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.~ :~~~ Oea~eil itea 'P9ads~sk`i, "~a. , ' ~0e3tober 7 ~ 1 The regular s-onthly msetia~_ of the Town Counei~ of the Town ~ Fnlaslci, Firg3~Sa w4s held in the ll[oateipal Huil~ing at 4 pr.u,, October 7, 195Q. pRgSE~tT There were present: ' Maya-r H. R. htboden, presiding ~`~ Ce~eilffien: I. R. Oarper, 0. 0. Crowell, J.C.CrGtmbley,Jr., C.'~'.Jasksoa, J.L.l~ettling, F.l.~[ar~hall,d.R.~[a~Ftin, !. F. !hits. Ab~srtt: ~re,Ae Also present: Town 1[ama~r Clerk Town Attorney: 3'owa Treastirer: eis hors: ~nliah F. Hirsh Louise ~. Lelgan t3arnett S. ~[oare 7~ottie R. Ramon " d. H. Chapman, Graham Fiser; 1Gt+e~a Deaver, Tremt D. Laws oar. . MI'NtTTTffi' .The minutes vt t3~ regular sem~-i-mopthly aseti~g held 5epteaber 23, 1958 were read and approved. ~! On motion duly suede by 0. 0. Crowell, seee>nd~~i by BUILDI'NE~ J. C. Crumbley, dr., it. was unaainaasly PERMITS 1 R&SOLVgD, that the f®llowing spplieatons t buildlr~g permits be approved: To Rev. !. B. Davis for treat e:inder blce:lt churesh tabernacle on south aide of C3ark Sere estimated ~3,DOO.tlC; To ~[iss ©irginia Rog.srs for 17~ssN p~ ~~epair and enilargemsnt 10 a 5, to resideneze at 311 La6lr~tg S#reet estimated '75.00; To Jordan C. Oliver !or trans ss ~,~ M..T~, itt . 63"i' Pulaski $'treet, estimated ~500.d~; ~e 3.M. !~ ~'ra~ ~relliag, ono story, rive roenas, on west side et' ~~, b~~tl~ieem 'Tth dad 8t1- $tFeets. ~$ a a o. o o. .. ... On aotiem duly lade by I.R. Carder, s 4. 0. tlrotitall, it ~r~is unaniatonsly CaE LLtf`C! RESOLVE, that thq toll©wing change a! leQa HOIDER CERT.OF CQA•k ~~ tea holdar of esrtifies~te of aeanvenienoe and neese;sib be a ~Lawsoa T© T.D. & J.G.. Law~c~ !or transfer trees 8atenray Cabs ~ Star Cabs - Q tabs Y.M.G.A. ~. d. H. Chapman, President of the Y.~I.O.~A. APPROP'RIA`!'Yai` there had bwen m~-iled to each acmtac ilmaa a rep®rt of stim~aex activities as provided by ~tpprefpriatio~t~satde by thA Csuweil sum~aer. He stated the Y.M.C.A. was d~sirems of e:e~nties~g pre~pposed seals of reeareationa]. activities for the winter s~ 1 asre~ pree~entid a proposed budget tear t~ Town Recreation req~t~tiAg approval of same. ie,~},, - ~ '!'fs~ef welts oe~ iderablo di a cuss ion re#`lative t +s'Fpr~erned budget ter the Realeatiens Comaission, contngea-t a ~P~t~ot a rsoreation direetor end the probable ti a d:~s eent].d be sspeeted, and it wan stated by yr. Ohapaws Mid ~-. Fiser, Finanme Chairman, fiat it was their and bT stated episLaa t4at, although an appropriation be made to the Y, t p-~ _ _ . Ctyunoil M~inntes Ctmt~ d. Ptila~ski, Ya., Oetober ?, 1958 raid -fmads could be "ta'~C~ over by the `Ta~-n avid°-wed ~bT a redreat3oa diraator at an~th time aa' o~ie. was employed. 4n stotiflrl ding made by J.C. Crumbley, dr ., seconded 'tiy I.~.Carper, it. was vtr~animoualy APP~tQPHIATIOM ~ H~SEILV~, that the Te~-n oQntinue to auppo~t TtJrM RBCxEAT l~ ~ ,. p~Qg~ s Totem ~iore~-tienal ~Prograa until aach time as the Town . . Tt3- Y'M'C'A' ~ 8ecreation Ce~atitfise aacuaed a dirmator, and that an appropriatit~n df TRO Thousand Sin Hundred And Twenty Fivs - 0,625.04) ~dYla~rs .axid Ho Csmte be appropriated from the Qeneral Femc~s . to the. Y.M.C.A. Por thin work, ,said aaeuint ~ be transferred from the appropriation-as provided in the current ,~eperating ~ H~tdget !or Recreation. Q~~.