HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-18-52Council Minutes
Pulaski, Va., November ~,~~~~!
The regular semi-monthly meeting of the Town Coun~~.l
of the Town of Pulaski, Virginia was held in the Municipal Building
November 18, 1952 at 4 p.m.
PRESENT There were present:
Mayor H. R. Imboden, presiding
Councilmen: I. R. Carper, 0. 0. Crowell, d.C.Cruley,
Jr. , C. V. Jackson, J. L. Kes ling, F~; 1~F.
Marshall, J. R. Martin, 1fl~. F. lAChite. w
Absent: None ~,
~ilso present:
Town Manager:
Clerk :
Town Attorney :
Town Treasurer:
MINi7TES The Minutes
Julian F. Hirst
Louise D. Logan
darn®tt S. Moore
Lotti® R. Runion v
Mr. Edward H. Reuhl of R. Stuart Roy~~
& Associates, Consulting Engineers,
Richmond, Virginia.
of the regular meeting held November ~, 1952
were read and approved.
BUILDING On motion duly made by I. R. Carper, seconded by ~.L.
PERMITSKesling, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the following applications for bni~kling
C&P permits be approved: Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Company by `a
R. M. Phibba, Contractor, for brick addition, 17x50 to present i~,iilding
south side of Fourth Street, N.V~., estimated X15,000.00; To Mrs'~Agnes
JohnsonB. Johnson for enclosing porch and roof repair at 920 Jackson A~nue,
Youngts®stimated $100.00; To Youngs by F.E. Young for neon sign, 8t iii
height at business west side of Washington Avenue, estimated colt
not known.
ED RUEHL The Mayor extended a welcome to Mr. Edward H. Rein.
of R. Stuart Royer & Associates, Richmond, Virginia, who was a.~ktsitor.
QUARTERLY The Town Manager stated there had been distribute~Ito
APPRA ~~ch member of Council and department heads a report which was ~.
appraisal of the Towns Financial operation under the 1952-53 b~dget
for the first Pour months oP the budget year, consisting of Jul~`lst
to October 30th. He stated that both revenue and expenditures
both the General and ~at~er Fund closely corresponded to the ~~
theoretical percentage of 33.3, which would represent that po on
applicable to the four month period of the total budget allocation
for the entire year, with exception of a Pew variances resulting'from
uneven distribution of expenses and/or rev®nue due to certain p~xiods
of the year, as noted in the report. `~'
_ j'
V~ATER The Town Manager advised that he had contacted Sct,
~ATUS Horner and Mason, Inc., Lynchburg, Virginia as to the status of{the
Dater Improvement Bond Issue, as directed by Council at its meeing
on October 23, 195Q.
On motion duly made by W. F. Wrhite, seconded by I~~.
Carper, it was unanimously
Council Minutes Contd.
Pulaski,Va., Nov. 18, 1952
RESOLVED, that a portion of a letter Prom Scott,
Horner and Mason, Inc., dated November ?, 1952 and filed in
the Town files, and the full contents of a letter from tl~ood,
THEIR King and Dawson, Attorneys-at-Law, 48 mall Street, New York
5, New York, to Scott, Horner & Meson, Inc. and dated
November 6, 1952 and filed in the Town files, be incorporated
Town can in the Minutes and thereby made official record,. as follows:
proceed '
with ~ SCOTT, HORNER & MASON, Inc.
water Investments
November ?, 1952
Mr. Julian F. Hirst
Town Manager
.Pulaski, Virginia
Dear Mr. Hirst:
This will acknowledge receipt of your letter
of October 30 relative to the Town of Pulaski 11~ater Improve-
ment.Program as it affects the original bond issue (1946).
which was used to finance the water improvements. e
thought the questions ~-ou raised were important enough to
ask our New York attorneys for an opinion and we are enclosing
wiNi this letter the signed copy of their opinion in this
V800D, KING & DA~30N
Scott, Horner & Mason, Inc.,
Dear Sirs:
~s acknowledge receipt of your letter of October
31 and an enclosed copy of a letter ~.ddressed to you by
Mr. Hirst, Town Manager of Pulaski.
