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Council ''"mutes
June 3, 195x, ~ p. m.
""mutes of the regular meeting of the Town Council of
the Town of Pulaski, held on the 3rd day of ~TUne, 1?~~', at 4' p. m.
in the N:unicipal office.
'"here were present: *`ayor C. V. Jackson, Presiding.
Councilmen: Jd. ?-?. ~Jysor, ~~1. r. '.Jhite, F. L. Carrico,
:a. S. Cummings, i. P. Carper, A. E. Lemons,
'. R. ~'artir.
Absent: '~'. .",. Larson
Also present: ~'owri ".'anager: T. ^. "'olar_d
Clerk: ^ladys R. Dalton
"_'own "ttorney: larnett S. i`oore
`Tisitors: Evelyn S. u-ai1 of the SoutYiwest Tinres
"rs. D2vis 2•'_. Fainter
.~alph Studebaker of the Pecreatior. Department
''lair ,.,?atson, lice-President of Jaycees
J. ~. '.ro'arner
Claude `_'elton
George "'aylor
~~"ayor Jackson called the meeting to order, and the irwoc~.tion
was given by Councilman Tred Cax°rico. ,
~'inutes of the regular meeting of '~.ay 28th and special
meeting of '.ay 28th, I9$8, were approved.
?':rs. Davis i.. Painter of nth Street complained to Council
about mos ~Zitoes at her Frorne, stating they were conning from a pond
MRS. PAINTER-5TH nearby owned by ~1x°. Ralph Futherford, w'ro claims ~.e has fish in
MOSQUITOS this pond. ~~'ss. Painter had with her a pint jar of water and
stated this sample of watex•, containing "wiggle tails"' was taken from
the pond by her recent guests and that the situation was very bad, not just tow,
':ut all times, ~.~rich made it very eniUarrassing for her, especially when
she hau guests. After this situation was discussed by Council, ~`ayor
Jackson advised i'rs. Painter that the matter would be taken up witY.
tree '?ealth Department and .~'r. ~ uttierford. 2~'rs. Painted stated that,
nth Street was dirty and had not been swept for sometime. She was
told that the "'own did not have fund for sweeping the residential areas.
P`ayor Jackson presented an award from the i~ationa.l
NATL. REC. ASSOS. -,ecreation ..ssociation to Councilman F~alph l:artin for outstanding
MARTIN & REC. DEP'I,~ommunity service in the promotion of ~tecx°eation, citing ~iis long
and continued interest in recreation for Pulaski. ~'Yie Pulaski Junior
Council Minutes
June 3, 1g58, ~+ p.rn.
CirambEr of Commerce was likewise recognized uy the Idatiorral Recreation
Association for their Central Elementary playground project and this
award was presented to Rlair +~atson, riaycee Vice-President, by iayor
':'own ~°anager i~`oland advised that Pulaski .ospital did not
object to the conditions of Council relative to the ~.ospital expansion;
plans, but asked the ~~oard of ~'ppeals to aujourn the hearing for
ASK FOR ADJOURN- approximately two weeks so ti.e .~iospital could Discuss with their
FOR BLDG. PERMIT Architect possible floor plan changes, which adjournment was granted
by the ^oard.
nlith respect to the iuew ~:iver ti'alley Airport development,
;:dyer Jackson reported that the Circuit Court 'rad ruled in favor of
the Airport Commission which means that within a few days the sum of
:~'~0,°00.00 would be deposited with
the Clerk of the Circuit Court to
VAL. APT. IN cover the cost of a disputed award of the condemnation comrriission
PROCEEDINGS after which the ~':irport Commission may proceed with construction.
one 2~.ayor also reminded ttie group
of the Airport and R
ines Hollow p that there would be a formal showing?
rojects to interested contractors
RAINES HOLLOW The '"own manager reporte d that just prior to fire meeting there
CONTRACTORS irad been a surprise visit from the Adjutant General, General Sheppard
June 5th.
Crump, wr~o had come to discuss the Armory project and take another look
at possible Armory sites. ~)ecause there hail seemed to be a feeling
on the part of some of our citizens that the proposed Armory should
ARMORY SITES be located more to the east of the center of population rather than
GEN. CRUMP. in the Pfountain Park, the General had been shown two sites under
private ownership as well as the Town owned site on East a~iain Street
which latter site had been examined by tyre Adjutant General on a
previous visit. t~lYrile it had seemed to those who accompanied the
Adjutant General that 'rre might approve at least one of the privatel;,~
owned sites, Council was iri general agreement that the f°inancial
structure of the Town would necessitate placing the Armory on either
land now owned by tree Town or on private land only if ti.at land stroulc~
be rionateci to the =own.
Council i'~inutes contd.
June 3, 1958, ~ p. m.
Town =attorney 2•"oore explained that in acquiring title to
what is known as the Ogle land consisting of approximately 185 acres
in the area to be inundated in the Raines Hollow project, a friendly
ADOPTION OF condemnation suit would have to be executed because one of the Ogle
FRIENDLY CON- heirs is a minor. The Town .atorney read a resolution which on
FOR OGLE LANDS motion of J. r. martin, seconded by W. S. Cummings, and on the
following recorded vote, was
~`+. i' . ?'tiiiite - aye Fred CarT•ico - ay'e
I. i. Carper -aye ' Toodson Currunings- aye
-~j. A. Zarson - abserr~. E. Lemons -aye
Ralph "•'artin -aye '.,'. ~'. Trlysor, Jr. -a.ye
FcESOL`v'ED, that W'r:EREAS the Town of Fulaski, '~irginia, a
municipal corporation, proposes ~o build an impounding dam on the
South fork of Peak Creek, in what is commonly known as the Raines
'r'.ollow Section of Pulaski County, Virginia, for the purpose of
impounding waters for use by the Town and as an extension of its
present water system, all of whicYi is to be a part of the water
system of said "own and is riereby declared to be ne cessary in
order to provide an adequate watex• supply for the Town and the
citizens tizereof; and,
WF;EP.F.,AS in the aforesaid Raines :ollow Section, and
more particular ly*'described as being near t~.e ":lorthwest boundary
line of Pulaski County, tY;ere lies a certain tract or parcel of
lane consisting of one hundred and eighty-five (1~5) acres, taore
or less, whicr. land, t;ecause of its location, is particularly
adapted for the purpose of irupounciing water, and is ttie only
land in that section which will serve said purposes; thirty
(3G) acres of said tract being now owned by the heirs of T. ~.
