HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-25-50d~v Council Minutes ~ Pulaski, Virginia, Xug. ~~, 19~b SPECIAL A sp® cial meeting of the Tae+n Council of the Tcmn of MEET INQ Pulaski, Virginia was; held in the Municipal Building at :k:00 p.m~~, ,, ~u.gus t ~5, 1950. PRESENT There wer® present: '' Mayor Marvin G. Graham, presiding Councilmen: O~Neal Amos, W. D. Aust, I.R. Carper, ' 0. 0. Crowell, A.R. Imbodea, W. F. Whi~e, T. F. Wirt. labs ant ; 0. R. Steger Also present; Town Manager: B. A. Beak Clerk: Verna L. Dalton Visitors: Martin Johnson, Ailey & 1lilson, Lynch~urg,Va.', WATERWORKS There .etas general discussion as to the various bids ~eceivt~c~ IMPROVEMENTS Por the water improvement project. Mr. Martin Johnson of Wiley ,Wilson, Consulting"Engineers, Lynchburg, Virginia, made recomman~ationa as to the acape ®f work to be undertaken siZti th® award of contra~t. On motion duly made by H. R. Imboden, seconded by T~ F. 1-irt, it was unanimously -Award RESOLVED, that the reccmm:endations of X`iley & 1Pilso~, of contr. engineers, for the award of contract on waterworks improvements ~e accepted, and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute contract with F. L. Showalter, Inc., Lynchburg, Virginia, for a ~ilter~ pleat as set forth under Proposal No. 1 of the specifications in~~the amount of X24?,718.Ff4, and for foundations and w star lines as se f forth in Proposal No. b for tank ~2 foundations and lines ~'3,Z56~~4, ~; less deduction for relocation of tank No. 1 -X1,300.00; for tank~~No. 3' foundations and lima ~16,45:~.06; tank No. 4, Item 1, foundation and lines ~4~846.40+; tank No. 4, Item 2, booster pumping station,~2,~?3.OQ; ~, Item 6, 16* raw water sla3s from Peak Creek X49,800.44; Item 7, C~nmterao ~5 Street line, ~'6~438.04; Item 8, Darden Spring line, X44,942.00; ~ess deductions for credit on combined g~ oposal, ~1,000.aQ; lean dedu~tie3n ~5 for filter plant p®rch roof, $2,346.40; less deduction #6 forf20 ~' fluorescent light fixtures, X575.00; making a total aontract t® '. L. Showalter, Inc. of ~3~,405.44. Not included in above is Item 3 Ch®stnut Alley connection, ~10,699.OE); Item 4, Madison Avenue conection X5,474.04; Item 5~ Baskerville & Pine gtreet connection, ~4„440.~0; making a total of X19,813.44'-not included in Pr©posal No. 5, i an additional aaaount to F. L. Showalter, Ina. to change Item No. 7,~ ~~ Commerce S't. line from 8* to 10~, at an estimated difference of x,211.20. 1`~~14 Council Minutes Contt d. Pulaski, Va., Aug. 25, 195A Be It Fhrthe r Resolved that a contract be awarded to Roberts Filter Manufacturing Company, l3arby, Permsylvanig~ far Proposal Ro. 2, less the filter equipment for the. 4th unit at a net contract of X123,760.00, and Be It Further Resolved that a contract b® awarded to Worthington Pump' and Machinery CArporation for Prop©sal Igo. 3 for pumps in the amount'oP 4,702.04, unless additional bids. are received by Wiley & Wilson from other pump manufacturers for a lesser amount, it being ordered that additional bids be obtained on this item in that only'one proposal was r®ceived; It is further ordered that a contract be awarded to Chicago Bridge & Iron Company for Proposal No• 4 for tanks to include Tank Ns. lA in lieu of Tank ~'o. 1, at a t®tal c©a- traat of X49,454.4®. T,he tet~al contract a~®unt to be ~b00~317.04, plus the additional change in the. siZe~ of this Commerce Street line at an estimated amount of $2~211.2~; It Is Further Resolved that an amount be provided for the pro~eat to cover Resident L~ngineer~s inapecti®n,~6,fi00.©d'; and that th® f3rm of Wiley & Wila®n to provide from their forces the Resident Inspector; plans and specifications for the new work as prepared by Wiley & Wilson not inaludingthe redesign to filter plant but" .including additional water line~a : ~7, 348.00; General ' ~ supervision on the amount of work awarded as provided in original contract with Wiley & Wilson, at the rate of 1-1/2~ less ad~ustements~for previous payments: $7,5E~?.00; For con- tingencies and change orders, ~1fl,C100.00; making a total pro3ect cost of X533,376.20, and ' - It is Further Resolved that the Town Manager and the Town ~.ttorA.ey ;r ©aeed to obtain the necessary tank sites and any additional Right=of-way necessary for the plant. The Council ad~ourne d at 3:37 p.m. Approved: ' 'Attest: Clerk of Council