HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-07-57r?~* Sri /~i_3i~1 r Co~aneil Minutes Pulaski., Va ~ Janaa_ry 7, 1957, 2 p. ;m. Minutes ~f the re~*iz1_ar meetir~~• of thz, To~•ra Council of the Toc:~n of Pulasl~i, Virginia, held on t'_~.e 7th d~t~r of Jant.zary, 1957, at 2;90 p. m., in the m~~ni^,ina~" crf ice, There Caere •~resent; Mayor C. V. Jackson, pr. esi.dir~. Councilmen: ,;. S. C?unmi.nc;s, I. R. Carper, F. L. Carrico, :~. ~'. ~.vsor, Jr., a. E. Lemons, ~•. A. Larson, T~~ . F. v~h it e, J. R. Mar± it Al SO '_~rCSE3'_:t: TC:•."1 ~i~n~:~F~'ri ~'. ~. lyGi~,nQ Clark; A~zdrey L. Kingrea Town attorney: G;~:rnett S, Moore Superintendent of Public Wks: :~?. C. Jackson Visitors: J. K. Abernathy ) J. Gilbert Cox ) S. id. Bondurant ) C. T~4. Jones ) Garnett :'~~*er ) In.vid ;. Pugh, Jr~ )Members of Soil Conserva- R. L. Crouch ) tion Service T. L. 2lallory ) B•. P. Copenhaver ) L. ~. Grigsby ) James L. Littleton ) Boyd E. Venable ) J. B~ Shumate, Jr., Vica President of Cole~.an Furry Corp. i~. i':. iaT'T~xi;:~, wr., .att:.~r?1G,Tjr F'Gr CGlemari Fuz'ri. Corp Lu~;ene L. Iducl:ols, ,itto„ney fcr V.I.C. ~ C.vo. The zree"t ing LJ£:.S apE:::eCi Wi tli a raver i:3~r v~:.LnC11P.:an ~''. L. Carr~,c0. The minutes c,f t1L re;ular TM.eeti. b of ,~ecember 1~, 1y56; s, ec~al ~~;eeting of ~ecembar 27, 1356, ani. special Meeting of Janaaz~T 2, 1~i7, .•e-r~ rcad andapproveu.. The M~;mbcrs of ti~~ Soil C~nservatiGn acrvict pr ~sert uiscusse6~ unu e.~~lained in de ~, t~~o l t it luw bove~n~r_b t~~~:: issuance of a prioril#f for funds fGr ~Jat~;rs::ed s wady e,n~:~or construction. Council agreed to ir_vestig,.,te tl~c .^.:atte~ further to see ',Jl_c;;tl:cr a priority could be obtuinad b;; determ in_i~b farMer inta,~ost arY too pGwnibility of a c:.~.t:nal cl"~~::r~e in Bcal~ Creel:. T.r ,:T~.s agreed that tl~a likelihood of qualifying fcr this assista~:ce is not too cert~~•in. il~e ~:aatinb :•rit'r.:•:r. J. ;/. Shartate wit'.. ~~~ferenca to prop•osa.l as Gutlined ~~_n tl.u s,•~ec:ial :;as discusseu bJ, t ~ 1: ; *G meeting ;;f Jar_u;a•x;% ~., fcr Third Street anu Toti~;n l :c;~a er ?, Sh~Lmate Jr ~ ~;, . g , . , ., having previoasl;~ left the; :;,:eetir,~. alley stated t!~at tlx:; proposal to e;~ encz 2i:':sc:; Straat across Colcr,:w~a prGpert;,~ to Seco:at Street di3i :iat _^.:t:et S•J1.tti1 ?''1r. ~111:+I"lu.tE: ~ S ,:~,~T~rCP~.l b1:t tl7C:t '1; ,J<:.° •Ji~ i1 ~ t0 cooperate ~.it: the TG~dn -i.n obtui ni_Y; y g~~~ts of ~:iu~T fro.*.^. Gther 1'Gperty cvJners. It was agrue;z to ^?^Gtr t?