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Co~ci3. Minutes Pulaski, Va., February Sl, 1~~0
The regular semi-monthly meeting of the Town Counc~~.l of
the Town of Pulaski, Virginia was held_ in the Municipal Bui]tikling
at 4:00 p.m., February 21, 1950.
There were present:
Vice -Mayor T. F. V~irt, presiding s!
Councilmen: O~Neal Amos, ~. D. Aust,_I.R. Carper,"'
0. O. Crowell, H. R. Imboden
Absent: G. R. Steger, ~. F. ~'hite.
Also present:
Town Manager: E. A. Beek
Clerk: Verna L. Dalton
Treasurer : Lottie R. Runion
Chief of Police:L. S. Boothe
Town Attorney: Garnett S. Moore
Visitors: R. S. Manuel, George Conner
The minutes of the regular monthly meeting held
February 7, 1950 were read and approved,
On motion duly made by H. R. Imboden, seconded by 0.
I~ 1
Crowell, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the following applications for building
-Repass permits be granted; To G. D. Repass for changing material fom
brick veneer to frame-brick faced, dwelling south side ~' 4th
Street, between ~Oashington and Lexington Avenues, estimated ~o
cost $6,000.00; To the Union Life Insurance Company, Ins.
R. E. Akers, Assistant Manager) for wood sign, 3ta30", iron
supports, 27 Main Barest, to comply with requirements for ~
-Collins signs, estimated to cost X13.50; To Paris Collins for one-story
frame-brick veneer coal yard office south side of E. Main Sheet,
-Oliver estimated to cost 75.00; And to Jordan Oliver for one-story~'two-
room frame with brisk siding dwelling north side of Pulaski street,
at the west end, estimated to cost X1,000.00.
DUNLAP There appeared before the Council Mr. K. S. Manuel and
Mr. George Conner in regard to the fire hazard condition at ~unlap .
t _
Veneer Corporation. The Town Manager reported that a repres~-nta-
tive of the State Fire Marshallts Office had been working wit3h the;
Fire Chief on this problem, and that Mr. Dunlap had undertaklln tho'.
requested changes recommend®d in an attempt to correct the c~-nditio~
Mr. Manue~land Mr. Conner stated that they had not eliminated~jthe
problem, and considered that the Council should go into the utter
further before it was too Iate.
On motion duly made by H. R. Imboden, seconded by
O~Neal Amos, it was unanimously
Council Minutes Contd. Pulaski, Va., February 21,1954
Dunlap Veneer RESOLVED, that a committee composed of Messrs.
complaint re
sparks Aust, Imboden, and Crowell confer with the 3nspeetor from the
-Referred State Fire Marshall+s Office the next ti~ae' he was in Town,
to eom,
and further consider the matter.
ORDINANCE On motion duly made by H. R. Imboden, seconded
GASOLINE by°~• D. Aust,~and carried by a unanimous vote
It shall~be unlawful for any person, firm, or
corporation, to place any tank or pump for the s torage or
for the purpose of dispensing gasoline, benzine, naphtha,
or other highly volatile liquid, on or under any street or
sidewalk within the jurisflictivn of the Town of Pulaski,
and it shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corpor-
ation, now owning, m,a.intai~iing and. keeping a tank for
storage of liquids as set out above, to continue to do so
without complying with the following conditions:
1: Obtain a permit from the Town Manager of ~e
the Town of Pulaski; said Town Manager shall
issue such a permit when, upon his inspection, he shall find
that said applicant has met the following construction
Construction must be iri accordance with require-
ments of the National Board of Fire Underwriters
recommended Code of Installation for storage tanks,
as set forth in their building code; repairs, upkeep,
and maintenance must also conform to said Boardts
recommendations and specifications.
2, The said applicant shall enter into an agree-
- went with the Town of Pulaski in which he she'll agree as.
