HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-21-58~~~ Council minutes October 21, 1958, ~ p, m. Minutes of the regular meeting of tae Town Council of the Town of Pulaski, Virginia, held on the 21st day of October, 1958, at ~ p. m., in the municipal office. There were present: Mayor C. V. Jackson, presiding. Councilmen: W. F. white, ti•1. A. Larson, Glen K. Aust, J. R. T~iartin, John ?-v. Nash, W. S. Cummings, T . J . i~icCarthy Absent: Also present: F. L. Carrico Town T~Tanager: Clerk: Town Attorney; Town Engineer: T. B. Noland Gladys R. Dalton Garnett S. Moore R. Lloyd Mathews Visitors: Evelyn S. Hall, reporter for the Southwest Time;, Rev. Albert S. Hale, ~~astor of T~emorial Baptist Church Joe B. Shumate, Sr., Joe B. Shumate, Jr., and H. 'v1. Huff, Jr. Mayor C. V. Jackson called the meeting to order, and the invocation was given by the Rev. Albert S. Hale, pastor of the Memorial Baptist Church. Minutes of the regular meeting of October 7, 1958, were IPIVITATIOP? FR. BP.PTIST CHURCT'. R~ : DrDi CA TI ON OF EDU CA. TI OVAL BUILDING approved. The Tawr~ Manager read an invitation from the Building Committee and Congregat:~on of the First Baptist Church to the members of Council, requesting the honor of their presence at the Dedication Service for the Educational Building, Sunday, Aovember 2, 1978, at 2:30 p. m. The To~,m Manager read letters from the Peoples National LOCAL BANKS TO BE COTdSIDERED FOR TRUSTEESHIP UNDER RETIRT~;FT~1T PLAPi Bank and Pulaski Tational Bank of Pulaski in which they each asked that their bank be considered for the trusteeship under tae Town's Retirement Plan. The Manager explained that clearly there had been a misunderstanding as to whether the local banks wanted to make a proposal on their possible appointment as Trustee for the Retirement Plan and that since no agreement had been executed between the Town and The First National ExcYiange Bank of Roanoke, Council could still invite the local banks to make proposals. It was decided to with- hold action on the definite appointment of a Trustee until the two local banks have the opportunity to study the trust agreement and sub- mit a proposal under its requirements if they desire. ~i ~~ d ~ Council Mins. contd. Oct. 21, 195, ~ p. m. The Town Manager stated that a letter had been received from the League of Virginia Municipalities in which it was asked that the League be advised of Council's views with regards to tY:e passibility of having profits of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board distributed quarterly rather tYian annually. This matter was discussed, and it was the feeling of Council tYiat the present method of distributir_g A. B.C,~ LEAGUE ITd~,!UIP.`T funds was satisfactory with tl:e Town of Pulaski, but directed the Town :~D4 Pr;OFI~S P~Tarager to investigate to see if any neighboring towns favored the DIS TRI r~:UTI OPd TO Bs CARRIED chan~-e before taking final action, and the matter to be carried on the agenda OTI AGET;DA for the next meeting. The Town Manager advised Council of another letter from the League with regards to the recent convention of tree League of Virginia Municipalities in RoanokewYzen the League constitution wa.s amended by unanimous action to a.utiiorize a f~ _fteer, percent increase in the present dues schedule for municiralities above five thousand population, statix':g this to be the first adjustment in League dues schedule since 19l~6. Tie matter was aiscussed by Council and or_ motion of G~~. A. Larson secozzde~i , by Glen K. Aust, and unanimously carried, it was • RESOLVED, that tree Council go along with the fifteen. perce^,r:t COUTdCIL APPROVED increase in League dues. iTC:~EASE OF I~~ ITT LEAGUE DTJ~'S In introducing the subject cf the propcs~d Route 99 connec~tien bets*eez: Second street and Third Street from tre vicinity of First Strut, N~;, Council suggested that the To;an nSa.rager explain tree background of 'phis euestien. Tree T~tanager trien made reference to ar. aerial photograph and two `'KFTrN.ES ATyD sketches a11_ of which ?;ad beer: prepared. b~, the State Higr~way Departmez~¢.,. ATRIAL PTiOTOS OF PROPO.GrD Cr,e cf the sketches showed a proposed connection which would be a normt~l Rte'. ;9 & Sec. - D S"' & ~P design without any question of a possible lane reserveu for industrial u . ITTDU,~,TF~AL 1,~'.'';L traffic on which lane one-way tra.ffi c would be permute-d. The other D1•~CriS~.CirD sketch showed a possible layout of t:~e same street connection, but with provision bein<y. made for an industrial ~a;~e on tY?e nortr side of Third Street at~d extending fror~~ ar,. alley 1C~~. fF~et ?