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^our'.t'il •Ti`l1xtP_,s A. ,:..) t
_ a_<a ...~i. y fa , , July 3, 19~
'^he xnirr~te, of +,he regulr,r montrity T1f'P`ing Of t•h¢ TOtnTr1 ~Cl't?~11.
T ,.7 of t, e T~• .. ~~f Pu.~.;s)~i, lirgin'_:1, }`~'l~l o-r the Ord ,~a~r ^•f ,7,,xly ij,5b
in the mun.'.^ipal office,.
There *,.°re prest~nt: Ma~ror ,^,• V. Jackson, p='E?sidln~,
Councilmen; C. T. Br~~okman, I. R.. Carper, C. C. Crowell,
'.^T. A. I.arsoa., '~•T. E. Lester, J. F.. N,'artin, '.d. Fj~ TiJhite
Absent: ^oun^ilmar_ =rd. I~~. Farmer
A.~so presen±; A^_+;n~ Tour
T'ACna Ver;
Ata c`>r'n~~~
of ?'olive:
H. C. Jct±kson
Aurirey E. Kin~rea
^arnPtt. ~;. score
L~~tz S. Fcotr
Tr15i tOrfi: Tr ~. PL.1111.5, .Tr.
~Lre'yi'; t;r 'T211 Of t.}'iF? SO'ltr:.'~'SF. ^,'it?'iac
T};ev i^;E'I~t.i7ly !.'., Opt~i~~d LSLtr = 1'r`.iTe1' ~;~+ "ayoxy (~• tlr ~TctC~iSQnji
*~T~~;TES '"!~P mirn.~t~ s ~~f the reg~al.r;r mpE~t ing of June 19+_h, 1~5h, were
rea~~ and a.p~?rovedr
TM^;:~7or eT~'ck~;}f~ a:, ~~~i.~ea ^.;''zi)ril tt}pct. ~ s; 4'^ ~.
vial meet n~ of the
Counc Z rare rnt'n _ <.~'l.'.?:~ far T'r:,_dr~;~, Jun° ?9, to tentatit°,,y appr~~iiJP
mr, *7TAmTtrta
4,..,~ ~~ ..,
AFPRCVAL t},r ~-„x~~~et ~ r, ar~ipr t}':~.t~ l t, cO=_51.d ?-_,c_ ~ t)?'?'.ls}"a°:~, bu•t t.}'t2t c?Yliy t=nr;j
mN:mbArs of Cotxnc;.l at.,tended, and that therefore, i_t had been necyl5sary
to canta^t, th? Council ind9.vi:~t)a.l?y far the'~r approval. LTe r}algid
l.rat it WBr YtE'%?SSary t.rr}, thE? c~~`.:?.t511 ~<? ia~`•7.f].Pd at t.~11.G 11]PP,t.lf"!~~
L'n 3ttOtl.On Of T','• +.• I.ra2'son, 5G'nfln:}.?d 1-y ?-r F'.• ^arX?er, 1t wa5 "
R~;SCLV~'r., that thn 19K~-, ;' nu,~~„t as prcq,osPd and =mended a'
l,~,ciay m?e•± ~ ngs of the ~:ounc_1 re ~`ent.at.v~y?„' ~.pproved with
final a;pra=.~~.1 ±o bP al_vr=~;", .T,a'~jr 17, 145., tY:e da'_ ., se': by Council
for Pu1-~1.i r.. T?~•rrng.
The Cl?rk .read a letter from ~'lbert ~;cClanahan, Chairman,
PaL.rd of P"anagement of th Corbin Branch Y^"''A requ~~st.i.ng permi ssidoh
Tt~;C~UEST to rop? off an„ ?-alf of '~",~:in Strut between Jefferson and Randol~t:
Rn.r~?Vn~i AVP?lt,xf?S from seven t0 tp11 pr?Ytr '}:1 ??'ii-77~. !"._f"}'~t of G'2Cr ~'nek and
v!~"(! .y TC,
RC'PT' ^''T' also the night of July 4th for recreational activities.
