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1 1 " + ~~" CQUNCIL MINUTES Pulaski, Virginia, Januar~' 18,196 ~, The regular semi-monthly mee't•ing of the Town Council of he Town of Pulaski, Virginia was held at the Municipal Building January 18, 195b, at 4.p.m. ~. Thera were pr°eaent: Mayor C. V. Jackson, presiding Councilmen; ~'. F.l~ite, R. A. Larson, 0. O. Crowell, J. R. Martin, M. E. Lester, I. R. Carper, C. T. Broohan and ~. M . Farmer Absent : P~~cne-" Also present: Town Manager:- Julian F. Hirst Clerk: Audrey E. Kingrea " Town At•torrze~: Garnett S. Movie Visitors : Rev. Glenn Garner, Rev. Elwynn iRilliams; D. Gray Langhorne", Fred Cole, R. L. Beamer,~' Obell Ratcliff, John Powers, Richard Glenn,:" T. A.Douthat, George-Bunn, Hubert F. Grosec.ose, Cadall Harman, James P. Low, J. C. Wallace, Guy l~hitakar, Jr., J. L. Kesling. '' -~ The Rev. Glenn Garner of the Church of the Brethern opened the meeting with a prayer. ~~ The minutes" of the regular meetings of January 4 and Sp~eial meeting of January 18, 1955, were read & approved. of the Council and welcomed him to the meeting. Mr. Kesling ,. in brief remarks acknowledged the introduction. - The Mayor recognized Mr. J. L. Kes-ling, a former membe ~~ ~, • Mr. ID. Gray Langhorne appeared before•the Council in eo- 1 nection with a garbage charge pieced on his coal yard. Mr. Langhorne stated he did not feel that .he was liable for the ~; charge inasmuch as he did not 'have any trash or garbage for N +I collection by the Town, and that all of his refuse was used '~! 'i for filling in his property. Mr. Langhorne stated that he "d3 not object to the assessment at his re"sidenee but that he fe] ,i that an asaessrnent on the-coal yard was unfair because of th !, absence of any service. ~; Rev. Elwynn ~Itilliams neat appeared and stated that he s representing the Aldersgate-and Trinity Churehe-s, and that he~I wished for consideration by the Town Council of the- garbage " ~! charges as were assessed the two church praperties. }j ' F~~~~ Coune~bl Minutes Contfd Pulaski, Virginia, January 18, 1955 Mr. wed Cole, jointly with Mess-rs. Beamer, Rateliff and Powers then presented to the Council a petition signed by 884 persons pQtitioning the Town Council to discontinue one-way traffic in Pulaski, Several me;nbers of the- Council questioned those apgear~ing in regard -to various phases of one-way traffic. Mr. George Bunn then appeared concerning garbage assess- ment charges as have been made on his property at Third and North Washington being the so-c-aped Rroger Building. Mr. Bunn stated that he~-wa~rotesting the charge of a minimum of 75~ -on each apartment inas~tueh as in his ease -he• had provided an incinerator -f or the apartments and had very little garbage and refuse for collection by the- Town. He~- staterd that he wax of the opinion that his form of garbage and refuse would not exceed two standard containers per week. Mr. Guy Whitaker, Jr. appeared. and stated that he was beforeCouneil with regard to the-same matter as had b$en presented by Mr. Bunn. That his ob3e-coon was to the assessment of a minimum charge on mach apartment in his apartment wilding on Valley Street. Mr. T.A. Douthat appeared on the same matter and painted out in `addition to those congaents already made, that his property • was of low rental type and that he was unable to pass on to his renters the charges. He further stated that a number of his renters wwre of poor m®ans, paging very small rents and in many cases it was necessary for him, from time to tima,to assist them financially in meeting their living costs. Mr. ~iahard Glenn apps-ared on the same subject and pointed out in particular what he termed to be inequities in the schedule of charges on the basis of comparison of single family residences with apartments. Mote was taken by Council that Mrs.Audre~y L. Kingre~a had appeared on January 8, 1955, before the Deputy Clerk of the t~ircuit Court and had at that time taken the oath of office as preacribad the the Charter of the Town. -.~ 1 Council Minutes Cont~d Pulaski, Virginia, January 18, Mr. Larson as Chairman reported that the Streets Conanittee ~`'~ ]~ 55 after inspection, recommet3deet that the parking mater space in front of Paramount Cleaners ba designated a loading zone. Qn motion of M, E. Lester, seconded by O. D. Crowell it was, unanimously, RE30LY~, that a parking meter be remetved in front of the !'' Paramount Clear~erg on the ~fest side of North Jefferson Avesnue. 3' The Council discussed in some detail the Garbage Colleetior~p'~ 1 1 f®es and there ab~actions as raised by those person -appearring before the .Council at this- meeting. It was the agpeement of the members of the-Council that a special meeting would be held on Tuesday afternoon, January 25, 19.55, at 4:00 p.m. far the purpose{ of ~considaring the garbage collection fe-e-- ordinance, the charges therein, and~such ©ther matters as may be properly presented at ;; that time. The Town Menages brought before Council the request of the ~' March of Dimes organization which requast had been tabled at the ~, last meeting. 