That for and in consideration of the granting of
the permit applied for, the~applieant hereby agrees for
himself, his or their heirs, successors, administrators and
assigns, that the license or privilege sought, if granted,
may be revoked at any time by theTown of Pulaski acting
through its Town Manager; that all acts or things done in
connection with.the license,. such as the use, repair, and
maintenance, shall be subject to supervision and control of
the Town Manager; and that the applicant shall pay for and
restore the publics way for any damage thereto caused by the
maintenance and use or the gram ing and exercise of said
permit, license; or privilege; and further that the said
applicant will at all times ease the Town of Pulaski, its
Mayor,~its Town Council, its officers, agents, and employees
free and harmless from any and all liability for damages to~
persom, persons, or property, from any and all suits, actions,
claims, demands, expense and costs of every kind and deserip-
tion for which said municipality, its officers, agents, or
employees may be liable as a result of, or in connection
with, the issuance of said permit, or any work or operation
dose or performed in connection with the erection, construc-
tion, installation, a aistence, maintenance or removal of
the subject matter of said permit.
3~ The said applicant shall procure and keep in
full fca~ ee and effect a contract or policy of insurance with
some reliable insurance company acceptable to the Town of
Pulask i, which will hold harmless the Town of Pulaski from
any loss which it might sustain or suffer by said Tow~h
having to pay or being 'held liable for property damage or
personal injuries, or from any and all suits, actions, claims,
Council Minutes-Cont~d. - Pulaski, Va., Feb. 21, ',, 950 j
demands, expenses and costs of every kind and description ar3~ ing
out of or resulting from damage to property or injuries to ar
person or persons from the installing, keeping, and maintain3l~.g
of any tank by the said applicant, as hereinabove described, finder
any walkways or streets in the Town of Pulaski, Virginia; anc~'
further, the said applicant shall file with his application a~,
certificate of insurance from the said insurance company in v~ich
applicant is insured, showing the Town of Pulaski to be insud in
an amount of not less than X5,000.00 against property damage,~and
not less than X15,000.00 against personal in3uries for one person,
and X30,000.00 against personal injuries for one accident. °"
This ordinance shall be in effect on and after
March 15, 1950. qj
SICTNS IN It was stated that Harris Motor Company had a sign ~_
located on 4th Sure-et & Washington Avenue, across from their?
place of business, and also, that Mr. A. T. Eskridge had a s3~~n
on First S?treet & Washington Avenue advertising parking lot, end
that these signs were probably in violation of the sign ordir~nce.
It was considered that this should be investigated and correa~ed,
if necessary.
COOPER It was reported that the matter of certain violaticll~s of
the Ordinance Regulating ~~,ting & Drinking Establishments at '"
Cooper Johnston+s restaurant had been properly corrected, anc~'that
the matter was closeaH.
There was read a letter from Mr. 1!~`. H. Hill, with Bard
to excavation of rock in the s idewalk space on South ~-ashingt~pa
Avenu® in front of his new home.
On motion duly made by 0. 0. Crowell, seconded by ~+ D.
Aust, ~.nd carried by a vote of five to one,
RESOLVED, that the Town shall excavate and remove tie
rock, and prepare the space on the Right-of-way suitable for on-
struction of sidewalk on the east side of South Il~ashington Avenue,
between First and Second Streets, provided. that the three adj~ining;
property owners pay one-half (1/2) of the cost, and further, ion-
tangent upon an agreement that the sidewalk will be built in he
entire block bettyeen First and Second Streets, and that the f~.ve
abuttin ~
g property owners agree to pay one-half C1/2) of this Lost.
On motion duly made by H. R. Imboden, seconded by O~Neal
Amos, it was unanimously
TREE ~ ~ RESOLVED, that the r
AUTH. Right-of-way ,on the north side
Avenue, in front of Mrs. Charl
quest For removal` of tree on Tigwn
of Fifth Street, East of ~ashi~gton
s Dyer+s property, and also a ~ree
adjacent to S. D. English, Jr.+s. property be removed.
-Free Removal
It was reported that Mr. J. K. Harrison desired a w~lnut ;
FCounc~l M~.nutes Contd. Pulaski, Va., Feb. 21, 1950
tree removed on the Town Right-of~way on Madison Avenue
adjacent to his property. This matter was not considered
The Town Manager reported that the dry cleaners
and laundries had requested that the flown consider a revision
of the License Ordinance to reduce the base rate on these
Lr~~gysCleanersestablishments from Fifty 050.00) Dollars to Twenty-Five
025.00) Dollars. It was also stated that the Sob printers
had requested'a reduction of the excess rate. This matter
was discussed, k~ut~ was deferred until such time as the
license schedule for the coming year would be considered.
