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Council Minutes Pulaski, Virginia, November 1, 195$
The minutes of the regular monthly meeting of the T~iwn
Council of the Town of Pulaski, Virginia, held on the is
day of November, 1955, at 4:00 p.m.
There were present:
Mayor C.V. Jackson, presiding
Councilmen I. R. Carper, C. T.3rookman, 12. E. Lester,
0. 0. Crowell, J. R. i3iartin, 1liti. b2. Farmed',
V'~. A. Larson, ?h~. F. !~hite
Also present: Town Manager Julian F. Hirst
Clerk Audrey E. Kinarea
Visitors; Rev. C. J. Peyton
i7r. W. W. ti"lalton
The meeting was opened with a pra,per bar the Reverendi
C. J. Peyton, pastor of the First Penecostal Holiness Chtxch.
The Town Manager presented each Councilman with a copy
of a proposed letter to r~r. A. H. Paessler, Executive
Secretary o" the State Water Control Board, which contairl!pd
an outline of the plans of the Town for. sewage improvement.
Upon motion of I. R. Carper, seconded by J.R. ;+~~arti~;,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the letter prepared by the Town Manager
to the State Water Control Board be approved and that the
same be forwarded to Mr. A. H. Paessler, Executive Secret~~ry
of the state Water ControlBoard, with changes as discuss~jd.
Upon motion duly made b,y W~F.White, seconded by ~'. A.
Larson, with VJ. M~Farmer declining to vote, it was unanir~busly
RESOLVED, that the Town C ounci 1 does hereb°r accept ~'br
first read~..ng the Subdivision Control Ordinance as revised,
and direct that same be submitted to the Pulaski County
Board of Supervisors for t'leir consideration, in accordari~e
with Paragraph 15-'786 of Chapter 23, Title 15 of the Code
of Virginia of 1950, as amended.
The matter of a bridge in Kersey Bottom was again d~-
cussed and upon motion of W. ,~". Farmer, seconded by C. T.;
Brookman, it was unanimously
Council 1!4inutes Cont' d Pulaski, Va., November 1, 1955
RESOLVED, that consideration of a bridge in Kersey
Bottom be tabled until the next fiscal ,year.
'Due to the absence of the Town Attorney the matter of
cemetery sales license tax vas continued until the next
regular meeting of Council.
?rtazrnr Jackson ax~pointed the i ollowing Councilmen to
serve on a Rural Affairs Committee: J. R. 1!~artin, Chairman,
~~. E. Lester, Vd. M. Farmer and W. F. White.
The `T`own ~4~ana~er informed Council that he planned to
ad~aise Wiley & Wilson on November 2 to advertise for bids
for the construction of the one million gallon water storage
tank and altitude valves.
The trailer parkin? situation was brief ly discussed
and it was decided to continue it on the agenda for the
next meeting of Council.
Street cleaning in the business district was dis-
cussed at some length by the Council with several suggestions
being made to alleviate the situation which the Council felt
had resulted from the termination of t1~e daytime street
cleaner in the b~~siness section. The `s`own Ty~ana~;er stated
that this job had been discontinued as a part of the general
re:-?uction in employees following; the adoption of the 1955-56
Budget. Councilman Larson suggested additional trash con-
tamers be placed on PJfai n Street and Councilman Carper aid
he felt the ordinance pertaining; to the throwing of trash
and debris on the street should be enforced more rigidly.
A proposal was made that one man be diverted from other
Town work for four hours each da,y for sweeping the downtown
streets. The matter was referred 'to the Town ?t4anager for
further consideration without any definite action bein; taken
b,y the Council..
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Council Minutes Conttd Pulaski, Va., November 1, 1955
fir. USA. W. Walton appeared before .Council with regari
to a service station which he heard was to be built at the
northeast corner of Fifth Street, ~`TOrth, and 1~ashington
Avenue. He stated he was opposed to the construction bedause
of the noise that would c
ssed this m
tter at ome from Fhe sta
me 1en
nd tion. The Counl~il
instructed the mow3~
a ~
"ana?er to not approve a permit if one is requested until
the Council has more in~'orm~tion concerning the eonstruc~ion
of a service station at this location.
Councilman Larson presented a petition from citizen
in the vicinity of Summit 'Drive request: ng pavement of s~tne.
Upon motion duly made by W. A. Larson, seconded by I. R.
Carper, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the matter of paving the rema~_ning
unpaved portion of Summit Drive be continued for consideri~-
ation until the next budget ,year.
Upon motion duly made by I. R.Carper, seconded by A~.j E.
Lester, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Town 6ontinue its membership at a
cost of 200.00 in the Chamber of Commerce for the coming
Upon motion duly made by I. R. Carper, seconded by
W. F. V!:hite, tre followi.n~ policy recommended by the Town;
Manager, with regard to leaf collection is to be followed
1. People who have leaves must call the Town for
pick up.
for av e
cost of
Thursday will be special pick up day, with cost
ra~?e load beine~ X1.50 on that day.
Spcial loads - Minim~~m X2.50
Full load X4.00
Sp~ial large load on other than scheduled day -
equipment and labor.
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~~ ar' .;~
Council Minutes Conttd Pulaski, Va., November 1, 1955
5. On leaves swept into street ,or curb without notice
to -Town and requ~_ring pick up a minimum charge of X2.50
will be made.
The meeting adjourned at 5:50 p.m.