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PRESEI9i' ~~ Council Minutes Pulaski, Va., November 5, 953 ,` 9 ~~ The regular monthly meeting of the Town Councilef the Town of Ptalaski, Virginia was held in the Municipal Budding,, at 4 p.m., November 5, 1958. There were present: Ma or C V J k i y ac son, pres ding Councilmen: O.O.Crowell, J.C.Crw~nbley,Jr., J. L. Resling, W.A.Larson, F. W. Marshall, J.R.Martin, ~. F.tNhit®. ~ Absent: I. R. Carper. ~, Also present: Town Manager: Clerk: Town Attorney: Town Treasurer: Visitors: Jv.lian F, Hirst Louise D. Logan Garnett S. Moore ~` Lot tie R. Bunion Mrs. Grace Carnahan, County Librar an; Mr. Ray C. Sheppard; T. A. Douthat DEFERRED - This meeting, due to be held November 3, 1953 w~is MEETING •deferred by -proper notice to November 5, 1953 due to ele~,t~©m being held in the Municipal Offices. ~; MINUTES The Minutes of the regular semi-monthly meeting iheld October 20, 1953 were read and approved. '' g GIRL SCOUTS The request of the Pulaski Girl Scout Council f~r REQ . F/FFl"PIDS - contrib ti d t l tt f M r D l on, as presen u per er e e rom rs. Ca on a ton, ~~ Commissioner, which was read, was declined by Council, du® Ito f established policy of not making contributions to solicit g agencies. ~~ On motion duly made by W. F. White, seconded bye F. w. Marshall, it was unanimously ' TRANSFER RESOLVED, that the following application for tr.sfer CERT.OF CONVEN. of certificate of public convenience and necessity be graved: kinser To Elbert E. Rinser T/A Checker Caba 2 axis from,and the following are cancelled: Irvin Nathaniel Morefield T/A Checker Cabs 2 ~a~3.a TRANSFER The Council directed that study be given to the POLICY TO ~ • BE matter of- permitting transfers of certif'ic ates of convenie ce STUDIED without consideration being given to applicants waiting in line, and it was the consensus of Cour~ail that approval of ~~ 7 any future. transfers would be held in abeyance, pending re.lts of this sttte]y. t LIBRAF~ Mrs. Grace Carnahan, County Librarian, presents th® REPORT anneal library report which set forth the revenue sad •ape di- ture s for the year She was commended by the Mayor oa the ins servic® rendered by the library to the Town and surrounding vicinity I! ~~5~ Council Minutes Contd. Pulaski, Va., November S, 1953 vicinity. SHEPPA~ Mr. iii' C. Sheppard, requesting that he be TAXES relieved from paying taxes assessed against him in the Valley Road area, in view of the fact that only a few of the residents had been assessed, was advised that the matter irould be taken under advisement and he would be notified of any decision. QLL ~T . A. Douthat advised he was desirous of ~IN ® TREET S wing an alley which ran east-west in the rear of the Jot- ~-Down Store on 2nci street, West made accessible to traffic, and advised a petition signed by three other property owners for same had been presented. The matter was tabled for further study by the Street Committee. On motion duly made by 0. 0. Crowell, seconded by J. L. Keeling, it was unanimously STREET RESOLVED, that street lights be installed, LI GST INSTALL. in response t o pe ti ti ors in hand, at the following locations: Lmttier Section, 6th Street, N.E. between Madison and Washington, and Short Street, N.E. FARMER A petition from Mrs . Theda Farmer, owner PARKING RE G.RE~. of "Thedats Personality Portraitsp, requesting perking regulations in the vicinity oP Jefferson Avenue to the alley on the south side of Main Street, west, was read. On motion duly :Wade by W. F.White, seconded by 0. 0. Crowell, it was unanimously carried and the following ordinance was adopted; PARKING ORDAINED, that an ordinance entitled ME TIN "ESTABLISHING PARKING METER ZONES AND RESTRICTED PARKING !l RD ANCE AREAS ~ItITHIN T$E TOWN OF PULASKI, VIRGINIA AND AUTHO~tIZING AMENDED THE INSTALLATI ~T OF PARKING METERS AND FOR THE REGULATION AN79 CONTROL OF PARKING METER ZONES AND RESTRICTED PARKING AREAS AND PROVIDING PENALTIES PC?R THE VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS 4RDINANCE,"enacted October 8, 1946 and amended 3Aebruary 21, 1947 and July 10, 1951 be wended in Section Two providing establishment of parking meter pones to include: (1) South side of west Second Street, bettyeen North Jefferson Avenu® and Randolph Avenue; (2) North side of lYest 'Second Str®et between North Jefferson Avenu® and the first alleyway West therefrom; (3) North Jefferson Avenue from North First Street northward to the termination of the present meters; and (4) North Third Street from Washington Avenu® ®astward t® the first alleyway. Be It Further Resolved, that there be appropriated from the General Funds such monies as nec®ssary Council Mirnttes' Conti d. 'Pulaski, Va., November 5, ~, for installation of these meters. On motion duly made by O.O. Crowell, seconded by4 J. C. Crumbley, it was unanimously investigating possible improvement at the 1©cation. He advis TOWN LICLNSS RESOLVED, that the Town Attorney be instucted CODE VIOLATION CASE proceed with the defense in the case of viols,tion oP the Town. ~. License Code by Johnny Kiag, Jr., Coal Dealer. CppHAMB}}E~~R OF A letter was read from Robert P. Bunts, Presidet, REES~ MI E Pulaski Chamber of Commerce, requesting copies of the Minutesof COPIES the Town Council. It was the consensus of Council, following' considerable discussion, that the request not be complied with is view of^ the several possible sources 3 of information to the Chaber regarding the offical meetings, i.e. t full coverage by the loc 1 newspaper, opportunity t o the public to sit in on the meeting, or to be furnished with any