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~C7~~ Couneil.Minutes Conttd. Pulaski, Va., July 24, 1951 The regular semi-monthly meeting of the Town ~ PRESENT Council of the Town of Pulaski, Virginia was held in the Municipal Building at 4:00 p.m.., July 24, 1951. There were present: Mayor Howard R. Imboden, presiding Councilmen: I.R. Carper,. 0. 0. Crowell, E.T.Painter, lb'.D.Macgill,Jr. T.F,11~3xt. Absent: G.R.St®g®r, J,R.Martin,l~.F.llthite. Also present: Town Manager: E. A. Beck Clerk PPOteffip0: ~lOre2lCe JaCksmY~. Town Attorney: Garnett S. Moore Visitors : Philip M. Sadler; Mr. S.I3.English, C. P. Bailey, Mrs. Early Southern, Mrs, Charles Dalton, E.E. Kinser, 1 MINUTES TAXI DRIVER PERMIT-Ray SIl~EWALK, CURB & GUTTER 4th St.Nhf. BALL CLUB CONTRACT The minutes of the meetings held July l0, 1951 and July 19, 1951 were r®ad and approved. There appeared before the Council Mr. E.E. Kinser with refer®nce to George McKinley Rayt s application for taa3. driver permit. A letter from the Chi®f of Polie® reporting the reason why the permit was denied was read. Mr. Douglas English, chairman of the Public Property Ccmanittee of the Presbyterian Church, app®ar®d in regard to the matter of proposed sidewalk, curb ~d getter improvements on 4th Street and stated that the church was not in a financial position to undertake this work at the present time and that it was felt the present sidewalk adjacent to the church was adequate. There was no action taken in the matter. Mr. C. P. Bailey requested that the Ccn:neil consider the matter of interpreting the contract of th® ballelub for rained out games in order that these may be played at a later date without payment of park rental. ~t motion duly made by ~. T. Painter, seconded by I. R. Carper, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the language in paragraph 9 of the contract between the Town of Pulaski and th® ballclub be constued to mean that payment shall be made for regularly scheduled games and no additional paym®nt will be required for a non-scheduled game which is played in lien. of a scheduled game not played. 1 1 1 - '.~~ Council Minutes Contd. Pulaski, Va., July 24, ~~951 PROPOSED ORD. The Town Attorney presented a proposed ordinance Physician parking regulating parking spaces peserved for physicians as reques#~ed by the Council. It was decided to defer this matter indefi.tely. On motion duly made by T. F. ~'irt, seconded by 0. Q~. Crowell, it was unanimously ORDINANCE ~ RESOLVED, that the following ordinance be adopted:, Milk AN ORDINANCE DEFINING "MILK" AND CERTAIN "MILK PRO CTS", "MICR PRODU'CER~, "PASTEURIZATION", ETC., PROHIBITING THE S OF ADULTERATED AI~1D MISBRANDED MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS, REQUIl3IN PERMITS FOR THE SALE OF MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS, REGULATING INSPECTION OF DAIRY FARMS AND MILK PLANTS, THE EXAMINATION,; GRADING, LABELING, PASTEURIZATION, REGRADING, DISTRIBUTION, ' SALE OF MILK AND MILK PFODUCTS, PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLISHIN OF MILK GRADES, THE CONSTRUCTION OF FUTURE DAIRIES AND MILK P , THE ENFORCEMENT OF THIS ORDINANCE AND THE FIXING OF PENALTI BE IT ORDAINED by the Town Council of the Town of `~ Pulaski, Virginia as follows: S`®ation 1. Definitions.--The followi~~g definition shall apply in the interpretation and the enforcement of t ordinance: I A. MILK. Milk is hereby defined to be the lacteal secretion practically free from colostrum, obtained by the complete milki -of one or more healthy-cows, which contain not less than 8 per cent of milk solids not fat a.nd not le s than 3~ per cent of milk fat. ~i ,, A-1. GOAT MILK. Goat milk is th® lacteal seereti ri, practically free from colostrum, obtained by the complete lking of heal thT-goats, and shall com~ly with all the requir®ment of this ordinance. The word "cows shall be interpreted to in~lude'' goats . '' n; B. MILK FAT OR BUTTER FAT. Milk fat or butter fa is the fat of milk. C. CREAM. Cream is a~portion of milk which contais not less than 18 per cent milk fat. - ~' C-1. SOtTR CREAM. Sour cream is cream the acidic ,i oP which is more than 0.20 per cent, expressed as lac tie acidi C-2. LI(~iT CREAM, c©ffee cream, or table cream, isal Dream which contains less than 30 per cent milk fat. C-3. 1RfHIPPING CREAM is cream v~hieh contains not ~~ sa than 30 per cent milk fat. - ~C-4. LIGHT 1l~HIPFING CREAM is whipping cream whieb~I contains less than 36 per cent milk fat. - C-5. HEAVY CREAM or HEAVY ~fFHIPPING CREAM is crear~j which'... contains n®t less then 36 per cent milk fat. II C-6. HALF A19D HALF is a product consisting of a tune' of milk and cream which contains not less than 11.5 per c®rof milk fat. D. SKIMMED MIDS. Skimmed milk is milk from whieM a sufficient portion of milk fat has been removed to reduce ~ s milk-fat percentage to less than 34 per cent. E. MILK (rid SHIMMED-MILS BEVERAGE. A milk bevera is a food eompouxzd or cont'eetion consisting -of milk or skimme milk, as the case may be, to which has been added a syrup °flavor consisting of wholesome ingredients. ~ 1~~ ~ Council Minutes Contd. Pulaski, Va.,July 24, 1951 E`-1. RECONSTITUTED MILK OR SMIMMID:-14IIL$ BEVERAGE'. A reconstituted milk or skimmed-milk beverage is a milk or skimmed-milk beverage made from a manufactur®d milk product or skimmed-milk product, as the case may be, such as dried, evaporated, condensed, or reconstituted milk or skimmed-milk. _ F. BtJTTEFtMILK. Buttermilk is a product resulting from the churning of milk or cream, or from the souring or treatment by lactic acid or other culture of milk or skimmed-milk. It contains not less than 8 per cent of milk solids not fat. F-1. RECONSTITUTED BUTTERMILK. Reconstituted buttermilk is a product resulting Prom the souring or treatment by a lactic acid or other culture of dried, evaporated, con- densed, or reconstituted milk. or skimmed-milk. it contains not less than 8 per cent of milk solids not fat. Q. VITAMIN D MILK. Vitamin D milk is milk the vitamin D content of which has been increased by an approved method to at least 400 U.S.P. units per quart. H. RE~t9N3T3i't~`fEEi ®R RECOMBINED MILK. Recon- stituted or recombined milk is a product resulting ftom the recombining of milk constituents with water, and which complies with the standards for milk fat and solids not fat of milk as d®fined herein. H-1. RECONSTITUTED OR RECOMBINED CREAM. Reconstituted or recombined cream is a product r®sulting from tbs combination of dried Bream, butter, or butter fat with cream, milk, sk3.mmed-milk or water. J. HOMOGENIZEp MILK. Homogenized milk is milk which has been treated in such manner as to insure break-up of the fat globules to such an ®xtent that i~.f'ter 48 hours quiescent storage no visible cream separation occurs on the milk and the fat percentage of the top lA0 ml. of milk in a quart bottle, or of proportionate volumes in containers of other sizes