~:e tWJ proposs,ls to other ~?roperty ai:ners. ~^ ~ ~~~ Council r.inutes coast td. Pu7_.,,sl~i, Va. fan. 7, 1957, 2:OC p.m. The Town ~,ttorne;T repcrted th,~. ; i:~ the case of ~o?~.ld Lee Coletrane aCainst the mown the plaintiff hint as'.•:ed for a ncnsuit, aixl a new suit Jas ~i rt pretwred by t~.~ -plaintiff. ~;r. I~:oorc furtl~.r sported he was ,~s,itir~ for tIle Judge to set ~, dote to hear the pleadlrgs ~n trio option su?t. of tlio iO~n for tre pu~rctik.,se of LovinJ, Field. The matter of reappoint~~ent of tti;e i lun'_7 ~n~, ':.olT4*r,ission SJas considered anu although urxier tre ~ti~; thei_r tarTM!s ~JOUIC. continue until such time as another mem~wer :~rws a pointed ar:d cxualified for ^~~ ~ rifled at this the> office, it tras felt the.t the tau ter a__oul~ be c_..a meeting. On m0~,,iCZ? of i. :~. lVur er, SeGv:~.%.~61".i bur li. L' . L'.1710715, 1t LJ::.S unani*nously F.r.SCL~SL+, t~iut t_:o fc11o,vinL arsons ba named to tY:a Pulaski ~ r~^~i ~' nn f tit ~`; ~ ~ P~.anning o.~:~::.._s.;i.,_.. cr t~._e ter.. s spec '~,u.. P. Ti. Sadler - 4 ye~..~rs retroactive to Febr~cars,,r 20, 1;;5. y. P. .~'3G:.i 16;~r - L,. years rttroaotiTro to Pebruz.r~° ~:0, 1155. o. H. Iayberry - y, yecrs ~°etroactl.vc to :' ebru::.rv~ 20, 1;56. Tess. Ll.l~:r ::ate Cti~rson - ~. ;y~ec.rs retroactive to F~by ~~,; 20, 115.. , .~. Stuart ~luclrburn '" e} ~C:urB r6treCt~Vc: tG rc%Jr'wwiy ~;v, 1.Ja}. BL' 1'~' .?u ~l:i::,.~ _.~,SCLV.;;~, th..t ina,s:^~uCl^i as I`.r. ... :.~tu«rt .duct: b;:sn reouests to 'oe relieveu. of his out ics as a ~^..c..,b~;r of the Tot: r_ PJ.arn~inb ~o,'~Ti'iS:=1C:1, ~;s.S Cf tI-7.S ~l.u+~.~ I`;,~`• i• I~• .~.~.tG.:00u iS I1CreL~' c.ppcintcd to fill t'_,.~ remainder of his term. Cn mOtiGn. Cii:.1Jr 'f!.;.ue by .r. i~. 1'~x'Sen, S E;COnut;d b;T y. 1~. Cc:+.r'>Gr, -'t ~;as uncr~imo~usl :u~SOLZ~Lr3, that '~.ii~.~.,~., Iho Pu?asl.i PlanninC ~o:~-mission diu on t::e 50th u~.y of Cctcb~r; 1156, SubT;?i t to t~:e Council of t>=e TCW''1 of PL:'uSI.1, V1.x'~'lnli, a, iJrOpOSCu Zionln~; vr~.l.nanCt, uGCO^'"I::Lnit;it by the; ~troposed Zo_in~ I:ap for con. ~_ao~~•~.ui or_ t.~.~x'eof ~r s~.~.d vcunci 1, ark: ~_o.. t:_~ _~ .nni_~ ~o`~?~-iessicn anu t;.e 'V~LuT'~..tasJ~ 4.. CJr:P.i'_ttE-'E; 4'r *I! ', ,- -~~~ _ Council did ocnsi~ier saiu ordinance an.~ m:ar .~r~:: ...~~~ost;u c.:rtair clx;~ngas, ~. rrc.n~em~;nts ar_ci cl~.rific~:.t.ion of language, ZJhich changes hove ccaacd ~, rear o.ftin~-, of sa:~:~ ox°u~_nanc<:, os~ ~iir~~ moo.;' h M-, - n^°, of ~. subs'~antive :^.annEr i. , ~.l y_1 ~:nVlrS 4.i v ATC~~ ~ 't".u..;F`,;.:~, vliia.n :ll CiCeS ~ :.CO?ii:'lc,!Zt.1 t'?.~'.t. tr1E: OrG.i~'1:a.nCe r~~~ ,,.t ~ .