HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-05-86August 5, 1986 ~'~~~
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Pulaski Town Council held August 5, 1986, at
4:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers in the Municipal Building.
There were present: Vice Mayor James R. Neighbors, presiding
Councilmembers: John A. Johnston, Robert N. Glenn, James M. Neblett,
Andrew L. Graham, W. H. Schrader, Ira S. Crawford,
Mary Lou Copenhaver
Also present: Frank Terwilliger, Town Attorney
D. E. McKeever, Town Manager
Anne Burgess, Assistant to the Town Manager
Ruth A. Harrell, Clerk
Visitors: Dee Lindsey and Pierre Thomas of the News Media
John Lindop
Jacob Blevins
Nancy Sexton
Joe_ Weddle
Ralph Grubb
Mrs. Patrick O'Dell
Mrs. Beverly Ratcliffe
John Hawley
Eleven area citizens
The invocation was given by Councilman Glenn.
Councilman Neblett moved that the minutes of the regular. meeting of July 15, 1986,
and the minutes of the special meeting of July 22, 1986, be approved as submitted,
seconded by Councilman Glenn and carried.
REZONING In hearing from the public, Mr. John Lindop, Horne Properties, Inc., advised
REQUEST Council that they had resubmitted their letter of application for re-zoning on the
property on Memorial Drive due to the increased inquiries they have been receiving
from major clients. They are requesting the property be zoned to permit the constructio
of a shopping center of approximately 190,000 sq. ft.
Mr. McKeever stated the Planning Commission had been polled and they have agreed
to hold a joint public hearing on this re-zoning request on August 26, 1986, 7:00 p.m.
at the Pulaski Middle School.
PUBLIC Councilman Neblett moved that public hearing be scheduled for August 26, 1986, at
SCH. 7:00 p.m. to be held jointly with the Planning Commission, seconded by Councilmen Crawfor
and carried.
Mr. Jacob Blevins, Dora Highway, addressed Council with his concerns regarding the
flooding of Peak Creek and questioned when the creek would be widened behind hip home.
PEAK Mr. McKeever advised the widening of Peak Creek is a part of the bond issue that
is currently understudy by the Finance Committee. Councilman Johnston stated this was
a good time of year to do this workCreek will continue to flood until it is widened
to 100 f t. to Route 99.
Mr. McKeever advised the problem will be studied to see what can be done by widening
north side of creek to see if this alleviates the problem. Permits would have to be
obtained from the State Water Control Board and the Corps of Engineers.
As there were no further comments from the public, Vice Mayor Neighbors called for
Council Committee reports.
Chairman Johnston had no report.
Chairman Neblett stated in reference to a petition received on June 17, 1986, the
Council wishes to make the following statement:
MANAGER The issues raised in the petition were policy decisions made by the Council after
reviewing information submitted by the Town Manager. These were decisions
appropriately made by the Town Council. The Town Manager has not and does 'not
operate independently of Council. We recognize the right of citizens
~~~ August 5, 1986
to petition the Council but believe this petiion is without merit.
The Council believes Town Manager, Dan McKeever, to be well qualified for the
position and reinterates its continued unanimous support.
Chairman Neighbors advised committee had met July 30, 1986. A copy of resolution
supporting Habitat for Humanity as adopted by the Housing Authrity was distributed.
Habitat for Humanity has requested the Town donate vacant Town owned property located
FOR on Newbern Road for this project. Habitat builds homes for low income persons with
HUMANITY interest free loans. Committee was informed these houses are well received in resid ial
PROITIECT neighborhoods, and this project will be the first in the area.
Chairman Neighbors made a motion that the Town Manager be authorized to advertise
Town Council's intention to donate this property to Habitat for Humanity, seconded by
Councilman Glenn and carried.
Committee also discussed the E911 Telephone Emergency Call System. Literature is
available and this subject to be brought back to full Council at a later date.
Still understudy in committee is elimination of one-way traffic on downtown streets
.and the fountain for Jackson Park.
Committee reviewed the problem of County residents bringing in trash and garbage
and placing it in privately rented dumpsters or on highways. Committee is still
reviewing the problem and it was suggested finding a 100 x100 ft. lot where it would
not be an obstruction to the neighborhood, fence, the placement of 10 dumpsters and a
shed and then having residents bring garbage to this location. Town would build the
area and the County would pick up and carry to their landfill.
LANDFILL Chairman Neighbors advised the Town's landfill was officially closed as of July
Chairman Crawford advised committee had met on July 30, 1986. Committee discussed
writing off bad debts.
Chairman Crawford moved that the following current. bad debts for utility service
WRITE OFF be written off as uncollectable: Water Fund $932.6$; Sewer Fund $1,354.01, and (Rufuse
Disposal) General Fund $809.47 for a total of $3,096.16. Further moved that the Treasurer
is hereby directed to continue his efforts to collect all sums still due on Water,
Sewer, and Refuse Disposal balances due, seconded by Councilman Glenn and carried
on the following recorded vote:
John A. Johnston - Aye James R. Neighbors - Aye
Robert N. Glenn - Aye W. H. Schrader - Aye
Andrew L. Graham - Aye Ira S. Crawford - Aye
James M. Neblett - Aye Mary Lou Copenhaver -Aye
Committee also discussed the services the Town is providing and the fact that
cost of service does not cover expenditure of these services. Currently the Town
charges $5.00 to turn water back on after it has been cut off for non-payment.
