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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Pulaski Town Council
held November 21, 1978 at 7:00 P. M. in the Council Chambers in the
Municipal Building.
There were present: Vice-Mayor Andrew L, Graham, Jr.
presiding in the absence of Mayor Ratcliff.
Councilmen: Arthur L. Meadows, William A. House,
James M. Neblett, Jr., C..E. Boyd, Jr.,
Robert M. Wallace, John A. Johnston
Absent: Councilman Blair B. Brockmeyer.
Also present: Town Manager: J. E. Marshall
Clerk: Gladys R.,Dalton
Town Attorney: Garnett S. Moore
Visitors: Jane Graham, WPUV Radio Station
Dave Vascek, The Southwest Times
Charles Hite, Roanoke Times
Approximately 25 citizens
The invocation was given by Councilman House.
The minutes of the regular meeting of November 6, 1978 were
approved as recorded.
Vice Mayor Graham advised that the Council would hear the
public at this time.
Forest Gregory of Mt. Olivet Road advised Council he was
present to find out what had happened to the water line which they
had hoped would have been installed by September of 1978. Mr.
Gregory reported that wells in the Mt. 'Olivet section have gone dry and
CITIZENS people are having to haul water.
OLIVET Town Manager Marshall advised that the Town had received
PETITI N no official notice that the grant would be approved for this project,
FOR WATER and he felt it would be February or March of next yeax., at the very
earliest, bef ore such approval is received.
H. C. Quesenberry, another resident of the Mt. Olivet section,
stated sometime ago a request was made to the Town for a water line to
his property, approximately 2500 feet, which would serve approximately
twelve (12) houses.
Town Manager Marshall advised this would c ome under the Town
policy, based
i on a fifty-fifty proposition, if the cost of such installa-
tion could be amortized over a ten year period, and that an estimate on
this could be updated.
November 21, 1978
Mrs. Kidd, from the same section, asked Council to have
guardrails installed on the dangerous curve of Mt. Olivet Road
GUARDRAIL and Altoona. Town Manager .Marshall advised the Town was consider-
OLIVET RD. ing sinking posts and using the wire method at this location, as
the guardrails were so expensive.
Bill Norris, Engineer for the Coleman Furniture Corporation,
appeared before Council and requested a Resolution by Council of
intent f oward the clearing and reconstruction of the lower Peak
Creek channel from Duncan Avenue Bridge, East to the Norf olk and
Western Bridge, for the purpose of providing the FIA a solid reason for having
the Peak Creek program run at an .035 channel coefficient and using
OF LOWER US GS data of the 7690 CFS discharge.
PETITION Mr. Norris stated that after discussing this approach with
Councilman Johnston, a desire was expressed to wait on completion
of the Economic Impact Study, and at first this appeared to be
reasonable, but after reviewing the Winchester Study, it appeared
that if the impact study were to show little economic impact on
Pulaski, as the result of the flood insurance programs, action
would be initiated to adopt the program with no further study of the
engineering data on the flood plain. Mr. Norris stated it was felt
CONTACT that a study of both the economic impact and engineering data be
WAMPLER & initiated, and the requested Resolution would be basis to assure
BYRD the Federal Insurance Administration of intended action whereby
significant results would be obtained. As a final point, Mr. Morris
stated that the Council should be concerned with the Peak Creek lower
channel in view of the town's liability for damages sustained from
flooding which would be prevented by the clearing and reconstruction of
said Channel. ,Mr. Norris stated the town's Liability is based on
Paragraoh 18 of the 1958 Design Memorandum for the lower channel
maintenance.- Also, the fact that the higher coefficient assigned by
the Corp on the lower channel due to the obstructions, establishes that
up stream flood will result from the congested channel. Mr. Norris
stated he was requesting the Resolution of Intent in order that he
could work through Congressman Wampler's office and the FIA toward
obtaining a reasonable evaluation of the flood potential of Peak
Creek in downtown Pulaski.'
November 21, 1978 6~~ 4
After some discussion of this request, Councilman Johnston
moved that the Land and Buildings Committee and Town Manager Marshall
get in touch with Congressman Wampler and Senator Byrd on this matter
and bring back a report to Council. Motion was seconded by Council-
man Neblett, and carried on the following vote:
Blair B.".Brookmeyer - Absent William A.,House - Aye
Robert M. Wallace - Aye C. E. Biyd, Jr. - Aye
John A. Johnston, - Aye Arthur L. Meadows - Aye
Andrew L. Graham, Jr. -Aye James M. Neblett, Jr. - Aye
Council heard a complaint from Mrs. Roop relative to the odor
ODOR ~ problems which she maintains is still bad in the area of the Sewage
SEWER Treatment Plant.
