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Council minutes
July 3d, 1958, 1 P. i'l.
At a called meeting of the Town Council of the "Town of Pulaski,
Virginia, held at 1 p. m. on July 30th, 1958, in the T•lunicipal offices.
There were present: i~!a,yor C. V. Jackson, presiding.
Councilmen: A. E, Lemons, W. H. Wysor, k'. L. Carrico, I. R.
Carper, W, A. Larson,
Councilmen-elect: T. J. McCarthy, Glen K. Aust
Absent: J. k, isiartin, "tnT, S. Cummings, W. F. ~~'hite
Also present: Town 1~?anager; T. B. I~~oland
Clerk: (sladys R. Dalton
Town Attorney: Garnett S. Moore
`T'own Engineer: R. Llo~Td riathews
V'!.sitors: ~vel~m S. Nall, reporter for the Southwest Times
your (~) members of the State highway Department o.f
P~ i~T, F. Wmi_th, Urban. Engineer and i~ir. crank Howard, District
Engineer, respectively of the State Highway Department in company with
two Engineers of the Department were present for 2. discussion of
the Route 99 -Channel Change Project, as well as the proposed re-
location of i~Tewbern Road (Secondary Rt. 611).
The H9_ghway Engineers outlined for Council the background of the
.relocation of Houte 99 project, and explained that their visit had been
primarily concerned with stud~T of a suggestion that the two-way traffic
pattern of the Town be extended to a point approximately at the inter-
section of First Street and East i•Sain Street (Second Street), and the
project extension of Third Street over th? undeveloped right-of-way
t'rom Madison Avenue to the end of the right-of-way and thence on a curve
to join with Second Street at the intersection of Second Street and
First Street. It wa.s explained that a survey would be made in the very
near future to determine the actual feasibility of wuch a street ex-
tension as a part of the Route 99 Project. 'here was a general dis-
cussion o~ various technical aspects with the proposed construction,
such a.s the number of lanes of pavement, width of traffic lanes, the
importance of the proposed criar_nel change project and the concurrent
interest of the A.rm~r ~hgineer, s i_n this phase of work, as well as
right-of-way width in the various sections, It was estimated that the
towns one-fourth portion. of the cast might go as high as ~2ddd,00d.d0
for 4 lane construction, and it was agreed that the uighway Dept.
would provide the information and the possibility of two lane constz-~tction
over a part of the street as weal as other inf ormation requested by
~~~ ~ c~
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Council 1`linute s c opted.
July 3b, ly5t~, 1 p. m.
With respect to the proposed relocation ot'I~!ewbern Road from
a point approximately 1300 feet west of the urove Drive intersection
to the tiew Route yy, a d:i_sta.nce of some three thousand feet, the
highway liepartment explained that under existing Maws and state regu-
lations the town wou:Ld have to hear fifty percent of the cost of
this proposed new street, the towns one-half portion being estimated'
at ~~, 00th. UC1.
No action was taken and Counc3.:L expressed its appreciation to tie
i~ighway ~~gineers for their visit and the ir.f ormation provided.
P:ayor Jackson explained that the proposed resolution would
px=ovide for town's p~rtici_pation in a contract wi_t,h the redera.l
"sovernment under the terms of which the "'own of t'u'laski and other
signatory political subdivisions would re obl~.gated to provide matching
funds sufficient to provide an airport with.paveci runways but not in-
ADOPTION Ok' cludir_g such facilities as hanger, but with the understanding that
RESOLUTION FOR 'Tarious political subdivisions would be obligated to maintain the '
airfield in proper conditions. th1 motion of W, n, ~riysor, seconded
}~y I.. it, Carper, and on the fo'1_°Low2ng recorded vote, it was RFSGLV~D,
W, A. Larson. -aye F'. L. Carrico -aye
A, +?~. :ti e~nons - a~Te W. S. Cummings -absent
~~f. i-s. +rtysor - a;Te '~.'. F. ~~"nite -absent
I. h. Carper -aye •J. R.. :~;artin -absent
C~:EkF,AS, the `Gown of Pulaski, Virginia, i.s one of the political-'
s~zbd9.vi.sions participating in the establishment and. cor_struction of
i;h.e !`?ew Ra.ver Valley Airport located rear IhablS_n, Virginia; and,
the Town of Pulaski, Virginia, a.s a ~ne!nher of the
~_irport ~;ommissi.on has hPretotore appropriated the sum of Norty-five
'!'hou:~ar_d (Y~~,000.00) Dollars, toward tills project;
"~?C~~1, '!'~?F'RF'F'URF', aF I1.' kESOIUFi~ ~y the Council of the 'Town of
Pulaski, Virginia, sitting in Special called session on this the 3otr~
d.ay of Ju?y, lyK~, as followG:
7_. 1`hat the said 'Fbwn of Pul.aski.~ Virginia, be and hereby is
authorized to act as one of the Sponsors of the ivew River Valley Airpoz't,
a.s required by the Civil rerona.utics Administration of.' the i;ederal
~ ~~overnment.
~L~ r+~
Council minutes contd.
Jul; ~ 30, 19513, 1 p. m.
~. `[`hat the ;'Mayor, C. V. Jackson, be and hereby is authorized
and directed to execute the ~:srant Agreement and any other documents
necessax~T -between the Sponsors of the Airport and thF Civi_1 Aeronautics
Administration, and Gladys R. Dalton, the i,'lerk of said Council, is
hereby authorized and directed to affix and attest the seal of the
'"own to ar_y instrument so executed bar the i~~a.yor.
3. '"hat any documents exPCUted shal]_ automatically become
a part. of this resolution and be and hereby is made a. part of saS..d.
resolution by reference.
1~ copy of the Cxran-t ~greernent and any other instrument
executed shall be filed in the office of the To-„m T~Ianager, and
shal]. be made a permanent record.
' he meeting ad j ournerl 2t?, ; ?c7 p. m.