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1888 Council Minutes Pulaski, Va., October 2, 1951 The regular monthly meeting of the Town Couneil of the Town of Pulaski, Virginia was held in the Municipal Building at 4:~0 p.m., October 2, 1951. . PRESENT .There were present: - Viceb-Mayor: ~P.F.Rhite Councilmen: I.R. Carper, 0. 0. Crowell, W'. D. Hacgill, Jr. , J.R. Mortis, E. T. Painter, a.R. Steger. Absent: Mayor A. R. Imboden, T. F.Wirt. Also present: Town Manager: E. A. Beck ' Clerk: Louise D, Lbgan Town Attorney: Garnett S. Moore Town Treasurer: Cottle R. Runion Visitors: Property owners or representatives - - - (except f/Harris ffiotor Co.) Fourth St.,N.1t.,nor~ii side;W'srren H. 3oaasr. HIFUTffi Tts~ minutes of the regular semi-monthly meeting held September 20, 1951 were read sad approved. PETITION - A petition from a number of residents oa Floyd Averate FLOYD AVE. between F1rst Street and 9se:ond Streets; ways presented to the " CouMeil, requesting street improvement. - - Oa motive duly made by W.D. Mao gill, Jr ., seconded by I. R. Carper, it was unanimously Referred RESOLVE, that the matter of improvement of the tet 3t eet . Comasi~tee block on F1oydAvenue between First and Secoad:9treets be - refdrred to the Street Committee. SID~ALK A number of the affected pr®perty. owners on the CIIRB & ~~ North side of Fourth Street, between Jefferson and Washington 4TH 3T.19M. Avenues, spoke in behalf of the matter of requested sidewalk, curb and gutter. .Mr. Philip M. Sadler, representing the First Presbytsrian.Churah, stated the church was not in a position to undertake the work financially, and that the sidswalh adjacent to the church was adequate for church purposes. Among the property owners affected, no representative was present Prom Harris Motor Company. On motion duly Wade by. J. R. Martin, seconded by I.R. Carper, it wen unanimously Authorizati on RESOLVED, that there be constructed oa the north far constrntctiem side of Fourth Street, N.1~., between Rashington and Jefferson Avenues, standard conerete sidewalk, exurb and gutter, 1 ~l contingent upon agreement of all of the affected prop®rty ~' ~70~ Be~uncil Min. Cont * d, Pulaski, Va., October 2, 51 owners, witfln the exception of the First Presbyterian Churdx, including Harris Motor C©mpar,~', to pay one-half (1/2) of the e~tist, and further,. that the First Presbyterian .Church be billed for done-hal (1/2) of their proportionate cost - cost to be proportioned o~la footage basis, and that an appropriation oP Two Thousand FourG Hundred & Eighty Dollars(~2,480.40) Dollars be appropriated iron the General Funds for this work. ~ ~{, ORDINANCE On motion duly made by 0, 0. Crowell, seconded { N & R' J. R. Martin, at~d~carried by a nnaninous •ote, the fallowing ~_+ AGREEME~+iT ordinance was adapted: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AN~J THE TOi![LERH TO ENTER INTO AND EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT 11IITH THE NORFOLK 8c wES '~, RAILROAD i BE IT ORDATNBD: BY THE COUNCIL OF THE Tit OF P"IIA3KI, VIl~ GINIA, THAT : ~" Th® Mayor of the Town and the Town Clerk be aut`rizec~ and directed to enter into and execute on behalf of and for t Town of Palaski, Virginia, that certain agreement made and ea red into .on the tad •d.ay oP October, 1951, by and between, the No lk and western Railroad Company and the Town of Pulask i, a Manic ~ al Corporation of the State of Virginia, for the purpose ®f a©ns rust-, ing a r®adway and lcw water bridge ad3atsent to and oa the Nor lk lrestern night-of-way, as share on the ~'. Ee A'. Plan N 15500-8, ated• July 20, 1951, which plan and the above referred t® agreement a incorporated herein and made a part hereof with the sane fore and effect as thaw set out in full. On motion duly made by 0. 0. Crowell, s eaonded Iy G. R.Steger, it was unanimously '' REQUEST f. RESOLVED, that she request to improve as east-w~jat IMPROVEMENT E-~ ALLE7C alley ia~ediately north of Main Street, and running frees Rand ph N.OF MAIN 4` Avenue east be denied. ' ?, y DRAINAGE ~ The matter of drainage conditi©m on aewbern R®a~ at FAJACKSON pROpg~Ty ~' the property oP Fred Jackson, near hocust Street, was di$casse~, it NEIYBERl~ W'' ROAD being reported that Fred Jaaksmn had placed oil drams in the ~{ i natural drainage , and had covered them, this drain coanectin~ wi th j the Town drain on l~ewbern Road. i4 On motion duly made by (3. 