D. L. Merrill, a resident of the Claytor Lake Area, asked if
Council would have to meet the deadline of January 1, 1979 relative
NO DECISION to upgrading the present Sewage Treatment Plant or going to the Regional
ON SEWER Plant, and later in the meeting while giving his report, Town Manager
BY 1/1/79 Marshall advised him that he did not believe the Town, at this time,
would have to make a decision by January 1, 1979.
I Polly Mitchell, who stated she was representing a group of
citizens who preferred not to come bef ore Council, questioned several
CITIZEN members of Council as to why they changed their vote regarding Town
RE: CHANGE personnel (Town Manage: and Chief of Police) at an October meeting from
COUNCI~.MEN that cast in July, 1978.
& CHI CHILDRESS Vice-Mayor Graham interrupted this question session and advised
Mrs.. Mitchell that Council had voted on this matter and he felt there
were other things which the Council should be doing for the best interest
~ of its citizens; and the questions only create headlines for the press.
Mr. Graham advised Mrs. Mitchell that she could contact each Councilman
individually and he felt each would be glad to give her his reasons.
Councilman Wallace presented a petition from seventeen (17)
APPLET}t E residents of Appletree Street, for an extension of the street, and
ST. EX~'.
REQ. RE moved that it be referred to the Street Committee. Motion was seconded
COMMITIT E by Councilman House, and carried.
In the absence of Councilman Brookmeyer, Councilman Johnston
BROCK ER'S read a letter from Mr. Brookmeyer to the Mayor and Members of Council
CHILDR S' relative to the Chief of Polices ability in directing the Police
4 ~ November 21, 1978
Department. Mr. Brockmeyer's letter contained the following recommenda-
tions for operational changes within the Pulaski Police_Department:
1. Establish a screening committee composed of civilians and law
enforcement officers to review all incoming applications.
LETTER 2. Require psychological testing for all applicants after the
CONTINUED initial interview period with the chief.
3. Provide empathy training for all officers, including dispatchers.
4. Develop a viable procedure for the .dissemination of follow-up
information to the victims of Criminal acts.
Councilman Johnston moved that the letter and recommendations
contained therein be ref erred to the Public Safety Committee. Motion
was seconded by Councilman Meadows, and carried.
Vice-Mayor Graham advised that it appeared the Town may now
have a solution regarding its Sewage Treatment Plant, and called on
Town Manager Marshall to report on this for the benefit of those
REPORT present.
OF TOWN Town Manager Marshall reported that the Town has over the Last
MANAGER several years expended a considerable amount of both grant and local
ON SOLUTION funds in attempting to get a complete facili ty plan for the expansion
TO SEWAGE of the Sewage Treatment Plant facility, and it would appear that a
TR. PLT. solution may be close from a cost standpoint as to whether the Town
EXPANSION will go to high level phosphorous removal or pumping to the Regional
Mr. Marshall stated that in recent weeks a scope of work has '-,
been received from Wiley & Wilson, Engineers, that would allow the
town to phase the completion of the plan; however at the end of
Phase I we will be able to determine which is the most cost effective
route to follow and the Council will be able to make. the decision
without Phase II if high level phosphorous removal or regional is
the best cost wise. Mr. Marshall stated he had been advised by phone
that the State Water Control Board will approve the total cost of
$16,920 for both phases, and he felt that Council should approve
the scope of work in Phase II at the amount estimated.. That
should the Town proceed to Phase II to complete the Facility Plan
and that the total of $16,920 is the maximum that the Engineers
can expect to receive. Mr. Marshall .further stated that questions
November 21, 1978
will probably be asked by the State Water Control Board staff and by
EPA and the answers and information should have already been generated
and paid for once. Theref ore, no additional payments will be made beyond
the $16,920.00.,
Councilman Johnston moved that the Town Manager be authorized
to contact Wiley & Wilson and advise them that they may proceed with
Phase I of two phases and at the completion of Phase I this inf ormation
be presented to the Council in order that Council may make a decision
WILSON TO as to the most cost effective method; highlevel phosphorous removal or
