HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-05-52ti~~~ Council MiMUte~a Pulaa~ci, Va., Nov. 5, 1952 The regular monthly meeting of the Town Council of the Town ©t Pulaski, Virginia was held in the Municipal. Building l~ovember 5, 1952 at 4 p.m. PRESENT There were present: Mayor H.Ft. Imboden, presiding Councilmen: I. R. Carper, 0. 0. Crowell, J.C. Gr~mtsley, Jr ., C. V. Jacksoa~ J. L. Kesl'ing, ~.1~t.Marshall, X.P'.~lhite. Absent: J."R. MartiD Also presen Town Manager: Clerk: TowmAttorsey : Town Treasurer: Visitors: t: Julian ~. Hirst L©uiss D. Lagos Garnett 3. Moore Louie R. Rnni®st LIf. 3havlar~ MINII'i'E4 The Miantes of the regular meeting held October 21, 19:52 and of the special meetings held October 23rd and 06tober 28th, 1952 were read and approved. CALF Mr. L. iD. 3havlan representing the Pulaski Ball PARK ~~ 3EAT3 Cltitb,~~tated they ware still considering the possibility of boa seats at Caltee Park, and they proposed ito providr materials it the Town would turriish the labor, and should the seats be i~stallsd, the ball club would :Hake then available to anyone desiring to remit same. He stated the seats would sot be permanent and would be removod each might. Oa motion dulg made b, R'. ~. ~IEh.ite, •seconded by I. R. Carper, it was unauimot~tsly RESOLVEfl, the proposal to provide boa seats at Caltee Park be referred t® the Tows Manager to tmrthsr eonter with Mr. 3havlas and provide estimates at a tutors C®usail meeting. PARKING METER It was stated that Mr. Mason 'Deaver had indicated ADVERTISEMENTS his desire to withdraw his. request in connection with parking meter advertisements. On motion duly made by C. V. Jackson, seconded by J.C. Crumbley, Jr., it was unanimously CHRISTIKAS RESOLVED, that the Town shall indicate its willisg- LIGHTI~tQ 1952 Hess to appropriate an additional Two Hundred 0208.00) Dollars toward the Christmas lighting program it other interested persons of the Tower will pr®vide Three Hundred ($800.00) Dollars toward this projeet, this additional X500.00 added to the ~54a.04 appropriated iu the current bwdget would 1 `~55 ~ Council Minutes Contd. Pulaski, Vet., November 5, ~ 38 ~~ increase the total amount available to X1,000.00. a. T09~ ~IIf[P There was general discussion relative to pr®viding a aA~- xE~r SITE site Por the Town dump with the request that c©uscilmen se ad~lise oS any suitable land which could be used Por this pure®se. `' '. SMT~!'H LAl[E Council was advised oP tentative plans oP Mr. Marvin a~~tham '~ DEVELOP~T to develop the land lying north oP 16th Street, .Prospect Avs~ extended, vicinity oP 1?th and 18th Streets, were same Bevel®~~-d~ in the section known as "3mith Lans", presently an alleyway, std 1~[r.araham+s statement that- h® w®uld provide thirty Peet to they ~, b,j Town to make the right-oP-way Fifty teat in event same was ned~ied Por a public street ®n sash property as presently owned by his~~, ~; 0n motion duly made by I. R. Carper, seconded by ©.O.Cwell, it was gnaniatousiy =i RATED & SERER RRSOLVED, that no differentiation be made to the chargg CONNBCi' 141f C~tt~ oP water cad/or sewer connection Pees on linen installed and p~~:id RULE a Por by iadivid~tals oth®r than the Town of Pulaski. Regarding an existing vacancy on the Police Force, the ~; VACAI~C~ was discusai.os as to the employment °P a qualiPisd fingerpriat.~ POLICE ~ ~$PART~ixpert, who would work either solely=Por the Town or jointly ~.th C the C®usty, it being stated that there was actual neod Por suc~ a ~, -Finger- person in connection with solving oP breakins within the town tnd printing expert the county. The setter was deferred Por 1~,iture consideration. Council~aan Crumbley advised oP the request oP the dunio~ JUISIOR Chamber of Com®erae ~ Por .Funds oP $95.00 to be apprepriatsd by '~he CSAMBER OF COMMERCE Towffi toward the snnual Christmas celebration sponsored by than' Request organization, stating the Town had assmred certain expenses Xmas ~~ totaling a like amount in the past year. R'here~tpon, it was anted that is 1931, the dua~.vr Chamber oS Comaerce and the Palaski ~i Hws ilea s Chtb had }' pr®vided the Tows $401.Q1 to supplement the 3' Christmas lighting Pands and a portion oP that had been used !~r payment oP said bills, no appr©priation having been made by tl TOwn• al APPROP. Diseuasi®n then ar®a• regarding the badget appropriation COMMt~AITY CREST Por the Cm~uaity Fnad, whereapea ®n motion duly made by ~. FN *hite, sec©nded by I. R. Carper, it was uaaaimou~sly RESOLYSB, that the Town Attorney provide a legal ®pinio z as to the Town making a contribution to the Community Fund er Community Chest. A•~-•--~----- ' N~~~ dr.C.oP C. Request l A~Dd4IIT Conncit 1[inutes Contd. Palaski, Va._, Nov. 5, 198 The ~.yor theA ar~~-ised"'bIr'. _ trum°b1®y to r6gard to t~ original request that it appeared to be the ooni.ensus of the Council that ttie Junior Chamber oP C©mmerce make every effort to ofi~tain the mmaey 2`ron sourees other than the Town, and it they should be unageeessf~il, tha Counoil world then tl~rther eonsider the matter. The meeting ad3ourned at ~:4D p.nt. approved: ayor ~,~~~~ sr . o ou '.t`~ 1 1 1