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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Pulaski Town Council
held October 5, 1976 at 4:00 P. M. in the Council Chambers in the
Municipal Building.
There were present: Mayor Raymond Ratcliff, presiding.
Councilmen: C. William Hickam, Jr., Andrew L. Graham
Blair B. Brockmeyer, William A. House
Bob J. Clark, Arthur L. Meadows
James M. Neblett, John A. Johnston
Also present: J. E. Marshall, Town Manager
Becky Plott, Acting Clerk of Council
Roger A. Williams, Town Treasurer
Visitors:. Ms. Futrell., Southwest Times
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Mullins
The invocation was given by Councilman Graham.
The minutes of the regular meeting of September 21, 1976 were
approved as recorded.
Mayor Ratcliff brought to the attention of Council a request
to place a mobile home on Highland Terrace by Mr. Johnston House
Town Manager Marshall recommended that Council approve the application
as there was no opposition to this matter. Councilman Brockmeyer so
moved and it was seconded by Councilman Meadows, and carried on the
following recorded vote:
JOHNSTON HOUSE C. William Hickam, Jr. - aye William A. House - aye
TRAILER APPLIC. Andrew L. Graham - aye Bob J. Clark - aye
APPROVED Blair B. Brockmeyer - aye Arthur L. Meadows - aye
John A. Johnston - aye James M. Neblett - aye
Town Manager Marshall alsc brought to the attention of• Council
the matter of placing a mobile home on Macgill Street by Mr. James E.
Mullins, which was carried over from the last meeting due to opposi-
OF J.MULLINS tion from some of the residents in the area. After receiving a new
document from the residents who wish to retract their signatures
from the list of objectors, Town Manager Marshall recommended to
Council that they approve this application. He also pointed out only
one person had voiced objection to this action and that is Mr. C. E.
Tilson on Odell Street which is two and one-half blocks away from
the location of the lot. Councilman Brockmeyer moved that the applica-
tion be approved, seconded by Councilman Clark, and carried on the
following recorded vote:
C. William Hickam, Jr. - aye William A. House - aye
Andrew L. Graham - aye Bob J. Clark - aye
Blair B. Brockmeyer - aye Arthur L. Meadows - aye
John A. Johnston - aye James M. Neblett - aye
October 5, 1976
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Mayor Ratcliff called for comments from the public, but as no one
was present, he then called for the reports from the Council Committees.
Mr. Hickam had several requests to present to Council from the
Nominating Committee. The first was the replacement of Mr. Fred Swinburne
and Mr. Robert Dobyns on the Housing Board of Adjustments and Appeals with Mr.
Tom Powers, Contractor and Mr. James Logan, Architect, Contractor and
Engineer, to serve three year terms. The next committee replacement was
the suggestion of Mrs. Pete Marshall to fill the unexpired term of Mr.
NOMINATING George Hillsman whose term expires on March 1, 1977. The name of C. Robert
PRESENTS Edens was suggested to fill the vacancy left by W. S. Cummings whose term
FOR VAR. expires on October 13, 1976. Mr. Howard Eggert, whose term expires on
FOR October 13, 1978 has resigned and the Committee has not come up with a
name for his replacement at this time. For the Recreation Committee, the
Nominating Committee suggested Mr. Richard McMillan to serve the unexpired
term of Mrs. Dobyns, who has resigned. It was moved by Councilman Hickam
and seconded by Councilman Neblett and carried that the Town Attorney
perpare a Resolution regarding the recommendations of the Committee.
Councilman Graham stated the Utilities Committee had met with the
Town Manager since the last Council meeting in regards to the removal of
the infiltrationlinflow in the sewer system and discussed the time schedule
Town Manager had set up in order to complete this project. The cost of the
INFIL/INF.first phase of the project, which includes the repairing and raising of
REFERRED manhole covers throughout the Town, is $28,400. Councilman Graham made
FINANCE the motion that Council accept this phase of the program and ref er it to
DEFINITE the Finance Committee for the appropriation of funds. Councilman Neblett
FOR seconded tie motion and it was carried on the following recorded vote:
PHASE C. William Hickam, Jr. - aye William A. House - aye
Andrew L. Graham - aye Bob J. Clark - aye
Blair B. Brockmeyer - aye Arthur L. Meadows - aye
John A. Johnston - aye. James M. Neblett - aye
Councilman Graham reported there would be a more definite schedule
for the second phase of the project, which included the chemical grouting
of the lines, at a Later date as there needed to be more research done in
regards to the equipment used for this project. He also reported to Council
that much progress is being made on the other projects.
