HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-02-41334 Council Minutes Pulp.ski, Va., December ~=., 1941 The Council of the To~rrn of I-'uLaski met in monthly session tonight at 7 : ~.0 ut the ::~4~;;Tor' .~ of`.`ice. PRESEiVT T'_aere ~~eri: present: =~~la~~Tor I'. ~k. Calfee, ~resiairlg; Lottie n. ~~:union, clerk; r . ~~. G~ tF: ~?+ooa., director oi` public ~..orks, and Cou_ncilrtien: t=. '~,. Eskri~= e, `I. J. :~G.lln~r, L. E. ';,~itesell, J. E. aunts a-_n~' T . L. T~ ..~.es. ~.bsent: =~. :,-. Lusr~ons, r. r~. Mail ,.nd r. ~.. Se:;,~le. 1!~iIidUTES Tho minutes of the r~~ul~:r nEeting held on November 11th T.~~ere r~~~d and approved. ,. The regular bills :end payroll s for the month of rIL.~S 8c PI~YP~CLLS ?.r,ovenjner ~r:ere a.ud-itod, approved anc or,~ ered pGid. r.id bills are ~_iven at the conclusion of these }ninutes. DUILDING The follo~.~ing ~,uilding per~.~it s, co.nin* ,ithin the PFRid~ITS r~,quirer~ents of tn~: ordin~?nce, .~~erE granted: To y'~'. ='~?. R Lucy J. rust for a one-stor~T cinder block dwelling on the TNest side of Ne~a~:~bern Ro~-d , to cost '1 X00.00; N. 0. Jackson for additior_ of one a~artmeht on sECOn~ floor'of filling Stat$on on South if,~ashington 1?ve., ~_aterial cinder block, and slate surf~lce shingles, to cost ~'F00.00. P:~;TITION ~ petition presented by citizens residing on a.nd PAVE ST. S. ~T6T. adjacent to Pine Street, S. ~d°~'., requesting th~:.t Pine St. be opened, and the install~.tion of se~~rer line on sa:r~e from iartin ~'_ve. North to the junction cf First St. North, ~r~as referred to the street committee for investig~..tion and report. f s~'-.•_ri ~ s ~n rnot~icn duly made, secondFd and unani~~~ously passed, ~. , ~ i_,Y f-:JL tl~. ~i ire...~tn" s . ~ lsy ~-•~~~.s increased from X4.00 to Y;F.00 per month, of r'~.~tive December 1st, 1941. PURCHASE On motion duly made, secondFd and unani_rcously passed, LII~'STONE the idiayor ~,~ras authorized to ~urch~i,: e 10,000 tons of limestone at 25¢ per ton. X35 Council minutes Cont td. Pula:''~i, V~~. Dec. ~, 1941 ONE-HOUR Pursuant to the action of the Council at its regular P ~~.RKITdG ~. OHDIN~=I~TCE meeting o~1 October 7, 1941, directl_n;~ by ~u<.:rjority vote a one-hour parkin?: ordinance on cert~ in streets, the follo:x~in~ ordinance dr~~.fted by the iayor ;tir«s adopted: AN ORDINANCE FIXIVG TIiv~E P!hT~II~G LI"1~~IT ON CERT~;IIV STREITS t~.NU ~VENUI-~.S I1J TI-AI~, TOy',i~ OF PUL!"LLSKI,~?ND PRO~jI ~ SING P~'1~?r'~LTY 'OR '1'Hi ~TIOLf.T L7N 'THi RF'OIi'. 