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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Pulaski Town Council,
held September 21, 1976 at 4:00 P. M. in the Council Chambers in the
Municipal Building.
There were present: Mayor Raymond F. Ratcliff, presiding.
Councilmen: Blair B. Brockmeyer, William A. House, Arthur L. Meadows,
C. William Hickam, Jr., Andrew L. Graham,
James M. Neblett, Bob J. Clark, John A. Johnston
Also present: J. E. Marshall, Town Manager
Becky Plott, Acting Clerk of Council
Garnett S. Moore, Town Attorney
Roger A. Williams, Town Treasurer
Visitors: 1. R. Schrader, Southwest Times
Jane Graham, WPUV
Mr. Buckner., Music Shop
Mr. and Mrs. James Mullins
Mrs. Hazel Gregory
The invocation was given by Councilman Neblett.
Town Manager Marshall presented an application of James M. Mullins
to place a mobile home on Lots 10 & 11 at 1217 Macgill Street. Due to
the objections from several residents in the area, Town Manager Marshall
recommended against granting the application. Mrs. Hazel Gregory, owner
of the lots, stated that several of the people that signed the petition
TRAILER lived 1-1/2 blocks away from the location of the lots. After some dis-
CONTINUED cussion, Councilman House made the motion that this petition be con-
tinued to the next regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Meadows, and carried on the following recorded vote:
C. William Hickam, Jr. - aye William A. House - aye
Andrew L. Graham - abstain Bob J. Clark - aye
Blair B. Brockmeyer - aye Arthur L. Meadows - aye
John A. Johnston - aye James M. Neblett - aye
The minutes of the regular meeting of September 7, 1976 were
minutes approved as recorded.
Mr. Buckner questioned Council as to whether or not there was a
Town ordinance in regards to the prevention of two German Shepherd dogs
barking and causing a disturbance at his home and to whether or not
ON BARKING anything could be done to prevent this. Town Manager Marshall checked
the Town ordinances and found there was no ordinance that would cover the
matter. After some discussion, Councilman Brockmeyer suggested they
ref er this matter to the Ordinance Committee for future study.
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Mayor Ratcliff called on the members of Council to make their
REPORTS Committee reports.
Councilman Hickam noted the Thoroughfare Study Committee
THOROUGHFARE met last week with representatives from the Highway Department to
MET discuss the proposed network that is being developed for our
Thoroughfare Plan.
Councilman Hickam questioned the cost of placing the list of
QUESTIONED delinquent Real Estate taxes for 1975 in the newspaper and asked if
TAX LIST the Town could find some way to lower the cost for the next year.
NEWSPAPER Councilman Graham reported his committee had not met since
the last meeting. He also reported that he, along with Town Manager
Marshall and other members of Council, were able to talk with several
SEWAGE TR. representatives from the State Water Control Board in regards to the
DEVELOPMENTS Sewage Treatment Plant and hoped to be able to report to Council in
the near future on the progress being made on the Facility Plan.
Councilman Brockmeyer reported he had received his study on
the Sanitary Landfill Leachate Collection and Treatment System. He asked
LEACHATE STUDY his committee to study the report at length and also hoped to have some
decision from the State in the near future and also he would like to
hold a Committee meeting to review the Plan.
Councilman Brockmeyer asked if the Town could begin a study on the
- consolidation of the three units of government which would include the
Town of Pulaski, Dublin, and Pulaski County in order to keep from
CONS@LIDA- providing duplication of services for the people. Councilman Brock-
GOVT. BODIES meyer made the motion that a committee be formed, which would include
SUB. MOTION two representatives from each area, to study the formation of a con-
CHECK ON solidation form of government.
Councilman House made a substitute motion which asked that the
Mayor be appointed by Town Council to represent the Pulaski Town
Council and contact the other three governmental bodies to see if
they can get a joint committee set up. Councilman Johnston seconded
the motion and it was carried on the following recorded vote:
C. William Hickam, Jr. - aye William A. House- aye
Andrew L. Graham - aye Bob J. Clark - aye
Blair B. Brockmeyer - aye Arthur L. Meadows- aye
John A. Johnston - aye James M. Neblett - aye
September 21, 1976
Councilman Brockmeyer also reported that the citizens on 5th Street
were still complaining about the racing cars going back and forth and
COMPLAINTS asked the Town Manager if any action had been taken. Town Manager
CARS ON 5TH Marshall stated that the Police Chief has patrol cars in the area trying
to catch the people in action, and would continue to do so until the
problem was solved.
Councilman Johnston, Land & Building Chairman, had no report, but
stated that a committee meeting had been scheduled on two matters that
were under study.
Town Attorney Moore advised Councilman Johnston that the Federal
SUBMIT Government was sending forms to be filled out and returned as soon as
CONTRACT possible for the F.F.A. Station at Loving Field.
AT LOVING The subject of Medallion Drive was brought to the attention of
Town Council. It was noted that the Engineering Department has made a
DOCUMENTS composite drawing and the map shows a SO ft, right-of-way from Newbern
DR .TO BE Road to Route 611 and that the final documents would be shortly
Councilman House had no report from the Personnel Committee. The
Finance Committee met to discuss the payment of $214,000 bill from the
Department of Highways to pay for the Town's portion for the completion
of Phase II portion of Memorial Drive which runs from Peppers Ferry Road
TOWN ATTY.to Bob White Boulevard. Councilman House stated that in order to make
DOCUMENT payment on this bill, the Town will use the $75,000 in the restricted
TERM NOTE fund along with $50,000 more in the present budget and either borrow the
TO HIGHWAYbalance from the bank on short term note, or try to get the Highway
MEMORIAL Department to bill the Town for the balance over a period of time.
Councilman House made the motion that Mr. Moore prepare the necessary
resolution or ordinance for short term borrowing, not to exceed $100,000,
and have available at the next meeting on October 5, 1976, and that other
possibly ways of payment be explored as the bill is due in early October.
Councilman Neblett seconded the motion and it was carried on the following
C. William Hickam, Jr. - aye William A. House - aye
Andrew L. Graham - aye Bob J. Clark - aye
Blair B. Brockmeyer - aye Arthur L. Meadows - aye
John A. Johnston - aye James M. Neblett - aye
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September 21, 1976
Councilman Clark had no report.
Coundilman Meadows had no report.
Councilman Neblett, Safety Committee Chairman, noted his
Committee met last week in regards to Town parks and ordinances that
concern these parks. He noted the Police Department was having
difficulty in arresting individuals abusing the parks and this
NECESSARY FOR may be due to the lack of ordinances. He recommended that the Chief
TO ARREST of Police, Town Manager and Mr. Moore get together to see if the
ABUSING PARKS existing ordinances can be utilized in arresting the people who are
abusing our parks. Councilman Neblett reported there were no other
items discussed, and the possibility of new ordinances might be
needed for the care of these parks.
Mayor Ratcliff reported that Howard Eggert has asked to be
H.H,EGGERT relieved from the Board of Zoning Appeals as he is out of Town a
FROM BD. OF great deal, and he also asked that the Committee meet in order to
recommend a new member.
The Mayor also noted that in the 4th District Forum there was
an article about the Beautification of Peak Creek and asked that
OF PEAK when the Planning Commission made its proposal on this matter that
Town Council be prepared to help.
Town Attorney Moore presented a copy of the Ordinances of
METER the meters to go to the Chairman of the Ordinance Committee to be
PRESENTED reviewed by his Committee at the November meeting.
& Councilman'House moved that the two-hour free parking be
PARKING extended to the first meeting in November and that a public hearing
OCT. 19 be scheduled on this subject for October 19th. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Neblett and carried on the following recorded vote:
C. William Hickam, Jr. - aye
Andrew L. Graham - aye
Blair B. Brockmeyer - aye
John A. Johnston - aye
William A. House - aye
Bob J. Clark - aye
Arthur L. Meadows - aye
James M. Neblett - aye
Town Manager Marshall reported that the Leachate Collection
STUDY REPT.and Treatment System study has been submitted to the State Health
TO STATE Department and the Town should expect to hear from them within the
DEPT . next few uteks .
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September 21, 1976 t
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Town Manager Marshall also pointed out the Thoroughfare Study
THOROUGHFARE Committee met September 16 with the Highway Department and hoped to be
MEET WITH able to sit down with Council in the near future to go over the details
COUNCIL FOR of the proposed Thoroughfare Plan network for the Council's input on
the final plan.
Mr. Shoda from the Cable TV has sent a letter outling the
improvements being made by the company in order to provide their customers
with better viewing. He noted in his letter that the following improve-
CABLE TV •ments were being made. The installation of new cable, rebuilding
IMPROVEMENTS°arious sections in Town, correction of the showing on Channels 7 & 10,
MEADOWS installing a time and weather channel with AM & FM music, and by placing
PUBLIC telephones in the homes of some of the office force to handle service calls
ON SAME after office hour s. He also noted in his Letter that the last rate in-
crease was in 1974 and he included a proposed rate sheet for Town Council's
MOTION approval.
SO MADE Councilman Meadows suggested that there be a meeting for the public
to give their opinions.
Councilman Hickam made a motion that Town Council hold a public
hearing on October 19th on Cable TV rate increase. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Brockmeyer and carried on the following recorded vote:
C. William Hickam, Jr. - aye
Andrew L. Graham - aye
Blair B. Brockmeyer - aye
John A. Johnston - aye
William A. House - aye
Bob J. Clark - aye
Arthur L. Meadows - aye
James M. Neblett - aye
Town Manager Marshall also brought to the attention of Council a
TRAILER mobile home application for Johnston House and suggested that this be
TO FOLLOW handled in the normal procedure. It was so moved by Councilman Hickam,
PROCEDUE seconded by Councilman Brockmeyer and carried that it be so handled.
Town Manager Marshall reported that Fire Chief Hall has slated
the Fire Prevention Parade on October 7th and asked the Town Council
FIRE members who wish to ride in the parade to meet by 6:30 P. M.
PARADE At 5:40 P. M. Councilman Neblett moved that the meeting be
ADJOURNMENT adjourned. Seconded by Councilman Brockmeyer, and carried.
Mayor Ratcliff
Acti Clerk of Council