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~~~~" Couheil Minutes Pulaski, Virginia, March Q8, 1955 The minutes of a special meeting of the Town Council'' of the Town of Pulaski, Virginia, was held on the 28th deg of March, 1955, at 4 p.m. in the mun~:eipal offices. Thera were present: Mayor C. V. Jackson, presiding Councilmen; M. E. Lester, I. R. Carper, C. T. Broo an, s J. R. Martin, ~. M. Farmer, 11~. A. Lar ~f. F. 1~6hite Absent: d. (I. Crowell Also present: Town Manager: Julian ~'. Hirst Clerk: Audrey E. Kingrea Town Attorney; Garnett S. Moore The Mayor stated that this was a special meeting of he Town Council called in accordance with the action of the C~uncil in the regular meeting of March 15, 1955, for the purpose f considering and adopting business and professional license ordinance for the year May 1, 1955 to April 30, 1956, and for the purpose of considering and acting upon such other matters asmay be properly presented. I The Town Manager advised the Council of his meeting rith Mr. Talmadge:XLemons with regard to the Little League Baseill program. He stated that they were in general accord in tl~ir ideas, and that he hoped he would have further informatior~ to report at a later regular meeting. for the Council to adopt the new business and professional] ~, license ordinance at this time but it would be necessary fr ~', them to make any revisions in the rates at this time in order that the business license notice and schedule of rats could be printed. „d The Town Manager suggested a few changes which the ~' Council acted upon• as follows: ~' IIpon motion of 11~. F. white, seconded by 11~. M, Farmer ~~ ° it was, 'by a recorded vote of 6 to 1, unanimously ''' ~~ RESOLVED, 'that the license Pee schedule for barber 14~ shops and beauty shops remain as is. d The Town Manager stated that it would not be neeessay ~~~~c~ Council-Minutes Cont~d Pulaski, Virginia, March 28, 1955 Upon motion dvay made by %. E. Leater, seconded by I. R.Carper, it was~(inanimously RESOLVED, that the license--fee For billiard halls or pool rooms remain the same. Upon motion duly made by ~.F,.ll~hite, seconded by ~. M. Farmer, it• 'was unanimously - RESOLVED, that the license fee for soft drink bottlerffi remain the same. On motion du~.y made by tl!. F. White, seconded by W. A. Larson, it waa~i.nanimously RESOLVED, that the period of reporting gross receipts ~ ` ~ ~ ~. A a ,o ~!: . co ~ A W '~ ' ' ai 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ., ~., z U ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ z be based on the cale~sdar year, or on the i~ne~diately prior fiscalyear depending upon the way books are kept for each businessor profession, but the period for paying such license fee will remain the- same. On metion of ~. F'. White, seconded by J. R. Martin, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the schedule of license fees be adopted as amended. The Town Manager advised that the Civil Air Fatrol was interested in entering into an agree~rtent with the Town whereby they would lease the gasoline pump at the airport for a twelve month period renewable each year. 0n motion duly made by ~'. F. V~hite, seconded by I. R. Carper, it was unanimously RESOI,VFD, that the proposal of the Civil Air Patrol be authorized. The Towne Manager advised the Council of the necessity of purchasing a near- pump for N©. 2 fire truck. He stated that this truck was bought in 1926, and this represented the first time work on it had bean neeeeaary. Upon motion duly made by I, R~ Carper, seconded by ll~. A. Larson, it was unanimously _ ___ _ I (~ 'MY ~~~~ Council Minutes Cont' d ~Pulaskt~~~ -fit:, March ~8, 1955 ~~ ;' RESdLVED, that an appropriation of X1,44©.00 be made~i for the purchase of anew pump for the fire truck. The Town Manages requested permission to grade Town property on 10th Street berh#nd the-°-hospital for the purpos~b of constructing a small baseball diamond. The Mayor statedl that he fe•1t the Town was in need oP more recreation areas and referred the matte~- to the Recreation Committee Por a recommendation and re~part. The i~syvr suggestad that the Recreation Comnsitbete also study the Valley Street reereatio~ area with the- thoixght of providing a picnic area and fire place there. The Town Mangger recom~aended that the- Town proceed with the- dismantling of the- old shop building at this time Upon m©tion duly atade~- by I. R. Carper, seconded by YF. A. Larson, it was ur~an•imously RES©LVED, that the old shop building on Jeff.rson Avenue and First Street be torn down wt the- convenience- of, the Town em~rloyeea~, and that the material be salvaged, but xf', that the storar°oom portion be left until a future data. E ~'hetewpon Mayor Jackson appointed the following perss ~. to serve on the Mtmicipal Building Committee: ~' F. ; ~. A. Lars©n, Chairman J. R. Martin ~. F. phi to M. E. Lester Mayor Jacks©n- asked that this c®mmittee pre-sent a proposal ~, to Council at their earliest convenience. Pi ,; ~~ Councilman 1~.A. Larson, Chairman of the Traffic Commi~tee asked that Lt. Earl Bouldin and Mr. G. P. Bailey be appoint~}d ~, to serve with the° TraFf ie Cesattf tte~e in making a study of tti. traffic situation in P~xlaski. l~"here~tpon Mayor Jat~kson did appoint Lt. Earl Bouldin and ~[r. C. P. Bailey to serve with'. the Traffic Committee. . ;, h', 5 gNg ~i qi ~~ hi (~~tR~~-,,~~ ~l.~C 3~g Cc+uncil 1~~s~~ea~ Conttd Pulaski, Virginia,: March ~8, 1955 The Town Manager disausse~d .brieflq with Council the sewerage problem at Jefferson Mills caused by the~re~eent heavq rains. I~e~ state-d that J~sfferson Mills was not the onlq bus irmss affected, but that most all stores and industrids in the Commcrct-Stree-t area had the same problem. He said it was not a new problem, but one that had been building up ever since the sewar lines were ;constructed in Town.. The Town Manager presented a proposed sick-leave policy for salary employees only, to the Town Council which they discussed at some length. Mayor Jackson asked the Council to take the proposals and study them and be ready to discuss it further at the next regular meeting. The meeting :adjourned at 5:55 p.m. App oved• a r Attest: lerk []