1. BE I'?' ORDri11ED by the Council of the TouTn of Pulaski that it shall be unlaF~ful ~ or any person, firm or corporc,tion to pork any automobile, truck, vehicle or other conveyance betv4ieen the hours of 8:00 ~,. f~~. and. 7:00 p. I~,2., in any one place for a longer period. than one hour, on t;~e fo11o4-aing streets a.nd avenues: i4~ashinaton Fvenue fror_n First Street, North to 'third Street, North. Jefferson Avenue fro~a First Street, North to Third Street, North. Second Street, North frorr~ :aadison c~~Tenue to Jef?erson hvenue. 2. THIS ordinance shall not ~e in force on Sundays, or Nation~7.~ State or local holidays. 3. ANY person, firm or corpo~,~-t.ion violating' this ordinance shall be fined not less t~z=~n One 01.00) Dollar nor ~~-<ore than Five 05.00) Do11~~.rs, nd each viol4tion therel~f 1 shall constitute a separG.te offense. " 4. THISordinance shall be in full force and effect on and after the 15th day of December, 1941. kDJOURN- There being no further business, tine Council adjourned; Iu=ENT a t 8 :15 P . .~.. rttest ___- ~ ~ App saved : Cler?2 of Council Mayor. .~.~,~ 336 Council Minutes Cont-d. Pu7_uski, V~^., Dec. 2, 1941 ~dr~iinistr•~tticn Dep~-rtmE~nt E. '~"d. C~wlfee, j~ayor - - - - - - - = 100.00 C. `~'~. Bushansr, Tre_ surer - - - - ---- x;00.00 Lottie ~~. Runi~.n, Clerk 2c Stenos°z'u ',c~~' 100.00 ~,. ~~'~'. G~ tetarood, Dir :~ctar ?ub.'~.ks. --- x,50 00 i~_.: g~ ie Poindexter, J_---iitor- - - -- - - 10.00 'l;'~lt.er Cockerh~~m, Fireman - - - - - - 4.00 Yo'an~, Typev~~riter Co. - - - - - - - -- 8. ~-5 F'. P 'd'e111t~~.n, Pastiiici.JtGr - - - - - - 50.00 J. J.~.'ilkerson - - - - - - -- - -- - - 1.55 Va. .~lutu~l Insur~.nce ~.~_ er_cy - - - - - 14.05 B. D. S:~itn ~c Lros. - - - - - - - - -- ' ~;. 15 Dit~-o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - ~. ~;5 L~ittc - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -. _ _ ~.<<~_ ritta - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . ~ 0 Pulp .~~%i ~'ri~~t:i_~ C; -- - - - - - - - l~'.75 C-~rititi-_nsr-urg C'_..rinin~ Co._ _ _ _ __. _e ~;.7Q .:~rtin-Be~` crier ~~~Ard~•,~ re Co. - - - - --- 7.75 ~~ X319.57 ~;. C. Jt:c.~~so.~., aunt. - - - - - - - -.. 175.00 ""~- nip e=~'7it~', C~ rct ~ ker _ _ - - - - _ 50. `?0 _~c:.rr. i~o~i-i~~ncac'_~ "7~•rd:~:~ re Co.- - - - 197.1-~: "1.<u~er .'rGss --_'~. Co. - -- - _- -- - - 1~,~'.15 ~~itto - _ _ - _ .. - - - _ _. - _ _ - - E.00 miue•:~;ter Sunpl~tir Co. - - - - - - - - 7.x:0 Lino - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- x,.90 Ni. ~. Skinner - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ -_ 35. z;6 i'rei~ht - - _ - - _ -- _ _ _ _ _ __ 5.1.5 _._,. to-: ~~ .