HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-06-55 Council Minutes Pulaski, Va., September 6, 1955 The minutes of the regular monthly meeting; of the Town Council of the Town of Pulaski, Virginia, held on the 6th day of September, 1955, at 4 p.m. in the municipal offices. There were present: Mayor C.V. Jackson, presa_din~;, Councilmen: I.R.Caroer, PJ[, E. Lester, C.T. Brookman, ET. 0. Crowell, J. R. martin, VAT. A. Larson, W, F,White .4bsent: W. M, Farmer Also present: Town Manager: Julian F. Hirst Clerk: Audrey E. Kingrea Town Attorney: Garnett S. Moore Visitors: Rev. A. L. Brewster W'. M. Thomas The meeting was opened with a prayer by the ,Rev. A. L. Bre~tster, pastor of the First Methodist Church. The minutes of the regular monthly meeting of Aucust 16, 1955, were read and approved. fib. 't~I, Thomas appeared bef ore Council on behalf of the Touchdown Club with regard to the dismantling of the wooden bleachers at cCalf ee Park. He stated that after the bleache were taken out there would be a tremendous lack of seating facilities. He asked that Council reconsider the proposal to repair the bleachers this .year, and sbaggested that the Town place a 10~~ tax on tickets sold for the games played at Calfee Park in an effort to secure money to build new bleachers. This proposal had previously been submitted to Mr. W. R. Garland, principal of the high school, but did not meet with his approval. Council discussed at some length the matter of repairing the wooden bleachers and also the idea of placing a l00 tax on the tickets. Upon motion duly made by J.R. Martin, seconded by Q. f7. Crowell, and by a recorded vote of 5 - 2 as follows : J,R. Martin - aye W. A. Larson - aye W. F, jfu"'kite - aye it was 1~1[. E. Lester - no I. R. Carper - no C. T. Brookman - aye 0. 0. Crowell - aye 02445 Council minutes Cont'd Pulaski, Va. =AAzg_U" 955 RESOLVED, that for all activities at (A1fee Park wh there is a charge made, a loo tax shall be assessed by t Town on each pair admission to go into Calfee Park Gener�i Fund to help with the upkeep of the park. On motion of J. R. Martin, seconded by 0. 0. Crowel and by a recorded vote of 7 - 0 as follows: J. R. Martin - aye Al. E. Lester - aye W. A. Larson - aye I. R. Carper - aye W'. F. White - aye C. T. Brookman - aye 0. 0. Crowell - aye it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Town repair two sections of the wooden bleachers at a cost of $500 to be appropriated fr General Fund operating budget to Calfee Park expendituresi, $100 for labor and $400 for materials. Council. Upon motion duly made by W. F.White, seconded by W. Larson, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the E. T. Howard Estate should be re for a three year period at the rate of $9.50 per quarter overcharge in the water account at 92 Second Street, N.W. On motion duly made by I. R. Carper., seconded by W. Larson and unanimously carried by a recorded vote of 7 - The Town Attorney gubmitted an opinion with regard W. A. Larson - aye an overcharge by the Town for water service to the E.T. C.T. Brookman - aye 0. 0. Crowell - aye Howard Estate. It was his opinion that the Town should AN ORDINANCE TO reimburse the estate but that the method and amount of GOVERNMENT BY AMENDING reimbursement should be left to the discretion of the Council. Upon motion duly made by W. F.White, seconded by W. Larson, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the E. T. Howard Estate should be re for a three year period at the rate of $9.50 per quarter overcharge in the water account at 92 Second Street, N.W. On motion duly made by I. R. Carper., seconded by W. Larson and unanimously carried by a recorded vote of 7 - ded or J.R. Martin - gye M.E. Lester - aym W. A. Larson - aye I. R. Carper - aye W'. F,White - aye C.T. Brookman - aye 0. 0. Crowell - aye the following ordinance was adopted: AN ORDINANCE TO CHAiv GE THE FORM OF GOVERNMENT BY AMENDING THE CHARTER OF THE TOINN OF PULASKI, VIRGINIA, SO AS TO PROVIDE A CHANGE IN THE MANNER IN NHI CH COUNCILMEN ARE TO BE ELEOT'M AND THE TERMS OF OFFICE: AND TO PETITION THE JUDGE OF CIRCUIT COURT OF PULASKI COUNTY, VIRGINIA, TO ORDER THE QUESTION OF SAID CHANGE SUBMITTED TO A VOTE OF THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF THE TOWN OF PULASKI, VIRGINIA, IN A SPECIAL ELECTION. ded or F.r'7Y Cour~c$1 Minutes Cont' d Pulaski, Va., Sept. 6, 1955 WHEREAS, the Town of Pulaski, through a duly constitu- ted and appointed Charter Committee, did give thorough con- sideration to several manners in which councilmen of the Town of Pulaski, Virginia, should be elected and the terms of office of said councilmen, and did further investigate the manner in which councilmen were elected in other places in the State of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, said Committee did recommend to the Council that eight ( ~3) councilmen be elected from the Town of Pulaski, Virginia, at large, and that they be elected for a term of four (4) years, but at the first election of ter the effective date oP this change four (4) councilmen to be elected for two (2) years and four (4) councilmen to be elected for four (4) years, and thereafter four (4) councilmen to be elected every two (2) ,years for a term of four (4) .years; and, WHEREAS, the said Council, in regular convened session, has given further study and thought to the said recommendation; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT Q-RDAINED BY THE C€~UNCIL OF THE TOWN 4'F PULASKI, VIRC=T~~TIA, that for ';he reasons aforesaid the necessar~~ steps be taken to change the form of govern- ment for the Town of Pulaski and that its Charter be amended to provide for the election of eight (8) councilmen at large for said Town of Pulaski,VirTinia, and that each councilman be elected for a term of four (4) ,years; that at the first election after the effective date o.f said change, four ( 4 ) of said councilmen be elected for a period of two (2) ,years, and that four (4) of said councilmen be elected for a term oI' four (4) years; that it shall be determined which of the four (4) councilmen are to serve two-year terms and v-hich are to serve~f~our-year terms by placing; eight (8) slips of paper in a container; on four (4) slips there shall be written 'two ,years' and on four (4) slips there shall be written ~tfour .years". Eaeh councilman elected at the first election, s.