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~~~ Town of Pulaski, Virginia was held in the Municipal Building at 4:00 p.m., March 11, 1952. Council Minutes Pulaski, Va., March 11, 1952"' The regular monthly meeting of the Town Council of ~e IN LIEII This meeting was held in lieu of the meeting scheduled OF March 4, 1952, but not held due to inability to obtain a quorum., PRESENT There were present: Mayor A. R. Imboden, presiding Counciloren: D.O. Crowell, J.R.Martin, E.T.Painter,= G.R.Steger, T.F.Wirt. Absent,: I.R.Carper, W.D.Macgill,Jr.~ Also present: Town Manager: Clerk: Town Treasurer: Town Attorney: Supt.ofPublic lAforks: E. A. Beck Louis a D. Lo gan Lottie R. Runion Garnett S. Moore H. C. Jackson On motion duly made by J.R.Martin, it was unanimously ~II'.F.White~l seconded by G~R.~teger, TOIi~N RESOLVED, that Mr. Julian F. Hirst be appointed a$ own MANA CSR APPOINT.Manager to succeed E. A. Beck at a salary of ~S,ZOO.OQ per annum effective April 1, 1952, and that the present ear allowance of ~~5.00 per month.f or this office shall be continued. carried on municipal buildig PULASKI A letter from the Pulaski County Life Saving & First Aid LIFE SAV. ~'~ Crew, Inc., by Harry Henderlite, Secretary, was read, acknowledging the recent donation by the Town of 200.00. DUMP The Town Manager advised that a salvage bid of ~S.O~i for SALVAGE BID salvage operations at the town dump of Mr. C.C.Abell had been ae~iepted. INSURANCE The Town Manager stated that. the Pulaski Fire & Casualty ON ~•B~3nsuranee Board directors had recommended, per letter of Februa and contents, the amounts of coverage be X20,000.00 and approximately X7,000.00, respectively. On motion duly made by G. R. Steger, seconded by 0. 0. Crowell, it was unanimously Increased; RESOLVED, that present insurance b® increased to X20,000.00 on the municipal building and X7,500.00 on contents ; therein. AIRPORT The Town Manager stated he had been advised by Director Allan C. Parkinson of the Division of Aeronautics, State Corporation Commission, that his division had_paid the Department of Highway on November 16, 1951 for mowing of grass at the Pulaski Airport,~and that the tractor mower purchased by the Town for this purpose and 21, 1952, that in renewing insurance ~~~~ Council Minutes Cont' d. Pulaski, Va., Burch 11, 1952 cutting shoulders had not been used at the airport, as the State had been taking care of this. DUMP SITES The matter of using waste land presently owned by the General Chemical Division of the Allied Chemical & Dye Forks for a town dump site was discussed, with no action taken. FIRE SERVICE Regarding service rendered the County by the TO COUNTY ~ Fire Department, it wa-s advis eci that present equipment could not render the most- efficient service. The Town Manager stated he had discussed the matter with J. F. ~'ysor, Treasurer of the County, advis-ing him of present conditions, and stating the Town would be willing to enter an agreement with the County in regard to this•service. WIRING It was stated that wiring of the new coneess ion PARR CONCESSION stand would be done by the Town forces, inasmuch as the STAND Young Electric & Typewriter Company and Mr.L.~.Sanod® had intended to donate this service only for the old stand. On motion duly made by J.R.Martin, seconded by G.R.Steger, it was unanimously CONTRACT RESOLVED, that a contract between the Pulaski ON BASEBALL Phi113as,~Inc. and tie Town of Pulaski, Virginia be executed on behalf of the 'T'own by the Town Manager and attested by - the Clerk. Said contract is as follows : THIS AaR:EEMENT made and entered into, in duplicate this day of , 1952, by and between the Town of Pulas~i~,~Virginia, a mun cipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as the Town, and Howard R. Imboden, ,owner of the Pulaski Phillies, hereinafter referred to as Ball Club; -iII~ITNESSETH- ~ - • THAT, ~1HEREAS, the Ball Club desires to us® the Town-owned athletics field, its grandstands, bleachers, buildings, parking area located adjacent to~said field, but excluding any area inside cf athletic field for parking, and especially including that area of Town-owned pr0per.ty just outside of the west fence and between the fence and ditch and the U. S. Highway No. 11, all hereinafter