SERVICE Committee recommended this fee be raised to $15.00. Also at present we charge $2.00
FEES TO just to turn on water between 8:30-3:00 and $5.00 after 3:00 p.m. Committee felt
it more in line to raise charge to $5.00 between 8:30 and 3:00 and $10.00 after
3:00 p.m. Committee also reviewed the suggestion to charge $2.00 for duplicate
water card, however, the Finance Committee did not agree to this charge.
Chairman Crawford advised that currently we do not charge for testing water
meters and will continue to investigate this further.
At present, Town does not make a charge on returned checks and recommended
we charge $10.00 on each returned check.
Chairman Crawford moved that the Town Attorney be authorized to reflect changes
in the appropriate ordinances to increase cut-ons for non payment from $5.00 to
$15.00; increase fees for regular cut-ons from $2.00 to $5.00 between 8:30 a.m.
August 5, 1986 ~ ~~~
and 3:00 p.m. and $10.00 after 3:00 p.m., and also add a $10.00 return check charge.
Motion seconded by Councilman Glenn and carried on the following recorded vote:
John A. Johnston - Aye
Robert N. Glenn - Aye
Andrew L. Graham - Aye
James M. Neblett - Aye
James R. Neighbors - Aye
W. H. Schrader - Aye
Ira S. Crawford - Aye
Mary Lou Copenhaver -Aye
Chairman Crawford advised Council that Town Administration is moving forward
with our insurance consultant's report and are working with the local agencies in
trying to get the additional coverages that we need. The insurance situation for
local governments is getting a little better.
Chairman Crawford advised we have numerous water meters that are not working
WATER and suggestion has been made that possibly we could buy ten new meters and start
a program of replacing the meters and bringing them in for repair.
BOND Finance Committee also discussed the bond issue that came up in Budget Work
ISSUE Sessions. There is merit in .considering a bond issue for the Town fo.r some of the
projects which will benefit the Town over the next 10 to 15 years. There are other
developments going on now that offer some alternative arrangements for securing
long term money; one of them being the Virginia Resources Authority which has an
AAA rating and an good interest rate. It would also spread the cost of bond issue
over a number of localities rather than just one locality. Some banks are also
now offering some leasing arrangements which look promising. Some banks are now
offering a bond pool for general obligation. Interest rates are attractive at this
time on all of the issues.Committee will cgntinue to study the bond issue, and
hopefully in the near future, they can make specific recommendations to Council.
CONDITIONALChairperson Copenhaver advised committee had met July 22 jointly with the
ZONING planning Commission and discussed conditional zoning.
The Planning Commission also has the conditional zoning before them for study.
Mr. Terwilliger had no report, however, requested Council have an Executive
Session on a legal matter under 2.1-344 (A6).
Mr. McKeever advised the Virginia. Municipal League Conference would be held
in Norfolk on September 21-23 and requested registration forms be returned to him
as soon as possible.
He further advised that final approved changes in the 86/87 budget had been
distributed and these new pages can be substituted for those in Council's budget
Mr. McKeever stated we are sending all managers, supervisors and administrative
staff to a nine hour class at New River Community College covering supervision and
evaluation of personnel.
WATER & Mr. McKeever informed Council that we are faced with a difficult problem on
SEWERa development that is outside the corporate limits that we have provided water and
sewer to. The issue is that the County has issued building permits and homes have
been built; people are prepared to move into a home in the Bain Subdivision on Bob
White Blvd., but the water line and sewer line have not been tested and have not
been taken into the Town's system. The developer has obviously gone bankrupt. He
does not. have the money to test the lines and make sure they meet the Health
Department regulations.
Mr. Terwilliger disqualified himself from any type of consideration of this
matter. He had represented the Bains in the past and is currently representing same
litigation against the contractor.
8~~V August 5, 1986
Councilman Johnston stated someone has assumed these obligations when developer
went bankrupt and whoever holds. legal responsibility for the property. also holds
responsiblity to have it tested. If they are willing to accept cost and legal
responsibility, then the Town can possibly help on an unusual case basis.
Mr. McKeever advised we were trying to resolve to help people move into their
new home and we do not want to set precedents. Mr. Hawley stated cost would run
$1.25/f t. to test. A possible solution might be for the people to hire a contractor
to test, with Town inspectors in attendance to inspect. Town Manager and Town Engin
will continue to seek solution to this problem.
Mr. McKeever requested an Executive Session under 2.1-344 (A1), personnel
Councilman Johnston moved that Council go into Executive Session on a legal
matter and a personnel matter, seconded by Councilman Neblett and carried.
At 4:42 p.m. Council went into Executive Session.
At 5:23 p.m. Council returned to regular session, and immediately adjourned
on motion made by Councilman Neblett, seconded by Councilman Crawford and carried.
Vice Mayor
C erk of Council