~t~e~ °the effective date of the proposed change shall, at the Council's organization meeting held in September after the said election, draw one slip from said conta~_ner and each councilman shall be declared elected for the term of Tears designated on said slip of paper which ~ ,: . Council Minutes Cont~d Pula ski, Va., September 1'6, 195 he draws. Election for councilmen shall be held every t1~o (?) years thereafter an:~ each councilman shall be electe~ ears. at said elections for a term of four (4) y BE IT FURTh'ER ~~DAIN~D that the Mayor of the Town o. Pulaski,Vir~inia, petition the Jude of the Circuit Cour~1 of Pulaski County, Vir~i.nia, to order a Special Election;.. to submit the hereinafter stated auestion to a vote of t}~ie qualified voters of the Town of Pulaski, Virt~i.nia, to de~ler- mine whether or not said changes shall be made; that at a said Special Election the following question shall be st~,kted: +: question: Shall the form of ~ov~rnment of the 5, Town of Pulaski, j?ir~inia, be chan~ec to provide that Crom the effective date of said change eight (8} council- men shall be elected at lame in the Town of Pulaski, 'I i.r~?inia, four (4) of said councilmen to be elected for °Y term of two (2) years, and four (4) of said councilmen to be elected for a term of f o}zr ( 4 } ,years at the f irsl#;: election; and thereafter four (4) councilmen to be elected every two (~'~) ,years for a term of four (4) years? . FOR -- Proposed change in form of i~liuni cipal Government ~; AGAINST -- Proposed change in form of Municipal Cxovernment r That the proper officials of the Town of Pulaski, Vir~in~~, take an,y and all necessary steps to petition said Court d to carry out its order; that the ordinance shall be in fc~~ce from its passage. i. W, A. Larson, Chairman of the Street Committee, advi~ ed Council that his committee had met and a survey had been:` made of the traffic at the intersection of Madison Avenuel~ North, andFifth Street and it was their recommendation th&t the tra~'f is light remain in operation. Upon motion of I.R.Carper, seconded by U-F. F. White, t s"", . r. was unanimously f C• i ,. is t''. T ~~~,~ Council Minutes Cont'd Pulaski,Va., September 6, 1955 RESOLVED, that the traffic light at the intersection of Fifth Street and Madison Avenue be changed to 35 seconds on Fifth Street and 15 seconds on P=~adison Avenue, and be continued .in operation. W. ti .White, Chairman of the P-olive Committee, reported that his committee had recently met to discuss the matter of new uniforms for the police department and that it was their recommendation that the Council leave the appropriation as orig~ nally made in the 1955-56 Budget u_y~less a hardship case arises. Upon motion of tPT.A. Larson, seconded by I. R.Carper, it was unanimously RESC'L`:' ?~~, that th.e recommendat~.on of the Police Com- mittee to leave appropriation for new uniforms for the Police Department as orig_inall,y made in the 195556 Budget, be accepted. Upon motion duly made by W. A. Larson, seconded by I. R. Carper, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that Lieutenant of Detectives G.E.Bouldin be made Assistant Chief of Police and also retain his title of Lieutenant of Detectives. After a brief discussion of the new municipal building and East lt2ain Street bride projects, Council asked the Town M ana~er to supply more information on these two projects. The T0V7n ~~ana~er stated that he had received a petition from the residents on the West side of Randolph Avenue req~_~_estin~; sewer extensions from ab~out~ Fourteenth Street to the hill in from of the P.C. Corbin property. He requested advice fromCounc%1 as to whether they wish to continue with their present polictr which provides that property owners must pa,y all above the Town's estimated amortization in a ten year period, or if they would cons:i.der the possibility of taking a portion oC' the 5,000.00 appropriated in the present budrret for sewer extensions and establish that a certain amount of that will be spent. Council unanimously agreed to continue their normal policy. Council Minutes Cont~d Pulaski, ~( ~~~ Va., September 6, 1955}'' The Town Manager advised that a request had been 1 received from Mrs. garbage collection Upon motion o it was unanimously RESQLVED that exemption from the be denied. J. P. McNew for exemption from the and disoosal fee. i 3 f J.R. Martin, seconded by I.R.Carper, f t 5 the request of J!~Trs. J. P. n1lcNew for ~arba~e collection and disposal fee The Town Council referred the request for a street ~; 1 1 t light on Third Street, N.W. to the Town Manager for his inspection and if deemed necessary by him, to have the ~. same installed. The Council was amain reminded of the Lea?ue of Vir~!inia i Municipalities Convention at t31d Point Comfort, September}!. 11, 12 and 13. Mayor Jackson urged that all who possibly' could be present. The meeting adjourned at 6;.15 _p .m. Approved: ~' c~='y~i- or