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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Pulaski Town Council
held February 3, 1976 at 4:00 P. M. in the Council Chambers in the
Municipal Building.
There were present: Mayor Raymond F. Ratcliff, presiding.
Councilmen: Mason A. Vaughan, Blair B. Brockmeyer,
Andrew L. Graham, Arthur L. Meadows,,
C. William Hickam, Jr., Bob J. Clark,
James M. Neblett, William A. House
Also present: Town Manager: J. E. Marshall
Clerk: Gladys R. Dalton
Town Attorney: Garnett S. Moore
Town Engineer: H. R. Coake
Visitors: J. R. Schrader, Jane Graham, A. Dow Owens,
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Baugh, and approximately
ten (10) citizens
The invocation was given by Councilman House.
The minutes of the regular meeting of January 20th were
approved as corrected.
Mayor Ratcliff advised that Council would hold a public hear-
ing, as had been advertised in the local newspaper, on the petition of
Pearl E. DeHart requesting the closing and vacating of a certain portion
HEARING of Monroe Avenue and Brook Avenue within the boundary lines of the
& BROOK DeHart property, located in the Town of Pulaski. Mayor Ratcliff stated
LINE Council would be glad to hear any one who wished to speak on this subject.
No one spoke either for or against this proposal. Town Manager Marshall
reported there had been a considerable amount of inf ormation developed
on this subject; that maps are rather involved and Council may wish to
discuss the matter in executive session. Attorney Owens stated this was
correct, but suggested that Council go ahead and hear the public on this
inasmuch as the viewers appointed by Council have not made their view and
Mr. George S. Baugh stated he owned lots on the upper end of
BAUGH Monroe Avenue on which a water meter had been installed without his per-
RE: WA,T~R mission, and asked that something be done about this as it had caused
a water hole on his property. Mayor Ratcliff advised Mr. Baugh his
complaint would be considered. later in the meeting, but Council at this
time would hear any one who wished to speak on the closing of certain
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~~~ ~' ~?-+~ February 3, 1976
portions of Monroe and Brook avenues. No one spoke, and Mayor
Ratcliff advised that the matter would be continued until the
next meeting of Council, February 17th, to consider report from
the Viewers.
Mr. Baugh then advised that he had tried to get
something done about the water from the meter on his property,
but had been unsuccessful, He also stated that he had been letting
WATER METER people go across his property. Town Manager Marshall advised this
PROP. TO BE would be checked into by the Director of Public Works and if the
meter is found on his property it will be moved. Mr. Marshall
stated the access to Mr. Baugh's property was discussed a few
years ago, and this was not germane to the situation involving
Monroe Avenue as advertised.
Councilman Vaughan moved that the right-of-way access to
R/W ACCESS Mr. Saugh's property be referred to the Streets Committee. The
PROPERTY motion was seconded by Councilman Brookmeyer, and carried on the
COMMITTEE f ollowing recorded vote:
C. William Hickam, Jr. - aye William A. House - aye
Andrew L. Graham - aye Bob J. Clark - aye
Blair B. Brookmeyer - aye Arthur L. Meadows - aye
Mason A. Vaughan - aye James M. Neblett - aye
Mrs. Mack Wilson and son, Mack, Jr., appeared bef ore
Council, and Mrs. Wilson stated that their original request to the
Council was that the loading zone on Jefferson Avenue be removed
APPEAR RE: from in front of the New Paramount Cleaners and in lieu of the
PARAMOUNT loading zone a reserved parking sign be erected for the use of the
PARKING SPACE Cleaners for loading, unloading of dry cleaning and parking of
vehicle between such trips. Mrs. Wilson stated there is such a
reserved parking space on Third Street "f or Doctors", and they were not
asking for something new. Also, Mrs. Wilson stated that in lieu
of the reserved parking sign, they had requested that Council remove
the meter from the entrance at the side of New Paramount Cleaners and
allow them to park in front of it, stating that this was not
something new as there are several such entrances being used by
individuals in the Town. Mrs. Wilson asked that they be given an
answer to their original request.
February 3, 1976
Councilman Meadows stated he felt Council did not give them
an answer to their request and felt Council should give them a"Yes or
No" answer.
Mayor Ratcliff stated Council had a request for a reserved
parking area in front of the New Paramount Cleaners, and asked Council's
pleasure. Councilman Hickam stated it was the recommendation of the
Street Committee that a reserved parking be denied, and so moved. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Brockmeyer, and carried on the f ollow-
ing recorded vote:
C. William Hickam, Jr. - aye William A. House - aye
Andrew L. Graham - aye Bob J. Clark - aye
Blair B. Brockmeyer - aye Arthur L. Meadows - aye
RE: ACTION Mason A. Vaughan - aye James M. Neblett - aye
Mrs. Wilson then asked Council about parking in front of the
driveway between the two buildings, and asked that the meter be removed.
RELATIVE TO Councilman Clark moved that the Loading zone sign be removed
and the parking meter be removed from the area of driveway and placed in
the loading zone spave. The motion was seconded by Councilman Brockmeyer.
REQUEST FOR There followed discussion relative to the need of a loading
zone in the area of Piggly Wiggly.
Councilman Vaughan made a substitute motion that the loading
PARKING zone be removed and the Town Manager and Chief of Police designate a
loading zone in that block. The motion was seconded by Councilman Clark.
Further discussion, and both Councilman Vaughan and'Councilman Clark
withdrew the motion and second. Council then voted on the first motion,
that the loading zone be removed and the parking. meter in front of the
driveway be removed and placed in the loading zone spa£`e, made by
Councilman Clark and seconded by Councilman Brockmeyer, as follows:
C. William Hickam, Jr. - nay William A. House - aye
Andrew L. Graham - aye Bob J. Clark - aye
Blair B. Brockmeyer - aye Arthur L. Meadows - aye
Mason A. Vaughan - aye James M. Neblett - aye
Jimmy Aust of Jim Dandy stated he was present to hear the
Town Manager's report to the Council regarding the wrecker service opera-
REPORT ON tion which had been requested by Council. Town Manager Marshall stated
SERVICE a full report on this operation to Council was contained in his Administra-
tive Report of February 3rd, and for the benefit of Mr. Aust, Mr. Marshall
read the complete report.
February 3, 1976
Councilman Hickam stated the Nominating Committee would
NOMINATING meet Tuesday, February 10th, to consider the reappointment of
TO CONSIDER members to several Committees and Commissions which will expire
TO COMMITTEES March 1st, or in the near future.
Councilman Graham reported the Utilities Committee met
and reviewed the Infiltration/Inflow Study. The study was begun in
1973 and at that time there was some infiltration into the Town's
sewer system and Wiley & Wilson, Consulting Engineers, were
employed to conduct a study of same. In October of 1974 the
Infiltration/Inflow Analysis report was submitted, to the Council
REPORT ON and Council elected to proceed with the Infiltration/Inflow Study.
A federal grant from EPA totaling $70,000 (80% federal and 20~ local
funds) was obtained for the study. Council was provided a copy of
this report in December of 1975. Mr. Graham stated the $70,000
has now been spent and there are other matters which have arisen on
this, and asked the Town Manager to give a report to the Council on
this development.
Town Manager Marshall reported that estimate from Wiley &
Wilson indicate that the cost of the Infiltration/Inflow Study
$15,000.00 will exceed the original grant amount by $15,000. In addition
to this amount will be the expense of a stream evaluation survey.
Wiley & Wilson are unable to give an estimate on that part of the
project since the Water Control Board is to collect all available
inf ormation on Peak Creek and provide this to Wiley & Wilson with
details of the survey sometime during February. Mr. Marshall stated
a letter had been sent to EPA regarding the expansion of the scope of the
present Facility Plan.
Councilman Neblett expressed the view that if the Town does
not proceed with the program as outlined, the Town just might be
dropped and some other town get first place. Mr. Neblett moved that
the matter be referred to the Utilities and Finance Committees, seconded
by Councilman Graham, and carried on the following recorded vote:
C. William Hickam, Jr. - aye William A. House - aye
Andrew L. Graham - aye Bob J. Clark. - aye
Blair B. Brockmeyer - aye Arthur L. Meadows - aye
Mason A. Vaughan - aye James M. Neblett - aye
February 3, 1976
~.~ ~ x~~~
Councilman Brockmeyer had no report, and asked to be excused.
Councilman Vaughan reported that sometime ago the Town purchased
the Gemmeli Warehouse building on Newbern Road, at which time it was
planned to put a road into the Macgill Village Recreation area to
provide a better means of ingress and egress to property owned by the
Town. Mr. Vaughan stated the Town Attorney had prepared a Resdution
f or Council's consideration as well as a Deed of Exchange between the
Town and A. M. Welch and Neecie $. Welch. The Resolution was read to
the Council by Town Attorney Moore, and Councilman Vaughan moved it be
adopted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hickam, and carried on
the following recorded vote:
C. William Hickam, Jr. - aye William A. House - aye
Andrew L. Graham - aye Bob J. Clark - aye
ADOPTION OF Blair B. Brockmeyer - absent Arthur L. Meadows - aye
RESOLUTION Mason A. Vaughan - aye James M. Neblett - aye
TO MACGILL WHEREAS, the Land, Building and Parks Committee has this
VILLAGE day presented to the Council of the Town of Pulaski, Virginia, an
REC. AREA Exchange Deed dated February 3, 1976, between the Town of Pulaski,
and A. M. Welch and Neecie B. Welch, by the terms of which the Town
conveys a small triangular tract from its Macgill Village Tract, to
A. M.,Welch and Neecie B. Welch, who convey therein to the Town a
like triangular tract lying adjacent to the northern boundary line
of the property acquired by the Town from Matthew Gemmerll, et ux,
by deed of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of
Pulaski County, Virginia, in Deed Book 296, page 357; and
WHEREAS, the deed provides for mutual exchange of said
parcels, the parties having further agreed that the Town shall pay
the cost of moving a mobile home owned by A. M. Welch and Neecie B.
Welch to a new nearby location on the same lot upon which it is now
located, including the cost of relocating and re-connnecting the
water and sewer lines thereto insofar as necessary; and,
WHEREAS, the Council finds that the parcel conveyed to
A. M. Welch and Neecie B. Welch is not now, and will not be in the
foreseeable future needed or necessary for public use, but that the
parcel which is to be conveyed to the Town by A. M. Welch and Neecie B.
Welch is presently needed to provide a better means of ingress and
egress to other property owned by the Town and for other public use.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the
Town of Pulaski, meeting in regular session on this 3rd day of
February, 1976, that:
The Exchange Deed dated February 3, 1976, ref erred to
above between the Town and A. M. Welch and Neecie B. Welch this
day filed with the Council, for the exchange conveyance between
the parties of certain triangular parcels of Land therein described,
BE and the same is hereby ratified and approved upon the terms
therein contained, and upon the further condition of payment of
certain costs by the Town of moving or relocating a mobile home
and utility costs as set out above.
~ ~=~ ~ February 3, 1976
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Raymond F. Ratcliff, Mayor,
is authorized and directed to execute the Exchange Deed above
referred to and bef ore the Council, on the part of the Town and
Gladys R. Dalton, its Clerk, shall attest same; the attorney
for said Town is directed to take the necessary steps to conclude
the exchange of property and to cause the Exchange Deed to be re-
corded when he is assured that the deed conveys to the Town the
fee simple, marketable title to said real estate described therein.
This resolution shall become effective up on .adoption.
Reporting for the Cemetery Committee, Councilman Vaughan
moved that the Town Manager be authorized to proceed with the
OPENING NEW opening of the new section of Oakwood Cemetery, as planned,
OAKWOOD CEM. and a road be established on top of the hill. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Hickam, and carried on the f olLowing recorded
C. William Hickam, Jr. - aye William A. House - aye
Andrew L. Graham - aye Bob J. Clark - aye
Blair B. Brockffieyer -absent Arthur L. Meadows - aye
Mason A. Vaughan - aye James M. Neblett - aye
Councilman Meadows reported the Ordinance Committee had met
and studied two ordinances. One dealing with the extension of water
and sewer services outside of the corporate limits and the other
dealing with connection in general of sewer lines and connection
fees. It was noted copies of these two ordinances have been
furnished to members of Council and they are familiar with them.
Councilman Meadows moved that the Ordinance to amend and re-enact
as amended, Section 29-57, etc. of Article IV of Chapter 29, be
adopted, as follows: The motion was seconded by Councilman Clark,
and carried on the following recorded vote:
ADOPTED C. William Hickam, Jr. - aye William A. House - aye
ORDINANCE Andrew L. Graham - aye Bob J. Clark - aye
FOR EXTENSION Blair B. Brookmeyer -absent Arthur L. Meadows - aye
OF WATER & Mason A. Vaughan - aye James M. Neblett - aye
LIMITS AMENDED, SECTIONS 29-57, 29-60, 29-61,
BE IT 'ORDAINED by the Council of the Town of Pulaski,
Virginia, meeting in regular session on the 3rd day of
February, 1976, that Sections 29-57, 29-60, 29-61 and 29-65,
Article IV of Chapter 29 be amended, and re-enacted as Sections
29-57.1, 29-60.1, 29-61.1 and 29-65.1, and that new Sections
29-69 and 29-70 of Article IV of Chapter 29 of the Pulaski
Town Code be enacted, as follows:
February 3, 1976
~-- ~ ~:~t'.~
Article IV. Extensions Outside of Town
Sec. 29-57.1 Policy.
It shall be the policy of the town to provide sanitary sewer
facilities and to grant the right to use water from its distribution
system to users whose properties are partly within the corporate
limits and partly without, or located wholly beyond the corporate
limits, insofar as it is practical to do so by the extension of
lines under the conditions and upon the terms as set out in this
article; providing the Town sewer collection and treatment system
has sufficient capacity for additional sewer collection and treatment
over and above that which is presently needed and will be needed for
the immediately f orseeable future to provide sewer services to users
within the corporate limits and others with whom the Town has
contractural obligations; and that there exist a surplus of water
over and above that which is needed to fill the Town's commitment
to users within the Town corporate limits and others with whom the
Town has contractural obligations.
Sec. 29-60.1 Discontinuance of service.
Sewer and water service supplied to aL1 users outside the
corporate limits shall be continued only so long as there exists
sufficient capacity for sewer collection and treatment and a surplus
of water for users within the town and to meet the Town's contractural
obligations. At any time the sewer system becomes inadequate or there
is an insufficient supply of water to serve the needs of the people
living within the corporate limits of the town, and its contractural
obligations, and the council of the town has by proper action so
determined that such condition exists, the council may in its sole
ORDINANCE judgment terminate service to users outside of town, or take any other
conservation measure for the use of either the sewer or water systems.
Discontinuance of the use of sewer or water systems may be ordered
for such periods of time as the council deems necessary. The council
shall be the sole judge of whether such action is justified and
Sec. 29-61.1 Application for extension; approval of town manager.
(a) Persons or other potential users desiring to have
sewer and water services extended to their premises shall contact-
the manager of the town and make known their desires or they may,
in the event the manager is not available, contact other officials of
the town. The Town Manager or other proper town official may require
the applicant to file the request for services in writing, and give
such inf ormation judged to be necessary by the Town to process said
(b) The manager shall review applicant's request for
sewer or water service and shall make a survey to determine the loca-
tion of the premises to be served, the most direct route for extending
lines, the possibility of further extension of the same line and the
potential development within the surrounding areas, size of pipe and
such other circumstances as he deems wise and necessary for the
orderly extension and development of sewer and water service in
the general area, the estimated cost thereof, and shall report the
same to the council or to the water committee in the event the
water committee meets prior to the regular council meeting thereafter.
(c) In the event that an extension to a user outside can
be made for a cost of not more thab one thousand dollars or in the
event it entails no more than a connection to an existing line, and under
the terms herein set out, without any apparent complications, the
manager may at his discretion make the extension without first sub-
mitting the same to the Council for the town.
f p F~.~ a ~~
~~ ~`~ February 3, 1976
Sec. 29-65.1 Existing contracts and permits.
All contracts and permits in full force and effect on
January 1, 1976, shall continue under their terms until the contract
terminates or until such time as any material changes are necessary
in such contract, at which time new contracts shall conf orm to the
provisions of this article; provided that nothing contained in this
article shall be construed to affect or modity in any respect the
contract between the town and the Town of Dublin entered into on
December 31, 1964, the County of Pulaski, the Pulaski County Water
and Sewer Authority, or other contractural customers outside the
corporate limits.
Sec. 29-69. Method of Financing.
(i) All new construction, re-construction and extension
costs shall be financed and paid by others than the Town of Pulaski,
Virginia, The Town may, however, advance costs under terms approved
by the Council providing that re-payment thereof shall be made by or
for those persons receiving services outside the corporate limits.
ORDINANCE (2) The Town Manager or his duly authorized agents shall
prepare and submit to Council what shall be known as "the Basic Policy
for Financing Out of Town Water and Sewer Main Extensions or Con-
CONTINUED struction."
(3) The Town Manager may use such method or methods of
financing, including the establishing of formulas, as he believes
to be equitable to all parties and which provide for the ultimate
costs of extensions and construction being borne by the user
outside of town for the water or sewer services provided by the Town.
(4) Upon Council receiving the aforementioned policy and
after due consideration the Council by proper Resolution may adopt
same as presented, amend, re-write, direct that change be made and
re-submitted, or reject same.
(5) When and if Council approves the of orementioned policy,
then it shall be considered as an addendum to this Chapter and used
by Town officials as a guide line in their negotiations with
applicants for service.
Sec. 29-70. Applicability of Article III.
The provisions of Article III shall be controlling in
the construction, re-construction or extension of a1L water and
sewer lines outside the corporate limits of the Town of Pulaski
unless the contract between the Town and the user of water or
sewer services expressly provides that the Town is furnishing
services on terms different from those set out in this Chapter
or in other provisions of this Code, or Town resolutions.
This section shall apply particularly to contracts
where a different rate for water or sewer services is stated in
the contract with high consumers of water or sewer services,
variances in ownership of lines, extensions, maintenance and repair,
etc .
This section shall not be applied so as to prevent
the Town from requiring terms greater than those herein provided
and shall be applied as minimum requirements.
This ordinance shall become effective upon passage.
February 3, 1976 e-~ ~ ~~`~-~
Councilman Meadows moved that an ordinance to amend
Section 29-45, Article III, Chapter 29, dealing with sewer connections
and sewer connection fees, be adopted. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Hickam, and carried on the following recorded vote:
C. William Hickam, Jr. - aye William A. House - aye
Andrew L. Graham - aye Bob J. Clark - aye
Blair B. Brockmeyer - absent Arthur L. Meadows - aye
Mason A. Vaughan - aye James M. Neblett - aye
BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the Town of Pulaski,
Virginia, meeting in regular session on the 3rd day of February,
1976, that Section 29-45, Article III of Chapter 29 be amended and
re-enacted as Sec. 29-45.1, Article III, Chapter 29 of the Pulaski
Town Code as follows:
Sec. 29-45.1 - Connection generally; connection fees.
The provisions of this section shall apply to sewer
connections and sewer connection fees:
(a) For the connection of a private sewer line to the
public sewer line or lateral therefrom, payment shall be made, in
RE: CONNECTION advance, by the property owner to the town treasurer, of one
hundred fifty dollars for each minimum size, four-inch connection.
For payment of such fee, the town will construct and Lay a f our-inch
FEES lateral from the trunk line to the property line, subject to subsection
(b) of this section, or will locate for the. property owner the
terminus of an existing lateral to the respective property; for
connections upon lines Lying outside of the town, payment shall be
made, in advance, by the property owner to the town treasurer, of
two hundred fifty dollars for each minimum size, four-inch connection.
Construction of any sewer lines shall be made under the provisions
of this chapter for the construction of sewer lines lying outside
the corporate limits.
(b) In addition to the fees levied in the preceding sub-
section, where street construction exists, there shall be charged on
each future connection, fees for the construction of lateral lines
from the trunk or main sewer line to the property; such fees shall
be computed and assessed as follows: For each linear foot of asphalt
surface necessarily cut, a fee of one dollar and fifty cents, and for
each linear foot of concrete slab of concrete base construction
pavement or sidewalk necessarily. cut, a fee of two dollars. Payment
of fees under this subsection shall be in advance by the owner, based
on estimated footage, with the Town and the property owner adjusting
any difference between the actual footage and the estimated footage
upon the determination of the actual cost by the Town following the
completion of the job. (Lineal feet as used herein and upon which
payment is made shall be the distance from the sewer main to the
property line or to the outside boundary of the street or sidewalk,
whichever is applicable).
(c) For sewer lateral connection size six inches or
larger, hereafter constructed, the property owner and person re-
questing the connection shall be billed by the town treasurer, upon
completion of the connection construction, the actual cost of the
installation, including labor and materials plus fifteen (15%) per
cent to cover overhead and supervision.
~ ~~~~' February3, 1976
(d) Any contribution or special assessment charges the town
may require or have required, or receive or have received for sewer
main construction or extension shall be over and above the above
connection charges set in the three preceding paragraphs, with the
single exception that where a property owner requests connection
to an existing sewer lateral and the records of the town treasurer
establish that the same property owner made, in the past, con-
tribution toward the main Line which serves the particular property,
then the amount of such contribution shall be deducted from any,
connection fee or charge, and payment of the difference, if any,
shall be made by the property owner prior to making connection.
This ordinance shall become effective upon passage.
Town Attorney Moore presented to Coui~tl an ordinance
amending Section 16-24 of the Town Code dealing with blocking
driveways of filling stations, garages and other like establish-
ments. The ordinance was read and after some discussion of it
by Council, Councilman House moved that the adoption of the
ordinance be def erred until the next meeting of Council. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Graham, and carried on the follow-
ing recorded vote:
C. William Hickam, Jr. - aye William A. House - aye
Andrew L. Graham - aye Bob J. Clark - aye
Blair B. Brockmeyer - absent Arthur L. Meadows - aye
Mason A. Vaughan - aye James M. Neblett - aye
Mayor Ratcliff stated tentative plans are being made for
a bicentennial celebration to take place July 4, 1976, with a parade
BICENTENNIAL to be sponsored by the Pulaski Chamber of Commerce. It has been
PLANS - suggested that a judge's viewing stand be set up in the Jackson Park
COMMITTEE and possibly hold a small reception in the Municipal Building, as
REQUEST well as use the building in case of bad weather. Councilman House
moved that a Committee of the Mayor, Town Manager and two members of
Council evaluate this request. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Graham, and carried on the following recorded vote:
C. William Hickam, Jr. - aye William A. House - aye
Andrew L. Graham - aye Bob J. Clark - aye
Blair B. Brockmeyer -absent Arthur L. Meadows - aye
Mason A. Vaughan - aye James M. Neblett - aye
Mayor Ratcliff named Councilmen Graham and Neblett to serve
on this Committee with him and Town Manager Marshall.
Mayor Ratcliff read to Council a letter from Thomas J.
Bliley, Jr., President of the Virginia Municipal League and Mayor of
ASSEMBLY the City of .Richmond, to members of the Virginia General Assembly,
relative to a recommendation of a study committee that the public
utility consumer tax be abolished and be replaced with an additional
February 3, 1976 ~~ ~~~'~+
one-half cent sales tax. Mayor Bliley asked that with the un-
certain posture of public sector finances, any mandated changes
which might be considered by the General Assembly, should be
held in abeyance.
Town Manager Marshall reported that the Town had received
approximately $500,000 in Revenue Sharing Funds, and it was the con-
sensus of the Town Manager, Mayor and members of the Council that
without these funds the Town would not have been able to carry out a
progressive program of services to the public without raising taxes.
Mayor Ratcliff was urged to continue his eff orts to secure Revenue
Sharing Funds for the Town.
Town Manager Marshall reported that a house numbering
project has been suggested recently, with the numbers being painted
on the street curb at the expense of the property owners. Mr. Marshall
stated a meeting has been scheduled with representatives from the High
School to ascertain if there are clubs at the School that would be
interested in such a project under the supervision of the Town, as a
money making project for the Club.
Regarding the request from Council several weeks ago on
establishing the right-of-way lines in the area of Jim Dandy Market
on East Main Street, Town Manager Marshall stated copies of a
License-Permit Agreement between the Town of Pulaski and Meredith & Tate,
together with a map, both of which are dated in 1962, had been forwarded
TRIANGULAR to each member of the Council. Mr. Marshall stated that according to
SQUARE IN the map right-of-way line adjustments have been made which take into
FRONT OF consideration the construction of new East Main Street as well as
JIM DANDY incorporating therein the o14 right-of-way line provisions of Third
RT 99 Street. This is in the triangular area which is indicated on the map
and is in front of Jim Dandy Market as it exists today. Mr. Marshall
stated the bearings and distances are shown which will allow the
Engineering Department to establish the right-of-way lines. Mr.
Marshall staaed the Engineering Department will be establishing these
lines by a physical survey, and property owners in the area will be so
notified in order that they will be inf ormed as to what the Engineering
Department is doing.
~-~~ ~ ~ -_
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February 3, 1976
Town Manager Marshall gave a brief report on a meeting
held January 27th with representatives from the Corps of Engineers and
PLAIN HUD regarding the Flood Plain Study plan as well as a report on
flood insurance rates and the establishment of Flood Plain limits.
Town Manager Marshall stated an application had been
received from C. H. Marshall, Jr. to place a mobile home at
FOR TRAILER 708 Locust Street, and recommended it follow the normal procedure
for mobile home applications. Councilman Graham so moved, seconded
by Councilman Vaughan, and carried.
At 7:00 P. M. Councilman Vaughan moved that Council
adjourn. The motion was seconded by Councilman Neblett, and
Mayor Ratclif J
!1 ~,.
Clef of Council