams stated he Tnras only an interested visitor.
T~ia~Tar ~Tackson advised those pre::=nt ±~~a.± nothing would be
clone at the present, and that further stud) and c;onsidPrati_on woulcl 'oe
given t.o the matter.
~`"7,~. Vera Butler, irrsi. ?•"adeline riarman 2nd ~Tr~+• Floise
°"•acgill, representir:g the Fula ski ~',a.raen Clr?h on Y~eautif i cation, Basked
Council's cooperat.i.on in a campaign for a cleaner rulaski. firs.
REPRESENTATIVESnuf.ler pointed out "blighted areas" and stated that main Street was
ON CLEANER not always clean. S'rre also asked Crna.ncil to enforce the ToUm ordinance
renu3_ri.rg persons who own vacant; lots to keep them clean, free of
poison ivy and weecls~ She stated the Club had some funds from the
Sears foundation, but they woulcl nE•e d the cooperation of the Tower
as well as its people to keep the Town Clean. *•irs. %-Tarmd.n a.rd
Mrs. )`~!acgill felt that should, sucif a prodran; be undertaken the present
garbage pick.-up system should be inc.l.uded, stating ttie~r were opposed
to the unsightly garbage cans in front of residences on pt.ck-up days;
that dogs overturn the cans and garbage uas scattered , ar;d _felt the
~~""' ,~
Council minutes coml.°d.
i•Iar. Imo, 19i-~, 3:30 p.n1
To~Nn had made a mistal•.e in recen.i•Iy stopp:i_rg gar°bage trucks from
pu1.1 ing ar. dri veways of some re~sidencPS an.I picking up garbage.
Councilman Larson poin{.ed out that the Town's garbage disposal sez•~,~iclr
is operating at a deficit. Councilman Lemons statled hP wa.s in
agreement w~.th t}:e CI~_ib members on {,hp garbage situation. Counciimatt
Carrico stated he cerFainly thought the orclinan_cp rely{:ive to upkeep
of vacant; lots should be enforced, and felt the garbage collection
systerr, should be overhauled. "'own i~:anager i~oland stated that funds
were limited, and he was told last sumr<er ~,r'r.en owr-ier;s of vacant lots
were a~;~roached., 'tthat when the to~ar_ cleans it's .right 5-of-wa.y, we
~•r_~.Il Cleari OUI' IOtS~t.
~iayhr ~Tacksat,advised tiie Club mem'c}f=rs t}'iat Council was
very much ini~•erested in wkaat, they were pla.r..ning to do; that the Town
has many pro'olems, and funds are limited; and that to make a success ~~
of such a program ''we must:: all work toget}ser ".
i~T. H. Rlackbur'r~ asked Council to reconsider their ordi-
Hance requiring fixed awz:ings be placed 9 feet from the sidewalk. He `felt
REQUEST FOR this Eras too high for a.r,~r sun pr. o±,ecton tc mer~handize in store windl~rs,
CLEARANCE FOR at~d recommended the ordinance be re visPC; reducing the minirrnun cleara.n@~e
AWNINGS to ?feet, tiiayor .Tackson advised Mr. Blackburn this matter would be
corfsidered by Council.
Paul ~lolst.an, reprPSent.ing tY~e Pulaski. Counts, a semi-prCN
baseball club of the Rlue Fidge League, asked Council for use of
Calfee Park by the club this stunrnex•, stating their garres were all
played at night and their schedule could be worker} out with the '.
SEMI-PRO professional team. Ne~stated his club had paid the town last.
REQUEST USE swrnner far use of the Park, X25.00 per game plus 10'~ of admissions,
that his club had. na funds other than • gate receipts and c~ThFn that '
didn't pay their expenses, each member of the foam paid from their
personal funds, and it was hoped Council could reduce the fee for `,
usp of the park should the~,l~e allowed to use it this summer. No
action was taken, but Mr. Holston was advised that Council. would give
his request further attention.