does not differ by more than 10 per cent of itself from the fat percentage of the remaihing milk as determined after thorough mining. „ K. MILK PRODUCTS. Milk products shall be taken to mean and include cream, homogenized milk, goat milk, vitamin D milk, buttermilk, skimmed-milk, rec©nstitute d or recombined milk and cream, milk b®verage~s, skimmed•-milk or any of these products and used for similar purposes and designated as a milk product by the_ health officer. L._ PASTEURIZATION. The terms "pasteurization", ~pas~teurized", and similar terms, shall be taken to refer to the process of heating every particle of milk or milk products tv at least 143o F., and holding continuously at such temperature for at least 30 minutes, cr to, at 1®ast 161o F., and holding at such temperature continuously for at least 15 seconds, in approved and properly operated equipment; Provided. That noghting contained in this definition shall be construed as disbarring any other process which has been demonstrated to be equally efficient and is approved by the Health Officer. M. ADULTERATED AND MISBRANDED MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS. Any milk to which water has beef added, or any milk or milk product which contains any unwholesome substance, or which as defined in this ordinance does not confox~a~ with its definition, shall be deemed adulterated. Any milk or milk product which carries a grade label unless such grade label has been awarded by the health officer and not revalued, or which fails to conform in any other respect with the statements on the label, shall be deem®d to be misbranded. N. MILK PRpDUCER. A milk producer is any person who owns or controls one or more cows, apart or all of the milk or milk products from which is sold or offered for sale. ~_ ~I ~~ Council Minutes Conti d. - Pulaski, Va., July 24, 1 1 0. MILK DISTRIBUTOR. A milk distributor is any perm who offers fmr sale or sells tt> another any milk or milk products for omen consumption as such. P. DAIS OR DAIRY FARM. A dairy or dairy farm is pleace or premises where one or more cows are kept, a part or all ~bf the milk or milk products from which is sold or offered for sale. Q. MILK PLANT. A milk plant is any pleas or premised or establishment where milk or milk products are collected, handl , processed, stored, bottled, pasteurized or prepared for distribu on, except an establishment where .milk or milk products are sold at r ail -only. R'. HEALTH OFFICER. The term "health officer" shall can the health authority of the Town of Pulaski, Virginia or his authorized representative. - S. AVERAGE BACTERIAL PLATE COUNT, DIRECT MICROSCOPIC' COUNT, REDUCTION TIME, COOLING TEMPERATURE, AND COLIFORM COfTNT. A rage bacterial plate count, average direct microscopic count and avers coliform count shall be taken to mean the logarithmic average, an ' average reduction time and average cooling temperature shall be t en to mean the arithmetic average of the respective results of the 1 t four consecutive samples, taken upon separate days, irrespective the date of grading, or regrading. T. PERSON. The word ~personp shall mean any individ~.al, partn~rrship, corporatt-on, company trustee, or association. U. AND/OR. ~Fhere the term wand/or" is used "and" shad apply where possible, otherwise nor" shall apply.- S'ection 2. THE SALE OF ADULTERATID, MISBRANDED, OR ~` UNGRADED MILK OR MILK PRODUCTS PROHIBITED. No person within the Town of Pulaski, Virginia shall produce, sell, offer or expose fob sale, or have in hies possession with intent to sell, any milk or lk product which is adulterated,-misbranded, or ungraded. It shall unlawful for any person, elsewhere than in a private home, to have in his possession any adulterated, misbran de d, or ungraded milk or mik product; Provided, that in an emergency the sale of ungraded milk ~' milk products, may be authorized by the health officer, upon the approval of the State authority, in which case they shall be labeled ~ungrade~~. r Adulterated, misbranded, and/or improperly labeled ungraded milk ar milk pro duets may b® impounded by the health officer and disposed of in accordance with State Law. Section 3. PERMITI'S~ It shall be unlawful for any p ~ son to bring into, send into, or receive into the Town cf Pulaski, Vir inia for sale, or to sell, or offer for sale therein, or to have in st .age where milk or milk products are sold or served, any milk or milk products defined in thjs ordinance, who does not possess a permit rom the health officer of the municipality of Pulaski, Virginia. ., Every milk producer, milk distributor, and operator o~ a milk plant shall secure a permit. Only a person who complies withathe requirements of this ordinance shall be entitled to receive and remain such a permit. Permits shall not be transferable with respect to x persons and/or locations. Such a permit may be temporarily suspended by the hea~.th officer upon violation by the holder of any of the terms of this ..~, ordinance, or for interference with the health officer in the per '' formance of his duties, or revoked following serious or repeated ~: violati on, after an opgortunityfor a hearing by the heal th officerrj and an additional person designated by the local governing boc'~r. Section 4. LABELING. All bottles, sans, packages, add other containers encl©ein~ milk or any dairy product defined in $~ Section 1 of this ordinance shall b® plainly labeled or marked wit (1) the name of the contents as given in the definitions in this ~! ordinance; (2) The grade of the contents, in the case of milk an all milk products listed in Section 1(K~; the word "pasteurized" ly i~~~ Council Minutes Conttd. Pulaski, Va., July 24, 1951 if the contents have been pasteurized; (3) the phrase *for pasteurization if the contents are to be pasteurized; (4) the identity of the plant at which the contents were pasteurized if the contents are pasteurized; (5) the word, reeonstitute!d~ or "recomb~.n®d" if the contents ar® reconstituted or recombined; and {6) in the case of Vitamin D milk the designation ~'Vitamin D Milk", the source of the Vitamin D, and the number of units per quart : Provided That only the identity of the producer shall be required on cans delivered tv a milk plant which receives only raw milk for pasteurization of one grade only and which izmnediately dumps, washes, and returns the cans to the producer. The label or mark shall b® in letters of a siz®, kind and color approved by the health officer and shall contain no marks or words which are misleading. Section 5. INSPECTION OF DAIFS~' FARMS AND MILg PLANTS. Prior to the issuance of a permit and at least ones every six months thereafter, the health officer shall inspect all dairy fazm s and all milk plants whose milk or milk products are intended for consumption within the Town aC Pulaski, Virginia. In case the health officer discovers the violation of any requirement he shall