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ADJOURN' Ilda a, Council Minutes - Pulaski, Va., May 14, 19~ ~~ al An adfonrned ~etiag of the ~t~- Council € the Town .oP Pulaski, Virginia was held in tha Municipa3. oa Mag 10, 1951 at # p. ffi. ~~ ~:~~ ding There ware pres~eat: ~€ 1 .Nagar H. R. Imboden, presiding !' Councilmen: 0. 0. Cr`aWell, J. R. Martini., .R. Steger, W. D. Mac gill, Jr., FBI T. Painter, T. F. Wirt. ~ Absent: I. R. Car~ser, 1!. F. White. Als a preswnt: Town Mana~~ger~: E, A. B~e~ak Clerk: Louise D. Logan ~~ Town Treasurer:Lottie R. Bunion ~I CONTRACT PULASg2 BALL CLUB APPVD. H'e a ®nd of minutes 1 Y.M.C.A.AIPD RECREATIOR CON. SAME TERMS RATES FOR USE OF CALFF'B PARR On motion ding made bg T. F. Dirt, seconde~ bg ~. D . Mac gil 1, Jr. , it was unanimous lg ~, RESOLVED, that the proposed Qontract betwe~~ the Town of Pulaski, Virginia and the Pulaski Hall Club, C. ~. ~1 Baileg, owner, be approved with the exception that the rt® for the day use of the park be fi~ce_d at Fifteen ($15.00) Dollars per dag, plus Twestg (~-20.00) Dollars additional ~'or night use. The contract as approved is copied at the ®n of these mi.~tes. `~ - On motion ding made bg N. D. Macgill, Jr. , . seconded bg G. R. Steger, it was, unasimouslg ~! F RESOLVED, that the Y.M.C.A. and Recreation Gctission mag use Calfee Park under the same terms and conditions as outlined in contract fcr ball cltab . E On motion ding made bg ~. D. l[acgill, Jr., seconded bg G. R. Steger, it was ungaimouslg RESOLVED, that there be a charge of Twentgl 020.00} Dollars for dag use of the ball park plus an ad- tional TRentg 020.00) Dollars for use of the lights, wh~~Ch shall applg to all organizations except the ball club, Y and Recreation Commission and Pulaski High Seheol, the u the high school shall be continued at the rat® pr®viousl effects On motion ding made bg G. R. Steger, secon J. R. Martin, it was unanimouslg SEWER N.BTH & WALN~IT APPROVED Street, between Franklin and Hickorg Avenues, and on l~rahiktt Avenue to the south and north of Eighth Street, to serve houses b®ing constructed by Fred A. Jackson, and that am Anuropriatica of ~.Y.ght Hundred ($800.00) Dollars be appropriated for RESOLVED, that sewer be extend®d on North ,c.~.~, bf in d by ghth 1~ ~ ~~ Council Minutes Contd. Pulaski, Va. ,May 14, 1951 construction, and that the wv~k be contingent upon the pay- meat by Fred A. Jacks©~ of a conaection~ charge of Twelve Dollars and Fifty Cents 012.50) each for four houses to be constructed on Hickor3r Avenue, and a connection charge of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars each for six houses to be eon- • - strutted oa Eighth 3 reet and 1~alnut Avenue, and further, that the other houses not making a request for t he aPbre- mentioned sewer extension be required to pay a connection charge of Fif't~r 050,00) Dollars each when th®g are connected. rnvrrt.LAr1vH The matter of incidental e~cpease ®f AN82NG,ZONINQ~ EXTENSION the Planning Commission., as well as the matter of sending representatives t© the planning course to be at Natural Bridge Nay 20th to 23rd was discussed. On motion ding made by G. R. Steger, seconded by T. F, iWrt, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the ats©unt oP ihro Hundred ($200.00) Dollars be appropriated to the Function 15: Planning, Zoning and Extension. On motion duly made by T. F. MPirt, seconded by J. R. Martin, it was. unanimously AVERT PIPE RESOLVED, that th®r® be constructed ~TEM BIC RR. - . a system of aulir®rt pipes in Peak Creek to provide access to the section known as Big Railr©ad, such pipes to pro- - vide approximately twelve feet of roadway, and to furnish a lea water bridge, and a high water overflow, this construction to b® done ad3aeent to the railroad right-of-way and to provide a low water bridge in each of the two branches _~priation of the creek, and forth®r, that th® sum of Three Thousand Fiv®-Hundred (~3, 500.00 } Doha. ra be appropriated from der General Fnasd to cover the cost of construction of bridges, roadway, and dredging er®eg is connection therewith. ~ONC.SLAB COMMERCE It was reported that by placing a 3RIDGE concrete slab on the present Commerce Street Bridge ad3aeent to MoMillaa~s Store, Mr. Kersey would b® satisfied, and would be willing to forego his previous requ+sat for additional bridge to provide access to the J 1 1 section known.