~to~ton dglr made b~ w. F.llhite, secondmd by d. L. Seal3.ag, i~ brae u~nan3;me~usly 4 ..~DI'PIpI~ `~S©L~, that an appropriation of Seven APPR©P~IATIOM - g~p Y.Y.C.. Hundred and 3eweatT 'Dollars (;770.©A1 and ~o Carats be appropriated from the aeneret7. Fund to tt~e Y.M.C.,-., of which ~cnint ~600.Da be earmarked for mem~~rahipa in the Y.~[.C.A• for indigent childrsn, and $1?0:44 bs desige~ated to offset pannen~t by the Y.M.C.1C. of a wat®r bill incurred at #-~ Montieeho Pool ~ during the preTiae~a summer month, ~d . Be It Further ~tsaelvad, that the atereappropriated ~e~en Hundred and Ssvex~ty (~'P?~.~f3 ~ Dollars and ~o Cerata be made etvailable in fleas t3enepral Fund by reduotf om of the ' currant operating Budget 'for Re~rdation by a like amoa~rat. PARKI~'a. , ~. Msa©a Dsar-er ax~peared and presented a ADYER'S I9~T3 ~ . ample sdwertisimg,display propo$ed to be used an .all parking m®ters, s°bating that installati©s and.maistsnance ®~ ;sane .would be filed by , ?ark.iag Meter Ad4ertiaitag ®ompa~,'. ~taahnrillse,,!~ar-aeam,~. 1 Tin. tm reeeiTS o! ad~rirtis~ia~g ..ao1d wr appr©zi~ttelg~ '~~3.5~.04. psr month,. with each meter to bring X4.50 eaa3a~ . it `sis ing wan a®ld. Hey. ~itr~t-ea~ Hatt 4 eontrset ~-d bleu girreu to the Town Att~F tar atu~ aaci raviw-,~ Tt~e natter •aa d~erred for t~rtdur ec~nsldbr~;ti®n, utd the Mayer was rs~watsd to appoint a ~eone~tittee to atuc~ the matter. Mr. >rarsball, Chair.an, ~te~-~-rted ~ ~pvn COMME~A~TI it~~reet3gst'E~~ ~+~-e 3tre+rt Q®saittee recommended t1a~a~ the 1 1 1 T ~:~`~~ Coil. _ct`sw. ~•Cant~~d. ~ ~'pu~laarki~•st.^,"~t?~tv~dr 9, ~~:9~ TvwB assuse ne reap®nsibility for alleged damages to driveway hilt 1~`©retiel:~d Qhselcer Qab Staad,, ownod by I.H.Yoretield, e>n 3©uth Rashington ~~lTSanet pavement d~6es claimed by Har: xaretield to ba~a result of a flood eoanditi4n ®~wPring on lugnst 15~, 195t, and theft -the request fear tree rea®val at 11ie 7th Street, 'H.*. be denied. mcitia>e daly ma~9 by I. R. Carper, seacraded bJ J. ~. ~[artiu,_ 3 t wss anon intents ly Recomme~datie~n RE30L9BD, that the recsommendations of the Street ~lometitte~ Kpproved eta Qutlineed ab.eve be approved. ;, 4~ ,motion duly made. by J. R. l[artin, asesonded by .L. Ke s ling, it was ~ ~tna~ino~ly xT/RY FR. RB34LV'SD, t3~t the Towffi aeaeaept a 3O toot Right-et~ray DE~BSC ~tASHBHR3I r© from bewey Bambara on Hashbars ~vern~e Battens i®n and that an air©pri,- Qpeni:tg atios 4t °~i~r• $t~tdred (~g04.f~}~ Dollar# be made for thee -opt~niM~ of ffiash•Ave. ffiashbm'~t Attet~ troy Peppers Ferry Road tr> . Hewbera road. 0~ mc-tiot~ d:tly made by 2. R• Carper, sec©nde-d by C. V. ~t,~eeam, it wan uaa~a~e~ly ~t~p~lestQ~t~ RB80~.'~, that #. swpplenental appre~priati~ of ~'itl~t ~aPp o riot ~.~'et~.Av r dge dree!!. (~b€~D.~t3~~~:pellara._be .made ~® Account 9125: south Jett'eex A~retet~ ~elgt~-.. .. ~{ Oa slob©s duly. made by J.$. gartin, seconded by i J.C. Crt~ablsy, J'r., it was unawiuously ~; STREBT° ©LVBD, that the ree~uest t®r a street _ verb. DI C~fiT ~ SHO~tT. Hearth and of Short Street, Baat, fast ©tf of l~ewbera Roads-•lr~ j sTRa erpproosd, euad that semte bd installed .as s.o©m as availerml*. ~~ ., ~1 4n =®tiea chil}~, m#de. by !.~'.~hite, $aQOaded by I. R. Carper, it was unanim®ualy VA.SBC~'*OH LYE, that S. C. Jscaksen, 3t~perintendeztt .et Pt1l~t A.~.