make a second inspection after a lapse of such time as he deems necessary for the defect to be remedied, but not before the lapse of three days, .and the second inspection shall be used in determining compliance with the grade requirements of this ordinance. Any violation of the same requirement of this ordinance on such reinspection shall call for immediate degrading suspension of permit and/or court acts on. . One copy of the inspection report shall be posted by the health officer in a conspicuous place upon an inside wall of one oP the dairy farm or milk plant buildings, and said inspection report shall not b® defaced or removed by any person except the health officer. Another copy of t}e inspection report shall be filed with the records of the r health department. Every milk producer and distributor shall, upon the request of the health officer, permit him access tro all parts of the establishment, and every distributor shall furnish the health officer, upon his request, for of facial use only, a true statement of the actual quantities of milk and milk products of each grade purchased and sold, together with a list of all soprces, records of inspections and testa, and recording thermometer charts. Section ~3. THE EXAMINATION OF MILK AND MILD PRODIICTS. During each sic months period at least four samples of milk-and cream from each dairy farm and each milk plant shall be taken on separate days and examined by the health officer.; Provided; That in the case of raw milk for pasteurizati on the health officer may accept the result. of non-offiesial laboratories which have been officially checked periodically and found satisfactory. Samples of other milk .products may be taken and examined by the health officer as often as he deems necessary. Samples may be taken by the health officer at any t irre prior to the final deliverg of the milk or milk products. S ampler of milk and milk products from stores, cafes, soda fountains, restaurants,, and other places where milk or milk products are sold shall be examined as often as the health officer may require. All proprietors of such places shall furnish the health officer: upon his request, with the names of all distributors from whom their milk and milk products are obtained. Bacterial plate counts, direct microscopic counts, reduction tests, eoliform determinations, phosphatase tests, and other . laboratory tests shall conf orm to the prodedures in the current edition of "Standard Methods for the Examination of Dairy Products" recommended by the American Public Sealth Association. Examinations may include such other chemical and physical determinations as the health officer may deem necessary for the detection of adulteration. Bioassays cif fy-~ 4 y~ . ~, 1 1 Council Minutes Coat ~ d. Pulask i,Va., July 24~ 1951 q the Vi tamin D content of vitamin D milk shall be made when requir , by the health officer in a laboratory approved by him for such exami~ti one i. l~henever the average bacterial count, the average rec~tction time: the overage cooling temperature, or the average c olif orm court falls beyond the limit for the grade then held, the health officer(shall send written notice thereof to the persom concerned and shall,takeIan additional sample, but not beforethe lapse of three days, for determining a new average in.aecordance with Section 1(S ). violation of the ~-ade requirements by the new average or by an subsequent average durin~ithe remainder of the current six months period shall Ball for immediat degrading, suspension of the permit and/or court action, unless the last individual result is within the glade limit. s In case of violation of the_ phosphatase test require ~Int, the cause of under-pasteurization shall be determined and removed afore milk or milk products from this plant can again be sold as pasteu zed milk or milk products. Section 7. THE GRADING OF MILK AMID MILK PRODUCTS. least once every six months the health officer shall announce the grades of all milk and milk products delivered by all distributors and ultimately consume d.within the municipality of the Town of Pulski, Virginia. _ Grades shall be based on the following standards, theN grading of milk products being identical with the grading of milk except that the bacterial count standards shall be doubled in the_;. case of cream and omitted in the .case of sour cream and buttermilkll Vitamin D milk shall be only of Grade A pasteurized or certified 'l pasteurized. The grade of milk product shall be that of the loaves grade milk or milk products used in its preparation. `- CERTIFIID MILK. Raw - Certified milk-raw is raw milk which conforms with the requirements of the American Association o~ Medical Milk Commissions in force at the time of production, and i produced under the supervision ~ ~, medical milk commission report.ng monthly to the health officer of the Town of Pulaski, Virginia. r' GRADE A RAV1' MILK FOR PASTEURIZATION. Raw milk producd ' upon dairy farms conforming with all of the following items of ~' sanitati on, and such portions of other items as are indicated therin~ and the bacterial plate count or the direct microscopic clump of ~! which, as delivered Prom the farm does_not exceed 100,40 per milliliter, or the methylene blue reduction time of which is not less than 5~ hours, as determined in e~ccordance with section 6. ~; Item lr. CCMBS, HEALTH. A tuberculin test of all her and addition thereto shall be made before any milk therefrom is s d, and at 1®ast once every twelve months thereafter by a licensed veterinarian approved by the State livestock sanitary authority. Said tests shall b® made and any reactors disposed of in accordan~~e with the requirements approved by the United States Department ofd Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry, for accredited herds. A certificate identifying each animal, signed by the veterinarian o attested to by the health officer and filed as directed by the he th officer shall be evidence of the abov® test. I Cows which show a complete duration of one quarter extensive induration in one or more quarters of the udder upon ph ical examination, whether secreting abnormal milk or not, shall be `' pernsanently excluded from the milking herd: Provided, That this 9~ha11 not apply, in the case of a quarter that is complet®ly dry. Cows wing bloody, stringy, or otherwise abnormal milk, but without entire o extensive induration of the udder, shall be excluded from the her until re-examination shows that the milk has become normal. For of her diseases such tests and examinations as th~l health officer may require shall be made at intervals and by methlds prescribed by him, and any diseased animals or reactors shall be ~; disposed of as he may require. 