•Jcst cf T~iadisor~ Street intersection and Eastward along Third Street al:pr•oximately to the edge. of Colom_an Furniture's new power house. The Mana~sF.r stated that the sketches largely were self-explanatory and outlined reasons why the design was made with the two alternatives, as shown, rather than assuming the use of t'rzc existing ~~irst Street whicrr with improvements would serve as a connecting street for inbound traffic, one-way 4•~'est bound to ~~~ Council rains. contd. Oct. 21, 195, ~ p. m. connect Second Street with Vdashington Avenue (Route 11). I~r. Shumate, Sr, and i~`r. Shumate, Jr. each made statements which pointed out that it was not economically feasible for the Colemar. Furniture Company to transfer dried lumber from West to East between their two plants by either making an opet~.ing through their plant so as to make possible tY:e =_ I~v`DUSTF~SAL connecting of iadison Avenue atld proceeding between Coleman Furniture and LANE Pulaslti Veneer and Furniture Company, arranging to coilfor'm with tl~e one-Tay DISCUSSION traffic pattern as proposed and Y_~roceed South to an alley to Main Street and thus Eastward to the proposed new street and back to their industrial plant, and suggested that trte proposed industrial lane, with requirements which would be made in actual design, be constructed at no cost to the Company. Air. Huff stated that without the industrial lane his business operation would be jeopardized througl-i the lose of unloading space along side his property as he has at the present time. Various other questions were passed between the Industrial represnetatives and members of Council during a general discussion of the problem, of ter which those representing the industry thanked Council for their time and left the meeting. In proceeding with the remainder of the agenda at this time, Ccuncil reconsidered the proposal for the securing of a new town map and after some discussion, on motion of W. A. Larson, seconded by J. R. Alartin, and unanimously carried, it was RESOLVED, t;ltat based on the expected Sewage ~~r7orks construction Grant from the U. S. Public Health Service, and with it being clearly under- T0~'1A1 iiGR. TG NEGOTIATE stood that the Town is under no obligaticn to the Map Company until such FOR PURCHASE OF TOWN MAPS federal funds are received, the Town Manager was directed to go ahead with a contract on this basis with the Map Company, the project to include plainimetric, topographic, and mosiac maps made from photogrammetry, at maximum cost of $5,5G0. The Town Manager presented a new ter. year street lighting con- ACCEPTED tr. act, as offered by the Appalachian Elc=.ctric ?ower Companu. It was FRANCHISE deterrrtined that the Town's franchise with the Po~~er Company would not WITH AEPCO. FOR PO'v1ER expire until. April 15, 1971, and cn motion of J . R. I~[artin, seconded by W. F. White, and unanimously carried by those present, it was ~~ 0 a'~"~~.."' ~../ d ~ Ceutzcil mins. contd. Cct. a1., 1958, L~ p, rri. R SOLVED, th:zt t's1e street lightir.~ contract as offered by The Appalachian Electric Power Company be accepted, at~td the I~iayor and Clerk are so authorised to approve same b~= signing the contract. Witl: the pos:~ibility of havir~^ the State Forester begin a "managed forest" progratr, on the Town's forest lands in Raines Holl¢~~r, on motion of J. R. Iviart'~n, seconded by 'r~T. F. :~ihite, and unanimously STATE FORESTER TO BE IN~JITED TO carried, :it taas DISCUS. "i1r1TvAGED FOT~ST" RAITa'ES HOL.AREA RW.SOLV.~'D, that Council invite I•r. Home:r G. Smith, State Forester, to appear before Council to discuss with them more fully the proposal for such a "managed forest". There. was presented to Council a resolution designating the New River Valley Airport Commission to receive payments from the United States under the recently submitted Gr. ant Agreement. On motion of T. J. T.cCartay, seconded by Iti'. S. C:za-rmings, and un- animously carried, the following resol_utior. kTas adopted: W'rIEREAS, trte Counti es of Gi1_cs, I•?ontgo.r.ery and Pulaski and tae Towns of Christiansburg, Dublin, Pearisburg and Pulaski and the City of Radford, eight independent political subdivisions created. and e.:istinU pursuant to the laUrs of the Cors~onwealth of RESOLUTION DESIGTd. 'virginia, entered into an agreement pursuant to the Va. Code Sec- TuRUA COI`f•i. m^ REC, tion >-24 any: Secticr. 5-2u.lfor the e::>tablisll-rent, construction, PAYI~~NTS rgCll'~i US maintenance and operation. of are airport to be kno~~an as the Idew UP1D'J'R GRANT AGREEP'~T`~TRiver Valley Airpcrt; and ADOPTED BY COUNCIL WHEREAS, there was created a governir<S board or body _rnowr. as the ~vew River Valley t:ir~.