~JT.ST N,'~:Z"' ST, ^fiis matter was discussed by Council at somQ length and
it was the genAral consensus that this request be 4ena_ed with the
e~.ception of the nig}it of Judy 4. The TokTMl a'anager advisad Counc~tl.
that necessary arrangements with t}le police department had been
worked ou+. to supervise the activit.~ps on that night.
~~~ ~
Council Minutes Cont•d Pulaski, Va., July 3, 19?~,
Councilman r`:artin presented the recommendations of the
Garbage Committee as to rates to be charged for dumping trash
at the landfill on Dora F.ighwa.y and as to the general operati~an
of the landfill and the mountain park_ dump.
On motion of ~~'. A. Larson, seconded by T. R. Carper, i.t
was unanimously
RESOL~IED, that the follo~~irg rates for the dumping of trash
FATES FOR U5E OF at the Toga Highway land fill be appro~'~?d:
1 to 5 bushels 25¢
1 to ?_ yards 7~
2. to ~ yards 1.50
OvF:r 5 yards 3.00
RATE FOR. USE OF BE IT r^URTHFR RESOLVED that there be a fixed charge of X1.00
per load for brush taken t.o the mountaz~ pr^rl-- ~i,z:~rp.
On mat.ion of '~1. A. Larson, seconded by T. R. Carper, it w7s
una c~ imo~_is ly
RESCLV~+'D, that the cabin at the mountain park disposal s~_te
MOtJNTAITi DtTMP he improved to ~~rovide living quarters fora caretaker; and that
the area at the mountain park disposal site be enclosed by a
fence; BE IT FL':RTnER RESOLVED, that the money for. the construction
of a shelter at. the Dora I?ighway land fill site be taken from
the Garbage Ti_sposa.l Fund.
AZayor Jackson advised. Council that he and the Chas.rman of the
REQUEST FOR Folice Committee, Itr. ",~Jhite, contacted the Chief of Police and
CATF'F' CF FOLICF asked for his resignation, which he rpflsed stating that he wanted
t.o comp before Council. Chief Boothe then asked that the Council
g'LVe him reasons :for his dismissal whereupon Mayar Jackson advised
that it ~~;as £or the gaol of the police department acct unsatisfactory
On motion of vti'. A. Larsr~r., seconded by 0. 0. Crowell, and with
the foll.o~sing unat~imouG recorde:l vote:
J. +~. I`artin - cye Ri. E. Lester - ayFa
'ti'. A. Larson -aye I. fi. Carper -aye
?^I. F. ?:'hate - 2.ye C. T. Brooktnar. - aye
0. O. Crowell -aye
?3E I"' RESOLVED, that the dismissal of !,h.~_ef of Polir,P Le~~ S.
DISMISSAL OF CAIN' Boothe be effective immediately and that he be given one months
salary and his vacation pay.
~! ~~
Council "•"inutes cont'd Pulaski, 'Ja., July 3
Cn mo+ion of ?. ';?. Carper, seconded by 0. 0. Crowell, it wa'
1'+PPC?T"?'"TF'^T"' Cr^ T~:nanimous?;;%
AS AC'^IrLr, CIiT ~<< P"SCT ~~?~"%, that Assistant Chief of Police C. F. Bouldin hand~~
CF ~FCI,?C'~
the duties of the Chief until such time as a new chief if appointed.
The Town Manager advised Council that negotiations for right of
way for Longview Court Sewer Line has been cnmpiEted except for.
right. crf way acr•ass land of M,r. GPorge Johnston.
S~~~JER LINE On motion of ?~J. F. T,~lYiite, seconded by ~yT. r. Larson, it was
RrSCLT,TT~:I:, that the Torn Alanager proceed with the ordering off;
materials for the Longvie=.a Co~at~t Sewer Line.
