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~~`~~~ Pulaski Va. J IO' 1951 Council Minutes f ~ ~~ '' The regular semi-monthly meeting of the Town Council of (PRESENT the Town of Pulaski, Virginia was held in the Municipal Building at 4:00 p. m., July 10, 1951. There were present: Mayor Howard R. Imboden presiding Councilmen: I. R. Carper, 0. 0. Crowell, J• R. Martin E. T. Painter, 1N• D. Macgill, Jr., ~- T. F. Wirt, W. F. White. Absent: G. R. Steger Also present: MINUTES APPROVED APPLICATIONS BUYLD~N G PERMtfi'S Johnson Elkins Gil.iaer Groseclose Moses Shelor Knode BIIILDINI~ APPLICATION REFERRED TO COMMITTEE PARKING RFSTRIeTioN RESCINDED Town Manager: E. A. BecY Clerk Protempo: Florence Jackson Town Attorney: Garnett S. Moore Visitors: Fred Palmore~, Conway Smith, G. S. Bunn, ,Tr.~~ R. B. Oglesby. The Minutes of the meeting held Jtuie ie, 1951 were read and approved, On motion duly made by 0. 0. Crowell, seconded by J. R. Martin, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that-the following applications for building permits be approved: Geo• H. Johnson for dwelling frames four rooms, one story on east side of Altoona St• between Mr. Olivet Rd and North Corp. Limits, estimated east ~2, 000.00 ~ Mrs . Erv i e Elkins for frame and hris]~, ar:o ro®m one story building to be used for Confectionary,Shop on West side of Washington Ave. 30. between First and Second sts., estimated Bost $6,000.00; Dr• SIT. S. Gilmer for cement block private arage 30' ~ 10t at rear of 124 3rd St, N.1K•, estimated cost 1,500.00; William H. Groseclose for cinder block coal house at rear of 72 2nd Bertha St., estimated cost X250.00; Albert S. Moses (by Mrs. Jennie Moses) for add'~tion of frame porch and one rooa on two room cottage on 6th St. N• E. between 1lalnut Av®. and Franklin Av.~ estimated cost X300.40; Dorsey Shelvr for 1~ st®ry, frs~sand brick dwelling on North side of 5th St• S•S. between Floyd and Draper Avenues, estimated cost $3000.04; Walter B• Knode for addition of cinder block and stucc® basement room and extension of building ®ne room at 236 3rd St. M•~•s estimated cost X1,200.00, On motion duly made by 0. O. Crowell, seconded by T. F. ll~irt, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the building application of K. R. Hurley by referred to #ho~~build3ag committee for reports On motion duly made by ~!'. F. White, seconded by T. F. Wirt, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that upon petition of the majority of the residents of 11th Street between Rando3ph and Prospect Avenues, requesting that the parking restriction previously enacted be rescinded the ordinance enacted June 5, 1951 is hereby rescinded. Garnett S. Moore, resident of Fourth St. in behalf of the property owners on the north side, reported that the Presbyterian Church had rat agreed to pay its proportionate cost of the sidewalk, curb and Batter, and the property owners requested the Tows take action to proceed with this 1 '_] S IDE~IALR, CURB GIIT TER ON FOt1RTH STREET 1 HARRIS MOTOR COMPANY PARKIN G METERS ON THIRD STREET 'Council Minutes Conti d Pulaski, Va. July 14, 1951 ~~~J project in order that it may be completed during the cmrren construction seas 0n. i. On motion duly ffiad® by 1R, F. White, seconds-d~iby W'. D. Macgill, Jr., it was unanimously 1'; RESOLVID, that the construction of a concret~ sidewalk, curb and gui~ter on the north side of 4th str®et N . between Washington and Jefferson Avenues b~ approved sub~ec to the property owners agreeing to pay ens half the actual cot and with the further provision the pr®pcrtionate coat against t~e Presbyterian Church may be carried as an Account Receivablelf®r a period of two years. R. B. Oglesby was here before the Council relreseat- ing Harris Motor Company in regard to $100.00 deducted from!the amount paid on a recent purchase of truck because fishplati ~ was omitted although required by specifications. It was stated that the truck was of sufficient strength without fishplating recxired., On motion duly made by T. F. Wirt, seconded I. R. Carper, it was unanimously _ 7 RESOLVID, that the' amount of 100.00 deducts from Harris Motor Co. bill for purchase of truck b~ allowed proved the truck is