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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Pulaski Town
Council held April 17, 1979 at 7:00 P. M. in the Council Chambers
in the Municipal Building.
There were present: Mayor Raymond F. Ratcliff, presiding.
Councilmen: John A.,Johnston, Andrew L. Graham, Jr.,
Blair B. Brockmeyer, Robert M. Wallace,,
James M.;Neblett, Jr., William A. House.,
Arthur L. Meadows
Absent: Councilman C. E. Boyd, Jr.
Also present: J. E. Marshall, Town Manager
Gladys R.;Dalton, Clerk
GarnEtt S. Moore, Town Attorney
H. R. Coake, Asst. Town Manager
John Hawley, Engineer
Roger A. Williams, Treasurer
Visitors: Dave Vascek, Jane Graham, Chas. Hite of the media
Ed Aust and Attorney Randolph Eley
D. L. Merrill & Dr. Wm. F. McGuire
The invocation was given by Councilman Graham.
The minutes of the regular meeting of April 3, 1979 were
MINUTES approved as recorded.
Mayor Ratcliff advised this was the time and place, as
advertised, for Council to hold a public hearing on the application of
Judith S. Shelton to place a mobile home at 416 Birch Street, and
Council would be glad to hear anyone who wished to speak either for
or against the application.
Henry Smythers, father-in=law of Judith Shelton, advised
PUBLIC he had contacted the residents in the area, and it appeared there were
TRAILER no objections or complaints from them.
OF JUDITH Town Manager Marshall reported the Engineering Department
had investigated the application and report .that the lots are 58 thru
61 on Birch Street and contain approximately 14,100 sq. ft. which is in
APPLICATION excess of the 10,000 required, and that the property is in an R-2
Residential zone. The usual and required contacts with adjacent
property owners were made by the Engineering Department, and in light
of not having received any objections to the application, Town Manager
Marshall recommended the application be approved.
Councilman Neblett moved the application of Judith S.
Shelton be approved. Motion was seconded by Councilman Meadows, and
carried on the following vote:
April 17, 1979
Andrew L. Graham, Jr. - Aye William A. House - Aye
Blair B.;Brockmeyer - Aye C. E. Boyd, Jr. - Absent
Robert M. Wallace - Aye Arthur L. Meadows - Aye
John A. Johnston - Aye James M. Neblett,Jr. - Aye
Mayor Ratcliff advised Council would then hear the public on
any matter they wished to bring to this body. Mayor Ratcliff advised
HEAR THE those who were present relative to the sewage treatment plant expansion
would be heard later.
Randy Eley, Attorney for Ed Aust, owner of Jim Dandy Body Shop,
advised that the no-parking and two-hour parking at his place of business
which Council had recommended, would be an infringement on Mr. Aust's
PARKING IN business as it was necessary for his customers to have some place to
FRONT OF park when leaving their cars for service. Mr. Eley stated he had
JIM DANDY measured stopping distances and visibility of motorists in this area
AUTO BODY and the distances are ,well within the distances needed for safety. Mr.
SHOP TO BE Eley offered a compromise from Mr. Aust in opposition to the no-parking
DISCUSSED and two-hour parking, in that Mr. Aust would give up 33 feet frontage
AT UPCOMING space, and parking in front of his showroom would be on an angle and
ST. COMM. which would be 15 ft. from his building, all of which would give parking
MEETING f or his business. Further, that wrecked vehicles would be moved into
the fenced area area.
Councilman Wallace, Chairman of the Street Committee, advised this
~ would be discussed further in the Committee meeting on April 30th.
Town Manager Marshall gave a detailed report on the status of the
sewage treatment plant expansion project which indicated that from a
review recently made by H. R. Coake, the cost for upgrading the town's
present facility on Dora Highway t„ high level phosphorus removal as
opposed to going to the Regional Plant, was very close costwise.
Councilman Graham moved that the matter be placed on the agenda
for the next meeting of Council to be voted on. Motion was seconded
by Councilman Brockmeyer.
In the discussion that followed it was brought out the possibility
DIKE NBC- of having to consider a dike at the present plant for flood plain
ESSARY Purpose, should the high level plan be adopted. And, further, dis-
cussion was had relative to a method of handling the sludge if this
plan is adopted.
~~ ~ ~ April 17, 1979
Considering the prospect of having to spend several
millions on either plan, Town Attorney Moore stated the town will
PUBLIC HEARINGS have to vote a bond issue one way or the other and that Council
TO BE HELD should hold at least two public hearings to give the public an
FOR BENEFIT opportunity to have some input into this matter.
OF PUBLIC RE• Councilman Graham withdrew his motion and Councilman
EXPANSION OF Brockmeyer withdrew his second.
SEWAGE TR. PLT. Councilman Graham moved that Council hold an informal-
type meeting on Tuesday, April 24th at 7:00 P. M. for the benefit
of the public, and it be put on the Council agenda for May lst
meeting._ Motion was seconded by Councilman Brockmeyer, and
RECREATION Councilman Brockmeyer advised the Recreation Commission
MEET would meet May 7th at 7:30 P. M.
Councilman Wallace reporting for the Street Committee,
GUARDRAIL ON advised that the installation of the guardrail on Bluff Street will
BLUFF ST. be taken care of as a maintenance or repair job by the Public
MAINTENANCE Works Department.
Councilman Johnston reported a draft copy had been
received of the Economic Impact Study of Regular Flood Insurance
Program ardinance for the Town, prepared by the Bureau of Water
DRAFT COPY OF Control Management, which is a part of the State Water Control Board.