referred to as Calfee Park; and, 11HEREAS, the Town is willing to grant unto the Ball Club the use of Calfee Fark wader the terms and conditions hereinafter agreed upon and set out, as f©llows: (1) The Ball Club shall have all necessary rights, privileges, and use of Calfee Park for the carrying en of a baseball club during the baseball season beginning ors April 25, 1952, until September 4, 1952, for both practise sessions and regular games, and for the said rights, privileges and use thereof, does hereby agree t® pay to the-Town the stem of Fitt®ert Dollars ( $15.C0) for each and -every game, for which admissions are charged, except that in the event there are two games on the same day, but with only one admission charged, ~; ~'~~ Council Minutes Contd. Pulaski, Va., March 11, SSA then charges for only one game will be made. Tn addition to the~~bove sum for each and every game, there shall be an additional charge~bf Twenty dollars (~20.OOj made for each and every night game. (2) The rental provided in paragraph (1) above ahall~ e due and payable on the last day of each month and shall include ~~1 of the games played in that month and all games theretofore pleye~d upon which rental has not been received. It is hereby understood that sixty (60) games will constitute the regular schedule and tt~b Ball Club shall pay for this as a minimum number. However, all ~lther games, exhibitions, play-off games, and otherwise, shall be paid';Por in the same manner as set out in paragraph (1). (3) In the event that the Ball Club needs or wishes 3p use the field for exhibition games, play-off games, or other events, upon days other than those days for which regularly scheduled games ar~d events are set, it shall first obtain permission for the use of s~~id park from the Town Manager. Such permission shall be granted, provided: (a) jRo other person or group has theretofore received.: permission to use the park upon the day for whicl'~i the request is made and in reliance thereupon, scheduled some activity. rb) That said event far which said permission is regt~i~sted is requested be a permissible use of said park. (4) The Town shall put into a good state of repair tt}~ bleachers, grandstand, screening in front of grandstand, dug-out °all buildings and the fences, and shall maintain and keep them in a bod state of repair during the entire season. (5 ) The Town shall provide the electric lighting systll~m, maintain anal keep it in a good state of repair, make any necessar repairs, replace flood lamps, from time to time as the same are ~gmaged or burned out; the Town further agrees to pay for all electric pier used during the s e as on. (6 ) The Town will provide _ a caretaker for said park, i-ho shall keep the field in as good a condition as possible, and have~;it ready and in playable condition before all games. The caretaker` shall be provided a set of keys to the park, and to its faciliti9l~, and~it shall be his duty and responsibility to lock and unlock tab `various gates and building and have the entire park facilities re~I~dy for use for practice sessions and for games; the caretaker shall ~ lean all locker rooms, grandstands, buildings, and grounds, before ea game, and it shall be his duty to keep the playing field, embank~ents, and all other p3.aces`in said park mowed and trimmed, and shall b ore each game lay off the baseball infield, place the bases as they ould be placed, keep_and maintain the mound and around home plate in customary and usable manner for baseball; the Ball Club agrees td' furnish for use in and about Calfee Park all lawn mowers and oth '~ equipment which they have available and which heretofore have be used in the upkeep of Calfee Park; the Town Ptirther agrees to pa! th® said aaretaker, and. they have the privilege of selecting him and~}~e shall be responsible to the Town. (7) Police officers of the Town oP Pulaski, but not i~.eir families, shall be admitted to Calfee Park without any charge, tell; all games, and the Town will further provide police protection to whs~ever extent is available. In addition thereto, the Ball Club shall se~~ that there is adequate police protectioh at all ball games and shall ve at least one police officer present at all games, who shall be