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1~3~~ IPRESENT Cotuicil Minutes Pulaski, Va., November 2®, 1951 The regular semi-monthly Ming of the " Torsi Council of the Town of Pulaski, Virginia Ras" held in the Municipal Building-at 4:®0 p:m., November 28, 1951. Ther'e• were present : Mayor H.R. Imboden, Area i ding Councilmen: I. R. Carper 0. ~. Crowell, ~. D. Maagili, Jr., d.R.Martin, E.T.Painter, G.R.3teger J~baent: R".F.~.ite, T. F. girt. Also present: Town Manager: E. A. Beak • Clerk Pro-Tempo: Florence ~. daakson Town Treasurer: Lottie R. Runion Town Attorney; Garnett g'~. Moore MINUTffi CORRECTED BUILD INC+ PERMITS webs ter -Tester H.H.ROBERT~3 REROUTINf~ TRUCKS The minutes of the regular month.7.y meeting held November 6, 1951 were read and appreved with the following correction: the address listed under the building permit of Marvin G. Graham should read Maple street instead of Maple Avenue. On motion duly made by 0. 0. Crowell, seconded by I.'R.Carper, it wasunanimously RESOLVFFD, that the following applications for building permits be approved: To J. a. iNebster for enclosing beak pcr ch with cinder block and painting roof on residence at 444 Dora Highway, estimated cost ~300.f~; To C. N. Tester for sic-room frame residence west side of t~rahau Street, Lot ~5, estimated "cost ~6, af)O.OC. A letter from Harry H. Roberts regarding reatricti©n of truck traffic on Route 11 was read. No further anti on was taken. TRAFFIC SIGNAL 5TH & ~A~. The Town Manager reported to the Council on the latest developments regarding the corner change' and traffic signal on 5th and tiashingtom. It was unanimously agreed that the Town Manager write a letter to Mr. Huff, sending a copy to the Standard Oil Coffipany.~istrict OPfic• e~rpressing appreciation for progress made in reaching an agreement on easement. I CURB AKD GDTTER 4TH ST ~' Qarnett Moore reported to Cou~ail that hs had talked with Mr. Jve Harris regarding, the sidewalk, curb and gutter on 4th 3'treet and that, as yet, Mr. Harris had not given him his decision. It was decided 1 1 1 ~~,~ Council Minutes Conttd. Pulasgi, Va., l~ovember 20 ~.9S1 s' to continue this matter until the neat meeting. On motion duly made by E. T. Painter, seconded 1~ Vii R St . . egeri it was unanimously YMCA RPSOLVHD, that ~+BOO.OO of the Town Recreation d MEMBERSHIPS app~opriatios be used to purchase YMCA memberships for indige~t children and that the selection of the persons to whom. these!' memberships a.re issued be in the discretion of the 8aecutive S'ecaretary of the YMCA, and further, that such portion of the X600.00 not needed for memberships to be available Par other recreational ~` purposes. On motion duly made by J.R. Martin, seconded by `' G. R. 3 Leger, it was unanimously INSURANC$ 'RESOLVED, that a fire and lightning policy with COVERAGE FILTER ' eateaded' coverage be placed on the Filter Plant in the amount~~ of PLANT X5,000.00 on the building and X30,000.44 on the contents (est~matsd to be 5 ~~ 4~ or more of the valve of contents policy to be issue for a three gear period, else a publia liability policy in th~ amount of ~1S,OOO.OO per person or #18O,ODO.OO total principa and as am©unt oP X326.00 be appropriated from the Eater Operaing Fund IInappropriated Surplus. FILTER PLAl~3' plans for dedication services Por the new Filter DEDICATI02~ Plant were discussed, and it was decided to leave the matter ~p to the Town M~mager to make suitable arrangements. ~~ WATER BILL The mattett of an ad3ustment to the water bill ol~, ADJUSTMENT t ~` Steger s Laundry was discussed, and it was agreed that no adj~stmest AD®ITIONAL OPERATOR FILTER PLANT could be made. The Town Manager reported that provisions shoal jbe I made fir sa additional operator at the Filter Plant, as the pant was operating on a 24-hour schedule at the present, and it ~~~ ~~ appeared that, for soma tine, it will be desirable to have a Chief Operator plus three other men. No action was taken. CHECKER The matter of the Cheeker Cabs making a left tar CABS MAKINQ• LEFT TUi~T when entering ^ashington Avenue from the stand was discussed, fiend ON Y~ASH. Council meabers were advised to look the situation over aeref~lly, and come to a decis ion at the neat meeting. On motion duly made by G. R. Steger, sec©nded bye J. R. Partin, it was unanimously. REQtT85T F i RESOLVED, that the request from Mrs. J. C. Matheey CREED GRAVSL ~; J.C.MATor creek gravel at the entrance to as alley between Lsxingt® and l[adis©n Avenn.es and First and Second Streets be referred 1~f iCJ Council Niinutea Gont~d. Pulaski,Va., Nove~cber 2t?, 1951 tahe Toga ffianager. MASHBVRx ~ ~J. R. ffiartin brought up for consideration the PROPERTY - - matter of the Town purchasing the Mashburm pr©perty consisting of 2I acreas for recreational. purposes. ©. O. Crowell was advised to look into the matter. On motion duly made by a. R. Steger, seconded by d.R. Dtartin, it was unanimously HOSPITAL BII,L~ RESOLVED, that the Town bill Pulaski ONE-HALF COST TO TOWN FOR g©spital for one-halt of the cost to tY~e Iowa for S ID~AI.~ sidewalk adjacent the hospital, `constructed as part of the Randolph Avenue Improvement Project by the Town snd Virginia Depart,~nent of Highways. ADdOZ~R2~ItE1'P~ Th® meeting adjoined at 5:44 p.m. Approved: ffiayor Acttest: _, Z~` erk of ounc 1 1