-as Kersey Bottom. Council Minutes Contd. Pulaski, Va., May 10, 195 WATER CONS. SA~VI~ NGS ACCOUNT 1 S IDE@~ALK CHURCH OF GOD On motion duly made by d. R. Martin, sec4 E. T. Painter, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Treasurers notice to I~ativnal Bank and Pulaski National Bank that the hater C tion Funds Savings Account would be withdrawn dun® 1, 1 approved, and that a temporary loan frcx~ the Mater Opera Fund for °Pinarreing the water eonstruction work be approve until such tim® as funds invested are available. A letter from the Church oP God, reques a sidewalk ad3acent to their property on First Street so~zth oP Se~ccrrrc~Street, was road. 4n motion duly made by R. D. Macgill, Jr., seconded by T. F.1-irt, it was unanimously RESt3LVID, that there be constructed a st ANGI~ PARKTN'G PROHIBITED five Poot wide sidewalk on First Street Extension, immedi South of Second Street, ~ distance of about one hundred P requested by the Church oP God, and further, that a sum o Hundr®d ($200.00) Dollars be appropriated for this work, gent upon the Church oP God paying the Town the actual eo A letter from the Virginia Department oP ~.~. ~d bT ~~ l i foples Is true- ; i be ~~is ion, rd ely t, 88 Two bntin- ~• Highways with regard to angle parking on certain town atr~bts on which the Highway Department•has provided Ponds for cow true- ti®s_and maintenasee was read. ORDINANCE On motion duly made by T. F. iNirt, second®bT MOTOR G. R. Steger and carried by a unami.mous vote, the Pollowi VEHICLES ordinance was adopted: PARKING ON STS.- ORDINANCE -REGULATING THE 1VIANNE~3 IN WHICH MOTOR VEHICLES f TO FANNER BE PARKED UPON THE STREETS OF THE SOWN OF PULASKI AND PRO ING FOit PUNISHMENT FOR VIOLATION THEREOF ~j ' BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF PULASKI, VIRI~INIA THAT: It shall be unlawful for any person or pe corporation or corporations, or others, to is av® ®r park ffiotvr vehicle upon any street or roadway in the Town of upon which the Town derives revenue for maintenance and merit froa- the Department oP Highways of the Com~wnwealth Virginia, except as hereinafter provided; (1) Said vehicles may park in a parall@~. position with the said street and with the wheels oP said; vehicle ®n the right-hand sidm not a greater distance s saki rov®~ eights®n (18) inches Prom the cum or ®dge oP said efts®t l~-~ ~ Cs~raneil Minutes Conti d. d roadway. Pulaski, V a., May 10, 1951 (2) Said vehicle shall be parked headed in th® same directs©n as it would be if moving in lawful traffic- along said street, except, however, upon those streets where it is otherwise provided by signs on said streets, roads or highways, or upon streets where parking is allowed only am one side. (3) No person shall park a vehicle upon eay street in the Town of Pulaski in such a manner or at any time so as to leave less than ten (10) Peet of the remain- ing width of the roadway free for vehie~~.lar traffic. (4) No person shall stop or park two or more vehicles abreast and parallel with the curb, anal to do s o shall be deemed an obstruction to traffic and a violation of this ordinana®. This ordinance shall in no wise invalidate any Ather traffic ordinances of the Town of Pulaski, Virginia, unless in specific conflict therewith. Enforcement mf this ordinance shall be handled in the same manner as other parking and traffic violations. The use of parking violation notices are authorized to be used to give notice of violations of this ordinance as well as the use of traffic citations. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage. ORDINANCE On motion duly made by E. T. Painter, seconded PARKIN SO by 0. 0. Crowell, and carried by a unanimous vote, the SIDE 1~T.S~. following cr dinanae was adopted: NORT$ PROHIBITED BE IT ORDAINED that no parking be permitted on the south side of First Street, North,. between l~ashington Avenue and the railroad siding serving the General Chemical Company FauAdry, and that this shall be enf©rced the same as other parking regulations. This ordinance shall become effective as soon as proper signs have been erected. On mOtiOII duly made by 0. 0. Crowell, second®d by YVT. D. Mac gill, Jr., and carried by a unanimous vote, the following mrdinance was adopted: 1 ~~ ~'~ 1 ~r~s•r ~~~ BE IT ORDAINED that parking shall be pr®hibited ASHI1dGTON on the east and west sides .of ~t'ashington Avenue bet~reen C~.~!