HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-17-88May 17, 1988 8369
Minutes of the .regular meeting of the Pulaski Town Council held Niay 17, 1988,. at
7:00 p.m. in the. Council Chambers in the. Municipal Building.
There were present: .Mayor .Gary C. Hancock, presiding
Council .Members: John. A. Johnston, Robert N. Glenn, Andrew L. Graham,
.James R. .Neighbors, W. H. Schrader, Jr., Ira S. Crawford,
.Mary Lou Copenhaver, James M. Neblett
Also Present: Frank Terwilliger, Town Attorney
.Daniel E. McKeever, Town .Manager
Anne Burgess, Assistant Town Manager
Ruth A. .Harrell, Clerk
Visitors: Mike Williams and Betsey Thomas of the news media
Andy McCready
.Dan Grubb
.Jack -Leahy
J. R. Schrader
The. invocation .was given by Councilman Neblett.
Minutes of the .May 3, 1988, .meeting .were approved as submitted on motion .made
by Councilman Neblett, seconded by Councilman Glenn and carried.
DONATIONS Mr. .Dan Grubb addressed Council .requesting that $2,500 funding be reviewed for
the YMCA. Mr. Grubb reviewed their objectives for the coming .year. As the YMCA
is an asset to the community, he requested Council consider this funding during their
budget work .sessions.
As there .were no further comments from the. public, .Mayor .Hancock .called for
Council Committee .Reports.
Chairman Johnston advised that Peppers Ferry had me~He also advised that a letter
to Charlie .Maus .had .been distributed from .Kevin Murray, who is overseeing the repairs
to Pump Station 4A. The .letter listed a schedule of tasks to be completed which
are on time. .Warranties and certifications are being .maintained.
Chairman Neblett had no .report.
TOWN Chairman Neighbors moved that Town owned property, .tax number 32-071-0117-0000-
032, 26 Fayette Street, be .declared as surplus property and advertised for sale with
the Town reserving its right to reject any and all submitted bids. Motion seconded
by Councilman Schrader and .carried on the following .recorded vote:
John A. Johnston - Aye .James R. Neighbors - Aye
Robert N. Glenn - Aye W. H. Schrader, Jr. - Aye
Andrew L. Graham - Aye Ira S. Crawford - Aye
.James M. Neblett - Aye Mary Lou Copenhaver - Aye
Chairman Crawford .had no .report.
Chairperson Copenhaver .had no xeport, however, requested an Ordinance Committee
Meeting for Tuesday, .May 24, at 4:30 p.m.
.Mayor .Hancock advised that Council .had discussed a need for a retreat to do
COUNCIL some long .range planning. It .was felt this retreat should be held in July or August.
Town .Manager and Assistant .Manager to .determine suggested retreat coordinator, agenda,
date and place for this retreat and bring their suggestions .back to Council.
Mr. Terwilliger .had no xeport.
Mr. McKeever distributed .letter from New River Resource Authority regarding
a meeting to be held May 18, 1988, 7:00 p.m. At this meeting, elected officials
will be briefed on the work of the NRRA to date, discuss the status of the effort
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to find a temporary landfill and to .seek input and direction from the participants.
He. baated~ a report from the. Planning Commission had been destribed concerning
their .recent activities. The Planning Commission will .make a monthly .report to keep
Council informed of their activities.
Mr. McKeever advised the. Virginia Division of Historic .Landmarks .has a round
of grant funding available only for Certified Local Governments. The Town, being
a .Certified Local Government, is eligible. Mr. McKeever recommended that the Town
ap~1y for a $4,500 grant which will be .matched with "in'kind" Town services. The
grant would fund the. printing of the residential historic district design guideli
currently being developed with the Division of Historic .Landmarks 1987 grant.
Councilman Neblett .made a motion that the. Town .Manager be authorized to apply
for this $4,500 grant, seconded by Councilman Glenn and carried.
Mr. McKeever presented a resolution regarding the Litter Control grant and desig-
nating the Town's share of money to Pulaski County.
Councilperson Copenhaver made a motion that reading of the resolution be wavied,
seconded by Councilman Neblett and carried.