~ ~Ou.:^;? ~. T`~1n1'tG8 Ca"t/ u• PL7.~.~:o1r].3 `r' rT;,n. '~ ~ ;~~~~ .:. • ?~'?• I Y i ~,S O l..r! : rt'~ CT? 7 .Fi J. 1~..' FmTT, ~jr fT~TTT mG1, TT.T ~l/V~'!U _l l.i -'I~Gl' ~Sm TCt>?PV CT FT; l~lry ~ LJT TlT m TT n TTYI"• r,+cmn- TCTTAfnTTm /~ T~Tf•mT Tnm Tl 77,, ~/ttl..~~~scLU,.TC~. ro:..T/~~LL ...~mXT~,~;LT~T.,~,r~.lT.~~..~~.~, ~c,/.,~.T~Tr~i~,,:._ }'~, 1`lY.ldAlTl'd'.~i1VT t~.l'.1J Gi"1'.1~'1~1 J. l.ii? Gl~ 1 Rl'• lV'1. ~iJ r~.J Um 1. V.l~t_,1.•L'.• i~ H.Ll'~.I" Vim: T1 T1/T n TT T. T n ?1T~~('~T Tm~T T TTT'i'~ ?TT;~f.f 1'l i'l Ttn T TTj TT n TTY LJ:_1.~1~1 T11 ~. 1.G:'~ G.L ~..l i._L1V.. ~.1_._. is _,11~ 1`,~~~~, t~.1.VL'..'• V.t:.l_1U~!. 1]J_i~ 1~. (i) "'his resolution shall be knoti~.m 2 s the Town of PuJ.aski resolution. (?_.) Pursuant to the laws of the Corulonwealth of Vi rginita, Viroin'~a Cocie, Section 5-?4, the Town of Fu.l_a.ski dot'rl agree to the estek,lisi'nllerlt of an .Air•L~ort j~rith rile cities, cour~-t'ies anti towns located w"i thi_r1 'she ~~ietii! iii Vex' 'i2.S~.?1 of ti"lP. COP'IirlOYiti~lea~l;t!"l Of jl.Lr 1.t1J_A. Or 8Yl„~ l;in:0 ox° more of suci-, political sut~di.visic>ns, pursuant to at; a.greemen-t, as follows: R n'nT~T+i. rft;:+i~irr r n C /r T~ mT TT Fi'.X_1.il,llit'!_'i,U C.L` X•„1SVlJ J1"+. 1. 1_C.V~ TCP~ GOVL+'i`~i,^~~;T~"C!r ""~ T'STAn ISFl`•7~+'>1"'T t~ii`fi OP;~'~.t-` TIOAT OT'' TTn~ i`~J rsT,~'~ VAI1T~r .".IZPOnT CGZ'~•~TSSIOP' T`'ame of Airport j. • `r'ile T12P±e Of tl']P. 21 r j~Ort Sh211 'Oe iviP_.[J T: i VE'x' V2. ~_~ ey AirpOrt. ('rOVex'n7_Y`~; ~Oar~a 2. The n2)riP o" trie i~oci~~ or ooar~i vested with the j~zr9.slaict:~ on for the purchase of the land, construction., -i.rrlprovemerlt, equipment, maintenance and operation of said ;dew ~.ivex• Valley Airport shall be 1;he rTeyr River Valley Airport Conuu`cssion. (Va.. Code sec, j-3~). ',ocation of Gfi'i ce 3. The pr9.ncipal. off:i_ce of the ''yew' "_a ver• Va17_ey Airy~ort Cor~l- r?~:,_ssi_on, penciinS %he construction of trie Ad_'Ilin.istratior_ ?'u:iiuin~" of flew ~.iver Vr11ey ~irp ort,, shall he a.s desi~'rlated. 1-7y the Cor~m:'.issiar~; t.herpafi;er the pr:inci_pal office s'r,a11 'oe "~e~~~ r;-iver• Va11Fr~ Airport",, Tublin, Vir~:i pia. Purposes ~. a.. ~~or all cities, ncoxp prated -towns ~nG cavntes .i_n the Pdew F~iver• Ras.n of -l;he Commonwealth of Vir~;in;.a, or two or more tYlereof, '~ointl„v to acc,ui.x=e land, esta~~l.~-s'r, construct, oc~~tl, control, -1- 1 1 i ~~~ ai~•'•~. v~>,n'~~~ T!~nl;~l:S ~v~"1ftU P'.~,'.~,''.~.~ 'U'_ • -f •''~s !~ 1.%%7~ ~: i3• il?~ G+ 7.ea, se, rc~l,z.t p, .1.11!