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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Pulaski Town Council
held May 18, 1976 at 7:00 P. M. in the Council Chambers in the Municipal
There were present: Mayor Raymond F. Ratcliff, presiding.
Councilmen: William A. House, Andrew L. Graham,
C. William Hickam, Jr., Arthur L. Meadows,
Blair B. Brockmeyer, Mason A. Vaughan,
James M. Neblett, Bob J. Clark
Also present: Town Manager: J. E. Marshall
Clerk: Gladys R. Dalton
Town Engineer: H. R. Coake & John Hawley
Visitors: J. R. Schrader, Jane Graham - Press
Joseph Shoda and Wilbert Vaughn of Pulaski TV Cable
System, Conrad Dodl and Charles Riley, Wiley &
Wilson, Consulting Engineers
G. W. Peak and Steve Ballard of the State Health
Department, Bureau of Sanitary Engineering
The invocation was given by Councilman Graham.
The minutes of the regular meeting of May 3rd were approved
as recorded.
Ms. Mary Lauth, Executive Director of the Area Agency on Aging,
briefed Council on-the program for Senior Citizens in the area. Ms. Lauth
REPORT also thanked Council for the use of Central Gym recently by her Agency,
AGENCY .and inquired about the possibility of the Agency using the old Municipal
& REQ. Building on Washington Avenue for a Senior Citizen Center - a place to go
OF OLD f or recreation, or a gathering and meeting place for senior citizens.
REF. TO Councilman Clark moved that the request for the use of the
old Municipal Building for Senior Citizens be referred to the Recreation
Committee, Town Manager, and the Land Buildings and Parks Committee, for
study and report to Council. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Brockmeyer, and carried on the following recorded vote:
C. William Hickam, Jr. - aye William A. House - aye
Andrew L. Graham - aye Bob J. Clark - aye
Blair B. Brockmeyer - aye Arthur L. Meadows - aye
Mason A. Vaughan - aye James M. Neblett - aye
Charles Eversole of the local Elks Club appeared bef ore
BICENTENNIALCouncil and advised that the Club wished to present to the Town a
FLAG TO BE Bennington Flag, representing the first flag of thirteen bars, stripes
and start, and advised that the presentation would take place at 10:00
A. M. June 14th at the Municipal Building.
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May 18, 1976
Joe Shoda and Wilbert Vaughn of Pulaski TV Cable System
presented to Council a proposal for a rate increase in connection
charges and monthly service rates. Mr. Shoda stated this request
was similar to a proposal made to the Town Council some two years
ago, which was granted by the Council. Mr. Shoda expressed the
hope that the new rates could become effective July first.
COMM. TO STUDY Councilman Hickam read a letter from Jim Reynolds of 922
CABLE CO. Hermosa Drive, Pulaski, who complained of the reception he had been
IN RATES able to obtain as a subscriber to TV Cable. Mr. Hickam stated he
had received other complaints regarding the service of the cable
COMPLAIN system, and Mr. Shoda stated the Company personnel report that
TV SERVICE approximately 85% of the calls regarding service turned out to be
difficulties with TV sets. He further stated the Company is working
with C&P and Appalachian Power Company to put the TV Cable system on its
own; that when the system was first installed it was lashed to the
C&P telephone system, and it was hoped this would make a great
difference in reception.
Councilman Vaughan moved that the proposal by the
TV Cable Company be referred to the Ordinance Committee. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Brockmeyer, and carried on the following
recorded vote:
C. William Hickam, Jr. - aye William A. House - aye
Andrew L. Graham - aye Bob J. Clark - aye
Blair B. Brockmeyer - aye Arthur L. Meadows - aye
Masan A. Vaughan - aye James M. Neblett - aye
Mayor Ratcliff announced that this was the time and place
for the Public Hearing on the Facility Plan which was prepared by
PUBLIC HEARINGConsulting Engineers, Wiley &-Wilson, concerning the Town of Pulaski
PLAN; sewage treatment plant. Mr. Conrad Dodl, Associate for Wiley &
ENGRS. EXPLAINWilson, gave an outline of the development of the Facility Plan.
The Facility Plan includes essentially four reports: ,the first
entitled "Infiltration/Inflow Analysis for the Town of Pulaski",
was a study of the sewerage system to determine if infiltration/
inflow was a significant problem. The second report, entitled
"Infiltration/Inflow Evaluation Syrvey or the Sanitary Sewer System"
was a more detailed study of the sewerage system outling what items
May 18, 1976
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were necessary and practical to correct the excess infiltration and
inflow. The third report included in the Facility Plan was "Recommenda-
tions for proposed sewage treatment plant upgrading", and the fourth
report included was the "Environmental Assessment". Mr. Dodl sated
that there will be three phases concerning the sewage treatment plant
upgrading. The first was the preparation of the Facility Plan; the
second will be preparation of plans and specifications for the proposed
plant, and the third will be for the construction of the plant. Mr.
Charles Riley reviewed the Facility Plan which outlines the proposed
upgrading which will include a pump Station and discharge line which
will extend to CLaytor Lake. Mr ., Riley stated that the existing
trickling filter plant will be expanded and altered to an activated
sludge plant. The cost of the construction and operation and mainte-
nance was discussed.
Af ter the presentation by Mr. Dodl and Mr. Riley, Mayor
Ratcliff asked for any public comments. There were no comments from
the public.
Mayor Ratcliff called for Committee reports.
COMMITTEE Councilman Hickam had no report.
REPORTS Councilman Graham had no report.
Councilman Brockmeyer had no report.
Councilman Vaughan, As Chairman of the Land, Buildings &
Parks Committee, reported that his Committee had considered the
request of the Pulaski County Life Saving Crew for the use of the
cinder block building on First Street, which formerly housed the
Town Recreation Department, for drills and meetings. Mr. Vaughan
OF RESCUE SQ. stated it was the recommendation of the Committee that inasmuch as the
TOWN OWNED building is now being used by the Town, it would not be possible to
grant the request, and moved that it be turned down. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Brockmeyer, and carried on the following
recorded vote:
C. William Hickam, Jr. - aye William A. House - aye
Andrew L. Graham - aye Bob J. Clark - aye
Blair B. Brockmeyer - aye Arthur L. Meadows - aye
Mason A. Vaughan - aye James M. Neblett - aye
~-~ J ,~ ,~ May 18, 1976
Councilman Vaughan also reported that the Committee
had considered the request of Rev. T. P. Johnston, Pastor of New
River Valley Baptist Church, to purchase a portion of Loving Field
RECOMMENDS adjacent to Alum Spring Road and Strauss' Lane, and in view of the
LAND FOR CHURCH long range plans for Loving Field by the Town, recommended that the
request be denied, and so moved. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Graham, and carried on the following recorded vote:
C. William Hickam, Jr. - aye William A. House - aye
Andrew L. Graham - aye Bob J. Clark - aye
Blair B. Brockmeyer - aye Arthur L Meadows - aye
Mason A. Vaughan - aye James M. Neblett - aye
As Chairman of the Finance Committee, Councilman House
GEN. FUND TO reported it was necessary to reimburse the General Fund for actual
FOR FUNDS FOR expenditures previously appropriated from Revenue Sharing Funds,
ON ROUTE 99 to Account No. 4040 Traffic Signals, the sum of $11,106..31, and so
moved that the Town Treasurer be so authorized to make the transfer..
The motion was seconded by Councilman Hickam, and carried on the
following recorded vote:
C. William Hickam, Jr. - aye William A. House - aye
Andrew L. Graham - aye Bob J. Clark - aye
Blair B. Brockmeyer - aye Arthur L. Meadows - aye
Mason A. Vaughan - aye James M. Neblett - aye
Councilman Clark had no report.
Councilman Meadows had no report, but asked that the
Ordinance meet on May 25th at 5 P. M.
