HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-17-41 (2),' 339 Council ~~iinutes P,zl.~;ski, V:._., Dec. 17, 1941 The Council met in special se: sion at 3:00 P ';i, SPECIAL . , ~ET'TING Dece.l~er 17, 1941, s t the j4.ayor ~ s o=.: Tice. PRESENT 't`here were present Mayor r,. ;. . Ca.l f'ee, presiding, Lottie it. t~union, Clerk, and Counci,_ men: i-. T.Eskrid~e L. E.~~'hitesell, J. ~'. Bunts, G. C. ~ ~11, , T. L. JaYres end F'. .-. Se~.~,le. rbsent ~~. ~~i. Bush~:~n~~ Inc;; T . J. i','allner. FAIR The ~a.y t,r st:- ted tli-: t the nur Dios e o ~ the irieetin~ v~~~ s tb COi~iTITTEEne~".r l~jr. Bruce ~,. ivIelvin of the Office of Price Adlninistr~tit~n relative to the appointment of a F:=_ir Rent Colnii~itteez i~lr. Kelvin explained to the Co,ancil th~.t the National authorities desired the appointment of a Fair Rent Com!nittee'~~ in vies°~ of the fact thGt Pulp ski is loci ted in a vit~~l Defense area. After full discussion, it was decided that it ~nrould be more feasible to h=_ve t^.e con!inittee county-elide instead o~ ap~lyin,g to the Tov~m, only. On motion of A. T. Es'_~rid~e, seconded by F. A. Se~~al~, and unanimously passed, the ~<yor ~r~~:s authorized to appoint a committee of three citizens of the Town of Pulaski to servo on a County committee with other mei.bers to be appointed by the Board of Supervisors. ORDINANCE The~ayor pres~nt~d the follo:Aring ordins.nce, =T~~hich N'_TIONAL DEF'Fi1SE he stated had been sent to him at t~2e instance of the State Pr?OGR~.PlI Council of Defense, re~~uesting the t said ordi'~ance be adopted by all of the towns and cities in t~ze State, in connection with the National Defense program: AiQ OP~DINANCE I~LATING TO THE N1~.TIONAL DEFENSE; AUTO-iORIZING TH?~ ~U~xYOR TO PROCLL'_IM RTJLE;~ AND R~GULf~TIONS PERTAINING TO PLANS FOR PROTF,CTION FRO~~ AIR RAIDS, AND Ei~'.ERGEN~Y PLANS FOR THE PROT%CTI0~1 0T' PUBLIC PEACE, HEALTH, ' AND SAF'ZTY s~JHENEVE'R A ST!zTE OF ~J'~r.R EXISTS BETu~'EEN TAE UNITED STATES AND ANY FOREIGN COUNTRY OR NATION, ~N~ TRIAL TESTS OF SUCH PLANS; RU HORIZING THE ~^PPOINT- .~ENT OF A COORDINATOR OF VOLUNTEER Ev~rRGFi~TCY SERVIC~; DEFINING OFFENSES, AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES. BE IT ORDkINED by the Council of the Town of Pulaski, as ~j fol_lovas: ., (inn+l ~^ ~4U Council minutes Cont. Pulaski, Va.. Dec. 17, 1941 SECTION 1. THE VAYOR is hereby authorized and directed, whenever a state of war exists betv~een the United Mates and any foreign country or nation, to proclaim and publish rules and regulations, :which shall h~;ve the full force and effect of law, for the conduct and cooperation of persons, firms, corporations and Ggencies. Such rules and regulations may include bl~.ck out, light up, or lighting distribution rearrangement, including the intensity and distribution of all street, residential, com~7~ercial and other lighting. such rules and regulations may further include those effecting fire, police, health, highs=rays end the general protection of th.e public, and may rewire drills and practice exercises. The Llayor may rec~~uire any inhabitant or any organization oi' the Town to aid in enforcing such rules and regulations. The ~~iayor may also renuest assistance from organizations such as the Regional Defense Council, the Red Cross, the Virginia Protective Force and other local, State, and National Organiz~:.tions. SECTION 2. THE mkYOR ma.y act as Coordinator of Volunteer Emergency Service. The said Coors: inator sh~;.ll direct the prep~.xation and execution of disaster plans and volunteer emergency services in cooperation with the P~e~iona.l and the Sty to Defense Council. SECTION ~,. Special lig'r_ting of an er_.lergency na-tare, such a.s a black out, light uo, lighting distribution reerrange- ment," or change in gener~..l ig'rztir~ intensity s_~~311 be ~l~.ced in effect upon receipt of an ord= r t'.'?:=~t such action is necess~~.ry or desir~~'~le, from the Governor or the district yarning center to the i;ga,yor, Coordinator of Volunteer Emergency Services or ChiFf Control Officer. ' SECTION 4. It sh~:ll ~%e unlav~iful to refuse or neglect to obey any such rubs and regulations as proclaimed by the ~,iayor, or to refuse or to neglect to obey any artier of tHP i~.!iavnr 1r rnnnPCt7_nn thPrP~ it,'~, or. anv C`:11 m2de (cunt) ~, ~i41 1 1 1 f, ~~ T~U~~I_ i;1 T'^1T Council iuIirutes Cont. Pulp:ski, V,:.., Dec. 1'7, 1941 upon a.ny person, firm, corpora tion r.~d ~,.~,Fncy for aid in enforcing the sup=.e. SECTION 5. This ordinance s~~.~=11 constitute an exercise by the To~Frn of its goti~ern-t~~-nt=-1 functions for the protection of the pu~~lic ne~;ce, ~e~t:.th gnu s.fety, end neit.Lier the O~.n nor ~..ny person, fi_"1, cor~c.~-~ :..tion or a.~ency r~:s~ondin~ to t.~.e re~ful=~t.ion:. la..~;fuily r~rocl~,imed and ~~ut-fished by the ~~c~yor, or calf d upon to a4 sist in enforcing the ~...~_~, sh:,11 be lip _~le in ~ suit of d~.r_._ ^es in connection there~:~ith. SECTICI~1 C. Viol~~tia7 of or .~~:.ilure to cors:ply ~r.~ith any of the rrovisicns of t'r~is oru.in~.~~cE or of the rules and rea~~l~-tiaras i~rocla.imed by the !:.ayor in ccnnFCtion there~~::rith sr~~.11 be deer_ie~~ s. rnisder~e~;.nor end s;~ = 11 be cunish~~ le by a fine not exceedir~~ Three II}u~dr _~d Do=. y.` r;~ (';: 0~.~?~'~) or try llXirlsOnrIlent not eXCEeCiln~' nirlt:ty ~~ .~~ iit_.~;~:, or ry ~',Ot~'1 In t ~~, discretion of the c~~urt or fur- i ru-yr~~ the c~,:;e. SECTION 7. I',.zi. or~.in~:~~cE :,h~=il be in ~~orce fro.~l its passe-ge. There tieing no f~urtl_er bw.~:.~:.>, t~ze Council U.d~ournr. at 4:00 P . 1~,_ . fittest: /~ /7 C1e_~ Council.