~x'OVe, Iila.iYlt.a7,T1 a.nd operate a.n a.:i rL70r`i, f Or the t,~se. of a.ix•planes .for the use of a.L of the c:;_ties, inc:o:rpora.ted towns and count'~es in the tueti~~ R.i_ver Pas:in of the Cort~r?or?tiaealth of Virginia, bailic'fi c:esire to par~,i.ci?-te and qu~~]i_fy far par•ti.cipation, as herein set;-out, i.rt the establishment. a.nd o; station of tiie idew i;:i_ver ~jalley ...iri nor i„ b. Saki airport to be 1_oca fed nort;}, of file ^'owrt of ih~blit~, ~y '~xr ~~la.sk:i_ County, Vir~~.inia,. (Va.. Code Sec. 5-2;=), Po?~Ters arid. L'taties of Conrrni.ssion 5. '"tie Pours=r•s and L~.~t;iE,s of ttie ~'eU~ giver Tralle~T airport ?' Corrtrrtission shall be; e. To acquire lea]. title i.n -t:he name of the Comz,liss9_on, 2t t'ne location north ofhz'clin, hilaski County-, Vir~~.nia, by purchase, lease, ~_~'t, condemn=~t.ivn or otherwise, rN'r~atever land ma~~ be reasonably necessarr% for i;he }tux'pose of establishinL~, constr•u.ct:i.n~=, er_lar~in~, maintain~.n~ anra. o;?erati_n~ an a.i.x•pori; ancivland~n~ flelcAs to be known as i,Y~e ~'ew R:i_ver Va7_]_ey ~irt~ort. b. To acouir•e, establish, cot. stxltct, enlarge, :>.mpr•ove, rnai_ntain, eiuip, operate and re~z]ate t'r~e use of said a.ir~,~ort, ai_r land.i.n~ fields, structures, air r.av5.~ati.on fa.cilii;i.es and other property incidental thereto. c. To make, pr:cor to such acquisition, investigations, surveys and plans and enter upon any lands or wdter.s ftxr such purposes; d.. To cons-t•ruct, -install, nia.ini;a.i..n anti o;~erate facilities for the sera.Lcin~ of aircraft;, and for the accommodation and comfort of '; a, i_r t.ravelers and air cas~o; e. To purchase and sell er;ui prnFnt anu su,~l~i:t_es as an insider ~.O l'.~"ie O~.)E:r~+tlOn Of Sa.1C? a.ix'~~Ort `~x'OkiP.rt;1eS; 'i m f. ~ o use for a.'LrY~ort. ~>rzrpo5es =n~ eva.i_lable pro~oert.y or•med i or coiztrolleci by said Corrtrnission; ~. `I'o exercise Such other powers anu dut.i,es, in ad.di.tion t;o t'rt.ose herein enUmeratFd, as tray be dele~atecl to sai_ci Co~itntission, from t;._nie to t;'~nre, by the ~overnin~• l~odi es of ti^ie i~arti.cipati_n~ y~oli_tical. sub- cii.v_~.sion of the '~iew ;;.fiver a.sirr; ano such o`t~er powers arts. clutiPS a.s aut};nr:i.2Fd by t.h.e ?aws of the Conuraorl~~~ealt}~~ rtf V'~r~inia, including; the r.i.~ht of etni.nent domain, anct the laws of t;he rrovernTnent of the i}n:ited States h. "'o x°ules and regulations elect the necessary-• offi_cerG o_f the for the ord.P.r]ti• Cotr?rr_i.ssion and crake al]_ cond~.zc.t. of tl~~ Corrriissions Gnas'~ness. (Va. Cocie, "'title r, Art_1_cle 1, 2, 3; SPet.:ions ,-?0-5-39.x) -? - ~~ti Coanc=~. 