3 Item 2r. DAIRY BARN, LIGHTING. A milking barn, or ` parlor, shall be required, and in such sections thereof where cow are milked light openings shall be provide d. and so arranged as to ins~re 1~~~ Council Minutes C`ont~d. Pulaski, Va., July 24, 1951 adequate light properly distributed, and when necessary shall be provided with adequate supplementary light. Item 3r. MTI~NG BARN, AIR SPACE AND VENTILATION. Such sections of th+e milking barn or parlor where cows are kept or milked shall be well ventilated and shall be so arranged as to avoid over- c rowding. Item 4r. MILKING BARN, FLOORS, ANIMALS. The floora and gutters of that portion of the barn in which cows are milked shall b® constructed of concrete or other approved impervious and easily cleaned material. Floors and gutters shall be graded to drain proper-ly and shall be provided with approved gutter drains and kept clean and in good repair. No horses, calves, swine or fowl, et.c., shall be permitted in the milking barn or parlor. Item 5r. MILKING BARNS, 1~'ALLS AND CEILINGS. The interior walls and the ceilings of the milking barn shall be smooth, shall b® painted as often as may be necessary, or finished in an approved manner, and shall be kept clean and in good repair. In-case there is a second story above the milking barn, the ceiling shall be tight and smooth. If feed is ground or mined, or sweet feed is stored in a feed room or feed storage space adjoining the milking space, it shall b® separated therefrom by a dust-tight partition and door. No feed shall be stored in the milking portion of the barn. In new construction, the foists or r~t'ters that form the ceiling, of all barns, and the studding in the walls of frame buildings shall be covered with a smooth surface material (i.e. asbestos board, T&G wood boards, gypsum board, plaster, metal), that can be easily wash®d or painted. Masonry and concrete walls shall be reasonably smooth to facilitate cleaning and painting. All milking barns or parlors constructed after January 1, 1950 shall be constructed according to approved plans. Itean 6r. COG' YARD. The eow yard shall be graded and drained as well as practicable and so kept that there are no standing pools of water nor accumulations of organic wastes. Swine shall be kept out and not permitted nearer than 100 feet of barn or milk houses. Entrance lanes and/or cow holding pens adjacent to the milking barn or parlor and milk house, and not under cover and properly bedded, shall be paved with concrete or other impervious material, unless other satisfactory means are used to prevent development c~' muddy conditions. Cows shall not be permitted in area ad aeent to the milking barn or milk house except on entrance lane ~i.e. holding pen Por milking barn or parlor only. ) Item "fir. MANURE DISPOSAL. A11 manors shall be removed to a distance of 50 feet and stored or disposed of in such manner as best to prevent the breeding of flies therein and the access of sows to piles thereof; Provided, That in loafing or pea type barn manure droppings shall be removed or clean bedding added at suf~'iciently frequent intervals to prevent the accumulation of manure on cowa~ udders and flanks and the breeding of flies. Item er. MILK HOUSE OR ROOM, CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPMENT. (a) There shall be provided a milk house or milk room in which the cooling, handling and storing of milk and milk products cad the washing, bactericidal treatment, and storing of milk containers and utensil: shall be done. The milk house or room shall be provided with a tight floor constructed of concrete or other impervious material, in good repair, and graded to provide proper drainage, to a trapped drain. (b) It shall have the walls and ceilings of such construction as to permit easy cleaning; and shall be well painted or finished in an approved manner. (c) It shall be well lighted and v®ntilated, ceil- ing ventilators shall be provided. (d) It shall have all openings effectively screened, including outward-openings, self-closing doors, unless other effective means are provided to prevent the entrance of flies. (e) It shall b® used for no purposes other than those specified abovo; shall not open directly into a stable or into any room used for domestic purposes; shall have water piped into it; shall be provided with adequate facilities for tY~ -heating of water for the cleaning of utensils; shall be ®quipped with two-compartment stationary wash and rinse vats. All milk houses constructed after January 1, 195© shall b® constructed according to approved plans. 1 1 1 The floors, wi~c~s~rPa1~~;Kc~~~iS~g~;~ ~Mequ~pt~eYi~~'l~St~i~m~l~~. ~~ i Council Minutes Cont ~ d. Pulaski, Va. , July 25, X1951 ~~ house or room shall be kept clean at all times. All means nec ssary for the elimination of flies shall be used. A placard containg Section 13 shall be posted in the milk house. Item lOr. TOILET. Every dairy farm shall be provided with one or more sanitary toilets conveniently locat®d and pro~erly constructed, operated, and maintained so that the waste is inaccessible to flies and does not pollute the surface soil or' contaminate any water supply. Item llr. WATER SUPPLY. Water for all dai ry pur oses shall . be from a supply properly located, protected and operate` , and shall be easily accessible, adequate, and of a safe sanitary q ality. t Item 12r. UTENSILS, CONSTRUCTION. All multi-used containers, equipment, or other utensils used in the handlings~~ storage, or transportation of milk or milk products shall be de of smooth, non-absorbent material and of such construction as ;o be easily cleaned, and shall ba in good repair. Joints and seams shall be welded or soldered flush. Woven wire cloth shall not be us~d for straining milk. If milk is strained, filter pads shall be+' used and shall not be re-used. All milk pails shall be of the° seamless hooded type. t Item 13r. UTENSILS, CLEANING. All multi-use con~}ainer~ equipment, and other utensils used in the handling, storage, transportation of milk and milk products shall be thoroughly ceaned after each usage. Item 14r. UTENSILS, BACTERICIDAL TREATMENT. Ally! multi-use containers, ®quipment, and other ut®nsils used in th~I, handling, storage, or transportation of milk or milk products ~' shall, before each usage, be effectively subjected to an approed bactericidal process with steam, hot water, chemicals, or hot ir. Item 15r. UTENSILS, STORAGE. All containers and other utensils used in the handling, storage, o r transportatio: milk or milk products 9ha11, unless stored in bactericidal sol~ b® so stored as to drain and dry and so as not to become conta before being used. of tions inate~ Item 16r. UTENSILS, HANDLING. After bactericida treatment, containers and other milk and milk products utensil shall be handled in such a manner as to prevent contamination any surface with which milk or milk products come in contact. Item 17r. MILK UDDERS AND TEATS, ABNORMAL MILK. ` Milking shall be done in the milking barn, or parlor. The udd~rs and teats of all milking cows shall be clean and wiped with an