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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Pulaski Town
Council held April 20, 1976 at 7:00 P. M. in the Council Chambers
in the Municipal Building.
There were present: Mayor Raymond F. Ratcliff, presiding.
Councilmen: Blair B. Brookmeyer, C. William Hickam, Jr.,
Andrew L. Graham, Bob J. Clark,
Mason A. Vaughan, Arthur L. Meadows,
William A. House, James M. Neblett
Also present: Town Manager: J. E. Marshall
Clerk: Gladys R. Dalton
Town Attorney: Garnett S. Moore
Town Treasurer: Roger A. Williams
Visitors: J. R. Schrader, Jane Graham, Ben Tate, Billy Arnold
The invocation was given by Councilman Vaughan.
The minutes of the regular meeting of April 6, 1976 were
MINUTES approved as recorded.
Mayor Ratcliff welcomed the visitors and asked if anyone had
a matter to bring to the Council, and it appeared no one wished to
speak .
Mayor Ratcliff stated that as had been advertised in the
local newspaper, this was the time and place to hear the public on the
application of Michael Ray Davidson to place a mobile home on Lot 40 on
Case Knife Road. No one spoke, and Mayor Ratcliff called for a report
from the Town Manager.
PUBLIC HEARING Town Manager Marshall reported that Lot 40 contains 87,120
DAVIDSON sq. ft. and is owned by Roscoe Davidson, father of the applicant. He
TRAILER further reported the Engineering Department had attempted to contact
APPLICATION personally all of the adjacent property owners, but in some instances
APPROVED were unable to do this. However, notices were mailed to the last
known address of those the Engineering Department were unable to
contact personally. Town Manager Marshall recommended that the applica-
tion be approved upon the condition that the applicant obtain a permit
from the Health Department for a septic tank to be installed for the
trailer, and all the requirements of the Town be met. Councilman
Neblett moved that the application be approved as recommended by
the Town Manager, and the motion was seconded by Councilman Clark and
carried on the following recorded vote;
C. William Hickam, Jr. - aye William A. How e - aye
Andrew L. Graham - aye Bob J. Clark - aye
Blair B. Brookmeyer - aye Arthur L. Meadows - aye
Mason A. Vaughan - aye James M. Neblett - aye
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April 20, 1976 ~'~ ~~i~t1
As had been advertised in the local newspaper, Council held
a public hearing on the application of Majella H. Myers to place a mobile
home on Crestline Drive. No one spoke either for or against this applica-
tion, and Mayor Ratcliff called for a report from the Town Manager.
Town Manager Marshall reported that all of the adjacent pro-
perty owners had been contacted by the Engineering Department with the
exception of one, and that notice had been mailed to that property
owner. He further stated the land is located in R-2 residential zone
and water service is available, however sanitary sewer is not, bt~t the
applicant has indicated a septic tank will be installed.
Mr. Marshall further reported that Mr. Curtis Rupe, an
PUBLIC adjacent property owner had objected to the placing of this trailer,
HEARING stating that it would devalue his property. He further stated that in
ON M. J. reviewing the overall the house trailer would be located approximately
MYERS 300 feet from the Rupe resident, and will be on land constituting
TRAILER approximately 16 or 18 acres. Mr. Marshall recommended that the applica-
APPLICATION tion be approved conditioned upon the installation of a septic tank, and
AND all the requirements of the Town be met, and there being no objections
MATTER from the other adjoining property owners.
CARRIED Councilman Neblett moved that due to the acreage involved,
OVER TO the application be granted subject to the conditions set out by the Town
NEXT Manager. The motion was seconded by Councilman Brockmeyer.
At this point the question was raised as to whether the Council
was granting permits to persons who are not the owners of the property
involved, and it was also brought out that Council had never granted-a
permit for a house trailer where there was objection to same. Councilman
Hickam moved it be tabled, and was seconded by Councilman Vaughan. The
following vote was taken:
C. William Hickam, Jr. - aye William A. House - No~
Andrew L. Graham - No Bob J. Clark - No.
Blair B. Brockmeyer - No Arthur L. Meadows - aye
Mason A. Vaughan - aye James M. Neblett - No
Councilman House made a substitute motion to the original
motion, that the application be carried over to the next meeting of Council
for further consideration bef ore final action is taken. The motion was
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April 20, 1976
seconded by Councilman Vaughan, and the following vote was taken:
C. William Hickam, Jr. - aye
Andrew L. Graham - No
Blair B. Brockmeyer - No
Mason~A. Vaughan - aye
William A. House - aye
Bob J. Clark - No
Arthur L. Meadows - aye
James M. Neblett - No
A tie vote resulted, and Mayor Ratcliff stated the matter
needed further study and consideration and voted that it be delayed
until the next meeting of Council.
At this point Billy Arnold appeared bef ore Council and
reported on a traffic condition existing on Case Knife Road. Mr.