~ s'Jn r_1ii~, 1..1 i. ~:orks __ .... ._ .._ .... ._ ~ r.1 ~c~l~.c~~~u n ~l, ctrlc Da.~pr r'O. _ _ ~~d.~c + L r+ C ` Tl -itto - - - - -- - - _ - - _- - - - - -- 9.97 ,,,, r. '_'. ..nitm~.~._i, Post.: :ter.- - - - ~- - 1<~..00 .:o:zt~,._st _:i~~tor C'o. - - - - - - - - - 4.75 r 7 ~.: 1, ~9'. ti Str~F~'- nF r~..rent ~.=..;~r i~.oto.r Ccr-~ . - - - - - - _ _ - ar .10 i~.rl.'i~Jn-=`.:''CJC'': '~~.r,a,_y.~r°~, CO. - - - 1.~~ ~t n- rd Ji.~ Co. - - - - - - _ - -- 5.60 nu_lf Oil ~'or~:,, - _ _ _ ._ _. _ _ _ _ 3;,14 ~Oa}'lt~' Off' Pul«~'-1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~`~ c. a..OQ ~Iarris _;otor Co. _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ ___ .60 .4. p:a1.~; s__:i Lvlnber C;o. - - _ _ _ _ _ _- 1. ~4 "i=*n_ 1 Service CJr?J. - - - -- - - -- 70.0' F-ra:.~t .,ervice S1: ti ~n _ _ ._ _ _ _ _ 1.50 Fxs,re:;s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x.45 Froi~~ t -~ .. - -- _ _ _ _ _ _ o'~ I -- _ ~' 44 ~ . .o~zt~.-.;~_ct _.~otor Ca.- - - - - - - - '~.~0 ritto - - - _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ . ~o - _ _ _ P,~~ : r i .;.ot'or Ca Tyr- 5~ - _ , . . , °o~.ith~;. Jst ia:ator Co. - -- - - -- - . -- 1. 0 7~~5. ~3 Fi~-•.- ?~~~~~_.rtLrent <'.. to :-~y,~~.1, Chief - - - _ _ _ _ - 100.00 .''_p~r~pri _~tion - - - - - - - - - -- ~Q.00 Pub _ ski H~,.r~?T^,:-rE C`a. - - - - - - - 1.90 ';Tsor Motor CorP._ - - - - - - - - .70 162.60 [1 G ~~ -/ Go:al.ciL l~iir_ut~s Cort~~~. Pui.~ ski, ., rec. ~, 1~~41 Li_- ,t r~e~~. rt:rient 1 1-.~r':-l~_C~11u~. r1C'Ctr1C ~'p,-"I, ~O - - - __ - ~. D~±~` J - - - - - _ - - - __ - - - - - -- 51.7.x7 l~?,~4 0.? 57.97 ~'~.~~ C0.~0 nJl1C'E:' J~1 .. Z' ~..:f.'.It ~1 r ; ,_, , '-'::r1. ..-~ul ~ln , ~cr_ .zit -_ ._ _ _ _ -_ _. T '~ T'~ _ _ - _ _ __ %r-ace =Talton - _ _ ~ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -- Fred 1~j. nyan - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ r _ Frea ;50 ~ - - - _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ - _ _- y 1.. . ' ';, ,` r1 -.:i , lam' E..~i :L .~ .~~' ~ .. .J .. iZ t - -. _. _. __ _- _. ~,~ ,, r~ -. f~ ~ y -. - _. ._ - ,- .... _ _. _ _ - _ __ r ~ 1'~l '~-,,~ 1', - _ ,_ '~. t t o - _ _ _ - _ _ -- _ _ - _ -- _ _ -_ _ _ nor ~-~~t tit~~-;t Ii --~~~--- :e~'~+.. i+to - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ __ J_ ~ or~~ Co. , ln~ . - - - - - - - -- -- Ditto - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _. _ __ Ditto - - -- - _ - - _ _- _ _ _ - _ __ - ._ rti~_i-Be ii1Cr ~~?r:i~.'~r re C,~, _ _ _ _ __. '.u~ i Coy: l Co . - _ _ _ - _ _ _ -- _ _ __, ,-, S~,nit~ rv 3e•, ~sr : •s-t~,} eons Sul' Si~l LLiCIlb^r CU. - - _ ._ _ _ _ _ - _ T i I'1 ~:7T?