'R'. Steger, seconded b J. R. Martin, it wax unanimously ~? ~: SOLVED, that the Town Attorney take the neseaary action to have placed on record, notice that the Town is cognsamt ~, of the condition of the drainage pipes placed by Fred A. Jackoa in the natural drainage area ad~aaent to the Newborn Road, an~ that • it is considered that these are not of a satisfactory type of a# material fbr drainage. ,;~ }i Mr. tarren H. Somler appeared in the natter of ~equesti SEME$~ REQ. M'. d°' for sewer in the area west of Rand®lph Avenu®, from 10th tee lth RANDOLP'H ~' streets. It way stated that the property owners were very an~i.cmts 1~9n Council Minutes Contd. Palaski, 'Va., Oct. 2, 1951 for this ~tffipr+~rvwmezst. On motion duly made by J. R. Martin, seconded by G.R.S'~teger, it was unanimously CIiRISTMAS LI (~T INC# REROLVE-, that the Town assume the sponsorship and responsibility for the Christmas lighting and decoration program in t he business section, provided that the Appalachian Electric Power Company will undertake the installation of the ,lighter,. and further, that funds in the treasury of the Business Menus Club and Junior Chamber of Commerce, pr®- viously designated for the use of Christmas lighting, be made available for the purchase of supplies, and that a sum of Three .Hundred 0300.00) Dollars in addition to the amount previous appropriated for electric curtest, be provided by the Town. On motion .duly made bg ti. R. Steger, seconded by 9Y. D. ~acgill, Jr., ~drried by a vote of ' ~-l, i t was T.E.SILC(~X ~50LV~, that the request of E. F.3ilcoa ' CIIRB C~JT D~~T for curb cut on North Y'ashington Avenue for driveweyr to vacant lot be denied in view of the possible additional traffic ha$ard involved. SCRAP MS"i'AL ~ Mr. James L. Q3bney regxested that the DRNE Town cooperate in the matter of the scrap metal drive being sponsored by the Riwan~s Club for the assistance to crippled children program, and Balled the Council's attention to the fact that there was a considerable am®unt of scrap at the Town sh®ps and at®rage areas, which would be appreciated. It was pointed out that most of the scrap material Ras now being sold, and the revenue derived credited to the Eieneral Funds -also, that certain materials wer® used from time to t ime. It was decided that the Town Manager could disp®se ©P a~ scrap materials that would not be used, or no~atally sold. REC~IIEST A request frems the Marion Junior College MARION JR. COLLEt3~E F/ that the Town donate four of the old whiteway standards ~IITE'YAY - - STAt~DARD3 was presented, but it was decided that, evince this was not g local organization, the Taown would be unable to ~~ Council Min. Con1~~ d. Pulaski, Ya., Oct, 2, 19~L give these away. ~ - Spy The request of the 3aPeway Cabs that they be peitted CAIl STApD to make left turns on Jefferson Avenue on leaving their cab a~ad was discussed. On motion dh].y made by J. R. Martin, seooaded b~ S. T. Painter, it was unanimously RESOL'DEO, that the present restriction on magin~ left turns at tts~ Safeway Cab stand oa M. 1Nashiagton Avenue shall ~}+pma?,n and s 1iou3.d be enf orEas d. a REQUIRF,gENTS The requirement of ttm Town Tani Ordiaanc• requriag RE. TARI Ih1SURAHCE the taxis to file evidenee of insurance was discussed, and it'lras determined that this section of the ordinance should be eator~ed. On motion ~.ily made by G. R. Steger, seconded b~ I. R. Carper, it was unanimously Supplemental RESOLZIED, that a supplemental appropriation of Appropriation Four Hnadred-.R+wsaty=Three Dollars And Fifty Cents 0485.80) ~` S.