~J i Council Minutes Contd. ~ Pulaski, Va., May 10, 1 51 ~; Commerce Street and Dora Highway, and that this shall be enorced the same as other parking regulations, to be~®ffective as son as ~ proper signs have been erected. On motion duly made by T. F. Wirtz seconded by W. ~p. Mac gill, dr., it was unanimously ~! i PETITION RESOLVED, that the getition of residents in the 4~ ALLEY OPEN. ;~ PEIRCECA Block on Peirce Avenue between raper A'~renue and Fifth Strut:, VE. S.R,, that the alley be opened and improved, be referred to the Street Cona~nittee and the Town Manager for investigation and ~~eport. On m©tion duly made by 0. 0. Crowell, seconded byJ. R. Martin, it was unanimously ~; _ ALI,EI' ~ RESOLVED, that the alley running from Second S tre ~t, N.W. 2toPeak CONC. to Peak Creek, parallel to Washingtmn Avenue, and immediate •est thereof, between the properties of W. H. 1Yysor and T. J. Mc~artl~, be improved with concrete slab, contingent upon the ad~acen~ ~~ property owner 0n each side agreeing to pay one-third (1/3)~of the actaal cost, and the Town to pay one-third (1/S) of the~Ecost, ar~d further, that a total svm of One Thousand T~-o-Hundred (~1~200.40) Dollars b® apprcpriat+bdfrom the General Fund fr the cost ®t' improvement. ORDINANCE PARKING OF ~' 0n motion duly made by 0. 0. Crowell, seconded by'J.R. UNLIC.VEH. gartia, and carried by a unanimous vat®: the f®llowir~g ©rdiance was adopted: I ORDINANCE FOR REGULATION OF THE PARKING OF UNLICENSED VEHIC ON ST~;ET, AND PROV1nING FOR PUNISHMENT FOR VIOLATION THEREOF: ~~ BE IT ORDAINED BY TAB COUNCIL OF THE TO4rIiT OF PULASKI, VIRGIIA: THAT it shall be un3.awful For any person, persons corporation, or corporations, or others, to allaw ~y moter~ I vehial® to remain parked on any street within the Town of laski! for a greater period than seveatytw® (7S} hours, if said v hiols " does not have displayed thereon the proper motor vehicle liense plates currently in effect for the State of Virginia, or fo some other state. In the event that an unlicensed automobile ha ~~ remained on the street for a period longer than seventy-two (7L ) hours, and the police are unable to readily determine the er, then the po-lice shall order the said vehicle removed by a ~ecker and stor®d for saf®-keeping. Said vehicle shall be release t® the owner, upon proper proof of ownership by the owner or s duly appointed agent, upon the payment to the town of all incurred in removing and storing the vehicle, and npmn the '1 ~~^ ~ ~ Pulaski Va. Ma 1 1951 Council Minutes Cont d. , s Y ®~ ,Earth®r payment of any fine la vied by the proper judicial authority. This ordinance shall be enforced in the same manner as other parking and traffic ordinanc®s are enf ©rc a d. Violation oP this ordinance shall ~be dees~ed a misdemeanor and punishable in like manner as other misdemeanors are p~i..shed under the statute oP the~S'tate of Virginia. This ordinance shall become effective upon its passag®. On motion duly ~aa.de by J. R. Martin, seconded by W. D. ~facgill, Jr., it was unan~.mously IOIO' ~ ffiOLVED, that the Mayor be direct®d to ITCH WASH. VE.FRCM FTH TO IXTH STS . COUNCIL MEETING appoint a coimaittee to give preliminary study to the advisability oP considering the extension of the corporate limits of the Town, and to study the financial effect that would result, should the extension of the 'corporate limits include the be,ilt-up area. immediately adjacent' to town, and further, that an estimate="be obtained from R. Stuart Roger & Associates,' Consulting Stigineera, as to the Bost of professional services in connection with preparation oP report and study of this committe®. On motion duly made by W. D. Macgill, Jr., seconded by T. F. Wirt, it was unanimously RESOLVID, that the Street Co~nittee and Town Manager should investigate the request for filling the ditch on North Washington Avenue on the West side, between F3.Pth and Sixth Streets, a o as to provid® th® ffitandard getter section section. meeting to be h®ld fay S2 be postphoned tc3 ffiay 4th, It was decided that the regular sehedaxl.ed contingent upon being held, provided the Mayor considered it necessary. DORA HI(~'AY The matter of a Federal tTrban Aid Pro3ect PROJECT for the improvement of Dora Highway, from Washington Avenue to the East corporate limits was discussed.' The previov$ action oP the Town take~i, beginning February, 1954 , was reviewed. It was reported that there Sul d hre 1 I~1 L~ [i .