There was discussed the possibility of obtaining
additional State aid for improvement of Route 99, more parti-
cularly the section along Dora Highway. It was considered
that widening and improvement of this street would be of
considerable benefit, and the possibility of obtaining an
allocation Prom the State for fifty percent of the cost was
discussed. There was also discussed the Federal Urban Road
Funds which would be applicable to Route 11, to provid®.
widening for relief of traffic by additional lanes, also,Aby
construction of a bypass within the corporate limits. It
was suggested that a,bypass could be built to east_of 1l~ash-
ington Avenue, parallel, and to eventually tie in with Pierce
On motion duly made by H. R. Imboden, seconded by
I. R. Carper, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Town Manager shall contact
the State Highway Department with view of developing Urban
Fund pro3ect for a bypass within the corporate limits.
" 0 motion duly made by H. R. Imboden, seconded
by 0. 0. Crowell, the f®llowing resalutioa was adopted:
'WHEREAS, The Commonwealth of Virginia, Department
of Highways,`proposes to construct or otherwise improve a part
of S~tat® Route 99, within the corporate limits of the Town of
Pulaski,. between 0,798 mi. S. NCL Pulaski and 0.508 Mi. S'.
NCL Pulaski (Randolph Barest, Pulaski), end has prepared and
submitted to the Town Council plans for the same, designated
as Route 99, Project 1471-M-1 (New 6267-01}, approved
February 1, 1950; and
AREAS, it is the opinion of the Town Council
that the said construction"or other improvement will be of
immediate and continuing benefit and advantage to the Towtt.
Council Minutes Conttd. ~ Pulaski, Va., Feb. 21, ]~ 50
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Town of I~ilaskiy
throw its Torre Council, hereby approves the abovesaid plat, andJ,
in consideration of the construction and/or improvement of id
Route by the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Highwa ,
and the benefits accruing to the Town of Pulaski, by reason' f
such construction. and/or improvement, hereby guarantees to e
Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of HigYw~ays, the. right '' f
way shown on said plans as being required for said construct~„on
and/or improvement, together with, the right and easement to rise
such additional widths, if any, that may be required for tta
proper ex®cution and maintenance of the said construction o
other improvement as are indicated and shown on said plans,, s
provided under Chapter 64, Acts of the General Assembly of ;`30,
or subsequent Assts of the General Assembly applicable.
The Town further agrees that it will clear, within 0
days from the date of written notice to its Mayor. or Town Meager
from the District or Resident Engineer of the Department of
Highways, the surface of the said right of way and. additional.
widths of all encroachments, utilities or other things that ~y
interfere with or retard the progress of the work and future'
maintenance and use of the said Route and improvement and tY~b
Town also agrees ix> ~ relocate or read3ust such publicly or
privately owned underground pipe lines, conduits, or other
utilities as may be necessary to accomplish the said constrtion
or other improvement , and in such time and manner as not to~'~delay
or interfere with the work of the Department of Highways, i~#
employees or contractors. The Town also afire®s that the clearing
from the_rigb.t of way of the said utility poles, pipe lines r
other utilities will be done at the Towns expense or witho
expense to the Commonwealth.
It is further understood and agreed that the cost off'
right of way, exclusive of any cost in connection with movir~
utility poles, pipe. lines or. other utilities is to be born®
50 per cent by the Town of Pulaski and 50 per cent by the
Commonwealth of Virginia. ~ -
_ The Town further agrees to save the Commonwealth of
Virginia, her officials, and her employees harmless from any~and
all claims for damages of whatsoever nature that may arise from
the owners, tenants or lessees of ad3oining or nearby lands ~s a
result of the said construction and/or improvement in accord~nc®
with said plans or as a result of the maintenance thereof as''so
constructed and/or improved.
On motion duly made by H. R. Imboden, seconded by
0. 0. Crowell, it was unanimously
RESOLUTION' RFC OLVED, that the Town Attorney be instructed to ~.