13o action was taken by the Council. There was then considerable diseusaion on the sub3eet of one-way traffic cm Maim and Third Streats be~t~-een Washington and Jeffers an Avenues be discontinued e~factivb upon the removal of the signs relating theratc~. I, R. Carper then moved that one-way traffic be"-instituted on Main and Third Streets between~M adison and- Jefferson Avenues. «' ~; Howevar, in the absence of a geQnnd to tha atotion it was not acts upon. There then followed consideration of a proposal by J. R. ~' Martin that a general survey be made of the traffic situation wit~in 'I the Town. The Town Manager reported with regard to the position ~If the Virginia Department of Highways on cooperation with municipalities ,, for traffic surveys stating that it was the policy of the Highway;; Department to undertake such surveys on a charge basis dependent upon the extent of such a survey. Qn motion of J. R. Martin, sec~~ided by M. E. Laster, with a note of 7=1 it was unanimously, ~' _ ~~ ak n~r~~~ Council Minutes Cont~d Pulaski, Va., January 18, 1955 RE30LV~, that the-Mayor appoint a co~nittee for the pur- pose of submitting to-the- Town Council recomYaendations on general traffic matters. It being the intended purpose-~ of the Committee to determine the necessity of an over all traffic survey and if such be termed neces-nary the best procedure to following in the obtaining of such a surge~t. Mr. Nlhite etated that it was his opinion that one improve= went that eo~tld be made to assist in the movement of traffic would be to synchronize~the~ traffic lights on Nashington Avenue at Third Street snd Main Street. The Town Attorney and Town Manager reported that this had come up two years ago for consideration, but due to the difficulty in completing an agreement with tha Appalacian Eleetx~,~ .Power Company the matter was dropped at that time. The Council requested that this proposal be reopened. The sewerage survey was brought to the attention of .the Council, however, there was no action or decisions reached at this meeting. The Town Manager stated that it was hoped that preliminary sketches could be presented to the Council at the~next meeting for a municipal building to be built on the Town property at First Street and Jefferson Avenue. The Town Manager advised that information had not been worked out finally on the matter of the request of the First Methodist Church to infringe with footings on the alley at the rear of the church property. The Counoil was advised,by the Town Manager that study was continuing underway relative to the airport and that it would be necessary for Council to eo~mnence active consideration of their intended plans in the early part of ,February. The Council then entered into discussion of the matter of revising the tax assessment percentage as brought before the past special meeting. There was a great deal of discussion on this sub3ect with various explanations being made as to the advisability of such revision. There was no action taken by the Council at this meeting. /~~j~ i ~~ r Council Minutes Cont'd Pulaski Va.~ January 18, 195 The Town Manager brought to the attention of the Cou~icil the rose garden in Oakwood Cemetery which had been develop~Id ' ; by the late Mayor Calfee and maintained for a number of ye~lrs by the Town because it beautified the appearance of the ce~etery property. The Town Manager stated that for the past four fir five years there had been no maintenance of this garden an~ that the majority of the rose bushes had died and been removed ~jnd that the greater portion of this garden area was now vacant. He asked for consideration by the Council at a future meetng of the possibility of converting the property into lots in~view of the favorable location of the area and the need for additional lots in the cemetery. On motion by I. R. Carper seconde~ by ;~ UI. M. Farmers the Mayor was instructed to appoint a Commii~tee to consider the further use of the rose garden area in Oakt~lood Cemetery. Mr. Carper, Chairman of the Annexation Committee submitted to the Council a map on which was indicated the annexation~~.ine as now under consideration by his committee. This line rep~e- , sented generally a reduction in area from that covered by the original.Rhue1 report. The Council requested that each merger be furnished with an individual copy of the map showing thy; committee's line and authorized the Town Manager to reques~l Mr. ~huel to come to Pulaski to undertake a study of anne~ja,tion as would relate to the Committee's proposal. Mr. Crowell inquired as to the status of the work of ~~e ,. Charter Study Committee and Dr. Martini Chairman of that ;' committees informed the Council that the committee had not~net as yet but intended to do so in the near future. The meeting adjourned at 6:03 p.m. ~. ;~ ~~ Approved: ayor Attest: ~~' ai ,; ;, ;~ C k ~~