ECONOMIC IMPACT Councilman Johnston further stated that the Committee had met and
read the draft copy, and believed it would be unfair to have a
DRAFT Qublic meeting of the draft copy because of the statements which
were not properly prepared and given to the State Water Control
Board. Mr. Johnston stated since this is only a draft copy and
a final copy has not yet been received, Mr. Louis Lombard, Principal
Economist for the Virginia State Water Control Board has been
asked to meet with us in a public hearing to enlighten the Council
on his findings of the Study, and it is hoped that Mr. Lombard will
meet with Council on May 15th, Council's regular meeting date, after
which it was felt Council would be in a better position to decide
on the next step in this matter.
April 17, 1979 ;4~r ~:
Councilman House had no report.
Councilman Meadows reported that the Ordinance Committee met
on April 10th with regard to an amendment to the Business and Prof ess-
Tonal License provision for vending and weighing machines. Councilman
Meadows moved that Town Attorney Moore be instructed to prepare the
proper amendment to the Business and Professional Livens Code to
BUSINESS & comply with State laws.
BUSINESS LIC. At this point Town Attorney Moore suggested that copies of
BE GIVEN the draft ordinance be given to members of Council, and Councilman
COUNCIL Meadows withdrew his motion.
Councilman Neblett reported the Safety Committee would not be
no report
F OR SAFETY able to make a report at this time because of unavoidable complica-
Town Attorney Moore and Councilman House advised that the
Finance Director would need some time to work. out details for tax
basis for establishing tax rates for merchants.
Town Manager Marshall presented to Council copies of the
amendments incorporated in the Grievance Procedure by Town Attorney
COUNCIL Moore, in compliance.with State laws. Councilman Neblett moved that
ADDENDA Addendum "A (1)" to the Grievance Procedure for the Employees of the
PROCIDURE Town of Pulaski, to supercede, replace and invalidate Addenda "A",
"B" and "C" heretof ore adopted, be accepted as filed by the Town
Manager, dated the 17th day of April, 1979. Motion was seconded by
Councilman Wallace, and carried on the following vote:
Andrew L. Graham, Jr. - Aye William A. House - Aye
Blair B. Brockmeyer - Aye C. E. Boyd, Jr. - Absent
Robert M. Wallace - Aye Arthur L. Meadows - Aye
John A. Johnston - Aye James M.Neblett, Jr.- Aye
Town Manager Marshall reported that the signs at Calfee Park
tnad been placed there when a cable broke that was a tie-cable
PA between a ll of the poles, and the Recreation Director considered this
NECESSARY, to be an emergency and had the signs posted. However, it was an over-
TO REMAI T00 sight on the part of the personnel to allow the signs to remain, and
they had
now been
removed gnd the operation and use of
the Park is
the same as it has been in the past.
~,~~ April 17, 1979
Councilman Graham moved that the poles be inspected and
if found to be hazardous to be removed. Motion was seconded by
LIGHTING POLES AT Councilman Johnston, and .carried on the following vote:
Andrew L. Graham, Jr. - Aye William A. House - Aye
Blair B. Brookmeyer - Aye C. E. Boyd, Jr. - Absent
Robert;M.;Wallace - Aye Arthur L. Meadows - Aye
John A. Johnston - Aye James M.Neblett,Jr.- Aye
At 8:30 P. M. Councilman Graham moved that Council go into
executive session on a legal mat ter. Motion was seconded by
Councilman House, and carried.
At 8:45 P. M. Council returned to regular session, and
REGULAR SESSION Mayor Ratcliff declared Council to again be in regular session.
Town Manager Marshall reported that a copy of the New Riv er
Valley Criminal Justice Update FY 1980, Phase I and II and
Executive Summary, has been received, all of which have been approved
PROVISIONS by the New River Valley District Commission. Mr. Marshall read to
RIVER VALLEY Council a Resolution which, in effect, stakes the Council has
UPDATE FY 1980 considered its provisions and approves and adopts the plan.
Councilman Johnston moved the adoption of the Resolution.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Brookmeyer, and carried on the
following vote:
Andrew L. Graham, Jr. -Aye
Blair B.;Brockmeyer - Aye
Robert M. Wallace - Aye
John A. Johnston - Aye
William A. House - Aye
C. E. Boyd, Jr. - Absent
Arthur L. Meadows - Aye
James M.Neblett,Jr. - Aye
WHEREAS, the 1980 Criminal Justice Plan Update has been
adopted by the New:River Valley Planning District Commission and
provides the necessary criminal justice planning for the fiscal
year 1980.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that in accordance with
the fiscal year 1980 Criminal Justice Plan Update approved by
the New River Valley Planning District Commission, the Pulaski
Town Council, meeting on April 17, 1979, hereby acknowledges
the plan, has considered its provisions, and hereby approved and
adopts the plan.
Town Manager Marshall reported the rezoning request of
H.T.BO~LING H. T. Bowling and wife has been referred to the Town Planning
REF. TO PLANN. Commission, and a public hearing has been scheduled by that
PUBLIC HEARING Commission for May 14, 1979.
MAY 14th
April 17, 1979
t F
Town Manager .Marshall advised that even though the terms of ,
office for members of the Beautification Committee have expired
RESIGNS a letter-of resignation had been received from Dr. Carole Pratt,
FICATION who has bee n a member for a relatively short times Mr. Marshall
asked that this be taken into consideration when Council reappoints
or appoints new members to the Committee.
Town Manager Marshall advised that May 7th thru May 11th -
CLEANUP WEEK 1979, has been scheduled for Clean-up Week, and this has already
been given to the news media.
At 8:50 P. M. Councilman Graham moved that Council adjourn.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Meadows, and carried.
/ -~~ .~
Mayor Ratcliff
Clerk o Council