HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-04-54ti~~~ Council Minutes Pu~laski,Ya.,-May 4, 1951. The regular monthly meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Pulaski, Virginia was held in the Muninipal Building at 4 p.m., May 4, 1951. PRESENT There were present: Mayor C. V. Jackson, pa~esiding Councilmen: I.B.Carper, O.D.Crowell, J.C.Crumbley, W.A.Lnrson,~ F.W.Msrshall, J.R.Martin,W.F.White. Absents J. L. Belling. Alas presents Town Manager: Julian F. Hirst Clerks Louise D. Logan Town Attorneys Garnett 3. Moore Visitors: ~. F. Hughett, L.P.Flinahua, R.ev.E.M.Willi,ams, P. L. Whittingt©n, J.E.Walters; A.M.Harman,Jr. repa~esenting taxi owners and drivers delegation present; T.J.McCartly~. MINUTES The Minutes of the regular sea4i. monthly meeting held April 2C, 1951« were read and appa~ovsd. Ut1"ORLD ~ The Mayor urged all Councilmen to be present at a,"World BROTHERHOOD PROGRAM Brotherhood" program, sponsored by the Jefferson School Parents and Teachers Aaaociation on May 11, at 7:30 at the detterson School, in response to a letter which was read from W. Hay Hicks, Presidesrt of the Jefferson School P.T.A., the program intended as a welncde to all foreign born residents of the town. PETITION /~.. M. Harman, Jr. , local attorney, prresented a petit ion trcm PROM TAXICAB 0 PERATORS forty-tour of the forty-nine taxicabs in operation in town, requesting P+OR RAT that the Taxicab Crdinanne be amended to provide that rates as established therein be set as minimwn as well as maximum , this action desired in view of the tact that several taxicab companies were nutting rates, and said petitioners wished to avoid a price-nutting war. Mr. Harman presented an ordinanoe which would ancaotplish the purpose of the petition by elimination of the word "maximtad", thus fixing. the rates for all taxis. The Mayor advised Mr. Harman of a petition tiled sosaetime ago by five taxicab operators to reduce the limit of tif'ty to forty taxicabs permitted to operate within town, whereupon Mr. Harman advised such petition was not discussed by the operators present, but it was felt that same was pertinent to the situation, i.e., sutfinient business did not warrant the member of cabs i n operation. Franc l~idd 8edd, owners of Redd's Cabs, appeared in opposition to the petition presented at the meeting, stating that, due to reduaiag rates creme x•35 to X0.25, his business had been mush f 1 f impro•~ed. ~; r - .:~~ 3 Council Minutes Gone~d. Pulaski, Vim, ~ 4, 1,. .The Mayor advised the taxicab delegation present that the Comsci~' would consult with the Towz~I~ttorney on the matter of amendment to the adasb a 0rc~inancs as requested, and they would be advised of any decision. MCCARTHY T. J. McCarthy, representing the Induatria3. Gomsittee of the Cha~ber REP. CHAMBER REQUESTS of Comseras, stated he appeared both in the iuteresta oP the Chamber anc~' the ASSISTANCE Td SECURE Town, in making the request that the Tows Manager or some other muaicip. NEW INDUSTRY official, in view of the fast that several large industries, such as Weit~g- house and General 3~'Sectria Company, had moved into adjacent territory,dpntacst . the home otfiaea of such concerns to learn the names of the companies w~p would be suppliers for same. Hs stated it might be pbsaible to interest such ~~ suppliers ia.locating in Pa3aski, and each official as sight aontact the should indicate to the® the Town~a desire to cooperate with thew in poas~ble location. The Mayor advised Mr. McCarthy that the matter would be given~~due consideratie>a. MASHBURN J M. Walters, residntt of Maahbmra lveame, appeared with severa]sPothsra AVENUE SEVER tYc~a- the area, presenting a petition, ' aigaed by t~renty-ona st the thirty property owners, indicating a payment of the regular connection fee of50.00 for sewer bT eighteen, and payment of the regular fee plus an additional' X50.40 by three property orxtsera. Mr. Walters and Mr. P. L. Whittingtem indicated they had been unable to contact the remaining tea residents. Whereup~on~ the gentlemen were requested to canplete the petition, whereu~}on the Town would Dell a special seating, if necessary, to dispose of the mlittear of sewer e~ctension for Maahbura Avenue. Y T ~ ~e GO~ail was of the opinion that further study be given to th AXI ST LTD ~'T~ petition for amendsent to the Taxicab Qrdinance, as requested this neeti~g, sad upon review b9 the Tovn Attorney, the latter would perhaps be discua~ied at the west called aestir~g. On action duly lade by W. A. Larson, seconded by W.~'.White, it wa~l unaaiaestaly e C.