Since, according to your letter and the letter of
the Town Manager, the town has~been able to provide for
principal of and interest on the bonds which have main red
or become payable to date and in addition accumulate a
surplus of X100,000, it would not appear to us that any
provision of the proceedings relating to the issuance of
these bonds will be violated if the town applied a portion
of its surplus for making extension to its water works
system. P'or your use, we are enclosing an extra copy of
this letter.
Very truly yours,
R /s/~'ood,King & Dawson
Enc. _ »
Consideration of water extensions as requested
CATER per petitions was deferred, pending receipt of petitions
from those areas not having replied to a letter requesting
Council Minutes Coned.
_ ~ ~~ w
_ Pulaski, iis., Nov. 18, 152
a new petition to be signed, signing of same to indicate willingq.ess~
to pay the X50.00 connection charge in advance, were such an ext~ns ion
POLICE PATROLMA~f Several applications for position of patrolman in he
Police Department to fill the existing vacancy were discussed,
TAXI DRIVER PERMIT Nhereupon, Mr. John Johnston appeared as to his inerests
in having a taxicab driverls permit granted.
On motion duly made by lf~, F, ll~hite, seconded by
I. R. Carper, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the matter of taxicab drivers perm~t
for Mr. Johnston be deferred to eaecutiee session,
The Council then discussed the request of Mr:~John~lton,
and it was stated that police r®cord of same was clear with exception
of two charges of forgery.
On motion duly made by C. V, Jackson, seconded by .R.
Carper, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that a taxicab drivers permit be granter to
_ Mr. John Johnston on a six monthst probation.
The Council then resumed discussion as to applications
for patrolman in the Police 15epartment, whereupon on motion duly made
by ~'. I', N'hite,' seconded by J. L. gosling, it was unanimously
POLICE PATROLMAN RESOLVED, that the Town Manager and Lt. Earl B~ou.ldn,
Acting Police Chief in absence of Chief Boothe due to illness, b~
authorized to employ the applicant whom they consider best 'soft®r
for the p®sition. _
On motion duly made by C. V. Jackson, seconded by ,~
J. R. Martin, it was unanimously _ ,
TOV~'N ATTORNEY RESOLVED, that the Town Attorne~^ attend the meetin
MUN ~~ of the National Institute of Municipal Law Officers November 30
December 3rd at Louisville, Kentucky. _
PICTURE The Council acknowledged a picture of Mr. M, A. Ca~fee,
first Mayor of Pulaski, presented to the town by Dr. L. P. Ca1feM.
through Mr. E. D. Calfee, and requested the Town Manager to writ~i a
letter expressing appreciation for same.
, The Town Manager stated that the following traffic~i
TRAFFIC revisions were recommended:
1. Restrict left turns at 3rd and ~iPashington and t~e
Kroger Building on a thirty days basis.
2, Permit right turns on red light at intersection~f
for both Washington Avenue and Madison Avenue
traffic on a thirty days basis,
Council Minutes Contd.
Pulaski,Va., November 18, 1952
3. Shift parking from the north side to the
south side on First Street, N.E.
It was the consensus of Council that recommendation
No. 1 should be deferred, and in connection with recommendation
No. 2, right turns on red light at Washington Avenue and
Madison Avenue intersection should be permitted for a trial
period of thirty days, while recommendation No. 3 was deferred.
On motion duly made by W'. F. White, seconded
by I. R. Carper, it was unanimously
U ~~ RESOLVED, that the Town Attorney prepare a suitable
AND ordinance to prohibit "U" turns at intersections of Madison
2ND _
Avenue and 2nd Street, N.E. and ~ifashington Avenue and Fourth
Street, N.1~.
On motion duly made by I. R. Carper, seconded
by 0. 0. Crowell, it was unanimously
PAR'KIAG RESOLVED, that the request of the Pulaski Hotel
PULASKI .and the Pulaski Chamber of Commerce, which office was located
DENIED in the hotel building, for an additional parking space in front
of the hotel be denied.