1`tZn ~~r.~.c~ i..~.Yi'F,!.i• ~ ~.'~'~r-i ~ Tr~~ .1~~}~~ 1 ~ :/! ~ !.. ~ a r.. ?•"Pnr'7ers}~.i.p ancz Eli ~i_bi'.1_t~i 6. ~n~- citzr, incorporated toTan a.nd county located Lai_i;i];_n the NeTN R_~_ver '~HS-.in, Lvithin -the Com?nonLaea.lth of V;r~>•in:La, mad pax°t.:ici_pate '~ n i:;he ac~T» sition, esta'r_,li shinent., development an~3 operation of said airport by cornplyin~ r~ri.}, cert.ai.n conditior_s, as follows: a. Vest jurisdiction for the constructior_, i_rnprovement, equipment, maini:enance anti. operation of the i~3ew river Valley t~.ir.•~)ort in the iv'P.LS River Va.lle~ Aix•;7ort Cottun:i.ssion. b. ~1ect me~~bers and alternate members to serve upon the "yew River VaJ..ley A~~.r,.7ort. Cotntni ss:i_an. c. i)bli~;a.te :i-tself to pav the sums assessed. a~2i.rrst i_t fox' saki airport inzx'poses within the time presc:r-ibed l:~y the Corrnriission9 said obl.iga.tion when votec.i by the local ooverrr.i.n~-• 'oodv shall be a ~?indin obligation of said city, :Lncorporated town or county L~hetrier saki poli t:i.cal subdivision r•emairis a ; articipant ox• t.herea."t~.er witi.rdraws therefrom. ~t. :-any ;?o7_.i t:ccal sut>d:ivisiorr, to be el:~~ible for TrleTrli7er- sh:r.~~ on t}~,.e Comnri_ssion, must doli~ate :i_tself to cont..r.~.but.e a. rain.-itn,)m of j, 00~~, 00 Laitriixi the t:~me agreed upon bar the Conrrrri_ssion. e. ~lterna.te men~l_~ers ~na~r be elected to serve upon sa.i~! Commission due to the absence or in2bility of the regular members to serve. f. ThP voting rz.~•hts of a.ll regular members, and 2lternates when serving upon said Con>iTiission, shall be equal. ~, "'be local ~overn~n~ t;od~- of each political sur~d.ivision shall determine tiie tex•m of i.ts rneinber upon s?.ici Commi.ssi.or?. ~~rit}~dr•astial %• ~n„~ j)r71.:i_t7.Cal SubC]1V1Si OTl rr~A,~i v~'!_t}"!dr2[T fx°om Sa1Ci i~O'7'!nli SS:LC)~l at anil:iine. Upon. withdrawal any ok>li ati on5 of said pol:iti cal subdivi s_i.o~~~ to the Conrtr; scion shall rPma.in outstanding ~_~nt;~.l pa; ~3~ .F SSP,tS %' . Tn t;hA P vent; of. t: ~e cJ3_ stri Y_)T_rt i_ or-. of a.n~T ~ ~' surplus assets o~_ Sa1.d i;OriLrr:t.sS:LOY7, Said a.sSeFS 5ilall be Cii.S1;r1.~~U:~-.ed t0 the n2rt?_C.r?at'~n>,J, ~~olai.c~. subdivisions in the rat.i_o corrtr~l:)>>.i.e~', 1 ;'f7: ert °~ve i7atE'• r, `?'he adop[;ion of thi s agreement of r.ssoci_at:i.oYr 1^~W~ the IocaJ_ leg:~sl.ati_ve bod~T, or o+.,b.er i?roper autrorit;~, ~.