& P. RESOLVED, that a letter as read frog the League of Virginia Municali- TELEPHONE C QMPANY' S ties, inquiring w3sether the Town of Pulaski wished the Leagwe to oppose ~e RE~UEST ~Y INCREASE , Chesapeake lc Potomac Telephone Costpany~ s request before the Corporatic~ Cc~isaion for rats increase, be filed with no action taken. TREE The requests of Burdett G. Hnbl~ie for reaoval of tree at 342 G11tYg REMEIVAIS Street and Mss. Haggis Chumbley for reaoval of maple tree at 203 South 9a~i.ey Street were paresentsd. ~'~ On motion duly made by W.F. Whits, seconded by J.R.Martin~ it was~F unanimously ~. RESOLVED, that the requests for tree reoenova].a be referred to the '~" ~~~~ CORK AT LOVING FIELD LEASES FOR RERPNE~"E~D CLEANUP PROGRAM STRESSED FIRE ALARM FEES IN COUNTY SQUTH CORD. LIMITS DEVELOPMTS. Council Minutes Contd. Pulaski, Virginia, May 4, 1954 Street Cosinittse and the Tow Mnaagsr for recommendation. O~n notien duly made bJ J:R. Martin, seconded by I.R. Carper, it was unanimously RES(H.VED, that there be appropriated fromd the General Fuada, the sum of Five Hundred Sixty-Six Dollars and Forty Cents ($'366.40) to the Airport Account, 1$-2s331 for spreading lime on Loving Field, provided the amount shall be refunded in full to the Town by the State Division of Aeronautics. On motion duly made by F. W. Marshall, seconded by J.R.. Martin, it seas maaninously RESOLVED, that the Tow shell renew leases of land far airport purposes with Mrs. Margaret Strauss and Mrs. Margie M. BoPP and Mr. Carl A. Bopp at a total coat of $820.00 for one year from July 1, 1954, a~ ale®, the contrast with the Civil Aeronautlas Administration for the use of the airfield xatchtosrer sits and the boundary lighting along the ru~xays at the amount of $2.OO per year, beginning July 1, 1954. On notion duly made by W. F. White, seconded by I.R, Carper, it was unanimously RESOLVED, in the interests of the Council's desire to expand clean-uP programs and p4-notices in torn, the Mayor sad Tos~n Manager xere authorised to make recommendations as to number of closed trash containers needed in the business district for the Torn with estimated post for purchase of same, and also, present a suggestion as to a design for barrels which would prevent overturning. Oa motion duly made by J.R. Martin, seconded by W.A. Iverson, and carried by a unanimous vote, the follvving resolution was adopted: B'E IT RESOLVED that the Toxn G®uncil does hereby oonfirm as s natter of record that the Town does recognise an informal. agreement with the County of Pulaski, whereby the County pays to the Town certain charges for the answering of fire Dells by the Town Fire Department outside of the corporate limits, and that it shall be the policy of the Town, in accordanos with that agreement, that the County shall be billed for all calls outside of the Town corp- oration, and that the charge for each call shall be Fifty ($50.00) Dollars plus Two ($2.00) Dollars for each firemen answering same. The request made at a prior meeting by Foy Aunt far Council's consideration as to providing him with requested right- of-way of possibly fifty feet for a roadway off of II.S. 11' into mountain land purchased by him in the vicinity of the ilatson Council.Minutes.Cont~d. Pulaski, Virginia, May 4, 1 Avenue iaterssotion with U.3. 11, for Which, in turn, he would use exca~tion dirt to cover the galley on Town property, provided he be given right-oway over said property, was again diaousaed,.and deterred for further iaf'orn~ktion as to the property of the Town which would be filled with e~attavation di~E, ate., and whether or not the Towa could provide the requested right-of-~y. k! AWNING H CHI'S . ~ The Council took no action on the request of Mr. Ned Bane as prealbnted -Bane 41 by the Town Manager for lowering the required minimum h®ight of nine feed far awnings, as covered by the Building Code. OUTDOOR Regarding the request of local merchants, presented at the speoia FOOD STAND meeting April 29, 1954, for Council to exdraise every control over outdo~lr food stands ,and to take action to pa~ohibit their operation unless said sands met the requirements whiarh local permanent grocery stores were requesteci~`to seat, the Town Manager advised further in the regard. He ate~ted Mr. Friclin, Dlreotor of Division of Dairy and Foods, had advised that such stands wo~11d be covered by provisions of the Virginia Food Lays and Regulations as tc~` sanitation and his office had requested that a detailed report be furnished then by their local agent on the twr- stands in question, and should any violation be found, the matter would be referred to the Cosimonwealth~s Attorney. The Town Manager advised that such stands were presently not a covered by local ordinances. The setter was deferred until such tiara aasthe Town Manager and?own Attorney could confer on the setter and draft such din ordinance as was needed to Dover local outdoor food stands, etc. TRAFFIC Regarding improvements at the intersection of Fifth Street, N.W. Ind IMPROVEMENTS 5th & Was h Washington Avenue, pending for ease time, the Town Manager displayed to Council a sap outlining changes at the corner which would not neoessitatli the scouring of right-ot-way Eton the Huff ]istate, owners of property at they intersection, as previously considered. Mr. Hirst ea~lained the plan woi~].d ~. provide two lanes for traffic on I~ahington Avemte, for north bound traf~io, whereas on Fifth Street, one laird only would be provided on the north sibs for west bound traffic. To