The Toum Jrianager advised Coun~.i1 of. the request of Dr. W. T~«,
rmr~r~+nr~+ LTr•?,m
RF~i'FST '~Jalton fora st.re~t light in the cer.~ter of tl~:e block on North
TJ. Tfrl~ C;?'TA`n T/l~t
tt'' ~Jil l
,~Tashin;:,ton t ven~ze bet~reen Fifth and Si:.~th Streets. This matter c~~s
referred to the Street Committee for investigation and recommendation.
On mot.ian of '.:'. A. Larson, seconded h3- ~F. R. A"art.ir,, it was ',
~i T.T .F~r ~ LP n CT
rT ~ mt* Sm^^J~" ~TSCL~.'F?7, that the m<? tter of tt']f' opening of the alley off cif"'
~ nr+m..
Fifth Street, S.F. ar rp<<ueGl~d 7-,;;, ~F~,. <Iohn R. Futlsd-r,, remain as
~ 2t t.ha? ~~~rP`ent~
Cn rroti_rr; t~f T:'. F. `White, seconded by "". T'. Tester, it wa.s
un nimo~r:-1~.-
,,^,~^jt~„~, t'±-± ^ft.a.2' the "'o«m ",tt.ornPy review°s the report orf
RF^CRT C"d the '~'a11Qy t'i.e~a ~.p~r}.m~~r-.± ez;l,'.n;-icn any? f~_rt~ as Fare°,~.r?t-J b~~ former
TIA j T,~ T.r~~.*
t"-.^.~R^,'~~'"rm `!'o-~rrr Manag~'r .*• T. ~71r~t:, cnd ~f h~~ dearri~ zt proper So to d0, thalt
'.-'T"'~' the report be released to the press in the name of the Goar.~'il.
Cn: mot.i. on of ' `. A. I.~arson, se~~ onded by ~°J. ^. '.ti'hite, it was
urn an °~mc?u ~;1y
SHTT1Rt~AY n'~.SCL','F'), th4+, the J~Juz:+.~ii al CJ't'i.c.es be closed a:ll da~r on
Sat.urda.y through the months cif July acrd Augr.zst anu that a deposil6pry
be ;laced c>r_ +.he aonr.
On mot.i can of J. n+.. ""actin, se.^ ondcd by T. R. .^,arper, i t was '..
unan imousl;,•
RTSCL~,'E?'~, tha+. work be corrrrerr,~::-1 on t.hP drive,aa~ ^utr 2.rna
(1~T '(`11 TT.'1
'.'~~!'`F r•T~mn ~7.~,-i~;,,~, lk ort SrnxtT: '.~Ja sl:inaton AvenuA and Fir-~+. `~t r~~t, S.~,ti'. at th9
^. '•J~^,,,-r..rmC'iT 'J. D. ':+Racgi.i.3_ service station wits changes as suggested b~~ the
Tom ;".anager, upon appr~?val of the FTig,~w_ay r=~F.>2rtment a?-:d *.,rat t?~a
f nl"TS, r {T~mTV~ti
sum *~f :~9~. GC b¢' 2rprnF=`~i. at~~' °°c,~-r~ Street IztiF~rovez~ent C_., i tal Cur zy
RAT^1r:S ?'CI~LO':;
I T,'' Q~t TTA ?'T ~T?
RATr,coAms nor
Goancil ''"in~.ites C*4~7t'c}. ^ulaski, l'a., Jul„~.T 3, 196
Cn motion of ',. A. Larson, seconded by .v?. r. ~nth9_te, and
with the following unanimous rep^or~~ed vote:
~T. F~.. }`"arti.n - aye '~". ?'. L-est.er - afire
'^'. A. Iarson - aye ?'. R. Carper - aye
•,,. T. ',ti'h'wte - aye m C. T. Rrookman - 2.ye
G, 0. Crowell - aye
nT TT ^ESCI?.~'1J, tha.t the s~:~rn of ~'1,'-ZIIO be ~?;,~propr7.c.±.ec.3 from
thf St.re~`+. rune for 2CAd1l ~ (.inch '. C~£;t of rPr(~1"afitrt?C`',iCn !Sf rc":~~,
''~`3 i n S t rFy c- t..
