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~~~~~ Council Minutes Pulaski, Va.,~ct. 21, 198€ The regular semi-monthly meeting of the 'own Council of the Town ®! Pulaski, Virginia was held in the Municipal Building, October 21, 1958 at 4 p.m. PRESENT There were present: Mayor H. R. Inboden, presiding Councilmen: LR..Carper, O.O.Crowell, J.C.Crumbley,Jr., C.V.Jacksos, J.L.Resling,F.iN.Marahall, J.R.Martin, ~.F.llhite. Absent: None also present: Tows Manager: Julian F. Hirst Clerk: Louise D. Logan Town Treasurer:Lot tie R. Runios Visitors: Lee T. Phillips,~~.H.t~rubb; ~.S.Coalsoa; L.D.31~avlan; Ft.A.Hudson; 1l.A.Hewkins. MII~ITES The Minutes of the regular ,meeting held O~etoi~er 9, 1968 were read and approved. It.A.HARRII~S Mr. ~.A. Hawkins appeared and requested a street EAST 4TH ' &TS~ ~ light and consideration of sewer extension on I~a-st Fourth Htreet, two blocks Seat from Newbers R©ad, stating such extension would Bois with that on Newbern Road and could servieo approximately 60 houses. The Mayor advised that the request for sewer would be considered along with other requests received previously and that the light would bo granted. ~~BIPS & Messrs. Lee T. Phillips amd ~!'. H. f~rubb requested AUST ~~• the Council to view the street in Aust Addition, on the ST.IMP. S®uth side of Peppers Ferry Road, where same was washed out, and improve same. The Tower Manager advised the natter could be taken acre of quad the Mayor directed it be done. CbALSQN Mr. T. S.Coalson requested street improvements 5TH 3T. s•E• ~'• and also water eztesaian on Fifth Street, 3.8., stating & CATER E~EN3I02~ that in the thin -f ive y yoars he had been a resident is th® vicinity, n©thing had been done t® improve this thoroughfare. He stated he had paid Town fazes during the time, and had not appeared before Council previously, however, it' the Town did not repair the street, the County would be aegnested to do same, whereby they w®uld cease''to be in the corporate limits. The Town Manager advised the Street Committee had viewed Fifth Street, S ~ and that surfacing was tentatively planned in 195b, bat at the present, same had ~~ Council ffiiautss Contd. Palaski,~3xginia, October 21~~ 195E been widened and improved at a cost of approximately $600.00 ids past susnner. He stated that Mr. ~Coalson had been advised of t#~e work sahecbale on this street, and further, that it would not 1 prastisal at the present time to surface due to recent fill malde. GET OUT Mr. L. ~. Shavlan, speaking for Mr. Mason Deaver, Pre~lideat, VOTE CAMPAI(~T Junior Chamber of Commerce, who could not appear, advised of i~he "C~et Out The Vote* Campaign to be sponsored by the Junior Chas~ber of Co~-erae on eleetion day, whereby tags reading: "I Have Vo~bd, Have You4* would be used on automobiles of all voters, and a sampaign in the nature of a s©ntest would be held in the losa~ schools to aeaquaint school children with voting. BASEBALL ~[r. Shavlaa further advised, in connection with plans~~'or 1953 - - the baseball season f®r 1953, that he, the Tarn Manager, and the Suggested Superintendent of Public ffiorke had viewod Calfee Park with re d Improvements - - t© improvements, whereupoa he enumerated suggested improveme8 , as follows : 1. Light to be installed over the ticket booth. 2. Duteh type door be installed~to ticket booth to a~Id people see~g information. 3. Consider possibility of extending the billboards around the fmll length of the field. 4. Consider possibility of covering over open drain lower parking area. 5. Prevention of people sitting in aisle, thereby pr~tvidis~ open aisles for pass age.' 6. Installation of boa seats, whereby the Town would~~pour a concrete slab or build a platform in rear of ho~1e plate, which would permit seats to be installed f~lr use sa boa seats - necessitating removing pr®sentwire fauna about five Peet, it being their opinion the ' fe:aee shortly would have to be replaced due to ru t. The Towa to pay approximately $400.00, as per estkmate of ffir. H.C.Jackson, for concrete slab. a gr. Sj~avlan requested the contrast as entered into by~'the Pulaski Ball Club and the Town of Pulaski for the 195E season at Calfee Park be renewed for 1953, and that the Tarn furnish ad~i- tional police protection if possible, in view of fact that os~y one policeman had been available in season 3ust ended, and the ba~l club was required to provide such protection-at more expense Mahan they deemed dust. ~O1Rffi As per resent memorandum to the Council, the Town Manger RECREATI01~ PROGRAM further explained the need to reduce appropriation to the Y.INIC.A. YffiCA by.an amount of X505.41, as substantiated by aforementioned APPROP. memorandum dated Oetober 11, 1952, appropriation accounts uad~r number of 9077 and prop©sed budget as presented by the Y.1~.C.;~. ®Pfioials, all~fi].ed in the Town files, The Town Manager exp~ained ti~~~ Council Mirnttes Cont t d. Pulaski,Va. , Oct. 21, 1952 that this wss -a bookkeeping ad•fustmerrt. ~d did not aPPect the monoy ava3lsble to the Y.