~f two or iriore lacal pol.i_~ica.1. subdivisions shall 'oe suffi_c:ient for t}Te esta'r~l:i_sl~sTent of t1-~e ','JPTn* ?.i_ver• ,T valley Ai sport Comni-~.ss ~_on. -3- n :~=-~ a ~ ',A ^. l T,f~ s.. _,~.t. 1 ,i , mot. ~:, T, ry ~ nl;ry ^ ..o n is -- _n- ., ... c~ u. P'... --~ --~-~ ~~ - ''~. ~, --,~ ~, ~: ~. "!. itmen<~Ynent 1~. This agreeiner~'t of association m2.~% be 2rnended. 1_rT an affir~ma.- ti_ve vote of ?~j of_ tie goverrrti_na bodies of t'~iE' part.icipatinffVpolitica.l su1~~d9_vi.siaYls. (3) The Town of ~'u.la. sk i do±•Yi hereb ~- vest Puri sdic ti nn for. th.e constrlic,t.ior_, :t_mproverient, e~sttipniellt, 1na.:~litenance a~it:1 o~~er•~t5.~n of sa:i_r; a:ir,~ort, ° 1"1 the T~iPSnl F.'~ ver V~~.1?.e~- ?.ir.°_~ort Corr~m ~ "; nn, pursuant to the 1?.?~~s Of "t'11P C;OC!p70Y1?+IE?2.1t'C2 Of `,Ti_1';T1Yi2, :i.p GL1C1"i Ca8?8 Y~!ad.e 2i1ii ,~rOVJ_cl?i1 .. ~ • (4) a. T'_n~' ter!~~ of of flee of the x'e~zilar ~netr'oer s.nu. t'r,N ~J.ternr t,E? irteu;f:r rE'OreS~'nt,-i_Y1~' the "'nt~~ri Of ~=1?l~ sk't_ 11j~0Y, .42 i.ci 1~eW °.i'tTFr Valley ~ ~.x wort Cor:a~iissior. steal ~ 'oe .fo3z a. te~.n of tT~to ;,Park, or until a Successor 'LS elected anci c,uah fled.. h. The appointlrent of sri_d re:~?a.la.r 1nFtnber ai'x:l a.lt,ernate ti"~ei7i'Oer shall '"~P, 111aC~P. Oft the first bllslneSS ~_i2y .iYi SepteYUber next foll.awin tr:~e regular t~luri.i_cipal election, or a s soon thpreaft~r a 5 play i,e pract.ica"~-,1P.a''; c. Said rPSular meniner arx' a1f.Prna.te ~r_enrber shall takE office op the first day of January follou~lY1` tl,.e aoooi_f'~tment, except l;C'~c't ti?E' x'P~-lll2.r lilF?l~r>Hr ~',1.1(i altpl^jp=1t.E? CIE'I~li)E~7' ~,O SPY'Vf? U';1t11 •.T~-_?11).c!r'~i 1, 1_ , 1 .L 1 P_L 1. l+ _ ' ~ y.J.' ~ ~tlc~.l_I. be app0 i_ll t,e~ ~. a S SOOrl b_t. t,er {,rie 8.i_inyl"F,1UY'_ U i i".'rl'i c T'PSOl11 F, (ln \~) `^h,i 5 rPgOIU i.i On C4riS't7_tutln~ tYl~' ~F''reE?lrient, Wltil tTvO Or ?~()rP_. ~ O~_~_t1Cc?1. Slli:%dltiJ.S'i.01'1S lOCatF?C` W7_t~'ilYl the iTeL,l T7_VP.r r;B.Sin Of t}]P. i Cor~mon~.reaJ.th of VirU':~nia, for the estat~~lis'~~raen.t of the T`'evr Fiver Val?"Py r ir,~ar. t, as set ou.tva'oove and the provs}.on c.<arr~= ~ rl~ out saiu a.~reelr~ent, sYt~.Il_ be :i_n fu;~ .farce and ?ffec-t .from. I;k~e date of i.ts ateoption. T, ^udrej7 ?'~ ".L27;?,'rec', Clerk Of TOE%n ~OUY1Cll C?f t~lF: `?'Ot~tY1 Or ~''L?1?Sk7, ~ri_y's.:L'fi:i_2~ d0 ~lF~reby CPrl;_!.f~T "tlia.t. 'the fOrE~"O~rl~; ~.S a tr11E? t'OjJ.j,~ Of 8 r?SOIUf.lOn rC10ptACi ~i~r tl'e TOTnTi1 i;Ot].nC11 11'1 re~u1_ar YtieP,ti_?l:?' On /.y y i U11 S L ertt ~' ~, w, _!y_ ~~i~~. _ C::-anc ~ 1 I~:~ n.,.±c ^ c~, ~ a, r _.