PHASE I go to the regional facility; that Phase I is not to exceed a cost of
RE: SEWAGE $10,300. Further, that should Council proceed into Phase II that the
EXPANSION total cost to complete the Fad lity Plan, answer questions that may be
forthcoming from EPA and the State Water Control Board staff and to
furnish additional data that will answer their questions, will not
exceed $6,620.00; based on the feelings of Council that sufficient data
and inf ormation has been developed over a rather extended period of time
and should be available quite readily at no additional cost. The total
additional grant needed from EPA is $12,690 (757 of $16,920), and the
'i .total town cost not to exceed $4,230 for Phase I & II.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Neblett, and carried on the
following recorded vote:
Blair B. Brockmeyer - Absent William A. House - Aye
Robert M. Wallace - Aye C. E. Boyd, Jr. - Aye
John A. Johnston - Aye Arthur L. Meadows - Aye
Andrew L. Graham, Jr. - Aye James M. Neblett,Jr.- Aye
Reporting for the Finance Committee, Chairman House advised
there was an item in the fiscal budget for portable radio equipment for
APPROPR IONS the Police Department and moved that the sum of $532.50 be appropriated
from Revenue Sharing Funds to Revenue Shari ng Expenditure Account
No. 406.2 for the purchase of equipment for the Folice Department.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Meadows, and carried on the following
Blair B. Brockmeyer - Absent William A. House - Aye
Robert,M. Wallace - Aye C. E. Boyd, Jr. - Aye
!,I John A. Johnston, - Aye Arthur L. Meadows - Aye
I Andrew L. Graham, Jr. -Aye James M. Neblett, Jr. Aye
6 3 ~ 4 November 21 , 1978
A report from Councilman Boyd for the Pollution and
REPORT OF Sanitation Committee, (1) waiting on a survey being prepared on the
SANITATION landfill matter; (2) working through the Police Department
regarding conditions of certain properties; and (3) asked tha t
Chief Childress include in his monthly report the number of
town tags that have not been purchased. Also some comments on the
current budget figures.
Councilman Boyd moved that a report from Roger Williams,
REPORT OF Finance Director-Treasurer, be included in Council meetings.
TO BE INCLUDED Motion was seconded by Councilman Johnston, and carried on the
MEETINGS following vote:
Blair B. Brockmeyer - Absent William A. House - Aye
Robert M. Wallace - Aye C. E. Boyd, Jr. - Aye
John A. Johnston - Aye Arthur L. Meadows -.Aye
Andrew L. Graham, Jr. - Aye James M. Neblett, Jr.Aye
Councilman Meadows had no report.
Councilman Neblett had no report.
Councilman Graham had no report.
Town Attorney Moore had no report.
Town Manager Marshall advised that Mr. R. V. Davis, Executive
L.LOMBARD Secretary of the State Water Control Board, had advised that Mr.
EIS FOR TOWN Louis Lombard had been assigned to conduct the Economic Impact
PROGRAM Study for the Town of Pulaski of the proposed flood insurance program.
Town Manager Marshall explained that the Town has been
receiving complaints from citizens relative to sewer rats, and as a
IN SEWER RAT result of these complaints, the Town will implement a clean-up
program within the sewer system througn the use of a special
poison mix, with the assistance from the State Department of Health.
Town Manager Marshall advised that Council will need to
schedule a public hearing for the purpose of determining the number
of public vehicles, taxicabs and for hire cars for which certificates
TAXICAB shall be issued during the next calendar year, and further, to whom
FOR DEC. 19TH such certificates shall be issued.
Councilman Boyd Moved that the public hearing be scheduled
for December 19, 1978, at 7:00 P. M. for the purpose of determining
the number, and to whom such certificates of public convenience
and necessity shall be issued.
November 21, 1978 6~~~
Inasmuch as there was a conflict in meetings on December 5,
1978, Councilman Neblett moved that Council's regular meeting for
December 5, 1978 at 4:00 P.~M. be rescheduled to December 4, 1978
MEETING. at 4:00 P. M. Motion was seconded
by Councilman House, anu carried
on the following vote:
Blaid B. Brockmeyer -. Absent William A. House - Aye
Robert M. Wallace - Aye C. E. Boyd, Jr. - Aye
John A. Johnston - Aye Arthur L. Meadows - Aye
Andrew L. Graham, Jr. - Aye J&ntes M. Neblett,Jr.- Aye
At 9:05 P. M. Councilman Neblett moved that Council adjourn.
Motion was seconded by Councilman House, and carried.
Vice-Mayor raham
T ~~'
Clerk Council