~iTASH AVFNtTS DITCH SEVEHT'H 3T. ~ AL'LE ~ NO'ISANCR ;,, be provided for payment to the Bartlett Tree Coatpax~ for s®rvices rendered in the previous year and previously authorized. A preliminary report an the cost oP covering th ditch and widening the street on~the west side of Washington ~ven~e, between Dora Highway and 2nd Street, was presented. It was c~in- sidered that this was a worthw~iile improvement, and that, in ~liew of the amount of cost, this should be deferred, and it pessibe, ~, it b® included in a highway impr©vement program Por state aid ~: A preliminary report on the cost of outfall sew~r and laterals to serve the area west of Randolph Avenue, between 1}th and 18th Streets was presented. It was determined that no aeiea j b® taken at the present tiaae, ire •isw oY the amount of curet, ~ad that the property owners be advised that this was being defer~ed until some of the pending projects and work in progress were v completed.. The Town Attorney discussed briefly with the G©il the matter ®P investigation of conditions at H©. 5.3eventh Sheet, `; 1~.W., and it was decided that the evidence should be takes ia'! written form, as provided At previ®us Council meeting. f A proposed traffic signal improvement at Fitth`~ TRAFFIC Street ~adil~ashingtoa Avenue was disausded~ particularly the tter S I C~fAL NASHINC~P02~ of obtaining the necessary Right-of-way or easement Pram the ~~ ~~~~~ IIPLAN'D DRIVE REQUEST FOR STREET 'SURFACING -Coun~ail Minutes Coat ~ d. Pulaski, Va. ,Oct. 2, 1951 H. w. H~'t Estate, to provide an additional channel for north bound traffic making right turns on ltashington Avenue. It was reported that considerable difficulty had been experienced in obtaining an easement. It was decided that. the matter shau.ld be contirnted to tl~e neat Council mestir~g , and that the HuPt's should be contacted farther to determine whether satisfactory arrangements could be made. A request f-rc~m the residents on IIpland Drive that'the street be surfaced was presented and discussed. It was determined that this pra~ect should be . placed in line for considerati©n in the neat yearts surfacing program, and that same sh®uld n®t be undertaken so late im the seaaoa. ALLEY SURFACIl~ A request From ttie businesses on the south REt,~. _BUSINE33ffi SOUTS MAIN side of Main ~'treet, between 0lashington and Jefferson Avenues, that the alley adjacent to their properties be surtaxed was presented, and discussed, particularly in . r®gard to the matter of alley improvement policy, and it was .decided that this should be deterred inasmuch as it was late in the season to undertake additional. asphalt work, and further, that it was considered advisable to have the alley concreted. PETITION A pstiti®n from the residents on Seventh rrs sT ~nr Street, between deftersom and Randolph Avenues, for auPb and getter was presented, and inasmuch as L. S. Boothe, one of the affecte8 property e~r-sers, had not signed the request, this matter was deterred until he was contacted, C Ec P TELEPHONE The matter of the Chesapeake de Potomac RATE INCREASE ~~ Telephone Company of Virginia+s request !or :review mt rates and operating costs, cad also, the Pttlaeki Hospital, Inc. ~ s . rsq~zest f or--rate increase was called to the attention of-the Council, and these matters were dis-• cussed, with so action being taken. 4n moti®n duly made by •. ~. Mac gill, dr. seconded, by J. R. Martin, tnd carried by a unanimous vote, the tollawing ordinance was adopted: 1 1 ~oumeil Mi~a.te$ Gone t $ Pul.aeki, Va., October 2, 1 ~~~ ORDINANCE BE IT 0133AIId-E~} that ell traSPic egtering the in~~r- TRAFFIC ,' STOP section ®P South Jefferson ~Ivenue and First Street, S'.~. be &~FJIR T required t© come to a Pall stop, sad that this ordinance shal~j b®come et'fective upon the exedti®a eP proper signs. 4n moti®a du1J made by J. R. ffiartin, eeeomded b~; 0. O. C~owel~., it was unanimously RECREATION RffiOLVLD, that a meeting be sahedaled f'or Oetabel~ 15,, 1981, to be a dinner meeting held at Park Grill, fmr the purpose ®P discussing the matter of recreation t'or the Town, ~~ which -tine Miss ffiarioa Preece, Distriet Representative oP tl~e µ` Natior~l ~t`ecreation Asso~iatioa, will me®t with the Council, representatives oP ali civ~® clubs sad ether i~aterested persons.. AD JOIIRRIYIENT fi fittest: The Council ad~oursied at 6:~9 p.m. G er]c a ots~ 1