approved bactericidal solution at the time of milking. Abnorm l milk shall be kept out of the milk supply and shall be handled~~and disposed of as to preclude the infection of the cows and the c~n- tamination of milk utensils. Item 18r. MILKING, FLANKS. The flanks, bellies nd tails of all milking cows shall be free from visible dirt at to time of milking and the hind legs, flanks and udders shall be clipped so that the hair is kept short at all times. All brus~ing shall be completed before milking Commences. Item 19r. MILKERSt HANDS. Milkers hands shall ~e washed clean, rinsed with an effective bactericidal solution, nd dried with a clean towel immediately before milking and Follow ng any interruption in the ffiilking operation. y6et~hand milking i`; prohibited. Convenient facilities shall be provided for the washing of milkerst hands. Item 20r. CLEAN CLOTHING. Milkers and milk hand~jers shall wear clean outer garments while milking or handling milk milk products, containers, ;utensils, cr equipment. Item 21r. MILK STOOIS. Milk stools shall be of ~etal and kept clean. #; ~~~,~ Council Minutes Conti d. Pulaski, Va., July 24, 1951 Item 22r. REMOVAL OF MILK. Each pail or can of milk shall be removed immediately to the milk house or straining doom. No milk shall be poured in the barn unless it is protected Prom flies and other contamination. Item 23r. COOLING. Milk for pasteurization shall be cooled immediately after completion of milking to 60° F., or less, and maintained at that temperature until delivered and dumped; and milk which does not comply with this requirement shall be sub3ect to reduction. Item 24r. VEHICLES AND SURROUNDINGS. All vehicles used for the transportation of milk or milk products shall be so constructed and operated as to protect their contents from the sun, from freezing and from contamination. All vehicles used for the distribution caf milk and milk products shall have the distributorfs name prominently displayed. _ The immediate surroundings of the dairy shall be kept clean and free of health nuisances. CERTIFIED MILK-PASTEURIZED. Certified milk- pasteurized is certified milk-raw shish has been pasteurized cooled, and bottled in a milk plant conforming with the requirements for Grade A pasteurized milk. - GRADE A PASTEURIZED MILK. Grade A pasteurized milk is gfiade A raw milk for pasteurization which has been pasteurized, cooled, and placed in the final container in a milk plant conforming with a11.of the following items of sanitation, which in all cases shows efficient pasteurization as evidenced by satisfactory phosphatase tests, and which at no. time after pasteurization and until deliverynhas a bacterial plate count exceeding 30,000 per milliliter or a coliform count exceeding 10 per milliliter as determined in accordance with Section 6; Provided, That the raw milk, at no time between dumping and pasteurization, has a bacterial plate count .or direct microscopic clump count exceeding 100,000 per ml, ~ a methylene blue reduction time of less than b~ hours, as determined in accordance with Section 6; Provided further, That the bacterial plate count of the raw cream does not exceed 200,000•per ml. at the place of separation nor 200,000 per ml. at any time prior to pasteurization. The grading of a pasteurized milk supply shall include the inspection of receiving and collecting stations with respect to compliance with items lp to 15p, inclusive, and 1?p, 19p, 21p, 22p, and 23p, except that the parti- tioning requirement of item by shall not apply. Item lp. FLOORS. The-floors of all rooms in which milk or milk products are handled or stored or in which milk utensils are washed shall be constructed of concrete or other equally impervious and easily cleaned material and shall b® smooth, properly drained, provided with trapped drains, and kept clean and in good repair . Item 2~. 1RfA.LIS AND CEILINGS. ~!-alls and ceilings of rooms in which milk or .milk products are .handled or stored, or in which nfi3k utensils are washed, shall have a smooth, washable, light- aolored surface, and shall be kept clean and in good repair. .Item 3p. DOORS AND ~IFIND0~6'S. Unless oth®r effective means are provided to preveni° the adcess of flies, all openings to the outer air shall be effectively screened and all doors shall be self-closing. Item 4p. LIC~iTING AND VENTILATION. All rooms shall be well lighted and well ventilated. Item 5p. MISCELLANEOUS PROTECTION FROM CONTAMINATION. The various milk plant operations shall be so located and conducted as to prevent any contamination of tltie milk or of cleaned equipment. All means necessary for the elimination cf Elise, other insects, and z~odents, shall be used. There shall be separate rooms for (a) the pasteurizing, processing, cooling and ~I i J ~'~J~ Council Minutes Conttd. gulaski,Va., July 24, 1 bottling operatior~ and (b) the washing and bactericidal treatment~of containers. Cans of raw milk shall not be unloaded directly .into he pasteurizing room. Rooms in which milk, milk products, gleaned utensils, or containers are handled or stored shall not open direcly into any barn or living quarters. The pasteurizing plant, milk containers, utensils and equipment shall be used for no purposes o#~her than the processing of milk and milk products and the operations '" incident thereto, except as may be approved by the health of facer.'! i Item 6p. TOILET FACILITIES. Every milk plant she 1 be provid®d with toilet facilities conforming with the ordinance o the Town of Pulaski, Virginia. Toilet rooms shall not open direct y into any room in whioh milk, milk products, equipment,' or containe s are handled or stored. The doors of all toilet rooms shall be sel- closing. Tbil®t rooms shall be kept in a cleat condition, in good! repair, and well ventilated. A placard containing Section 13 and 1l sign directing employees to wash their hands before returning to w`rk shall beposted in all toilet rooms used by employees. In case pri ies or earth closets are permitted and used, they shall be separate fr the building and shall be of a sanitary type constructed and opera{~ed in conformitywith the requirements of Item lOr. Item 7p. WATER SUPPLY. The water supply shall bed easily accessible, adequate, and of a safe sanitary quality. Item 8p. HAND ~`ASHING FACILITIES. Convenient hand, washing facilities shall be provided, including hot and cold runni~g water, soap and approved sanitary towels. Hand-washing facilities~~ shall be kept clean. The use of a common towel is prohibited. No°j employee shall resume work after using the toilet room without fir#it washing his .hands. ,; Item 9p. SANITARY PIPING. All piping used to con{ et milk or milk products shall be "sanitary milk piping" of a type wh ch can be easily cleaned with a brush. Pasteurized milk and milk pro ets shall be conducted from one pje ee of equipment to another only . thr gh sanitary milk piping. `' Item