HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-08-56~....~w. ~~~»' ~+~~~ Council ;~finut.es P~:la ski, Va. , Jane 8, 1.956 The mirtxtes of a special meeting of t,h? ?'own !'ounc{.1 of thf, SFEGIAI: i°:~~, {~TINr Totron of Fula ski, Virginia., held or' the 8th day of Ju:~.e, 1956, i7r th.e Pirecotr's F.oom of the Pula.sk_i National Lank. T&,ere were present: i~~ia~r•°)r ~• ~t• Jc+CkSiZt1, ~'rf?.';7.ti~':T. ~OllT1.C:1.1n:P.n: O. C• Crotirell_, T• ~. Cax,>Fr, ?"~. F• ~rJhit_e, cl• ~. aQart.in, :%• T• ~'Y'CSS';i<m2.n, ''+• A. 122'.'t~I':, a,v. ?~~. F~.riRfl` _Also pre~~ent.: Town ~~;arager: .Tulia.n F. :?irst. Clerk: Aadrey?. Kingrea Totan Treasurer: Lott:ie F'.. R?tn.on Di rec1;nr of Fublic'rlorks: h': C. Jackson Visitors: '~velyrt S. ~?al~ of the : ou*~at~rest. Times T~Tayor C. V. Ja..r..~:son ndvi_sed ^oz~nci l th2.t after cor>siderirg the action of Council 1n regt:.lar mE~eting on June ~, 1956, whereby he was 2ppo~r.teci l•.ct.ing Totem riana~er until the appointment. of 2. reta manager, APPOTI`wTi~"l~dT CF t;CTTfir he wzs of the opin.i.on that Coutlr,.;_1 should de;;ignate someone else to m~.t,~ qRn *T ^T~'r act in th2.t capacit~T. On motion of '~J. F, T.~?h;te, sec~or~ded by 1. r.. Carper, anti with the un2rirr:ous vote of the mertrers pre^er.t, BE IT RESOLVED , that the action of +he Council in regular meeting on June 5, 1956, with respect to the appointrr:E3nt of ifayor G. 'J. Jacl~:son a.s acting toUm manager, be rescinded, and Rr IT Fi?RTFiFR RESOLVE'', trot. I~otaz:rd C. .Iack~on be a.ppoi.nteca as act.3_ng tcwr manager unt:ia surh ti!rie c.s the Totan ro'~r~ci7. may ~.ppoint. a new manager. Councilrian `°?. A. I.ar=or stc._ted that. the Strut. ^or~~r~.it.tee had viewed the suggest.ecz location fora sidewalk, curb and gutter on rtTRP r. ~ 12th Street between Prospect Avernae and the corparate lim, ts, ~~nr:l. r!rJmmFF 12th St, it ~~=as their recomm?nr~ati.on ±_h~.t the Tour.. proceed with const..ru.ction. ?-'e fuxther st.at.eci that the Ficca "'prra.^e si_tua.t.ion haci been i.rspected prFViousl.~~ and that. it was the recommendation of his cc~mmi t.tee that this work be delayed. CT1 mot.:i.on of ~. A• Lar5c1T1, SecoriC3E'd ry'`i. "• T`~11t~', it. 4~Ta.S tlnanimou Sly P.'?'~OI,LTD, that, the Tow;z proceed with the constrti~cti car, of a Si uewalk, curt and gutter or. the south side of 1?.th Street. bet~~Teen Prospect. Avenue a.nd the tor;orate limits, and T3T TT FURTHER RFSOLV'~'D, that the cost. of this work be included in the 1956-;7 Padget. Council i~''~nttteS Ca~?t'd Fulasrti, v'a., June 8, 1356 1 1 1 '?'he rest o£ the s?ssion was rievoteu to the st~.~~~1~~ of the Ra~i~et for the fiscal ~*ear 2956-5' . The mee'.in~ adiournec~ a.t F:dO p.m. A~,praved : ~~J~,- 1 ,~== -,1 ~ _ ~ ~C 1~"~y r_rr r Cl<=rk