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Council Minutes
PUaas~i, Va.,~ovember 1, 1954
The regular monthly meeting of the Town
Council of the Town of Pulaski, Virginia was ha ld in the
Municipal Building at 4 p.m., November 1, 1954.
This meeting was rescheduled from November
2, 1954, due to conflict with the Congressional election, by
unanimous ~onserit of the Council. signed agreement 3.s in
the Town files ,
PRESENT "There were present;
Mayor C. V. Jackson, presiding
Councilmen: C. T. Broo~an, I. R. Carper,
0. 0. Crowell, 14~. M. Farmer, -
1~. A. Larson, M. E, nester,
J. R. Martin, ~. F. ~6Yiite.
fibsent= None.
l~lso present:
Town Manager: Julian F. Hirst
Clerk: Louise D. Logan
Town Attorney: t3arnett S. A~oore '
~MINUTEB~ The Minutes of the regular semi-monthly
meeting held September 27, 1954, the regular monthly meeting
held October 5, 1954 and of the regular semi-monthly meeting
held October 19, 1954 were read and approved.
On motion duly made by 1~. SF. Farmer, seconded
by 1f. A. Larson, it was unanimously carried and the following
Resolution was adopted:
RESOLIITTON 16IIEREAS', J. Frank Aysor departed this life on
M'YSOR the 8th day of October, in the Year of our Lord Nineteen
Hundred and Fifty-four; and,
~REA~, J. Frank ltysor for s period of oger
forty years, devoted his life to th® service of his community
and to his Mate, always active and aggresive, with a cease-
less vigilance in establishing and retaining good, sound,
conservative, and honest government, ever conscious of the
need for consecrated endeavor toward devoted ideals; and,
~REA3, he exercised a restraining and
conservative force which elevated him to a position, as an
authoritative critic in the affairs of finance and govern-
ment, unequalled but by few; sound in theory, with a rare
faculty of combining theory with practive in obtaining
desired and satisfactory results; always sound and positive
in judgment, ready in resources, accurate and competent, with
a compelling force in meeting constant, changing exigencies; and,
:, ~- 3~ ,
Council Minutes Cont~d Pulaski, Va., Novemb®r 1, 954
~iEREAS, he was dedicated to friendship, unassumi
. _
in manner, but the recipient of the most cordial approval bbl,
persons from all walks of life, displaying unobserved benevc~.®nt
regard for those in less fortunate positions in 11fe; and, e
AREAS, by these many virtues, together with unt.d
others, he acquired for himself the love and boundless admi~tion
of persons throughout this commmunity and this State; ~'s
NOM ~iEREFORE, BE IT RESOhVID that the Council of ~tha
Town of Pulaski, in regular session assembled, be recorded
lamenting the d®ath of J. Frank ~gsor, who was a wise counsq~.or
and true friend to the Council, officials and citizens of this
Town and State, whose untiring effort for all will always b9";
remembered in the minds of our people, and record®d in th®
monuments of achievement around us;
That the high ideals should be ever an example anc~
challenge to the _ youth of our community; '~''
That this resolution shall be, and it is hereby, node
a permanent record of the proceedings of this body and pros moved
as a memento to the love, affection, est®em, and admiration ~'or
one of Pulaski~s most outstanding citizens;
Tbat a copy of this resolution shall be mailed to ',
Mrs. R. H. Smith; Mrs. Emma Dunlap,,and Mrs. Hattie Graham,;
sisters of J. Frank Drys or.
Given under my hand this 1 day of November, 19,
as and for the act of this body.
C. V. Jackson, Mayor,`
" Town of Pulaski,Virg3~ia
Attest: ii
On motion duly made by l~. A. Larson, second®d by
0. 0. Crowell, the following resolution was adopted, with
a recorded vote taken as follows;
J. R. Martin Aye I. R. Carper Aye
~. M. Farmer Aye M. E~ Lester Aye ;
~. A. Larson Ays C. T. Brookman Aye r'
~. F. white Aye 0. 0. Crowell Aye
Ay4s 8 Nos : 0 t
BE IT RESt~LVED, that the Council go on record as eI
approving and ratifying now as of November 1, 1954, the post
TAX SALE phon®ment of the delinquent tax sale. sch®duled for Dec®mber S,
• `1954, for th® d®lir~quent taxes for the years 1949, 1954 and 951
Council Minutes Contd.Pulaski, Va., Nov. 1, 1954
and 1952 until the second Monday in December, 1955, by
recorded vote.