lOp. CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR OF CONTAINERS A EQUIPMENT. All multi-use containers and equipment with which milk~cr milk products come in contact shall be so constructed and located ~s to be easily cleaned and shall be kept in good repair. All single-seic® containers, closures, and gaskets used shall have been manufacture,.., packaged, transpc~ ted and handled in a sanitary manner. ~i Item llp. PLUMBING AND DISPOSAL OF V-ASTES. All castes shall be properly disposed of, and all plumbing and equipment shat be so designed and installed as to.prevent contamination of the water`s supply and of milk equipment by backflow. Item 12p. CLEANING AND BACTERICIDAL TREATMENT OF CONTAINERS AND EQUIPMENT. All milk and milk products containers a equipment, except single-service containers, shall be thoroughly c after each usage. All containers shall be effectively subjected t approved bactericidal process after each cleaning and all equipmen i~ranediately ba~f©re~~~:each usage. ~fhen empty, and before being retur to a producer by a milk plant,.®ach container shall be thoroughly cleaned and effectively subjected to an approved bactericidal proc Item 13p. STORAGE OF CONTAINERS AND EQUIPMENT. bactericidal treatment, all bottles, cans, and other multi-use milk products con tamers and equipment shall be stored in such as to be protected from contamination. Item 14p. HANDLING OF CONTAINERS AND EQUIPMENT. bactericidal treatment and usage and during usage, containers and equipment shall not be handled or operated in such manner as to pe contamination of the milk. Pasteurized milk or milk products.sha be permitted to come in contact with equipment with w&aich unpaste milk or milk products have been in contact, unless the-$quipmeat h first•been thoroughly cleaned and effectively subjected to an appr bactericidal process. No milk or milk products shall be permitted come in contact with equipment with which a lower grade of milk or products has been in contact, unless the equipment has been thorou aped ~etween t it 1 not u ized ed 0 1~~~ Council Minutes Contd. Pulaski, Va., July 24, 1951 cleaned and effectively subjected to an approved bactericidal process. Item 15p. STORAGE OF CAPS, PARCHMENT PAPER, AND SINGLE~SERVICE CONTAINERS. Milk bottle caps or cap stock, parchment paperfor milk cans, and single-service containers and gaskets shall be purchased and stored only in sanitary tubes, wrappings, and cartons, shall be kept therein in a clean, dry place until used, and shall be handled in a sanitary manner. Item 16p. PASTEURIZATION. Pasteurizati on shall be performed as described in Section 1 (L) of this ordinance. Item 17p. COOLING. A11 milk and milk products received for pasteurization shall immediately be cooled in approved equipment to 54o F. or less, and maintained at.that temperature until pasteurized, unless they are to be pasteurized within two hours after receipt; and all pasteurized milk and milk product~- except those to be cultured shall be immediately cooled in approved equipment to a temperature of 54o F., or less, and maintained thereat until delivery, as determined in accordance with Section 6. Item: 18p. BOTTLING. Bottling of milk and milk products shall be done at the place of pasteurization by approved mechanical equipment. _ Item 19p. OVERFLO~P MILK. Overflow milk or milk products shall not be sold for human consumption. Item 20p.- CAPPING. Capping of milk and milk products shall b® done in a sanitary manner by approved mechanical equipment. Hand capping is prohibited. The cap or cover shall protect the pouring lip to at least its largest diameter. Item 21p. PERSONNEL, HEALTH. The health officer or a physician authorized by him shall examine and take a careful morbidity history of every person connected with a pasteurization plant, or about to be employed, whose work brings him in contact with the production, handling, storage, or transportation of milk, milk pro duets, containers, or equipment. If such examination or history suggests that such person may be a carrier or infected with the organisms ~of typhoid or paratyphoid fever or any other communicable disease likely to b® transmitted through milk, he shall secure appropriate specimens of body discharges and cause them to be examined in a laboratory approved by him or by State health authorities for such examinatior~ and if the r®sults justify such persons shall be barred from such employment. Such persons shall furnish such information, submit to such physical examinations, and submit such laboratory specimens as the health officer may require for the purpose of determining freedom from infection. Item 22p. PERSONNEL, CLEANLINESS. All persons coming in contact with milk, milk products, containers, or equipment shall wear clean outer garments and shall_keep their hands clean at all times while thus engaged. Item 23p. VEHICLES. All vehicles used for the transportation of milk or milk products shall be so constructed and operated as to protect their contents from the sun, from freezing and Prom contamination. All vehicles used for the dis- tribution of milk or milk products shall have the name of the distributor prominently displayed. Milk tank cars and tank trucks shall comply with construction, cleaning, bactericidal treatment, storage and handling requirements of items 9 p. 1Op, 12p, 13p and ]~. V~'hile containing milk or cream they shall be sealed and labeled in an approved manner. F'or each tank shipment a bill of lading containing all necessary information shall b® prepared in triplicate and shall be kept on file by the shipper, the consignee, and the carrier for a period of six months for the information oP the health officer. GRADE B PASTEURISED MILK. Made B pasteurized milk is pasteurized milk which violates the bacterial or the 1 1 ~~'~ Council Minutes Contd. Pulaski, Va., July 24, 1 1 coliforrn standard for Grade A pasteurized milk and/or the provisi lip-cover caps of item 24p, but which conforms with all other req manta for Grade A pasteurized milk, has been made from raN- milk f pasteurization of not less than Grade A quality except bacterial and has a bacterial plate countafter pasteurization and before de not exceeding 50,000 per milliliter as determined in accordance w Section 6; Provided, That the rax milk, at no time between dumpin pasteurization, has a bacterial plate count or a direct microscop clump count exceeding 200,000 per ml. or a methylene blue reducti time of less than 5~ hours, o r a resazurin reduction time of less two hours, as determined in accordance with Section 6; Provided f' That th® bacterial plate count of the raw cream does not exceed 4~ per ml. at tha place of separation nor 400,000 per milliliter at a' prior to pasteurization. Cv~.