~.C.,A. On motic~a duly made by W. F. ll~hite, seconded by d. C. Crumbley, Jr., it was unaxtimously RESOLVID, in order to adjust appropriation Figures, as recommended by the Town Manager, the appropriation of $2,625.0© as made Prom the General Funds with said amount to be transferred Pram the 2'L~nds appropriated t'or the Reoreatioa Budget, to the Y.M.C.A. t'or operation oP the tows reere,atioa pro gram at a regular meeting held October 9, 1952, be changed to Two Thousamd One Hundred-Twenty Dollars ($2,120.00) and loo cents. PACING Mr. I. R. Carper, Chairman oP the committee to METER ~~T• study and report oa parking meter advertisements, as proposed by Mr. Macon Deaver, recommend®d that the Tows not sspp0rt such a program at the present time, however, he requested additional time For Mr. Kesling cad Mr. Crowell, other members of the aommitte®, as appointed by the Mayer, to _s Ludy liter- ature dust r®ceived ®n the matter. On motion duly made by M. F. YVhite, seconded by J. R. Martin, it was unaaimausly RESOLVED, that the matter oP parking meter ~et'erred advertisements be deFerred until the neat meeting, and the Town Attorney be requested to pr ovide a legal opinion on the matter. P ~ The Town MaaageP reported that he had checked the AFt PIP$ drain pipe as situated under Caifee Park end i# was his advise that same would be satisfactory t'or several years. CALFEE The Town Manager reiterated those suggested PARK IMPR0IT. improvements in Calf®e Park, whereupon it was the consensus oP the Council that the Fallowing be approved, or as noted: 1. Install light at ticket b©oth. 2. Table the matter of cc:ve~is open drain in Proat of Park at estimate$50.04. 3. Eimit other suggestions. The Town Manager was requested to submit to Council estimates oP Townes share and Austts share of expense in covering culvert is upper cad of Ca1Pee Park, as provided in agreement which provided for sale of the 1 north cad of the Town property to Dr. J. ~. Greer. s ~~~5 Coussil ~dinutes- Cont ~ d. Pulaski, Va., October 21,x' 1 On motion duly made by C. V. Jackass, seconded by I.R.~Carperr it was unanimously BASEBALL RESOLVED, that the Town enter into`a contrast with thdi CONTRACT 1953 Pnl.ask3 Phillies for the 1953 season similiar to the present eapirod sontract for the 1982 season, with a charge c:f Twenty~--Five (~g5~00) Dallare for day,. and Forty 040.00) Dollars for nigh t©. be made for regularly scheduled games and exhibiti®n games, d a proper clause covering protection of town-owned equipment, ind~.udisg - aoaQession ataad equipsteat, be incorporated in the contract 19~ -the Town Attorney, the neF contract to b~ given final appresv4~l.. and incorporated in the Minutes at a later date. Oa motion duly me~de by I.R.Carper, seconded by O.O.Cr~-ell, ~.t was unanimously CONCffiSIf?3i` RESOLVED, that sn amount of X100.00 be ret~ded to Pul~ski STA16D IIS R FEB High Scho©l, eub~ect to Tans l~anager~s inspection of concess~bn RE'Ft~NDSD stand and equipment, inasmuch as the t©®tball season had bee~l - completed, at~d said amount was representative of lees paid to~± use of c©ncessiori stand as a guarantee of praper care of same. On motion duly made by I. R. Carper, seconded by J.L.sling, it was unanimously ~AE~ ST~II?7f RESOLVED, that the f©llorring recommendations oP the C~uxtcil RECOII~MENDATIONS' APPROVE[? Tags Study Committee be approved, to be etfectiva Oct®ber 31~M 19l~: Hourlr.Rata C®vsrage ~ri~~~~~ 1. All empl®yees in the Public il~orks Department,• with the f~liowing - eacaptions, be put on an hourly wage rate oP pay. (a) The Superintendent of Public ~o~+ka, and the Shop Su~erin- tandeat be continued on semi-monthly pay status. (b) The Street Superintendent be changed from weekl to' semi-monthly pay states at a monthly salary ©t ~27Q~p0. ~ 4 (e) The Super intendant of the Filter Plant and the Plan~l Operators be continued on asemi-monthly and weekly~~pay states, respectively. (d) Park, Cemetery, Dam Caretakers to be contirn',~ed as - previ®usly. Hour1~Ra~te L. A rate of hourly pay be established comparable to the pr~seat . weekly or hourly wages. - lrork ~sek S. The regular work week to be 48 hours. The daily schec~ilto be 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Eo~sday through Friday, with 1 hour allowance daily for lunch. Hnployees, as street sw spars, sweeper operators, eta., whose work schedule is not stanard, to have rate ad3usted to total hours worked per week. Overtime Schedule - 4. Overtime pay, at-the