The Council set November 12, 1954 at 7:30 p.m.
` as a tenative date for meeting with Mr. Martin Johnson
of Wiley & rb`ilson, for further discussion of the
sewerage survey report as submitted by that firm
Regarding sewage disposal for the Fog Aus t
Subdivision off of Henry Avenue, the Town Manager advised
that Mr. Foy Aust was agreeable to a plan whereby the
Town would extend its sewer main to Water Street and
h® would pay for cost of line, with the Town to reimburs e
him at such time as was deemed desirable, not to exceed
five years from the date of any agreement which might
be executed between the Town and Mr. Aust.
On motion duly made by W. M. Farmer, seconded
by W. F. White, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the plan as briefly outlined
for sewage disposal for the Aust Henry Avenue Subdivision
be referred to the Sewer Cormnitte® for stuff and
On motion duly made by W. F. l~hite, seconded
by J. Ra Martin,~it was unanimously -
MUNSEY JACKSON RES~LVID, that the request of Mr. Munsey
~L~~~x ~ Jacks on to purchase an alley east of Randolph Avenue
and north of Wes t Main Street be referred to the
Street Committee for recommendation.
Mr. I.R. Carper, Chairman of the Annexation
Committee, stated the committee would meet November 6
for the purpose of going over the proposed boundary
which the Council previously had considered with
regard to ann®xation and making. recommendations~in the
- -Orz motion duly made by W. M. Farmer, seconded
by J. R. Martin, it was unanimously
RES®LVID, that present fifteen-mile speed
limit signs located on ~Gashington Avenue be changed
to twenty-mile an hour signs.
Relative to the incident occurring in May,
Council ffirinutes Contd. Pulaski, Va., Rov. 1, 1~ 4
VALLEY 1953 on Valley Road in which Officers L®o Umberger and John .
PUftSU IT Early were in pursuit of a drunken and reckless driver, and
two bullets fired by them allegedly ricochetted into residend~s,
the Town Attorney advised that the suit brought against th®~~
Town could be asttl®d by the Town paying 9.00 costa in eacY~~
case as the plaintiffs in the case appeared to be willing t
drop the suit. '~'~:
On motion duly made by I. R. Carper, seconded by
~. PJI. Farmer, it waa unanimously
RESOLVID, that the Town Attorney be authorized to `~
proceed to settle the eases in the manner described.
ONE SAY The Town Manager presented for discussion th® one-~-ay
street plan as in effect during the past two Christmas seals.
The matter was discussed pro and eon by the Council members ~'
with na decision reached or action taken. r
pig ~~ 5
It was the consensus of Council that the Town Attc~~ney
shouZ.d contact the interested parties with respect to csrners~ip
of Peak Creek, a matter which had been pending for some time~~
1NATER The Mayor requested that, in the near future, '
Council give consideration to pending wet®r petitions and t!
Council directed the Town Manager to submit as early as ~°
pr~ctieal a list of such pro3ects with cost estimates. ~{
The Council was agreeable to the Mayors suggestia~i
that all future Council meetings be opened with a prayer, wi~h
the Mayor to contact the Pulaski Ministerial Association
regarding the same. ~,
RESIGNATION The resignation of Mrs. Louise D. Logan as Clerk o~'
LOGAN Council and Secretary to the Town Manager, to be effective
November 30, 1954 was read.
On motion duly made by ~i. M. Farmer, seconded by
1~ccepted ~• A. Larson, it was unanimously
g RESOLVED, that the resignation of Mrs. Louise D. L~gan
as Clerk of the Council and Secretary to the Town Manager, t~ be
effective November 30, 1954, be accepted with regret, and fu~ther
that the Council shall go on record as expressing appreciation
to 1!~rs. Logan for her faithful and conscientious devotion to~ithe
work of the Town and shall commend her for the excellent man~er
in which she has performed her duties.
The Council thereupon authorized the Town btanager
' til)i~~
Council Minut®s Conttd. Pulaski, Va.,November 1,1954
~•.~ ~o:.Ca,
lark of Counci
to proceed tcn take applications for the position of
Town Clerk.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:35 p.m.