Cn :nation of '.-''. ~'. '.'}}lit., ~FCOn~c=C1 t;y '.°v. A. I?:c`fior, and ~la..th
the f=~13_cw}.r~ unanimous rPCCrded v~;,tF•:
cl . jl. ~TC.r~.ln '"' aTTP
f,T ^ Iarson - Cye
~T.E.I~ster - afire
T)r Tm ,~,,,cC`I~'T!:.i,, t.}7c'¢, ~~,~{~?.4°l.~ ~'~F c+.iiy;'r (7r:'i a at.E:CI froI.l th.e
Equ~prent «r.d Stores fu.nc for c.;tt.:i n~; anti res~oval of time er from
mh,e m~rr:- t~A~r~_~F-~T'' G:~.•~: i crltZt..-~F.ECi ±'.v t5~`~•i^].?"?o.~;±~r(7va.1. o p.~aTfS
for flucridat:'? cn .frr~ t},p = tats I'ea'_t.h ~epartmer:t.
Tt ?^t2.8 trig C'~,'1r~C•n of ~oiln~,'.'.1 t}l~ii- t.Y`ie F:i~.~'•.=~';?. }'oSpital
re advised that the Tt>•.~r: Y~-c~.t3. ~~ :^c~t .~-~ 11 t,'rie hoGn ~ t.al town prr,~~ert.y
Ct. the }'.1t.Frz° F1ar~.+, becau.~F~ c,f I~1=:r..~, t.o ~?.:,F~ the 'ant} for the
constr.?etic~n of a t7uildin~ try house chemical. facilities.
On motion e~f. tv. F. `^~'h:it-E,, secon:l?al by J. R.. }~Tart.in, anti with the
fo1lcL~irid L:zncin.:iIIiot]S r~COrt~f-~C1 vQt,f`:
,?. R. Martin - a~~e
~ 7 T . .
~~". F. I E~ ;ter - aye
T. F. Ca.rpFr - aye
C. T. ~'rockm~.n - a„-e
nF TT RFSGITTF'D, that. the sLt~? of ~6ur.t?0 be aipF~ropriat.ed from
tYze Equipment «nct Store. ^'un<1 for the purr_.Y,ase of f? and T steel
beams from the American Fi;,n°ier,+, ComZ~any in s.ccor<3ance wi+,t•. thes3 r
letter t.c the Town ~"a.~~a~er ~aat.e~~ Jtu+.ey ?_;~, 19~G.
^'he nirytt.er of purchase of raincosk.s for the rPolice De11~~rt.-
ment wa.s referrer to the Police Committee.
Counc9lm~ar; Ca.r`r,er, Chairman of the Fire Comrn:i.t.t•ee, advised
Council that. his cammit,t.ee hay} not met, with the coact', of Super-
vicars beca.tAse of tY~.e i7_lne~s of "~`r. Tabor, Cha~.rmar of the F?oa.r<i
~~ t- ~
3 Aa/~~ ~
^aur~r~I ?~,irna.tes Co:z+,•~ Pu.las~k'_, Va., Ja1_;s 3, 195E
u ~.
Tt was the
request of
C'ou.nci~. that the ^'own i
Flannin~ Cornmisi on
S~" ?T:Tti'TSTC":' 4~
C'RiTr,.~^"CF meet to a~prose Subdi~isien Grdinance a.s rPVised ar~cl after their
2.~~prr~va.1. that, t he Ordnance be surmitted to t:he ~~
County Plane::i.rig Y,
~'onunissicn ~r.:~ ^oar~i of S~_il~ erv~; erC.
'"he m~>e`ir. ~ ~~:~~~°,urnP ~ at 5.•'=~^ p.m.
-~ ~
r /r