`r /~ 951 of re - andari very h and han the r, ,000 time GRADE C PASTEURI2ED~MILK. Grade C pasteurized milk i~ pasteurized milk which violates any of the requirements of Grade B pasteurized milk. ~~ SECTION 8. C~ADES OF MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS'~iHICH MA~' BE SOLD. No molk or milk products shall be sold to the final cons~zner or to restaurants, soda fountains, grocery stores, or similar establishments except certified milk pasteurized and Grade A pasteurized milk. Provided, That when any milk distributor fails o qualify for one of the above grades the health officer is authoriz d to suspend his permit and/or institute court action, or in lieu t roof to degrade his product and permit its sale during a temporary pert d not exceeding 30 days or in emergAncies such longer periods as he 'ay deem necessary. $, SECTION 9. REINSTATEMENT O F PERMIT-SUPPLEMENTARY ~'~ REGRADING. If, at any time between the regular announcements of t~~ grades of milk or milk products, a lower grade shall become justif ed, in accordance with Sections b, 6, and ? of this ordinance, the he th officer shall immediately lower the grade of such milk or milk products, and shall enforce proper labeling thereof. %j a; Any producer or distributor of milk or milk products,`the grade of which has been lowered by the health officer, and rrho is °~ properly labeling his milk and milk products, or whose permit has `een suspended, may at any time make application for the regrading of products or the reinstatement of his permit. Upon receipt of a satisfactory applic ati on for regrad ng or reinstatement of permit based on correction of a violation of y bacteriological or cooling temperature standard, the health office shall take further samples at the rate oP nat more than two per we k, and shall approve the application upon compliance with the grade '! requirements as determined in accordance with Section 6; Provided,~:~ That if samples are not available because of suspension of permit operate, or for other reasons, the health officer may issue a temp racy permit upon satisfying himself by inspection oP the facilities an the operating methods that the conditions responsible for the violatio have been corrected, with final reinstatement of permit condition upon subsequent bacteriological or temperature findings. In case the lowered grade of the applicant's product r the permit suspsension was due to a violation of an item other th bacteriological standards or cooling temperature, the said applic ion must be acc©mpanied by a statement sfgned by the applicant to the ' effect that the violated item of the specifications has been conf ed with. Within 1 week of the receipt of such an application and stat meet the health officer shall make a reinspection of the applicantts establishment and thereafter as many additional reinspections as h~ may deem necessary to assure himself that the applicant is again '~! complying with the higher-grade requirements, and, in case the fi pings bus t if y, shall regrade the milk or milk products upward or rp ins t , e the permit. ~' SECTION 10. TRANSFERRING OR DIPPING MILK: DELIVEI$ ~' CONTAINERSs COOLING: ~UAItANTINED RESIDENCES. Except as permitted i this section, no milk producer or distributor shall transfer milk r milk pproducts from one container to another on the street, or in y ve~iele, or store, or in any place except a bottling or milk room 1€~~~ Council Minutes C©nttd. Pulask i, Va. , July 24, 1951 especially used for that purpose. The sale of dip milk is hereby prohibited. Milk and milk products sold in the distributorts containers in quantities less than one gallong shall be delivered in standard milk bottleffi or in appr wed single-service containers. It shall b® unlawful for hotels, soda fountains, restaurants; grocers, hospitals, and similar establishments to sell or serve any milk or milk product except°in the individual original container in which it was received from the distributor or frcmi a bulk container equipped with an approved dispensing device. Ylhole milk dispensed from bulk dispensers mast be homogenized milk. Provided, That this requirement shall not apply to cream consumed on the premises which may be served from the original bottler ar from a dispenser approved for such service, or to milk served at hospitals and institutions which may be served from quart containers packaged at a milk plant, or to mixed milk drinks requiring less than 1/2 pint of milk which may be poured Prom quart containers packaged at a milk plant. It shall be unlawful for any hotel, soda fountain, restaurant, grocery, hospital or similar establishment to sell or scree any milk or milk product which has hot been maintained, while in its possession, at a temperature of 50o F., or less. If milk or milk products in non-leakproof containers are stored in water for cooling, the pouring lip of the containers shall not be submerged. It shall be the duty of all persons to whom milk or milk products are delivered to clean thoroughly the containers in which such milk or milk products are delivered before returning such containers. The delivery of milk or milk products tv and the collection of milk or milk products containers from residences in which oases of ecr~nunicable disease transmissible through milk supplies exists shall be subject to the special requirements of the health officer. Homogenized milk or homogenized cream shall not be mixed with milk or cream which has not been homogenized, unless the product is labeled homogenized. SECTION 11. MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS FROM POINTS BEYOND THE LIMITS OF ROUTINE INSPECTION. Milk and milk products from points beyond the limits of routine inspection of the municipality of the Town of Pulaski,Virginia may not b® sold in the municipality of the Town of Pulaski,Virginis, unless produced and/or pasteurized under provisions whie h are substantially equivalent to the requirements of this ordinance and which are enforced with equal effectiveness as determined by a milk sanitation rating. Such ratings are to be made as prescribed in reprint Number 1970 U. S. Public Health Service Bulletin. SECTION 12. FUTURE DAIRIES AND MILFf POANTS. All dairies and milk plants from which milk or milk products are supplied to the municipality of the Town cf Pulaski, Virginia which are hereafter constructed, reconstructed, or extensively altered shall conform in their construction to the Gracie A requirements of this ordinance. Properly prepared plans for all dairies and milk plants which are hereafter constructed, reconstructed, or extensively altered shall b® submitted to the health officer for approval before work is begun. In the case • of milk plants, signed approval shall be obtained fYO m the health officer. SECTION 13. NOTIFICATION OF DISEASE. loo person who is affected with any disease in a communicable form or is a carrier of such disease shall work at any dairy farm ar m31k plant in any capacity which brings him in contact with the production, handling, storage, cc transportation of milks milk