~.A. CONF$"Et. ye~~lt# and Robert H. Qeltreme, Chief t Operator of the Fiat er PLI , a be at:thori$sd to represent the Town oP Pttlas$i at the 19th t~t~#4tereaos of the ~ix~gisia 3'etiom eat th~_As~erican hater B©r~ 1 Asscaiation to ~ held Itov~ttber- 5.8•T, 195t at Hotel' Chaaberla at O~.d Poisit Ctamfort, Virginia, .with thm town to pay ail eatpanses,~, and "' i al`! ap~propriatieA b4 trtAde ,to Qewer aeatual e>q~enses of tbNe trip. i On .bto t iem , duly. made by d. R,. Be~rtip, seconded by J..:L. Kea ling, : i t was uraat~iate~sly - 1A. F.~HI'PB RS:30LV8~, t~-t the Teywn accept c the otPer ©t. X. F.~tite IAT LEA3B NEAR to lease to the fawn for five years, tQr purposeet of public pa~ting CALFBE MARK ine:ident to Ciarl,tee Fark aetivitieet, eft ao cost, throe i®ts sitv~tted ;~ • at the comer of Peirce Avsnt:e and Fifth ~'treet, S.$, with ei n~.+~~$~ S~ ' ARI) wASffi~raTa~r Covnc ii Minutes Coat ~ d. .. Pulaski: Va. , tfaa©ber ~, 1952 party having the right t© tersiaat• said contract on advance notice- oP thirty to s iaty (3t~ - 60) days, tike .Iowa to live ao right to renew at the end of five years, andlurther., that the Town express appreciation to Mr. IPhite ,for a-aid ©lfer a~sd lease, and . . Be It Farther Resolved, that the Tarn Attcirnsy is iaetructed tc prepare suitable lease agreement acid the Town Yanag~r authorized to sign dame. ~~garding progoaed traffic improvement at Fifth Street and washingtonAvenue, gortl~, the Town Yat~,ager advised that the agrsemerst with the X`ppalashiaa Sleatric Paver Canpany ccveri~ag the wiring to synahroaize all signals. had been revised, inasmuch as the agreement previentslg submitted 'had bees unastisfactary and that. the, new agreement was being reviewed by the Taws Attorney. Hs advised, also, that the Town pr®ssntly was awaiting arrival of steal p®les for erection of traffics light at above location, and other than this, -a~.l ®t'ber details were complete. He stated that the Right-of-way had base verbally :agreed. to by representatives of tbra H#ff :family so 1@ng as it .was ws.ed for purp®ses of trafPia improvement. Opt motion. duly lade by w. F. white, ssaond~d by I. R. ~arpea;. ~t was ums4aimotssly ~TYIMS PAY I~~LVF.~, that a Qommittae of tt~se be appointed to t-ork with the Town Kaaager on the matter of ®vertime pay for weeRly employees and other related matters on working oonditieas for a thoraagh study of same, to make recsommeadations to the Council within the seat two meetings -Co~itt+l~e of the Co,~cil. 11he-reupon the lFayor eppointe$ x, F. ite~ Appointed e. 1T. Jackson e~td F. *. Marshall to be members of aai d acsmmittee. CALPME PARK The Terra Manager was requested tc gresemt RSPAIR FSTixAT~4 cost' estimates of all repair vo~]c ~secUd at Calfes Park for which no appresp~iatioias had been made iitrl the enri~eat budget . In regard tp ©ppes iti oa to tee o! ~A.E'f~' Cttf'MCESSIOB tore sae~i n3.~ghtf s us"e o1' aca-es~~'an~ stand at Galfee Park gTAI~D FRE 1 1 1 ,,~ . - ~~1 CQgnoil. Minutes Cont' d. Pal saki, Ya. , Dot©ber 7, ~.95'8~'i 1 1 by the Pulaski High 3ehool, it was the Qonsensus of Cot~ail that the Tc~-a lianager akdvise qtr. lr. R. t~arlaad, Pr3naip~l oi' the high 8cbo®1, that, Countail was aympathetie toward the same, but desirMd to witbh~ld aetion until the end of tl~e aehool year, and all games had been glayed. . 3'b+e meeting way ad~mt~ra~d. Attest: t! ~. ,,, a: ,, ~; .{ .~