~~~~ Council Minutes Cont t d. Pulaski, Va., b[ay 10,1951 RESOLUTION 1 APPLICATION BUILDING PERMIT - Gilme r considerable time between the time the project was initiatedlaad the time of any actual work could be anticipated, and that ~9' ~, plans prepared n+~, if necessary by reason of the present naional I emergency, could be deferred until future date should this b~come necessary. ' On motion c~a].y made by a. R. Martin, seconded b~f $. T. Painter, find carried' by a" ~cnat~iffious vet®~ the following res alutio~ was pas sped: ~~ ` , b~!. res olut3.®a of the Tows C~ova6il lay ~s ~} 19bt?, it was resolved that the Virginia Department of Highwa~}s b® requested to devel®p a widening program on Route 99, known a~iDora Highway, between Route 11 and the east corporate limit:, a d~jstance of approximately five thousand lineal feet; and THEREAS, this ae'ction of read has been incorpors~Ited ;,; bg the Virginia Department of Highways in the urban area map(of the Town of Pulaski, and i1 ~i 1MHEREAS, it is desirable at this time to pr©eee~ with survey andpreparation of prelimi~.ry plans for development Dora Highway as a Federal Aid IIrban Project to incln.de widen ~' and g~eral improvement; and READ`, 'the T of ' Pq:I:ask °dae~t . ~®t' ha~'b a~rai~ab~e ~~ engineering :e`taff~ :and services to prepare necessary plans; Nom, THEREFORE, BE IT RES OLVEQ, that the V irgi:sa ~~ Department of Highways be r®gneated to proceed with preparation ®f 1 surveys and plans for the inrpravem®nt oY Dora Highway from. ~P~shiffig tin Av6IIUe tca the east corporate limits, and that the Town o~ Pu~.aski agr®ersg to pay its proportionate share of the crost fe this a: pr+a jest. On motion duly mad® by T. F. flirt, seeond®d by ~. 0. Crowell, it was vnaniffiously ~~ RESOLVED, that the following applicati on for budding permit be approved To Dr: T1~. S. Gilmer for cement block pr~..vate garage, 5fltx14t, rear of 124 3rd Street, N.T.; estimated to ~ost $1, Sf70.0A. THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this dy of 1951, between the Town of-Pulaski, Virginia, a ~, ffiunicipa~ity, hereinafter referred to as the Town, and C.P.B iley, owner of the Pulaski Ball Club, hereinafter ref®rred to as Ball Clnb. 3 - W I T N E S S E T H- THAT WHEREAS, the Pulaski Ball Club desires to the Town-owned athletic field with its grandstands, bleacher buildings and such parking area located adjacent t© said fie not insid® of said athletics field, all being referred to her se and d, bu$ aft®r ~~n~w Council Minutes Contd. Pulaski,Va., May 10, 1951 as Calfee Park; and, ~. WHEREAS the Town is xilling to grant unto the Ball Club the rase of Calfee Park ander such terms and conditions hereinafter set out and agreed upon: (l) The Town shall put into a good state of repair the bleachers, grandstands, screening in front of grand- stands, dugout, all buildings, and the fence, end shall main- tain and keep them in said condition during the seas en, excepting, however, froffi this- condition, a section of bleachers at the Southeast erid of the field, a section at the North end~of the Field, which bleachers are structurally unsound and may be marked off and restricted from use until deemed advisable and safe by the Town.. (2) The Toxn shall provide the electric lighting system, maintain and keep it in a good state of repairs, make any necessary repairs, replace flood lamps, from time to time as the same are damaged or burned out; the Town further agrees to pay for all electric poxer used during the season. (3) The Town will provide a caretaker, who shall keep the field in as good condition as possible within the available time before the game, shall be provided xith a set of keys and it shall be his duty and responsibility to lock and unlock the various gates and buildings for each praetic• session and for eachg~ia®; the caretaker shall cl®an all locker rooms, grandstands, buildings, and grounds before ®ach game, and it shall be his duty to keep the playing P~eld, embank- ments, and all other places in said park mowed and trimmed, and shall before each game lay off the baseball infield, plane the bases as they should be placed, keep and maintain the mound and around home plate in a customary and usable manner for baseball; the Ball Club agrees to furnish for use in and about Calf e® Park all lawn mowers and other equipment which they have available and which heretofore have been used in the upkeep of Calfee Park; the Toxn further agrees to pay the said caretaker, and they have the privilege of selecting him and he shall be responsible to the Town. (4) All police