HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-05-52Council Minutes
Pulaski, Va., Aug. 5,' 1952
The regular maathlg meeting of the Town Council of them.. Town
of Pulaski, Virginia was held in the Municipal Building at ~ pm
August 5, 1952.
PRESENT There were present:
Mayor A. R. Imbo den, presiding
Councilmen: , I.R.Carper, O.O.Crowell, 1-.D.Macgill,Jr.,
J.R.Martin, E.T.Painter, G.R.3teger,~.F.~~.te.
Also present:
Town Manager; Julian F. Hirst .
• Clerk: Louise D. Logan
Town Attorney: Garnett S. Moore
Tows Treasurer: Lottie R. Runioa
Visitors; J. C. Crumbley, Jr., J. L. Sealing; Coundlilmen-
MI~TUTF~ The minutes of the regular semi-monthly meeting held
July 22, 1952 were read and approved.
On mention duly s4ade by O.O.Crowell, seconded by
G. R. Steger, it was unanimously
BLDG. RESOLVED, that the following applications for building
PERMITS permaits be approved: To Peyton Rupe for frame eiRelling, on~-
story north side of 5th Street, S.E., between Floyd and Dral~r
Avenues, estimated 7,500.00; To Addie H. Merrimee for bricl
dwelling, -one and one-half stories, west side of Henry Avea~e,
between 7th and 8th Streets, if extended, estimated $lO,Of)O b0;
To Arthur•ffi. Ayers For Frame addition of room 14x14 to 923~?Comme ~
Street, estimated ~30U.04; To Mrs. Sexton Daltdn -by -C.YY.Dal~#oa ford
repair Municipal Office- roof and removal and replacement of ~brich
fire wall oa Dalton Building, estimated cost not kaow~t. `~'
REPORT t}A Thos Town Manager reported for the committee recently s~pointei
SEA CHt~6 ao study water and sewer connection charges and garbage col~eatima
~~ fees advising rates as recommended by the committee.
On motion duly made by E. T. Painter, seconded by G.R µSteger,
it was unanimously
~=abhe;d RESOLVED, that the matter of garbage collection fees bpd
water and sewer charges be tabled, pending receipt of a pro~osed ~
ordinance on same to be prepared by the Tows Attorney for onside-j
ration at the next Council meeting, and further, that each ~ouncil-
man be fLtrnished prior to said meeting a copy of such proposed
rates as Incorporated in ordinance to be submitted.
On motion duly made-by I. R. Carper, seconded by G.R.~teger,
it was unanimously
PETIfiIalr RESOLVED, the,t.petition signed by eleven residents in'
-Water Altoona Road section requesting water, as read by the Towa ~anager,
be referred to the Town Manager for estimate on cost and th~It same
be placed in line with other projects.
RECEIPT OF Tha Council acknowledged the receipt of the proposed 'down
Code as prepared by Mr. Kermit V. Rooke of Richmond, Yirgin.
2 `11.~
Council tin. Cont t d.
Pulaski, Va., Aug. 5, 1952
It was st'ate'd that the code wa8 being re~viawad b~ the- Town
Manager and a c opy had beet turned over to the Town
Attorney for his review and notations.
On ffiotion duly .made by W. F. White, seconded by
I. R. Carper, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that present insurance on the fire
station and contents~be increased to X13,000.00 on the
building and X2,000.00 on contents th®rein, said insurance
to be on a three year period beginning August 14, 1952, and
Furth®r, that the agent shall be requested t® investigate
the present rate.
On motion duly made by I. R. Carper, seconded by
E. T. Painter, it was unanimously
RESOLVE3~, in accordance with recommendation of the
Town Manager, that the~Town purchase additional right-of-way,
oP ten feet in width near the north boundary line of Pinehurst
Cemetery from Jake Buford, for purposes of providing a twenty
foot roadway, at a cost of Twenty Five 025.00) Dollars.
On motion duly made by W. F. ~-hite, seconded by
E. T. Painter and carried by a unanimous vote, the following
ordinance was adopted:
4, 1952:
BE IT ORDAINID that the License Tax Ordinance
adopted April 4, 1952, Chapter 1, License Tax Rate~t, be
amended to provide the following new section:
T~nere shall be a tax of One Hundred & Twenty
a rate of interest not exceeding sic percent (6~) per annum.'
On motion duly made by E. T. Painter, seconded
by J.R. Martin, it was unanimously
SALARY RESOLVED, that the salary oP Leo R.IImberger, police
INCREASED patrolman, be increased X10.00 per month, in accordance with
Five ($125.00) Do11Qrs on all finance companies who charge
verbal agreement with previous Town Manager, Mr. E.A.Beak
and verified by Mr.Beck that officer Umberger receive a
X10.00 monthly increase after one years service, said
incr®ase to become effective August 1, 1952.
On motion duly made by I. R. Carper, seconded by
E. T. Painter, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the purchase of three fog nozzles
C•ounc il- Min. Conti d.
Pulaski, Va., August 5,~~119b2
FOG for replacement 3n the P`ire Department be approved, and f~rtbe~!,
PURCHASE than an appropriation oP Two Hundred 0200.00) Dollars be made'xrom
tY~e General Funds for this purchase. - -
The matter of agreement with the Appalachian Electric'
Power Company covering synchronizing of town traffic lights wail`
deferred for further consideration.
On motion duly made by ~f. Ip'. V~hite, seconded by I.R.C~Orper,
it was unanimously
NORTHW'OOD RESOLVED, that an agrean ent -between the Town of Pulasl~.
1f~CAYS and Mildred B. and Foy W. Aust covering right-of-ways in Horth~ood
Terrace as presented in final draft by the Town Attorney be approved
and the Mayor be authorized to execute said agreement. Said a~ee-
ment is filed in the Town files.
On motion duly made by O.O.Crowell, seconded by I.R.Crper,
it was unanimously
DEAN RESOLVED, that an appropriation be made from the Genel
-Car Funds for an amount of Tea 010.00) Dollars, extent of damagee~to
car owned by Dean Hufford on July 23rd due to garbage can roll~~g
- into ear.
On motion duly made by E. T. Painter, seconded by J.R~~Iartin,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Town Manager be
from August 26th through September 2nd.
On motion duly made by G. R.Steger,
it was unanimously
granted a leave of ~~bsence
seconded by I.R.C~prper,
TAXI CHANGE RESOLVED, than an application for change of locations Eby
LOCATION holder of public Qanvenience and necessity certificate be approvved
as follow$ ;
Elmer Clifton Sorrell from Rainbow Cabs to
gtar Cabs for one taxi
PRESS BOX The matter of repairs to press box at Calfee Park wash
CALFEE referred to the Town Manager for cost estimate to be presentedito
Council at a later date.
RECREATION Councilman ldartin advised that interviews were being
held by the Recreation Commission committee with applicants fo#+
position of Recreation Director.
The meeting ad~durned at 6:25 p.m,
M't~~t •
_ 4~