~ort Co~.~rissior. empowered to have: and exercise, on behalf of the several political subdivisions, as above named, true po~•rers, rights anu authority conferred on such political subdiT~ i sicns for t'r.e establishment, const:rtzction and operation of said New River Valley ~'.~_rport; and ?AREAS, on the 13tri day of February, 1958, the State Corporation Carom; :,riot} of Virginia, after a public hearing, granted the above named political subdivisions a license to establish, operate and conduct said airport as the New Riser Valley Airport Frt ~ ~ ~. Code of Va.; Commission, pursuant t.o Chal: t.:~ ~ of Title c `' t';.. and WHEREAS, said State Corporation Commission paid directly to the New River Valley Airport Commission tide sum of $12,500.00 towards the establishment of said airport and did not pay said -sum to the eigl-it participating political subdivisions; and udI~'REAS, a c~ uestion has been raised by the Civil Aeronautics Administration as to whether or not t'rte New River Va11.~y Airport Commission can receive payrerts from ttte United States ur.~E~r the commitments of the Grant Agreement for and on behalf of all the Sponsors of said Airport roject ar~d said Civil Aeronautics Administration having requested a designation under the authority of all parties sponsoring said New River valley Airport Project attd signers of t:~e Grant _"greement; ~~ ~~ Council T•Iins. contd. Oct. 21, 1958, ~ p. m. NO~d, THEREFORE, BE IT R~:'OL'JF;D AP'.D AGREED by the Town. Council of the Town of Pulaski, Virginia, one of the sponsors of the New River Valley Airport and. one of the signers of. the Crane Agreement that the Tot~nz Council of the Town of PulasT=_i, Virginia, does hereby designate the New River Valley Airport Commission to make the application for and receive all payments from the Unite~a States under the commitments of the Grant Agreement for and on behalf of the Tows. Council of the Tow•~z of ;ulaski, Virginia, and all the sponsors signing said Grant Agreement. The Triayor of the Town Council cf the Tcc~m of Pulas]-:i, Virginia, is rereby expressly authorized to sign this Resolution as the Agreement of Des_i.gnation for and o n behalf of the Town Council of the Towa~ of Pulaski, Virginia, and the Clerk to the Town Council of the Town of Pulaski, Virginia, is authorized to certify same and to affix t'. ze Towta's seal try same . On motion of ~d. A. Larson, seconded by W. S. Cummings, and unanimously carried, it was resolved that Council meet in COUTdCIL DECIDED TO HOLD EXECUTIS~ executive session to discuss further. the matter of the new Route SESSION, RE: RT.99 & LEGAL T~r1TT~'RS 99, and other legal matters. As the first item of business in the executive session, the Town Attorney outlined tl~e lega.i sups which ha.~.-i t-aker. place at triis time in riffs attew~pts to get clear title to approximately 8G acres of land ir. the Raines hollow impoundment area which land had been owned by Robinson Richard Raines. It was explained that there is a tech- nical question on wills and after hearing his explanation of the legal entanglements involved and the Attorney's suggestion as to T06JN ,^-.TTY. GIVES IPdFORT~°.ATIOTu CT; further legal procedures, Council left the pursuit of the matter ACQUISITION OF LANDS IN RAIP~ES to the discretion of the Town Attorney. HOLLOW AREE The To+~ni Attorney further advised that deeds to the Ballagh and & COURT ORDER OT1 DISITdTERRt~~NT Ogle lands had been recorded in the County Clerk's Office, and had & REII!;TERRN~NT OF RET~,AISJS ITS RAINES received also a Court Order dated October 1~., i958, authorizing CEi~ivTERY the disinterrment and rerterrme;_t of remains at Raines Cemetery. TI~e matter cf tine P~oute >~ problem, particularly the existing proposal on t}~e connection between Second and Third Streets, as above referred, to was discussed and it was agreed that the COUTdCIL TO HOLD However, ADJOURT~IFD EXECUTIVE S'~SSIOTV 0^ RGUTF 99 First St TATTER proble~,. was tco ccr-~_.le._ tc Councilman T•,cCartT~y sugl;es- reet as a coilnectii~g strF~et solve ii: the time remaining. red an alternate plan for using rather than Third Street which proposal was discussed at seine length ti•T1tI1GUt: a.n;;~ c'efini~te conclusion Y:eing reached. ~? ~~ ~ 7 Council Mies. contd. Oct. 21, 1958, I~ p. rn. 011 motion c° a~~. F. ~r7T~i.t~, wf>cc}ncled by 's~. H. Lai~sar,, the, meeting was adjourned until 4 ~:~• r~. T°onday, C,ctaber 27, for anothe9' exec;u~,ivr:; sFSSic:~. ApTrovE>d: /~~~,/Ji T~Iayor ..~ Attest: ~ ,r ~; ~erk 1 1