straight hourly rate, be allowed al; hourly rate easployees for authorised work beyond -the 4b 1 per wyek. a~~~ Council l~iinutes Cont ~ d. Pulaski, 9a., October 21, 193! . Saturday *0rk 5. IIse of hourly employees be reduced on Saturday to the mia- imaa abs olut+ely ne sass cry for operations . Kork oa Saturday paid on the overtire basis. Re aal~ rk Week Sot~e <inl~ 6. Hourly employees to be paid on basis of hours actually worked, with the following ezeeptions, sad shall be released when unable to work doe t® inclemea~t weather, etc. (a) Shplayees reporting Por work in the morning at the regular time fflr a®rffiensement of work, but released ate to weather, etc. to be paid for 3 hours work. (b) E~pl®yees released between the hours of lOrOt3 s.m. and 12:00 Mooa due to inclement weather to be paid ,t© 1'5:00 I~ooa. (a) Garbage.collection crews to be credited a maximum of 5 hours overtime for Saturday, that time to be from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 Loon.. H lida„~s '~. Hourly employees to be granted the following holidays with pay equivalent to regular work day: l~ew Years Day; Fourth of July; Thanksgiving; Chris tmas. In event any of thew tall on a Sunday, then the Poliowisg Monday will be granted. 3ieg Leave 8. The policy of sick ietave is discontinued for hourly employes. Yaaati~+n 9. Attar one yearts Qontinnous service, there will be all®wed hourly e~tployees one week's vaeatimn annually with pay. 3n the event empl©yee desires to work, but not take time oft, he will be paid for vacation times in addition to regul.sr pay. OutatandinR Overtime Credit 10. Sonny employees having to the it credit overtime aae~- lated under the previous working policy, will be perritted to take time off equal to the accumulated overtime, sub3eet to appr®val of hie foreman. ~ This time oft will be takes during the regular work week, with the employee being paid for regular time. This previous accumulated overtime, will not be paid as o®ertime over and ab®v® the regular work week. and the time otf must be taken prior to October 51, 19S*. Overtime credits outstanding os October 31, 1933 for the pert®d prior .to the effective date of this policy, will be cs~aelled on October 31, 1955. 11. Xorking Policy for mthly sad salary employees to remain as exf sting. 12. Thin Policy to be effective October 31, 1932. COALSOA It was decided that the request of Mr.1~.3.C.oalsos MATER RSt,~. for water eatena ion on Fifth Street,3.8• to the house ad jaeent on the east t© his residence, sh~tld be hamdled as rou'~iAe upon application for water by Mr. Coalsos submitted on the regular t®rm.. Os motion duly mmde by W.P'.1Ah.ite, sea®nded by 0•©.Crowell, it was unaai~a:ously Council ~I-tramte s C oat ~ d. RECREATION DIRECTOR EMPLOYED ~~~ T Pulaski, Va., October 21, 11~'dL RESOLVED, that the Town employ Mr. Ralph 1~« studebake~l, Recreation Director, Cairo, Georgia, as Recreation Director ~br the Town of Pulaski, at a salary of Four Thousand F3~-e Hundred Ddalars~ 04,844.44) per year. On nation duly- wade by J«• L. Keeling, seconded by O.O,i Crowell, it was unanimously - POLICE RESOLVED, that th8 Town shall loan to the County a po~~ion SOEA~TS OOy[ LOAD of those seats presently located in the Police cour$room for~~se in the Trial Justice Court RooH located in theC©unty Courtho~ae, said Beata to be moved at County- expense. HANIKII~3 BT.LGHT. E.4TH APPVD . ELECTRO PLASTICS LOAD 3NG RIILE SPECIAL MEETINQ CATER de sE~ R~t~sTs -Garner Avenue On motion duly made by I.R. Carper, eeconded by F.W.M~shall, it was unarl3.nously RESOLVED, that the request of Mr. E'.A. Hawkins for a ~tre•t light on East Fourth street near his residence be granted. On notion duly made by E. F. Ehite, seconded by I.R.Cal~rper, it was unanimously 8E~4LVED, that theSleetro Plastics COHpany be regnire~ to load and unlmad merchandise at the rear of the property formAtrly occupied by the A.J.1leeks G~erage on nand®lph Avenue« It was decided to hold a special Heating Thursday, October 23, 18b8, at ,4 p.m., for consideration of water and diewer extension requests, pending for some time, including the mati~pr 03' providing water for Garner Av®nue residents, as brought b~~'ore the Council by I«R.Carper this meeting for further considera~}Lan, inasmuch as the present arraagenent of providing a tarok w0u1d1 need On notion duly made by I« R. Carper, seconded by O.O. Crowell, it was unanimously to be cha$ged due to avid weather. N0 EE RESOLVED, that the r®gular Heating of Council in Nover~er, POS~~RED schedule for the 4th shall be postphoned until November 6th c~.ie to conflict wit~i Election Day, the meeting on the lath to be he~ki as scheduled. ADJODRNMENT The meeting ad~ourned~at 6:25 p.m. Attest: Cle of Ct~urtc 1 Approved: aver ,