acceable to and under supervision of the Town, but paid, however, by the ~~11 Club. Regular police officers of the Town who are off duty may ~b employed by the Ball Club. (8) The Ball Club shall be responsible for the safekeeping of allits aquipm®nt, mater~.als and supplies of every kind or na ~e which may be used, placed> sithin, or upon the said Calfee Par1~, ~.nd th® Town eapretasly denies any liability f®r any loss of or damageN~ to possessions of the Ball Club or any one else, regardless of the shay or any m~nrter in which it occurs.. (9) The Ball Club is hereby granted the eaelusive r~kht ~~~~ Council Minutes Conttd, Pulaski, Va., March 11, 1952 and privilege to operate the concession stand at all ball games and at all other activities in the Park during the time of this contract; and in addition thereto, it shall be granted the use of all other facilities oi' the Ball Fark. However, this clause, and this agreement in its entirety, shall in no wise be construed or considered as giving the Ball Club the exclusive right of Calfee Fark, and the Town hereby specifically reserves the right and privilege to permit other activities in the Park, to allow the use of the Park by other clubs, organizations, person, or persons, upon proper request and apon such terms and conditions as the Town may see fit and when said use does not conflict with the use herein granted. (10) The Ball Club hereby expressly assumes all responsibility Por any damage t® property ®r injury to person or persons by accidents or otherwise, occurring within Calfee Park while said park is being used by the Ball Club, and shall carry adequate public liability insurance, which with proper endorsement thereupon shall be made to benefit and protect the Town for any and all liability whets©ever. (11) It is agreed that the Ball Club shall have the right to place and maintain advertising on the wooden Penes and to receive all revenue therefrom. However, if advertisements are placed upon the wooden fence, then the Baell Club obligates itself to maintain the advertising and said fence; (12) It is understood and agreed that the Town Recreation CommissioM, through its representative, Mr. H. M. Bix1eP, intends to draw and complete softball schedules, starting June 1, 1952, and shall be granted the use of,the Park insofar as these activities do not interfere with the schedules of the Ball Club or th® carrying out of this agreement. FITNESS the signature of the Town of Pulaski, Virginia, by E. A. Beck, its Manager, and its corporate seal hereunto annexed and duly attested by Louise D.~Logan, its Clerk, by authorization of resolution passed on the 11th day of March, 1952, and the signature oP the Pulaski Phillies, by Howard R. Imboden, owner, this ~da~ of ~, 1952. TOWN OF PULASKI, VIRGINIA a municipal corporation Attest: BY (E.A.Beck, Manager) (Louise D. Logan, Clerk) PULA3Kg PHILLIES BY (Howard R. Imboden, owner ) On motion duly made ~by T. F. Dirt, seconded by G. R. Steger, it was unanimQUSly RESOLVED, that the following proposed ct:anges to the License Tea Ordinance be gpproved, and that a draft of said Ordinance incorporating such chaages shall be presented to the Council for approval at the next meeting of same. 1. SECTI01~ 51 to read as amended in 1951, changing one-Fourth cent to one-fifth cent. 2. A NEIL' SECTION, N0. 60, to read "All trucks and other motor vehicles operated within the Town by, for cr in the use of any of the businesses hereia referred to and not other- wise specifically provided Por in the respective section, shall be subject to Chapter 3 hereof and shall be~required to have licenses as therein provided, unless, however, srtch vahicleu 1 1 1 ~, Council Minutes Contt d ~ Pulaski, Va., March ll~ 52 ~ ~' have been registered and have in effect a motor vehicle lic~hse from some other locality within the State.* Y 3. TO BE INSERTED IN PLACE OF PRESENT PARA(~APH 5 OF' w SECTION 23, CHAPTER 1 « Any contractor who has his princi or branch office located in the Town of Pulaski shall be suject to this section. However, any contractor- doing business in # he Town ~ Pulaski sad not having a principal or branch office'I,~ocated in the Town, but who has in force a license issued elsewherd`in th® State of Virginia, shall not be required to secure another'! contractors 13cense.