provide adequate turning room at the southea~it corner of the~interseotion for large trunks, the roadway would be cut batik on the curb to five fast from the existing Naso sign, thus providing fora ~ide- aalk at the corner. A center island would be provided on Washington. GIs stated, on Fifth Street, the roadway would be out to Within one foot of ~he „, present sidewalk from a point near the riddle of the Rust property, to t~1e corner of Washington lvenus. Father, the Town Manager stated, a ausber~~of parking spaces on Whshington Avenue would be elisirated. Mr. Hirst titi~~~ - _ . Cozmcil Minutes bent ~ d. Pulaski, •a., MaT 4, 1954 should the 2owa undertake the work, he mould desire to observe traffic for a period of tine, before installing the traffic light on hand, in storage for two years. On notion duly made by Y. &. Carper, seconded by d.ft. Martin, it was unebisoualy Town t o RESOLVED, that theTowa shall proceed with improvements proceed with changes at Fifth Street, H.E. and Washington ®venue as outlined by the Towa Manager, providing a cutback of sfac feet on the corner, at a post estimated at =1,200.00, said amount having been provided for is the sin-rent budget, sad Be It Further Resolved, that the Town Manager shall contact in writing those whose properties were involved, advising then of the Work to be undertakes. tin notion duly made by I. S. Carper, seconded by d.R. Mattis, it was Lmanimoualy TOE AUDIT RESOLVBD, that the Council shall go on record as POLICY establishing the policy for handling audits of the Town~a books to be that bids oa same shall be secured Eros all residents in the town who are gnglified Certified Public Accountants, annually, prior to the close of the fiscal Tear en June 30th, Said.bids to be reviewed by the Ceuoail. RESIDENT The matter was presented of ob~eotion b? doctors DOCTORS RAISE eapsoTed as resident doctors at Pulaski Hospital, Inc. as to being OTTOB JECT IO N LICENSE assessed with professional licenses on the basis of gross receipts, inassuah as they contended that two olassificatiena ®f doctors should be considered -the one where the doctors had active practice in the coumauaity on tee basis and were accessible to the public and the other where doctors were oa a salary basis at the hospital, it being their opinion that such liasnse taut was in nature an ire oms tan. The Council disanssed the matter, noting that the present License G'ode cede no distinction in the two classifications, and referred the matter far further study to the Town Manager and Tow~t Attorney. TRACTOR Relative to haa4rdous conditions created by ].ergs traetor- TRAILER PARKING trailers parking at various locations, as reported to the Town Manager by several aitisens, it wads advised that the Town had at present no legal control cruet ease, other than an arrangea-ent to park on Weat Comaerce Street. ti~~.r Council Minutes Contd. Pulaski, •irginia, May 4, 934 4n motion duly msda by d. C. Crurabley, seconded by 0. 0. Cl±owell, and carried b? a insai~ous vote, the fQllvWiag ordinance retie adopted: ORDINANCE ~ IT tRDAII~D that parking shall be restricted fcar vehicles RESTRICTED eJOCeeding in height and in length, •os Randolph lvenue, froth PARKING RMA~IgQN oa the =ant sad West sides, between First Street and the Rorfvlk and Western Mailr~sy Camdpany railroad tracks, sad shall be restricted for vehicles exceeding is height and in length from parking on the ~kst sad West sides of Madison Avenue within one-hundred feet on the South fide of Fifth Street. This Ordiasnce shall be effective upon the erection of sui~tibSe signs. On motion duly made by I. R. Carper, seconded bey W.A.Lsrsoz}y it was unanimously FOOT BRID (~ RESOLVED, that the Town shall rebuild a foot bridge provides to VALLEY STREET , span a stream on galley Street near the Pulaski Market. The Council was advised that it Would be necessary to establ~.sh the tax rate for the new budget year at the next meeting. (~ motion duly made by W. F. White, seconded by I. R. Carpet, it Was unaaizously STREET LI tiiTS RFSt'R,VED, that• the Town Manager investigate the requests fait LEXINQrON lights on Lexington Avenue batrieen Second and Third Streets, S.E. and t~e intersection at Mfth and Lexington. SALVATION The request by the Salvation Arrp- for relief from pa~eat off' ARMY REr~UESTS RELIEF F Offi Water and sewer comiection charges for new building erected by thes oa ~; VI`ATER, SEWER ~`EES Commerce Street, in view of the charitable cause which ran served try this organisation, was presented and deferred for study. PEAK CREEK The Mayor stated that the concrete alley project for the re; ~' ALLEY ~ ~ ~` those stares fronting on Second Street, R.W., abutting Peak Creek, post~ha~nscl in 1933 due to weather, eight r~ell be proceeded with at the pa~esent t ', pr©vidi~ satisfactory arrangements can be worked out With the propert ~owmers abutting the alley. ADJOIIRNMSNT 7ihe meeting adjourned at 6:20 p.m. , Appa~oved: Attest2 41 dLt ~~Os _~ ~ rWY_ /YV ~~ Clerk of Council ~ !-~ ~~ ~' ~~~ ~ d --_~_- Mayor t fi ~9