ENCROACHMENTproceed with the Toren Manager toward negotiations for any
PROBT ~ necessary encroachment agreements or right of way problems. ,
On motion cla.ly made by I. R. Carper, seconded by
OtNeal Amos, it was unanimously
AUTHORI2ATTON RESOLVED, that the Town proceed with the constructi4l~
WORK RAND. and relocation of necessary changes in water and sewer facilities
7 to 11 sts ~'or Randolph A~'grrue Wid®ning Project, betwe®n 7th Street and `~'
llth Street, and that s~ amount of Six Thousand One Hundred.
-Approp. ,'
06,100.00 )~`Dollare be appropriated from the ~Yater Fund, and
Four Hundred (~400:00)~ollars from the General Fund for wat9~~
- ~ ~ ;;
and sewer work, respectively, the actual work to start after~f
I ~.
Council~Minutes Contd. - Pulaski, Va., Feb. 21, 1950
Town Manager obtains definite assurance from the Virgi nia
- Department of Highways: that the wid®ning pro3ect will be
- undertaken this year.
On motion duly made by i~. D. Aust, seconded by
H. R. Imboden, it was unanimously
lac count'
A@dSus t.
RESOLVED, that a water account for Gulf Service
Station property owned by N. 0. Jackson, South Washington
Avenue, for the month of Ahzgust, 1949, at which time there
was a leak, which was not discovered until the bill was pre-
pared, be adjusted to allow forty (40~) percent to be dis-
counted from the excess amount of the bill over and above the
average charges normally paid, to be based on the amount of
charges for the previous six months.
The matter of the condition of the Town d~.mp
was discussed, and it was reported that the Town had attempted
to keep this in as good a condition as possiblg to comply with
the requirements of the Fire Warden so far as practicable.
It was further stated that it was impossible to comply tely
comply with all of the restrictions, such.as cleaning under-
growth, brush, etc. within a radius of 300 feet of any open
fire, or the placing of a guard on duty at all tames.
The Town Manager suggested that the Council
might instruct him as to any action that they desired to be
taken in this matter.
On motion duly made by H. R. Imboden, seconded
by I. R. Carper, it was unanimously
AMOCO SERVICE RESOLVED, that the reported faulty condition
-Batter of the gutter in front of the Amoco Service Station on South
cond. Washin ton Avenue be referred to the Town Mana
g ger for atten-
On motion duly made by I. R. Carper, seconded
by H. R. Imboden, it was unanimously
CALFEE PARK RESOLVED, that the south bleachers be repaired,
AUTHORIZED and a n®rr pr.otective netting be installed at Calf®e Park
and that an amount not to exceed Seven Hundred Fifty (~7~0.00'J~
Dollars be appropriated for this work.
On motion duly made by H. R, Imboden, seconded
by 0. 0. Crowell, it was unanimously
RES OLVID, that the Town have the fence around
Council Minutes Cont+d.
I."' ,~ i
Pulaski, Va. , Feb. 21, 19~ ` ~-~-~ '
Calfee Park painted, and that an amount of One Thousand Eigk~
Hundred 01,800,00 ~ Dollars be appropriated from the Genera],
Fund for this work.
WATER SERVICE There was discussed the possibility of installing ~;;
water service line to the du.gouts_ at Calfee Park, and also, the
ALS 0 : -
NORTH replacement of some of the north section of the bleachers wi~h a
BLEACHERS ermanent t
p ype., It was considered possible to defer repair3~g
of these bleachers for the present.
GENERAL There was some discussion concerning a nuYnber of maters
s pending before the General Assembly affecting municipalities and
1~dvised more particularly, the-proposed legislation on the problem a~
stream pollution required by the State Water Control Board Aft.
It was stated that a hearing would be held on a bill to prov.de
twenty-five (25~) percent of the cost of sewage treatment fa~ili-
ties by the State, Thursday, February 23, at 10 a.m., and a1~ o,
that there had been introduced a resolution requiring that
standards be s®t up by the S ate mater Control Board, and th~kt
sewage surveys be undertaken. It was considered that the TN~wn ,
should make every effort to support the related legislation ~s
far as considered desirab]e . ,.
There was discussed the desirability of change in tk~1
present fees paid the Council, and it. was decided that some ~.ction..
_ should be taken in this matter at an early date.
ADJOURNMENT_ The Council ad3ourned at 6:30 p.m.
..~ r~~z
T. F, in ~~
Yiee Mayor
Clerk of Council