products, containers, or equipment; and no dairy farm or milk plant shall employ in any such capacity any such person or any person suspected of being affected with any disease in a 1 1 ~~ t~~.:9 Council Minutes. Ct,~r,Y-t~ d Pulaski, Va., July 24, 195 cor~nunicable form or of being a carrier of such, disease. Any prodta~er or distributor of milk or milk products upon whose dairy far or in whose milk plant any communicable disease occurs, or who suspects t~.at any employee has contracted any disease in a communicable form or has become a carrier of such disease, shall notify the health officer immediately. SECTION 14. PROCEDURE WHEN INFECTION SUSPECTID . i~hen su sicion arises as to the possibility of transmission of infection from an~r person concerned with the handling of milk or milk products, the h lth officer is authorized to require any or all of the following mess 's: (1) Z'he immediate exclusion of that person from milk handling, (2) he immediate exclusion of the milk supply concerned from distribution `' and use, (3) adequate medical and bacteriological examination of the person, of his associates, and of his and their body discharges. i SECTION 15. ENFORCEMENT INTERPRETATION. This ordinance shall be enforced by the health officer in accordance with the interpretations thereof contained in the 1939 edition of the United; States Public Health Service Milk Code, a certified copy of which shall be on file in the clerk's office. SECTION 16. PENALTY. Any person who shall violate any ~'i provision of this ordinance shall be fined not more than _ Each and every violation and each an ; every dayts continuance thereof shall constitute a separate offensq~ SECTION .17. REPEAL AND DATE OF EFFECT. All ordinances ss~d parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby I repealed; and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its adoption, and its publication, as provided by~l law. ~~ SECTION 18. INVALIDITY CLAUSE, Should any section, pars raph,! sentence, clause, phrase, part of provision of this ordinance be dq~lared unconstitutional or otherwise invalid for any reason, the remaindez~iof thus ordinance shall not be affected thereby. BUILDING PERM ITS Pulaski Hardware Hurst Slaughter Smith TAXI DRIVER PERMIT F~ RAY DENIED On motion duly made by 0. 0. Crowell, seconded by I. R, Q~rper, it was unanimously r~ RESOLVED, that the following applications ~'or building permits be approved: Pulaski Hardware Company fore permission to erect an electric, metal sign on front of sto building, estimated X300,00; ~. L. Hurst for permission to erect a partitition dividing one large room into two small ones in frame dwelling on 4th Street and Newborn Ras d, estited cost X50.00; Hensel C.Slaughter for 5 room, 12 story frame dwelling on east sid® of hexington Avenue between 2nd and 3 Streets, S. E., estimated cost X8,000.00; Virgil Massie Smi for permission to replace two small porches and put on comp to new roof on 4 room one story frame dwelling on South side o Bank Street between 3rd and 4th Streets, estimated cost X50 ~.OQ. On motion duly made by 11~.D. Macgill, Jr., ~~! seconded by E. T. Painter, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the application of George M. Ray for taxi driver be denied. V~IDENING S. The matter of widening S. Jefferson Av®nu JEFFERSON AVE. between Commerce and.First Streets was discussed and this w referred to the Street Committee andT.own Manager for report A.A.MCNEVIi _ A letter from A. A. McNew with regard to ,' RE. TRASH COLLECTION trash containers for his property on Third and Jefferson N.~. was read and this was discussed and determined the matter o~j enforcement of the garbage collection re~zlations should b® ~~~~ GENERAL ASSEMBLY 1 ANNEXATION ANDERSON MEMORIAL CAIIRGH DRAINAGE Council Minutes Conti d. complied with. Pulaski, Va., July 24, 1951 - It was determined that there should be a future meeting of the Council to discuss any matters of interest that should be brou~.t before the General Assembly at its next session. There was some discussion regarding consid®- ration of annexation and a letter from Edward H. Reuhl of R. Stuart Royer and Associates on a proposal to assist in a preliminary in the matter of annexation was read. On motion duly made by 0. 0. Crowell, seconded by T. F.1~-irt, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Town install drainage pipe on Franklin Avenue near Anderson Memorial Church when the church furnished the pipe of the proper size. On motion duly made by T.- F.Wirt, seconded by S. R. Carper, it was unanimously ' STATE WATER CONTROL BOARD i DO G NUISANCE RESOLVED, that the Town Manager report to the State Water Control Board that the Townts progress in pollution abatement is as has been previously reported, and that the town intends to continue along the lines of previous reports. ~ - There was considerable discussion in regard to complaints concerning nuisances caused by large number of dogs running at large, par-ticularly dogs barking at night and otherwise disturbing the peace. On motion duly made by T.F. Wirt, seconded by E. T. Painter, it was unanimously - - RESOLVED, that the Town Manager be directed to write to the Gene Warden and send copies to the State Chief of Game 1/ardens and Board of Supervisors advising that there hav® been a large number of complaints concerning nuisances caused by dogs and requests that particular effort be made to eliminate all unlicensed dogs that are running at large within the town. SPECIAL It was determined that a special meeting COtTNCIL MEETING of the Town Council~be held on July 31, 1951 at 2:00 p.m. ° to receive the Treasurerts annual repot of delinquent taxes, and that the next regalar meeting of the Council 1 D~EFEFRRED be held August 9, 1951, inasmuch as Rugust 7, 1951 is . ~''~'~~ Council Minutes Contd. ~ Pulaski, Va., July 24, 1~ 1 } election day. CEMETERY The Town Attorney discussed with the Council they ACCT.- Seagle matter of an unpaid cemetery account against Mrs. Fred Seag7~, and advised that it appeared there may be some question as to °` L 1 ~~ whether this eras satisfied by having deviously furnished th® town certain suppli®s as~claimed by the Seagles. ALZL'Y _ .The matter of improvement oP an alley in the blo~k 5-4th '" Draper- between 5th and 4th and Dr€g~er and Pierce S. E. was discussed, end Peirce it was reported that the property owners claimed the alley is n#~w 14~ wide , which i's. as wide as the other alleys in the vicinity On motion duly made by E.T. Painter, seconded bye{ 0. 0. Crowell, it was unanimously ~ ~. RESOLVID, that the property owners ad3acent to t~e alley bettyee~ 4th and 5th Streets and Peirce and Draper Avenues~~' be advised that the town will consider improving the alley when~~the fences and other obstructions encroaching on the alley are remo9~ed. =i s~ The~Council adjourned at 6:24 p.m. ~_ Approved: Attest; o~iiali /Q.' e~ Clark of Counc it ~~ ~ 1