fishplated as specified. ?E Geo. Bunn, dr., F. W. Palmor® and Conway Smi~ requested that the Council take aotion to provide parking ' tion on 3rid Street west of Washington ~renue inasmuch as locallity was primarily a business section. There was cons discussion as to the type restriction desired. On motion duly made by W. F. Whit®, seconded 1 PARKING PLACES FOR DOCTORS T. F. Wirt, it was unanimously ~' ORDAINED, that an ordinance entitled ESTABL PARKING METER ZONES AND RESTRICTED PAi~KING AREAS ~~TN THE OF PIILASRI, VIRGINIA, ANfl AIITHORIZING THE INSTALLATION ~ P. METERS AND FC?R THE REGULATION AID CONTROL flF PARKING METER ' AN'19 RESTRICTED PARKING AREAS AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR TH VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCES enacted October 8, 1946 and amended February 21, 194' b~ amended in~~se two providing establishment of parking meter cones to incl the earth and south sides of Third Street N.W. west of Washington Avenue a distance a 250 ft. except for ~! parking spaces renewed for doctors. This amendment to become effective as soon as the parking m~{tera ~~ are installed. The Town Attorney was requested to prepare 'ordinance regulating the 'use of restricted parking places doctors, tria~- 1 G 1~~~ STREET SURFACING PRO GRAIN BUD GE9.' HEARING Council Minutes Cont'd Puiawki, Va., July 30~ 1951 On motion duly made by T. F. ~firt, - seeonded by i-. F. White, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that~the proposed~strset surfacing and improve~aerit program as pr~esent~sd_ with the budget document for the year beginning July 1, 1951 be approved with th® exception of the alleys, On motion duly made by T. F. Wirt, seconded by I. R. Carper, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that th® proposed bud~t summary NEGIi.O CEMETERY IMPROVEMENTS WATER AND SEiIfER LINES TO KE8SE3t PROPERTY' be published and that a hearing be held July 19, 1951 at 4:00 fit. M, for expressions for or against the budget and adoption thereof. And, further, that the meeting scheduled for July 1Z, 1951 be postponed to July 24, 1951s - On motion duly made by T. F. Wirt seconded by W. F. White, it was unanimously be provided from the general fund for the purpose of general improvements to the Negro Cemetery owned by the Town of Pulaski and primarily for the purpose of improvements to the roads. And, fv.rthur, that the future sale oP eemetery lots 'bex' handled by the town and all funds derived therefrom be RESOLVID, that a sum not to ~eaceed $500.00 used for the improvement and betterment of the cem®tery. Andy further, that the provisions oP state statutes regarding burials be enforced. On motion duly made by J. R. Martian seconded by 0.`0. Crowell, it was unanimously ' RESOLVED, that there be constructed to serve the property of T. W. Kern®y on Lafayette St., North Thipd. Str®et Por four houses approximately 2t~ lineal Peet of sewer and 210 lineal. feet of water line and that °a sum of ~275•DD be appropriated from the general fund for the sewer and a sum X3.25.04 from the wat®r fund, PURCHASE OF The matter ©P the Pulaski Hospitalta LAAID BY PULASKT f HOSPITAL request for purchase of certain land owned by the Towa was discussed and no action taken pending furthur`consideration of the committee in this matter.. On motion duly made by i~. F.. White seconded byxI. R. Carper, it was unanimously OILING RESOLVED, that the following alleys/ oiled ALLEYS for the purpose of dust control: Adjacent to the property of Doctor Waugh, and William Garland from Jefferson Ave, tm 5th Street N.W•; the alley ~arallal to Randolph and east thereof 1 1 Council ~dinutes Conti d Palaski, Va., Jug l0i 1951 ~~ S~' and betxeen 10th and filth Streets; th® alley in block 3ttitat~ J'ackaon,A~®nues and parallel to Spruc® and Pine Streets. ;' ISSUING On motion duly made by 0. 0. Crowell, seeond~d by JiTSTICB T. F. ~tirt, it was unanimously RESOL~TID, that the Isstl3:~g Jttstiae~iy requir~d to provide a fedility b©nd indemnifying the Towm in the amvuntcP ~; ~500.Q0 ~principls and that the premium for the bond be paid~bT the Town• ' ADJOURI~IEI~T9." The CounQil ad3ovsned at 6:(~ p•:nt• ~ !~; ~, Appr©ved: '' nn nn ~:. y©r ~1 Attest: