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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Pulaski Town Council
held March 7, 1978 at 4:00 P. M. in the Council Chambers in the
Municipal Building.
There were present: Mayor Raymond F. Ratcliff, ptesiding.
Councilmen: Arthur L. Meadows, William A. House,
James M. Neblett, Jr., Andrew L. Graham, Jr.,
C. William Hickam, Jr., Blair B. Brockmeyer,
John A. Johnston
Absent: Councilman Bob J. Clark.
Also present: Town Manager: J. E. Marshall
Clerk: Gladys R. Dalton
Town Attorney: Garnett S. Moore
Town Treasurer: Roger A. Williams
Visitors: J. R. Schrader, The Southwest Times
Jane Graham, WPW Radio Station
Charles Hite, Roanoke Times & World News
Darrell Quesenberry
The invocation was given by Councilman House.
The minutes of the regular meeting of February 21, 1978
were approved as corrected.
Council opened its meeting by holding a public hearing on the
application of Brenda S. and Darrell Quesenberry to place a mobile
home at the corner of Fifth Street, S. E. and Herron Street. Mayor
Ratcliff stated the proper notice had appeared in the local newspaper
of the public hearing and asked if there was any one present who wished to
PUBLIC HEARING speak either for or against the placing. of the trailer at this
QUESENBERRY location. No one spoke and Mayor Ratcliff called on Town Manager
TRAILER APPLI- Marshall for a report and recommendation.
CATION - Town Manager Marshall advised the total square footage of the
lots on which the trailer will be placed as well as the zoning regula-
tions meets all requirements. He also advised water is available and
a septic tank permit has been approved. Mr. Marshall stated there
is an existing house situated on the lots, and the only objections
to the house trailer have been from Henry Smythers and Marion Collins.
Mr. Marshall recommended that when these parties have been contacted
and their objections cleared and upon the condition that the house
will be removed from the lots, Council approve the application for
permission to place the house trailer.
Mr. Quesenberry stated these objections had been cleared and
that the house is being torn down.
March 7, 1978
Councilman Brockmeyer moved that the Quesenberry application for
placing a house trailer be approved subject to the removal of the
existing house within ninety (90) days after the placement of the
trailer. Motion was seconded by Councilman House, and carried on
the following vote:
C. William Hickam, Jr. - aye William A. House - aye
Andrew L. Graham, Jr. - aye Bob J. Clark - absent
Blair B. Brockmeyer - aye Arthur L. Meadows - aye
John A. Johnston - aye James M. Neblett, Jr .- aye
Mayor Ratcliff called for Committee reports.
Councilman Hickam advised that at the last meeting of Council,
Town Attorney Moore had been directed to prepare a Resolution
appointing and reappointing members to certain committees and
commissions of Council, and asked the Town Attorney to read the
Town Attorney Moore read the resolution to Council and motion
was made by Councilman Hickam that the resolution be adopted. Motion
was seconded by Councilman Graham, and carried on the following vote:
C. William Hickam, Jr. - aye William A. House - aye
Andrew L. Graham, Jr. - aye Bob J. Clark - absent
Blair B. Brockmeyer - aye Arthur L. Meadows - aye
John A. Johnston - aye James M. Neblett, Jr .aye
WHEREAS, certain vacancies have occurred by expiration of terms,
RESOLUTION resignation, death or toehrwise, and have not been filled in the
membership of certain committee, commissions, authorities, boards,
APPOINTING etc., namely, the Beautification Committee, Recreation Commission, the
Industrial Development Authority, the Pulaski Re-development &
MEMBERS Housing Authority, and the Trustees of the Cemetery Trust Fund; and
TO COUNCIL WHEREAS, the Council desires to appoint or reappoint, as the
case may be, members to the of orementioned Committees, Commissions,
COMMITTEE Authorities, etc.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of
Pulaski, Virginia, meeting in regular session on this 7th day of
March, 1978, that those persons whose names are hereinafter set out,
be, and they are hereby appointed or reappointed, as the case may be,
as members of the Town Committees, Authorities, etc., designated,
for the terms indicated and to expire upon the date set opposite their
names, or until their successors are appointed and duly qualify:
Muriel H.
term of
Dr. Carol
term of
Expiration of Term
Hyde - appointed to fill unexpired
Mrs. Alma Fenwick March 1, 1979
Pratt, appointed to fill unexpired
I. D. Long March 1, 1979
616-~ March 7, 1978
M. Eugene Stuart - to replace John
Freeman - appointed for term of
3 years - to expire January 1, 1981
Mason Vaughan, Jr ., to replace John
Croslin for a term of 2 years -
to expire January 1, 1981
Richard C. McMillan - reappointed for
RESOLUTION a term of 3 years - to expire January 1, 1981
Betty Sadler - reappointed for a term
CONTINUED of 3 years - to expire January 1, 1981
William H. Elmore - reappointed for a
term of 4 years, to expire April 13, 1982
Billy B. Flint - reappointed for a
term of 4 years, to expire April 13, 1982
Woodson S. Cummings - reappointed for a
term of 3 years - to expire March 1, 1981
Philip M. Sadler - reappointed for a term
of 4 years - to expire February 15, 1982
The Clerk of said Council is directed to notify the above
persons of their appointment and the expiration of their .terms.
This Resolution shall become effective upon adoption.
Councilman Hickam also advised that a representative of the
TO VIEW Highway Department will be in Pulaski on Friday of this week to
PLEASANT HILL look at the traffic situation on Route 11 at the intersection of
Pleasant Hill Drive and the Pulaski Medical Clinic to see what
steps can be taken to improve the flow of traffic.
Councilman Graham had no report.
Councilman Brockmeyer had no report.
Councilman Brockmeyer inquired relative to the procedure used
PROCEDURE FOR by the Police Department in checking on automobiles that do not
WITHOUT TAGS have Town tags displayed.
Councilman Johnston had no report.
Councilman Johnston brought to the attention of Council
ALLEY SITUATIONthe situation existing in the alley between Main and Third Streets
THIRD ST. and next to Helig-Myers Furniture Company. Mr. Johnston stated
March 7, 1978 6163
this alley is being blocked by ~.rked vehicles, and there should be
signs posted prohibiting the blocking of the alley.
Councilman House reported the Finance Committee had discussed
several items which were necessary for Council to take action on.
Mr. House stated the budget carries an item of $10,000 for the re-
placement of Police Cars, and the lowest bid received was $10,045.16,
and it would be necessary to appropriate the small diff erence. Mr.
House moved that the amount of $45.16 be appropriated from Revenue
MADE FOR Sharing Funds to Revenue Sharing Expenditure Account ~~4005 for the
POLICE CARS replacement of two Police cars. Motion was seconded by Councilman
Neblett, and carried on the following vote:
C. William Hickam, Jr. - aye William A. House - aye
Andrew L. Graham, Jr. - aye Bob J. Clark - absent
Blair B. Brockmeyer - aye Arthur L. Meadows - aye
John A. Johnston - aye James M. Neblett,Jr.- aye
Councilman House moved the approval for the purchase of the two
Police cars. Motion was seconded by Councilman Meadows, and carried
on the following vote:
C. William Hickam, Jr. - aye William A. House - aye
Andrew L. Graham, Jr. - aye Bob J. Clark - absent
Blair B. Brockmeyer - aye Arthur L. Meadows - aye
John A. Johnston - aye James M. Neblet~,Jr. - aye
Councilman House reported the budget carried an item for the
replacement of two chemical feeders for the water treatment plant in
the amount of $4,000. He stated the lowest bid for these feeders
APPROPRIAT- was $4,335.00., and moved that the amount of $355.00 be appropriated
TWO CHEMICAL from Revenue Sharing Funds to Revenue Sharing Expenditure Account ~~4067
for the purchase of the two chemical feeders. Motion was seconded by
Councilman Graham, and carried on the following vote:
C. William Hickam, Jr. - aye William A. House - aye
Andrew L. Graham, Jr. - aye Bob J. Clark - absent
Blair B. Brockmeyer - aye Arthur L. Meadows - aye
John A. Johnston - aye James M. Neblett,Jr. - aye
Councilman House moved the purchase of the two chemical feeders
be approved. Motion was seconded by Councilman Neblett,a nd carried
on the following vote:
C. William Hickam, Jr. - aye William A. House - aye
Andrew L. Graham, Jr. - aye Bob J. Clark - absent
Blair B. Brockmeyer - aye Arthur L. Meadows - aye
John A. Johnston - aye James M. Neblett,Jr.- aye
6164 March 7, 1978
Councilman House reported the Town had received a bill from
the Highway Department in the amount of $481.22 for the Memorial
FOR MEMORIAL Drive Project, and moved that the amount of $481.22 be appropriated
FROM HWY. DEPT. from General Fund Surplus to Account ~~9310. Motion was seconded
by Councilman Neblett, and carried on the following vote:
C. William Hickam,Jr. - aye William A. House - aye
Andrew L. Graham, Jr. - aSe Bob J. Clark - absent
Blair B. Brockmeyer - aye Arthur L. Meadows - aye
John A. Johnston - aye James M. Neblett,Jr. - aye
Councilman Meadows had no report.
Councilman Neblett stated that Item 9 of the recommendations
submitted by the Citizens Committee investigating the Police Depart-
ment, was that the two swing shifts, 3 - 11 and 11- 7, be allowed
to work one full day shift every six months, to give a better
REPORT ON communication between shifts. As Town Manager Marshall had comment-
CITIZEN'S ed on this in his Administrative Report, Councilman Neblett asked
POLICE DEPT. Mr. Marshall to report on this to Council.
Town Manager Marshall advised that due to the simple numbers
of the personnel on the 3 - 11 and 11 - 7 shifts, it was not
possible to put a full shift•on daylight at any one time. He
further stated that in an effort to meet the recommendation, the
Chief of Police is now rotating one man at a time from the two
swing shifts to the daylight shift. He further stated that with
men in school and days off it was felt this was the only method by
which the recommendation could be met, and still provide sufficient
man power during the times that a large number of people are needed
with regard to law enf orcement.
At 4:55 P. M. Councilman Hickam moved that Council recess
RECESS f or twenty minutes. Motion was seconded by Councilman House, and
At 5:10 P. ,. Council returned to regular session on motion
RETURN TO of Councilman Neblett, seconded by Councilman Meadows, and
SESSION carried.
Town Manager Marshall reported a request from Douglas S.
(Doug) Martin, the chief mechanic at the Town Shops, had been
approval of received for early retirement. Mr. Marshall stated the letter
MARTIN TO of request stated that Doug Martin would be sixty-two on May 25,
ON RT. 611
March 7, 1978
1978, and requested his retirement to be eff ective June 1, 1978.
Town Manager Mar-shall recommended that Doug Martin's request be
allowed, and that the Town Attorney be instructed to prepare a
proper resolution to be adopted at the Council meeting on May 16,
1978 at which time the Resolution and plaque would be presented to
Councilman Neblett moved that Doug Martin's request to
retire as of June 1; 1978 be approved. Motion was seconded by
Councilman Meadows, and carried on the following vote:
C. William Hickam, Jr. - aye
Andrew L. Graham, Jr. - aye
Blair B. Brockmeyer - aye
John A. Johnston - aye
William A. House - aye
Bob J. Clark - absent
Arthur L. Meadows - aye
James M. Neblett,Jr.- aye
Councilman Neblett moved that the Town Attorney be authorized
to prepare the proper Resolution to be presented to Doug Martin. Motion
was seconded by Councilman Brockmeyer, and carried on the following
C. William Hickam, Jr. - aye William A. House - aye
Andrew L. Graham, Jr. - aye Bob J. Clark - absent
Blair B. Brockmeyer - aye Arthur L. Meadows - aye
John A. Johnston - aye James M. Neblett,Jr.- aye
Town Manager Marshall reported that by a telephone call from
Paul Roop of Claremont Corporation as of that day, Mr. Roop advised
that T. J. McCarthy, Jr. had indicated to him that he would like
for his property next to the Claremont property on Bob White Boulevard to
be included in the recent request of Claremont Corporation for re-
zoning of their property on Bob White Boulevard. Mr. Marshall
advised that inasmuch as the Planning Commission has already set
their public hearing on the request of Claremont Corporation, that
one of two alternatives would be in order. One, allow Claremont
Corporation to withdraw their application as it was originally
submitted and allow a joint request to be submitted by them and
McCarthy; or allow the Claremont Corporation request to continue,
and advise Mr. McCarthy to submit his request as a separate item.
After due consideration of the matter by Council, it was the
consensus of Council that the Claremont Corporation process continue and
advise Mr. McCarthy to submit his separate request.
6~6~ March 7, 1978
Town Manager Marshall reported there is a need to have
Section 29-24 of the Town Code amended in order that truer
REFERRED TO charges may be spelled out therein, and suggested that it be
COMMITTEE ref erred to the Ordinance Committee. Councilman Brockmeyer so
moved, seconded by Councilman Johnston, and carried.
Town Manager Marshall advised that the Beautification Comm-
ittee has been working very deligently and one of its projects is a
new entrance sign for Route 11 (Dublin Road) east of the Town.
Mr. Marshall presented a drawing of the entrance sign selected
by the Beautification Committee at its meeting that morning. Mr.
TOWN RECEIVES Marshall further stated the Town has cooperated with Sunset Garden
$700. CHECK
FR. SUNSET Clud in their Pride Pickup Program, and at the Beautification
FOR ENTRANCE Committee meeting that morning the Sunset Garden Club presented
the Town with a check in the amount of $700.00 to cover the ccst
of the sign for Dublin Road. Mr. Marshall stated the Committee
is now working on signs for the other three entrances to the Town.
At 5:25 P. M. Town Manager Marshall asked for an executive
session by Council to discuss a personnel matter.
Councilman Neblett moved that Council go into executive
EXECUTIVE session to discuss a personnel matter. Motion was seconded by
Councilman Meadows, and carried.
At 6:15 P. M. Councilman Johnston moved, seconded by Council-
man Brockmeyer, that Council. return to regular session. Motion
was carried.
At 6:16 P. M. Mayor Ratcliff declared Council to again be in
REGULAR regular session and inquired it there was other business to come
bef ore the Council.
There being none, at 6:17 P. M. Councilman Brockmeyer moved,
seconded by Councilman Johnston, that Council adjourn. Motion was
APPRO ',~~
~ , r j ~ ~,.
Mayor Ratclif~ /
Clerk ~f Council