Town Manager Noland read a. petition from residents of thel
PETITION FOR rit. Olivet section far a water line to service seven houses within thei
Council minutes cont'd March 18, 1958. 3:30 p.m.
corporate limits and fourteen houses outside. He furi;her presented
to Council a cast estimate on the construction of this water line
which had beer, prepared by the Public 'forks T~epartment, '"here
followed much discussion relative to the size of pipe which should
be used; also the fact that the Health I/epartment, had labeled
the well suppl;li_ng the residents as "un~;afe and cont.amir..ated".
The To~,m T'ianager advised Council there were no funds in the current
budget for the construction of this line, and on motion of A. E.
Lemons, seconded by I. R.. Carper, it was unanimousl~~
RFSCLVFD, i;hat the request for a water line to the ~"t.
Olivet section be referred to the ~Jater. Committee and ,laced on the
agenda for the next regular meeting of Council.
r. F. Corder advised Council that he lived in the
fourth house outside the corporate limits in the Mt. Olivet Section
and would certainly like to have the water line extension if Council
could see their way to service them outside, too. He further pointed
out to Council the confusion to new comers to Pulaski caused by whit
is knowr_ to most residents as "Main Street" being listed as Second
Street in the directory, and asked Council to gyve this considerate
Town i•ianage.r Noland read a resolution prepared by the
Town " ttorriey on the construction of a T1a~ional Guard Ax'mOrz~ by the
CONSTRUCTION OF Torn of P~_ilaski, upon propert~T lying in the County of t'ulaski,
GEN. CRUMP FOR sett.irrg forth obligations, terms a.nd conditions in coo;~eration
with State and rederal authorities. The Tow-r~'Manager was instructed
to send a copy of the resolution to tiiajor General Grump for approval
before it became a. part of the rr~irrutes.
Ft this point Councilman Lemons gave a brief report on his
r°ecent tr-~, to Washing'„on, explaining that at the request of the ?Mayor
LEMONS REPORTS he hacT accompanied local, area, and State National Guard officials
WASHIlVGTON RE at a conference Tai.th the Virginia members of the Senate and Rouse.
The Senators and Congressmen had stated their opposition to the
reduction of the National Guard budget
A discussion followed in regard to the water main sif;uation
and cost estimate for the proposed water line extension to Smith Addition
LINE EXT. FOR Just north of Macgill Village, and inasmuch as triis Addition is not
BE CONSIDERED fully developed at this time, and the scarcit~T of funds, Council was
IN 1958-59 BUDGET
`~"~ ~
n.~: _• ~.
Council minutes contd. Mar. 18, 195$, 3~3o P•~~•
was of the opinion that the request for a water Li_nP extension
to this subdivision would have to be delayed unti?. it could be
considered in a stud~% of the new buci~et.
Town Attorney i~~oore gave a br:~ef report on new State
legislation of interest to Towns, and pointed out that after receipt
of copies of all_ new bills a further discussion may be desirable.
Town tlanager Noland read a letter from Col. fi. J. Skidmo~'e,
District Engineer, Corpos of ~!rmy Engineers, in which he informed then
town that after completion of a flood control s+.udy of Peak Creek,
ON STATUS OF PEAK the benefits to be derived from flood control measures at the proposed
CHANGE AND RE- Raines Hollow-dam would not justify the expenditures involved. The
RT. 99 C'orpos had considered the possibilit~.T of auda_ng 2,0 feet to the 50 ft.,.
dam as proposed, The Town i•?anager also read a letter from nepi ~+.
Pat Jennings, i.n.forming the town of the status of the Corps of
Engineers study of a possible channel change of Peak~,rFel, in
connection with the relocation of Route 99, stating that the D.zvisi.or`
e'ngineer's report had been sent to the Chief of 1,~ZginePrs for
` apc~~roval.
There being no further business, the meeting a.d-
journed at (:00 p. m.,
ipproved; 1