Councilperson Copenhaver made a motion that .resolution be adopted, seconded
by Councilman Neblett and .carried on the following recorded vote:
John A. Johnston - Aye
Robert N. Glenn - Aye
Andrew L. Graham - Aye
James M. Neblett - Aye
WHEREAS, the. Town of Pulaski recognizes the. existence of a litter problem
within the boundaries of the. town of Pulaski, and
James R. Neighbors - Aye
W. H. Schrader, Jr. - Aye
Ira S. Crawford - Aye
Mary Lou Copenhaver - Aye
WHEREAS, the. Virginia Litter Control Act of 1976 provides, through the
.Department of Waste Management, Division of Litter Control and Recycling, for
the allocation of public funds in the form of grants for the purpose of enhancing
local litter control programs, and
WHEREAS .having xeviewed and considered the .Regulations and the Application
covering administration and use of .said funds
BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Pulaski:
Hereby endorses and supports such a program for the. County of Pulaski, and
.Hereby expresses the intent to combine with the County of Pulaski and the
Town of Dublin in a mutually agreed upon and cooperative Program, .part of which
provides litter .awareness training for the Town of Pulaski Police Department and
is contingent on approval of the Application by the .Department of Waste .Management,
Division of Litter Control and Recycling, and cb.ntingent;;on receipt of funds, and
Hereby authorizes the Pulaski County Clean Communtty Council to apply on
behalf of all of the above .named Localities for a Grant, and to be responsible
for the administration, implementation, and completion of the Program as it is
described in the attached Application Form LC-G-1, and
Furhhere accepts responsibility jointly with the Pulaski County Clean
Community Council and the County of Pulaski and the Town of Dublin for all phases
of the Program, and
Further accepts liability for its pro rata share of any funds not properly
used or accounted for pursuant to the Regualtions and the Application, and
That .said funds, when .received, will be transferred immediately to the
Pulaski County Clean Community Council by the Department. All funds will be
used in the Cooperative Program to which we give our endorsement and support..
Hereby .requests the Department of .Waste .Management, Division of Litter
Control, to consider and approve the Application and Program, .said Program
being in accord with .Regulations governing use and expenditure of said funds.
Thsi Resolution is effective upon adoption and is adopted this 17th .day
of May, 1988, by unanimous vote of the. Town Council.
May 17, 1988 8371
Mr. McKeever distribut~d_~. information concerning the VML's elected officials
weekend to be .held in Roanoke.
Mr. McKeever advised the first bond project had been completed which .was the
.Mashburn Ave. .water line.
Mr. McKeever stated that bids would be opened on the water plant expansion on
.May 26, at 2:00 p.m. on the first two contracts, .water line and pump station.
FILTER Mr. McKeever stated that as apart of our .water treatment glant expansion, and
EXP. the. contract that involves .laying the new line from the plant to the .Bertha Street
tank, a permit from the Virginia .Marine .Resources Commission must be obtained at
a cost of $100 to cross the. creek. There is an annual occupancy charge of $65
but the General Assembly is reviewing this and it is not .payable at this time. General
Assembly representative should be written asking that they vote against an annual
occupancy fee.
Councilman .Neighbors so moved that authorization be given to sign permit and
send it .back with $l00 permit fee, seconded by Councilman Schrader and .carried.
Mayor .Hancock advised that ~n the .matter of Mr. Wallace's parking complaint,
if agreeable with Council, Town Attorney would prepare a letter and this would be
discussed in Ordinance Committee and a response prepared for Mr. ,Wallace.
Mr. McKeever advised that one .permit needed to be obtained before creek cleaning
is put out to bid. Town Attorney is .determining who should obtain this permit.
RT. 611 Mr. McKeever advised that Engineering .had .reviewed speed limit on 611 and found
that speed limit now posted is appropriate.
STREETS In the matter of-the State .taking .Bainbridge Subdivision into the street system,
they .have rejected these streets, however, stated they would accept the decision
of the Christiansburg office. A meeting will be scheduled with the officials from
Christiansburg regarding the .Bainbridge Subdivision roads.
At 7:30 p.m. Councilman Neblett made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Councilman
Schrader and carried.
A~~~2 VED
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Clerk of Council