-t~~iYiCOCif 1~~ruG~--' r? CO. - - _ _ _ T~u~' `' Go ~-1 Co . - -- - - - - - - - - - - - Gulf Oil Corgi.- _ _ ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,-. gulf 0•x.1 Corp._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ l.t'~ ,'St r,--.nn r n ~.~ . ~V 1:5.00 1,5.00 1',:~ .00 1;., ~ ..~ 1'~" . 00 ~'~ . 7." . ~'7''^C~~ ~•~V 3.~0 1.. ~'~ . _ ~ ~~ Q i 7.1~. ... ~, c~~~r ;. ~l ~ g~, r . c` 'J 7 . F= 9 ry1.00 . ~4 6:°.14 1.75 70.94 7;:~ . 5 6 70 . ': E. ~4 10 . =:0 1, 57<. `3 96`;.49 `3F.E1 FjE.~. 46 9.43 50.55 ~F0 . ~;~` F, . 90 E.lE E.~u `~. 1. , 4.17. ~,~.', 1:.50 ; ~. µ 1,.50 1 - I~!t er F st cou ion, StrE. et Iiirnro~t~ _yen ,, ~oLz~~s, ~:,_tea February 1, 1915 - -- ~~ 338 ~ourrcil =~'iinutes Cont. P~~Yr'~LL~ ~~'~ater Dep,wrtrr1ent P~al~ ;ki, fit.:. , Dec . ~ , 1941 Libor r~~~yroll ~aee~ erldin_~ i~ot7. 1G - - - - ~` F~11_.~0 x'646.70 Sanity r~T ,~e~+~,,er i=~.x.tensiorrs Lsbor p~:Z-ro11e ~~~~eeT nn ping Nov. 14 - - -- 91~ . ~0 n `~+ n tr Nov. ;-~1 - - -- 976.80 " „ '+ " *dov. ~ 3 - - -- 810.00 700.00 Pern~~_.~~ nt Street IIn1JrOG ~= vents L<<bor pa~,-ro11 weer ending l~ov. 1~ - - -- - 3~6. 5 it it n ti wov. ,`-;l - - - - 27.50 lr ,~ ~~ ga 85 tr ~ O.v . 8 - - - - 858.70 Health Den.~rtrnent Labor p~.yroll T~reek ending i~ov. if - - - - .119.00 n tt " t+ Nov. ~,1---- 118.00 n tt tr " TTov. ~ 8 - - - - 108.50 345.50 Police Depart:~ent Labor pa.~rroll ~daeet ending ?!~sv. 14 - - - - 9.67 rl S it it ~'uov. ~-l - - - - 6.00 Fire Dep~rtrnent PaTrroll for month ending Nov. ~ 0, for responding to alar..ns - - - - - - - -- - 110.00 15.67 P~ yroll for month ending Nov. c 0 , i or attenuance at meetin?~s w sc'_lools - - - - x;8.00 1.8.00 REC~~PITULt~TION administration Department - - - - - - ~'. 519.57 'la.ter Dep~~rtrnent - - - - - - - -- - -- 1,39G.7 Street Department - - - - - - - - - - 735.82 Fire ~ep~~rtment - - - - - - - - - -- - 162.60 Li~^11t Department - - - - - - - - - -- 557.97 Oak~raood Cemetery - - - - - - - - - -- 60.00 Police Department - - - - - - - - - - 1, 576.58 Permanent Street Imorovements - - - - 962.~~9 Sunitar;~ Sey=ter F'xtcnsions - - - - - - 1,417.32 Into=rest - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 1w.50 PatTrolls : _ ° 7, 697.62 -~ 'eater Departent - - - - - - - - - - 646.70 Sanitay Se~~:~er F_ tensions - - - - - - - 2,700.00 Per~_~anE~nt Street Irr~c~rove-vents - - -- 858.70 Health Department - - - - - - - - -- `45.50 Police Denartrr~Ent - - - - - - - - -- 15.67 Fire Department - - - - - - - - - -- 138.00 4,704.57 e~ '~ 1;,402.19 1 i