Arnold stated he had been traveling this road from his home on his
way to work for many years and within the corporate limits there
exists a hazardous traffic condition due to cars being parked on
the hard surface of the road as well as being parked on the wrong
side of the road. He stated his wife had an accident recently when
an approaching car caused her to hit another vehicle on the hard
surface. Mr. Arnold also stated some of those parking on the road
have driveways but they do not use them. Councilman Hickam moved
that the Safety Committee look into this situation as well as Long
View Court and Valley Road, and if there is an ordinance by the
Town regulating parking of vehicles, the, Police be so instructed.
The motion was seconded by Councilman House, and carried.
Councilman Hickam moved that Town Attorney Moore be
instructed to prepare for Council's consideration a Resolution
reappointing Frank Vass and E. C. Gibson to another term to the
Industrial Development Authority, their term of office having expired
April 13, 1976. The motion was seconded by Councilman Neblett, and
Councilman Graham stated he had brought up the subject of
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the $20.00 water deposit with respect to rental property which is
being charged by the Town, and moved that the Finance Committee
along with the Town Attorney and Town Manager bring in a recommenda-
tion to the Council as to the deposit, and then the Ordinance Committee
will study same and make a recommendation to the Council. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Brockmeyer, and carried.
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April 20, 1976
Councilman Brockmeyer stated he had no report on Sanitation
or Pollution, but advised that he had been contacted by residents of
Randolph Avenue from 16th Street to the corporate limits about a street
light. Town Manager Marshall advised that the proper procedure in such
RESIDENTS cases is for the residents to write a very simple letter requesting a
ST. LIGHT street light in their area, and it would be checked into. Mr. Marshall
AVE. suggested to Councilman Brockmeyer that he convey this to the residents
who contacted him.
Councilman Brockmeyer also stated he had been contacted re-
garding additional loading zones in the downtown area. Town Manager
SURVEY Marshall advised the Engineering Department is making a survey of the
ZONES loading zone situation to determine the areas where the greatest need is
As Council representative to the New River Valley Planning
District Commission, Councilman House advised that New River Community
Action program intends to apply for federal/state aid for a Rural.
Transportation grant in the amount of $740,000 for a transportation program
for the elderly. Mr. House stated he felt this an ill-devised plan, and
COUNCIL he was concerned because these programs are started and when the buses
NOT IN are worn out and the government will not buy new ones, then the program
FAVOR OF is turned over to the localities to support. It was suggested that
PROGRAM Town Manager Marshall comment on this project to the Planning District
FOR TRANS- Commission office bef ore its meeting on Thursday at which time the Rural
PORTATION Transportation program will be discussed. Mr. House also stated the local
FOR AGED Agency is interested in getting the food program for the elderly re-
Councilman Clark, as Chairman of the Recreation Committee, re-
ported the recommendations made to Council by the Recreation Commission
SCHEDULES recently are still being studied and considered by the Committe. Mr.
& Clark further stated a summer recreation schedule is being prepared and
this will be published in the local newspaper.
Councilman Clark gave a detailed account of the summer recreational
program and also stated that from figures obtained by talking with coaches
and others who participate in recreation activities, that approximately
REC. sixty-five percent of the participants in the program are county residents.
r~t,j*~- April 20, 1976
Quoting from a report from Recreation Director, Ned Bane, Mr. Clark read:
"The growth of our program and the obvious great increase in the number
of participants in our activities is bringing about the problem of
over crowding. The answer here may be the lighting of the Loving Field
Complex with the help of individuals or the County of Pulaski". There
was discussion about a consolidation effort between the County and
Town for a Recreation Program, and Councilman Brockmeyer suggested
that the Recreation Committee meet with the members of the Board of
Supervisors to discuss an overall Recreational Program. It was the
consensus of Council that this was a good approach.
Councilman Meadows reported that members of the Ordinance
Committee had been furnished copies of a letter from Mr. Powers, Chairman
of the Planning Commission, concerning the cleaning of vacant lots
PROPERTY and the Town ordinance dealing with same. Mr. Meadows stated it-was
BE NOTIFIED recently established that the Town has an enf orceable ordinance and
OF LOTS, ETC. they should be so advised. Mr. Meadows stated notice should be placed
in the local newspaper giving a definite time for cleaning the lots
and those who do not abide by this regulation will be fined, and
that Council be advised of any property owners who fail to clean their
Councilman Meadows also stated he had been contacted
ABANDONED relative to abandoned cars, and felt steps should be taken to see
what can be done about this situation.
Councilman Neblett reported that the Saf ety Committee had
met, but that no report could be made at that time. Mr. Neblett
called Council's attention to a Wagon Train - Bicentennial - which
will be passing through Pulaski County on Ma.y 23rd. Mayor Ratcliff
WAGON TRAIN stated that as a part of the 3rd and 4th of July celebration in
NEBLETT Pulaski, the Bicentennial Committee is working on a program which
includes a parade. Also, space has been requested in Jackson Park
for the location of a Time Capsule which is being .designed by the
Kiwanis Club. The Bicentennial Committee will meet May 12th to
make permanent plans for the celebration.
As Chairman of the Land, Buildings & Parks Committee,
REQ. TO PUR. Councilman Vaughan presented a letter from Rev. T. P. Johnston,
April 20, 1976
Pastor of the New River Valley Baptist Church, expressing an interest
in purchasing five to twn acres of the eastern end of Loving Field
which borders on Alum Spring Road on the east and Strauss' Lane on the
South, for a Church Building and Christian Day School, and moved that
the request be turned over to the Land, Building and Parks Committee.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Neblett, and carried.