~DELIN~tJENT Th® Town Attorney reported in connection with
SALE delirt; cent land sale for uncollected 1949 taxes, a partial
review of records in the Court House had indicated a trend
of these taxes also having been delinquent in the County,
and in many eases, of the land having been sold by the
County. -
On motion duly made by J. R. Martin, seconded by
C. V. Jackson, the following resolution was adopted, with ,
a recorded vote taken as follows :
J. R. Martin Aye F.
J.C.Crumbley,Jr. Aye I.
C.V. Jackson Aye J.
W. F. Whit® Aye 0.
Pb.stphone'd ~ BE IT RESOLVED, that the C
W`. Marshall dye
R. Carper Aye
L. Kesling Aye
0. Crowell Aye
ouncil go on record
as-approving and ratifying now as of December 10, 1952 the
postphonement of the delinquent tax sale scheduled for said
date for the delinquent taxes for the year 1949 and 1950
until the second Monday in December, 1953 by recorded vote.
On motion duly made by T. R. Carper, seconded
by 0. 0. Crowell, it was unanimously
SURVEYS RESOLVED, that surveys to determine right-of-way
-Cedar be made at the following locations: Stuart Avenue and Cedar
-2nd SW' Street; 2nd-Street, between South Jefferson and Washington
Council Minutes Contd.
Pulaski, Va.,November 16, 1
1~venuss for purposes of considering the widening and improving
farmer case, and expending the street in th® latter.
On motion duly made by W. F. White, seconded by
F. W`. Marshall, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that effective date of the Building Code ~f
the Town of Pulaski be deferred to February 1, 1953.
On motion duly made by 0. 0. Crowell, seconded by
J. R. Martin, it was unanimously }
TREE REMOVAL RESOLVID, matter of removal of two trees at the Emmtt
Hubble property at 302 Cliff Street be referred to tY3e Street C
On motion duly made by C. V. Jackson, seconded by
J. R. Martin, it was unanimously _
CALFEE PARR RESOLVED, that the Town construct box seats at Cal
Park from third base to 1st base in accordance with the plan pre
by Mr. L. D. Shavlan for the Pulaski Ball Club, with the underst
that the Town shall pay for labor and costs in connection therew
only, and the Ball Club to pay for all necessary materials in
connection therewith, .and that said seating area less the chairs
shall be controlled by the Town and shall become the property of~~the
Town, and furth er, that the Pulaski Ball Club be requested to fo
to the Town a letter setting forth the above agreement, and
Be It Further Resolved, that an appropriation of
Hundred 0300.00) Dollars be made from the General Funds to cove
the cost of labor only in constraction of said box seats at Calf
On motion duly made by W. F. White, seconded by I.R~
Carper, it was unanimously
N & W RY 'C0. RESOLVED, that the Mayor and the Town Manager conta
DORA the Norfolk and Western Railway Company in regard to possibly
developing a certain section of fora Highway, owned by the railw
company, for a parking lot.
STATE Vf~ATER A letter was read from the State Water Control Boar ,
BOARD requesting they be advised prior to November 25, 1952, if possib ,
as to decision made by the Town in the employment of consulting
Engineers for a preliminary surve~r on sewage disposal plant. Its
was the consensus of Council that new bids on such a survey show
be secured, inasmuch as new areas were being considered as annex
in~the future and original bids were entirely on a sewage treatm t
plant and outfall lines. It was also bought out that such bids a
provide an analysis of the entire sewer system of the Town as we
of those areas not presently provided with sewer.
Council Minutes Contd.
Pulaski, Va., Nov. 18, 1953
of Pulaski. It is my further opinion that in applying these sections,
extr®m® caution -should b® made, since the Council is, as all members
of it well know, trustees of public funds; and if there was any
misuse of funds donated to any of the organizations, they would
stand liable for severe criticism.
It is also understandable in this connection that certain
organizations might criticize the Town for not allowing donations.
However, the fewer precedents set by the Council, the better will
be their position in the future.
Respectfully - /s/ Garnett S. Moore
The meeting adjourned at 6:17 p.m.
Clerk of Council