officers of the Town shall be admitted to Calfee Park, without any charge, to any and all games and the Town will further provide police protection to whatever extent is available. In addition thereto, the Ball Club shall provide at all games at least two (2) polic e ' officers who shall be acceptable to and under the supervision of the Town. However, regular police officers of the Toxn off duty may be employed by the Ball Club, but paid by the Town, such salaries to be included with service charges for the use of the field. The Ball Club shall be billed therefor monthly. (5) The Ball Club shall be responsible for the safekeeping of~all its equipment, materials, and supplies of every kind or nature, which may be used, placed within, or upon the said Calfee Park, and the Town expressly denies any liability for any loss of or damage to possessions of the Ball Club or anyone ®lse, regardless of the way or in any manner in which it occurs: (6) The Ball Club is hereby granted the exclusive right and privilege to operate the coneession stand during all ball games and during ell other activities d' the- park, and in, addition thereto, shall b® provided with the use of the home teamts locker room. (7) The Ball Club herebg expressly assumes all responsibility for any damage to property or injury to person or persons by accidents or otherwise occurring within Calfee Park during the time in which they use said park; and shall carry adequate public liability insurance, which with proper endorsement thereupon shall be made to benefit and protect the Town from any and all liability whatsoever. 1 1 ~~~ Council Minutes Cont+d. Pulaski, Va., May 10, 51 1 (8) It is agreed that the right to maintain and p ~® advertising on the wooden fence and scoreboard, and the rental~~ceived for such advertising., shat.l be the exclusive right and privileg~oP said Ball C1t~b. a (9) The Ball Ci~,b shall have all the rights and privileges to Calfee Park during the baseball season from May 1,1951 to September 1, 1951 oP both practice sessions and regular gaaaes and for the use thereof agrees to. pay to the Town the sum of Fif tee ~ {15.00) Dollars for each and every game for which admissions ar charged, except that in the event that there are two (2) games o the same day, but with only one (1) admission charged, then only one spark rental will be charged. In addition to the above sum for each d every game, there shall be an additional charge of Twenty Dollar (20.00) .for ea~-h night game. ~; (10) The sum provided in paragraph nine (9) above, plus any additt oval charge for which a bill has been received , shall~jbe paid at the end of each month, and shall include all the games a,, theretofore ux:paid, which shall include rentals for every game ^' scheduled asd advertised, whether played or not; in the event th~t the Ball -Club needs ®r wishes to use the field for games and events pon days other than those days for which regular scheduled games an events are set, they shall first obtain permission for said use from t Town Manager. Such permissions shall b® granted provided: ~, (s) No other person or group has theretofore receiv d permission to use the park upon the day f or which the request is;mad and have relied upon said permission previously granted, and in ^~ reliance thereupon sch®duled some activity, I (b) That said event for which permission is requests be a permissable use of said park. (11) This agreement shall in no wise be eons trued or eons iderea as giving the Ball Club exclusive rights of Calfee P , and the Town h®reby specifically res®rves the right and privile to permit other activities in the park and to allow the use oft e park by other clubs upon proper request and upon such terms and on- AD JOURI~T 1 ditions as the Town may see fit to grant the use. `'. ~~ (12) It is hereby understood and agreed upon that t Towns Recreation Comtinission, through its representative, Mr. H. . Bixler, intends to draw and complete both softball and baseball schedule, starting June 13t and ending August 31st;, softball g es to be played upon Mondays and Tuesdays, and baseball upon Frida , insofar as these activities do not interfere wile the schedules f the Ball Club. ~; Given under our hands and seals, the day hereinabove first written. ~~ TOWN OF P'tJI~ASK I , V IB,GIA Witness BY: ~. PULASK I BALL CLIIB '' Fitness BY: The Council was ad3onrned at 6:15 p.m. Approved: ~' Attest: ~~ii ~ ~/. oC D~t2~ Clerk oP ouncil