~~ .1"~
Town Attorney Moore presented the petition of Everett Junior
Chrisley, by his Attorney, Byron R. Shankman, requesting the resoning
of the Chrisley property upon which Tom's Drive-In is located, in order
E.J.CHRISLEY that the necessary expansions can be made to the Drive-In. On motion
ING RECD of Councilman Vaughan, seconded by Councilman Graham, the petition was
BE REF. received and filed; said petition to be ref erred to the Town Planning
COMMISSION Commission, with a joint public hearing by the Town Council and Town
Planning Commission to be fixed as soon as possible. The motion carried
on the following recorded vote:
C. William Hickam, Jr. - aye
Andrew L. Graham - aye
Blair B. Brockmeyer - aye
Mason A. Vaughan - aye
T/A Tom's Drive-In )
South Washington Avenue )
Pulaski, Virginia 24301 )
William A. House - aye
Bob J. Clark - aye
Arthur L. Meadows - aye
James M. Neblett - aye
Your petitioner, Everett Junior Chrisley, does hereby pray
PETITION f or a Rezoning of the subject property occupied by Tom's Drive-In because
of the following:
(1) Your Petitioner is the proprietor and tenant of the
property upon which Tom's Drive-In is located, and as better described
by Exhibit I, which is attached hereto.
(2) According to the Zoning Map of the Town of Pulaski
(1965) this property is presently zoned R-2 and thus your Petitioner's
property constitutes a non-conforming use.
(3) Presently much of the road-sode property located
below Tom's Drive-In and towards the downtown area of Pulaski is
zoned B-1 (Zoning Map-1965).
(4) At present Mr. Chrisley desires to expand the physical
structure of Tom's Drive-In but evidently is prohibited from doing so
because of the present zoning code applicable to his business. Please
see letter dated April 5, 1976, which better explains this problem and is
attached hereto as Exhibit II.
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April 20, 1976
(5) The property owners surrounding Tom's Drive-In are
as identified by Exhibit attached hereto and identified as Exhibit
(6) Your Petitioner verily believes that: (a) A rezoning
to B-1 or B-2 is mandated by the general use of the road-side property
located around Tom's Drive-In; (b) The zoning should be changed to
allow the necessary expansion at Tom's Drive-In; (c) The requisite rezoning
would not harm the property rights of any other property owners in the
(7) Your Petitioner also affirms that he will be
responsible for all the costs involved in this proceeding.
WHEREFORE. your Petitioner prays for the following relief:
(a) That the subject property, more properly identified
above, be rezoned to either B-1 or B-2 in order to permit the
intended expansion of Tom's Drive-In.
(b) That a Public Hearing with the requisite advertising
be conducted regarding your Petitioner's request.
(c) That your Petitioner be granted any further relief
the Council may feel necessary.
Byron R. Shankman
Gilmer, Sadler, Ingram,
Sutherland & Hutton
Midtown Prof essional Building
65 East Main Street
Post Office Box 878
Pulaski, Virginia 24301
(The above Petition, together with Exhibit I, II and III are filed
in the office of Town Manager)
Town Manager Marshall reported that copies of the Facility
MAY 18
Plan which is a part of the Infiltration/Inflow Study have been
furnished to each Councilman, and strongly suggested and recommended
that they make a complete study thereof. Mr. Marshall stated further
that notice had been inserted in the April 18th Southwest Times that
Council would hold a public hearing on May 18th to consider the
acceptance of the Plan which will then be submitted to the various
State Agencies and the Environmental Protection Agency.
Town Manager Marshall reported the low bid on the water
screen at Peak Creek Pumping Station was received from FMC-Link Belt
Company in the amount of $23,416, with delivery from 23 to 25 weeks.
Another bid was received from Rex Chain Belt Company in the amount of
Respectfully submitted.
Everett Junior Chrisley
By Counsel
~' F* e ~
April 20, 1976 ~~ ~ ~~~'`'
$24,897 with delivery from 43 to 45 weeks. Mr. Marshall advised no
appropriation is necessary at this time, but asked that authorization
be granted to issue a purchase order to FMC-Link Belt Company for the
traveling screen. Councilman Brockmeyer moved that a purchase order
be so issued and that the cost of the traveling screen be paid for from
the 1976-77 budget. The motion was seconded by Councilman Graham, and
carried on the following recorded vote:
C. William Hickam, Jr. - aye
Andrew L. Graham - aye
Blair B. Brockmeyer - aye
Mason A. Vaughan - aye
William A. House - aye
Bob J. Clark - aye
Arthur L. Meadows - aye
James M. Neblett - aye
On motion of Councilman Clark, seconded by Councilman Hickam, and
carried, the request from Pulaski County Life Saving and First Aid Crew for
use of the building in the rear of the Fire Department for meetings and
drills, was referred to the Land, Buildings and Parks Committee.
At 9:30 P. M. on motion of Councilman Neblett, seconded by
Councilman Hickam, and carried, Council adjourned.
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