* '' • 4. THE FOLDING TO BE ADDED TO SECTION ~3: *Every iN~uek or vehicle operated within the T©wn in the delivery of milk, or other dairy products, not having iaaid any other local motcm vehicle license, shall be r.egaiPed to obtain such motor vehicle license Prom .the Town oP •Pulaski.* ' 5. CHAPTER 2, SECTION 7 TO READ AS FOLL013: "BEGINNEf~-S LICENSE*: *Every person beginning a business, profession, tide or occupation which is sub3ect to a license tea under the prov.~ions of this ordinance, ,and when said tea is based in whole or i part on gross receipts he will receive, or the gross expenditure'' h® will incur, between the date of beginning business and the end df the then aurreat license year, then the license tea for tie current year shall be Computed upon as a stimata of said inc cite or expense. Except in.eo`•event shall the tax Which is asse fed • be less than the minimum base rate chargeable under the res~ dive ordinance for one gear. DINNER MEETING The Mayor advised that _he had arr_angad for a dinner meting OF COUNCIL of the Council, together with other offic iala~ and Mr. J. F. first and Mr. E. A. Back, .to be held March 13th at .6:30 p.m. at tY 1 Maple Shade Inn, at which time various matters pertaining tai the Town would be.diacussed. ADJOIIRNMENT The Council adjourned at 6:05 p.m. . APPROVED: Attest; ayor Cle k c~' Council ~` 1 1~4~ - Council Minutes Contd. Town Manager Clerk: Town TreQsureP: Town A'-horn®q: Chief ai` Polide: Supt. of Public &arks: The regular mosthlg meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Pulaski, Virginia was held in the Municipal Building at 4 p.m., April 4, 195.. - RESCHEDIILED This m®eting was. rescheduled from April 8, 1952L, by agreement of the Council.. Said agreement is filed in the Town files. PRESENT The r® were present: - Mayor H. R. Imboden, presiding Councilmen: I.R.Carper, O..O.Crowell, W.D.Macsgill,Jr., J.R.Martin, E.T.Painter, W.F.Wl~ite• Absent: G.R.steger, T.F.~Tirt• Also present: { TOWN MANAGER 1 t~6ELC OMID Pulaski, Va., Apr31 4, 1952 Julian F. Hirst L©uise D. Logan Louie R. Runi®n Garnett S. Moore L. S. Boothe H• C, Jackson The Mayor extended .a welcome to the new Town Manager, Mr. Julian F. Hirst. MINtFI'ES . The minutes of the meetings held Februarg 7th, 19th, 21st, 27th, 1952; and March 11, 1952 were read and approved. - BtTILDING' On motion duly made by YV. D. Macgill, Jr., PERMITS seconded by 0. 0. Crowell, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the following applications for building permits be approved: To Dewey Craig (bg J.L.Craig) for two-room frame duelling east side of Craig Street, between Short Street and Ridge Street, estimated X600.0®; To Charles R. Gillespie for frame poultry house, 8x6x? at 6~5 Short Street, estimated$150.E9©; To J. T. iNhite for cinder block addition two rooms to residence at 32:5 Franklin Avenue, estimated $1,500.00; To Joseph F. Harman for cinder block addition, 16x12, to building on west side of Jefferson ~ivenue, formerly oaeupied by ~II'alters Transfer, estimated 600.00; To Walter Novell for one-stcmy five-room & bath Frame dwelling west side of Floyd Avenue , between 4th and 5th Streets, estimated~6,000.00; To J. tT. Rogers for frame addition of room 12x8 in place of present side porch at 1653 Randolph Avenue, North, estimated 500.00; To John A. Jelf for five-room & bath frame dwelling on south side of 13th Street, between Randolph and Prospect Avenues, estimated X10,500.00; To Charles Leonard Goad for cinder block private garage at 649 6th Street, N.B., estimated $200.00; To John R. Powers for metal ne on sign, .8x].6 an L. Main Street, estimated X1,500.00. CERT • PIIB. The following applications for certif icates CON.& NEC. ` of public convenience and necessity were presented ia: order of application, to be considered for the two vacancies presently existing in the fifty limit of taxiaabs~: Irvin Nathaniel Morefield for one cab T/A Checker Cabs, applied December 4, 1951; William Louis Rigaey for one cab T/A Safeway Ca s ap lied April l 11952, and Fr nk W Hall for lied for A xi T~A'~'es~ End Cabs a~ r 4 19v~~ ne t p p • a , o ~ On motion du y made by W. F. ®hite, seconded by I~ R.. Carper, it was nr~animously