Ogle, and the remaining portion, divided into a thirty-acre
(30) tract and into a one hundred and twenty-five-acre (125)
tract, is owned by tre devisees of C. D. Catron; and,
'v1HEFiEAS the said Town deems the sum of Ten Thousand
Dollars ($10,000.•b0), arrived at by its commission appointed
as aforesaid, as an adequate and propex• price for the fee simple
title of said property, and has heretofore by proper action of
the said Council authorized its purchase at said price; and,
°7P:EREAS, the said Town, through a Special agent, A. ''.
uatewood, appoin tau for tre purpose of appraising said property
and for negotiating for the purchase thereof with the owners,
has made a bona fide effort to acquire the fee simple title to
the property from said owners and has reached an agreement for
the purchase thereof for the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars
($10,000.00) for the one nundred anti eighty-five (l05) acres,
more or less, together with all buildings, easements and appurten-
ances thereunto appertaining, with those adult owners who are,
as a matter of law, able to sell their fee simple title in said
parcel, but has been ineffectual in making purchase of all the
owners' interest in said parcel of land by reason of one of the
owners, ~~innie Louise Ogle :reed, being under twenty-one years of
age, and by further reason of certain limitations imposed in
the will of Charles D. Catron upon the sale of said Land by
Melissa -=ae Ogle, ii;i.s daughter and life tenant, now in possession
of said parcel of land; and,
v~y'iiEREAS, the said Town deems the parcel of land necessary
in order to establish an adequate water supply and particularly
for the portion thereof necessary for containing the impounded
waters of the :wines rollow Dam;
~ ~~~ {B
Council Minutes contd. June 3, 195, ~ p.tu.
TOW'i` OP PL'LASIrI, VIRGINIA, meeting on this 3rd day of June,
1G~o, that:
(1) `lhe Town, in consideration o~ the premises, does
hereby declare that the aforesaid land is necessary and essential
for the expansion of its water system; that its efforts to
acquire said property have been ineffectual, iri t'r~a.t there is
an infant wr~o owns an interest in said parcel, and that there is
a limitation upon another of the owners trereof, and that by
reason of the aforesaid the Town deems it necessary to bring
a condemnation proceeding for the said tract of land.
RESOLUTION (~) The attorney for said Town is hereby authorized and
directed to proceed irnmediate],y to file a petition for condemnation''
of ti:e property and to take any and all other steps necessary to
CONTINUED carry the proceedings to a conclusion under the rights of eminent
domain given unto said Town by the Constitution of Virginia,
the general laws, and the provisions of its Charter, and to do
any and all other things that are necessary to secure the fee
simple title to said parcel of land.
(3) The I~.ayor and other officials of said Town are
directed to sign or execute any necessary pleadings and to
certify this resolution or other resolutions or records as
are necessary to this proceeding.
(~) she financial officer or other proper officials of
tree Town are directed to pay into Court, or as may be directed
by said Court, the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars 010,000.00) for
the purchase price of said property to be acquired, plus any
other necessary costs for carrying on tre proceedings.
There was a discussion of tY,e success of the i•:emorial Day
Program, anti on motion of ~~T. n. W~rsor, seconded by A. E. Lemons,
and unanimously carried, it was
ESOZ ~L', that tine `"ow-n •fanager craft a letter to ~ a.jor iiardsen,
TOWN MGR. TO who commands tree local Army Reserve ?~.eadquarters and who instigates 'the
& OTHERS ON MEMORIALlaea of the i~Iemoral Day observance as well as others who part:icipate~I
DAY PROGRAM in the program, commending them for their excellent job in planning
and carrying out the program, a copy of satire to be sent to the
Southwest Times for publication.
There appeared before Council a group who were interested in ::
awater line extension into Smith Subdivision which lies to the nor
of Iacgill village. T're gz•oup stated that a rriirimurri of inz'ee houses}
SMITH ADDN. would be constructed zcrn~ieuiately if Council could guarantee extensic#+i
LINE EXT. of a water rnairz to tiiE Subdivision and along Cak 'riurst r venue. i'rie
Town °'=anag~r stateu the main size line wl:iel. the Towm si~~ould con-
sides installing in L'nis area woulu ire a 6" lisle and since there is
an iriauequate ling along Peppers Ferry .goad leading ~f,o Cak Hurst ,
June 3 19~~, ~ p
Council minutes contd. , •+ tn.
Avenue a total o° 2,000 feet of o" lir2e would Le necessary,
along with necessary valves, hydrants, etc., the total cost •
of which improvement would be approximately $7,00.00. Mere
was a full uiscussion on this situat;on and the general
situation as regards water and sewer line extensions, after which
Council informed the group that no definite word could be
given them until after contractors Lies for ti2e fiaine Hollow
water development poject are received, wi;ich would be subsequent
to June 211tiZ.
T17ere 'acing 210 further Easiness, the meeting was adjoul°nEd
at 5:50 p. m.