Councilman Neblett, Chairman of the Public Saf ety
Committee, reported his Committee had considered the complaint
POLICE OFFICER of Billy Arnold wherein cars are partially parking on the narrow
HAZARDOUS hard surface, and after having reviewed State Laws and Town
SITUATIONS ordinances governing same, the Committee had determined that
INVESTIGATIONS the investigating police officer has the authority to use his
judgment whether there exists a hazardous situation due to parking.
Mr. Neblett asked that Council have an executive session
ASKS FOR at the conclusion of the regular session to discuss a personnel
SESSION matter.
Town Manager Marshall reported that pursuant to letter
to the Soil and Water Conservation Commission advising that Council
-will hold a public hearing on the adoption of its Erosion and
PUBLIC HEARING Sediment Control Ordinance, the Commission responded the time
May 18, 1976
frame was acceptable. It appears that in order to complete the program
the Town will need to have "A Plan for Education - Inf ormation Program ",
and "A Plan for Technical Training and an Estimated Program Costs and
Sources of Funding". Mr. Marshall stated the first program mentioned
will be handled through the Skyline Soil Conservation District, and
shortly after the adoption of the ordinance a schedule of the inf orma-
tion will be made in the Education Program. As to the second i5tem
mentioned above, this will be handled by the Engineering Department
or Building Inspection office.
Town Manager Marshall reported that inf ormation has been
received that the overrun of $15,000 over the present grant of Step I
OVERRUN COSTS has been approved for federal participation, and that the total amount
IN GRANT of the overrun and the reason theref or will be submitted after the
completion of Step I, and after the total overrun and reason has been
approved, the funds would be covered by increasing the Step II applica-
tion cost prior to submittal to EPA.
Town Manager Marshall reported that grant application forms
for sewer main construction have been completed and forwarded to the
APPLICATION Proper federal agency, for obtaining 100% funding for the installation
FOR 100% of sewer mains in various sections of the Town. The. total amount of
SEWER MAIN the application is $220,000. Upon final confirmation, the Engineering
FWD. TO FED. Department will proceed in the preparation of plans and specifica-
GRANT tions and necessary field work for the project.
Town Manager Marshall reported that a•letter had been received
from George A. Hillsman, a member of the Beautification Committee, in
GEO.A.HILLS- which Mr. Hillsman requested Council to appoint someone to fill his
SOMEONE TO spot on the Committee inasmuch as he felt he should curtain some of
PLACE ON his activities. It was suggested that the Nominating Committee bring
COMM.; in names or a name to be recommended to the Council to fill this
BRING IN vacancy.
Town Manager Marshall reported that Claremont Corporation had
requested the Town to have Holyfield Drive and Monte Vista Drive
ST. COMM. Extension included in the town's secondary street system, and at his
INCL. HOLY- request an inspection had been made by the Town Engineer and Public
~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~;~ May 18, 1976
Director. Reports had been received from these department heads,
and it was their recommendation that the streets named be
included in the town's street system. There was some discussion
relative to procedures in such matters, and Councilman Brockmeyer
moved that it be ref erred to the Street Committee bef ore final
approval is made by Council. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Graham, and the following recorded vote was taken:
C. William Hickam, Jr. - abstained William A. House - No.
Andrew L. Graham - aye Bob J. Clark - No
Blair B. Brockmeyer - aye Arthur L. Meadows-aye
Mason A. Vaughan - aye James M. Neblett - aye
At 9:35 P. M. Councilman House seconded Councilman
EXECUTIVE Neblett's motion that Council go into executive session.
At 9:55 P. M. Councilman Vaughan moved, seconded by Coun-
Gilman House, that Council return to regular session. Motion
REGULAR was carried.
At 9:56 P. M. the Mayor declared Council to be back in
regular session and inquired if there was further business to come
before the meeting..
At 9:57 P. M. there being none, Councilman Vaughan
COUNCIL moved, seconded by Councilman Clark ,. that Council adjourn.
Motion was carried.
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Mayor atcliff
Clerk of ,Council