__w '; , V .._, . , : ~ ; ~ p p 1 A RESOI~;TTORT ADOPTED BY Th'E i'ObJtT COLiQCIL CF '"~'E TC'v3IQ dF P13LASi~I, VIf~CTii3IA., PRO- trIDTG FUi~tDS FFO.i~i T'rc T04JI•,i OF PTSIASKT FOR T'dF FSTABLISHM~ET~T OF THE Ni±4J RTtTFT VALI~"Y AIRPORT. `v3I-IERF.fa ~, in special meeting with the Fula ski Count;~ Roard of Supervisors and Dublin To~J-n Co~u~cil_, or. F~ecember 27, 1956, a.t 10;00 a.m., t:he Pulasb:i. Town Cotir~ci_I did comzni_t; itself to expend the sum of m45,000 for i..he establ~.s'r.,ment. o.f the tiew River VallejT Airport, and WFEn.F~,S, the Ivew River Valley Airport; Commission. is anai.ous .for a portion of the sum to be made available, NO~r1, THEREFORE, r~E IT R.ESOLV~i, that the Burn of TwPr~ty-Thousand Dollars (~?Ci,Od0.00) be appropria.-ted -to be set, up under Grew FLiver Va.llej~ Airport, Account to be used G.t the further direction of the Council at ti'ie appropriate time and that the Toi~n~ TrE:a~surer make the necessary ent;ri.es; it being understood that, other appropriations would be made a_t later dates. ~~~x,~~~~x~~xm~~zm~at~z~r~~x~~z T' Aiz~rejT F., ir1Y1g2'E'c+., Cl°rk of tiiF' n'r?[tin of Pula sk9_, Virginia, cio l~prerv certify tii~, ~, the CC)~>~~ Of c. rE?SOlLlt10!1 3.CI.C1iJ~;~°C.t IltT t}?F? ^'Cj'?n ~,OLI.71C11 D?cPmber 27, l~j~, y SEAL 1 C.oi~t~C .1 Of t}1e T0:~7r1 foregoing is a true .in special meeting o_~ -~,,._ ~~ ~ j • ~::~__.. Vii. ~' ST ~ T;.,.Y' . ry, ~- i J ~ , F. `"1 ~ ?'^ ~i FESCLiJTiC,TC nFAFT'~ "Y "",~' ^CT'?"C'.~, [~ mt*n m *.~TT '!~ pTTT ~ f'• tT TiTT 7T 11 0,. ~ . !.~ ; C~:A•, C. ,,,~ ~T. ~ , v ~.--,~rIru 111 ~PPCIATTING DELEGATE hND ~LTEI'.P',.yTE DF.LF' Ti `T"' TO '?'~-iF; *T'~?4;i "N?R *JALEEY Q2'! IitOt.l022 ciul;y Tflade and. S2C0'C1cXP.d, It br8.8 iAn2Yli.i~tOUS].;~ :~FSCI,VEL, that ~•;~yar C. V. Jackso~~ ~:~e a~~po?,L?cl delegate t;o ;.•epresent #t+ the TOHrn of ~zlaski on the 2~~eUr riiver 'Ja11e~ Airport Conr.•n~ .ss ~.on. Cn motion duly made anti secrmde<i, it eras unanimou~l;~ ~TCLU~D the. t T,T .r • •., oi' Jr 'ne an ~ _ ~ . t. ed. ~~' e , .. . r1J , . L ~~n' Y1 _ Z, ('pA tP_. ~:iPleaa.t.e t;o fi:ne *~e~rr Riven 'JaZley Ai r'port Con_m'_~.ssior_. '", A_udre~T F . i.n~'rea, ^lerk o r Toti•~r~ Counc ? o." i;i~p "'OU?il O" T ~' .. Ti 1 tu1c"._ .!., v1r~lYllc'~, v0 t1E'2°eC~~i CF?.CI,Zf~~ t~1cJ'i., the ~OI'~''~'r'tii-`?ss ..$ cJ, trUP C'Olst 01 c Y•F?~,ra„t.;0Y1 2CZ0~?t,C';'). nVr 'f.t^F? m~Tmv^ouncil ir? T'A:YUZa.rV'rnF)oti_n~ pt.? c„-, ,~c .T_~ ~./ lwY~tr JI ~) ~` dirt lrG~::-"'_C1~. ?•_7.1~':~,::.5 G~"l~~ tu• p`u~.;;8~'aly ST,..~ ~. ~.. (; ~-~i~~~'. ;'• I• ~r (v ~, ~i ~ a~ % __'~".~ t. ,4 _ „-F 4Y ..'.V i ~1 l J.~