desired extracts Prom the Minutes, a d availability of Minute Books in Town Office for public readin. It was directed that ffir. Bunts be so advised of the Council ; decision and the reasons therefor. On motion duly made by J. C. Cruznbley, Jr., see ceded by w. F. 1Nhite, it was unanimously ONE 1I~AY RESOLVED, that "the Town ffianager~s recommendatio be TRAFFIC ; DIIRINE~ approved for one-way traffic on Second 3'treet, west-bound, fr DECEMBER Madison to Jefferson Avenues and Third Street, east-bound, fr Jefferson to Madison Avenues for the entire month of December~i 1953, during the heavier traffic of the Christmas season, b specifically from 6 a.m. December 1, 1953 to 7 a.m; January 1 NCL TRAFFIC ~ ~ As to possible improvement of the NCL pedestrian SITIIATION and vehicular traffic situation at the intersection of U. S. with Piao Terrace Road, it was advised that W. Frank Smith, II' Engineer, Virginia Department of Highways, had indicated, upo observation, a definite interest by the Highway Department in 1 ~S 53 4. upon request by the Town, the State would advise oP cost esti~ates in connection with a survey of the location, the policy being that the State and the Town would participate equally in the costs On motion duly made b~ 0. 0. Crowell, seconded 1. R. Martin, it was unanimously AUTHORIZE RESOLVID, that the Town shall instruct the Virg STATE TO ADVISE Department of Highways to proceed with survey of the l~CL traf COST ESTIMATES situation as t® plans for improvement. f ~ ~~~ STREE`t'C$ PROPE`F~TY Council Minutes Conttd. Pulaski,~a., November 5, 1953 It was stated that plans by H. C. Jackson for the new garage building at the Commerce Street property wool d be completed within the next week, and it was the consensus of Council that the matter of relocating Town Offices should be considered at an early date, and also, that the Town Attorney be requested to agressively pursue the matter of providing a c~.ear title to the land. The Council decided on the tentative date of November 13th for a meeting for discussion of development of the Commerce Street property and other matters as may be, properly brought before the Council at that time. ORDINANCE The first reading was given to an ®rdinance ICE Bt~XS.S, ETC. 1st Reading pertaining to abandoned, unattended or discarded ice bones, etc. SHEPPARD Regarding the mat ter of tax assessment in TAXES the Valley Road area, previously recorded in these Minutes, the Council directed that further information regarding the number assessed and not assessed, etc. be ascertained for a report at the n®xt meeting. ENGI'ISFi FOREST The Town Manager presented the request SIIBDN. of Mrs. S. D. English, subdivider of area known as English Forest Subdivision in the vicinity of Sutherland Woods, as to consideration of Council for providing water to the area. Y~hereupon, the matter was discussed at length. On mot ion duly made by J.C.Crumbley, Jr., seconded by 0, fF. Crowell, it was unanimouslT RESOLVID, that the Council go on record in regard to the request of Mrs. S. ~D. English for consideration as to providing water to the English Forest Subdivision ae follows: First, that it was felt it was not th® responsibility of the Town to construct th® line or bear any expense ther®to; secondly,'that the developer shall bring back to the Town, plans for construction of the, line, and thirdly, that the Council shall defer for further consideration any additional connection8 onto a line over and above the two which have been previously agreed upon,. and for which Mrs. English has remitted the necessary connection fees . 'L~ 1 ~~ The request for two-hour parking on the ~~3~ Council Minutms .Coat ~ d. Pulaski, Va. , l~ovember 5, REQ.RES. north side of Fifth Street, from Washington Avenue, west to the PARKING f''~"1'H,N•W• alley at the property of Mrs. Alice B. Dyer, was referred ta' the Street Committee for rec oa:mendation. RE6~.COAL The Council took no action on the request of a PROSPECTOR } 111ytheeille citizen, as presented by th® Town Manager, to pro~-pect fdr coal at the SCL of the Town, deeming it undesirable that such n a pro ~e ct be undertaken. On motion duly made by W. F. white, seconded b~ J. R. Martin, it was unanimously POLICE RESOLVED, that the Town shall proceed to defen. DSFENSE CASE- two Police officers, i.e. Leo R. Umberger and John W.Early, n the VALLEY _ - - ROAD suit Piled against them by certain residents: in the Valley R~ad INCIDENT area, regarding alleged firing by the officers into their ho,~ea during an incident occurring May, 1953 while the officers we~fe pursuing g drunk and reckless driver. On motion duly made by J. C. Crumbley, Jr., sec, ded bye J. L. Ras ling, it was unanimous ly - ~U~, RESOLVED, upon approval bf the Town, Attorney and ~. AID AGREEMENT Attorney General of Virginia, and as recomm®nded by the Virini~ WITH STATE League of Municipalities, the Mayor is h®reb~r authorized ~ to .gn in behalf of the Town a mutual as s is tame -pact with the ~; Commonwealth ~of Virginia, a copy ~f which shall, be_ died in e Town Files, by tts9 following: ~: RE3QLUTION d. 1~'HEREAS, the existing possibility of the oaaurree of disasters from enemy attack or natural causes, it appears ` ddvisable that this town enter into a Mutual Aid Agr®ement w~4th the Commonwealth of Virginia; therefore, be it t RESOLVED, that this body in session Aovember 5,~ ~; 1953, authorized Mr. C . V. Jaokson, ~Iay®r, to sign the agre~aant hereto attached; - `a RESOLVED, further that this resolution be sprea~ on 1 the minut®s of this meeting. ' ADJOURNMENT The meeting w as adjourned. ApproQed: Attest: xayor oP