E~'~' ~'~ October 5, 1976
Councilman Johnston, Land and Building Committee Chairman, reported
the Committee met to discuss the proposed lease arrangements with the FFA
in regards to leasing Loving Field for its use of the next 15 years.
FAA CONTRACT Councilman Johnston reported that the contract stated the federal government
ATTY. FOR could cancel the lease at any time but the Town was not able to cancel until
IN ORDER the 15 year period was completed. Councilman Johnston made the motion that
CANCEL Council refer this to the Town Attorney in order that he might add a
provision to the contract to allow for the cancellation by the Town of
the FFa within a reasonable time period. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Brockmeyer and carried on the following recorded
C. William Hickam, Jr. - aye
Andrew L. Graham - aye
Blair B. Brockmeyer - aye
John A. Johnston - aye
William A. House - aye
Bob J. Clark - aye
Arthur L. Meadows - aye
James M. Neblett - aye
Councilman Johnston reported the Committee also discussed th e
renovation of the old Municipal Building for a Senior Citizen Center
for the aged. The Town prepared estimates for a grant application
RENOVATION for funds to help in the financing of the renovation. The applica-
BLDG. FOR tion was made for a total of $30,000 and Town Manager Marshall re-
AND GRANT ported that he had received word that the grant had been approved.
TO FURTHER The inkind financing from the Town will be $10,000 as its part in
the renovation cost. Councilman Graham questioned the operating
expense of the center and as to whose responsibility it would be,
and suggested that the expense be shared by the County as this center
would provide for the Town of Pulaski senior citizens as well as the
County. Councilman House moved that this matter be ref erred to the
Recreation Committee for further research with the Town Manager.
Councilman Meadows seconded the motion and it was carried on-the
following recorded vote:
C. William Hickam, Jr. - aye William A. House - aye
Andrew L. Graham - aye Bob J. Clark - aye
Blair B. Brockmeyer - aye Arthur L. Meadows - aye
John A. Johnston - aye James M. Neblett - aye
Councilman House reported on complaints he had received in
regards to the parking problem on Longview Court and asked the
COMPLAINTS Town Manager to have the Fire Chief determine what portion he needs
ON LONGVIEW to have his fire trucks pass through the area.
Councilman House reported the Finance Committee has recognized a
Councilman Graham reported Mr. Watson of Robinson Tract has
October 5, 1976
cash flow problem and suggested the Council transfer funds from Revenue
Sharing to Accounts ~~4010, which is the Fire Department Sub-station, the
amount of $258.22; and Account ~~4047, Landfill Seeding and Drainage, the
amount of $6,000. Councilman Graham moved that the Town Treasurer be
authorized to reimburse the General Fund for actual expenditures pre-
viously appropriated from Revenue Sharing Funds in the following amounts
and accounts: Account ~~4010, $258.22, and Account ~~4047, $6,000.00. The
motion was seconded by Councilman House and carried on the following
recorded vote:
C. William Hickam, Jr. - aye
Andrew L. Graham - aye
Blair B. Brookmeyer - aye
John A. Johnston - aye
William A. House - aye
Bob J. Clark - aye
Arthur L. Meadows - aye
James M. Neblett - aye
contacted him about the water pressure and the progress being made by the
Town to handle this situation. Town Manager Marshall stated the Town was
checking prices on inline pumps and hoped to have more inf ormation on
this matter at the next Council meeting.
Councilman Clark reported complaints he has received concerning
the junk cars parked in front of Jim Dandy Body Shop and asked the Town
JIM DANDY Manager to have the Police Department to look into this matter.
Councilman Neblett had no report.
Mayor Ratcliff reported several complaints he has received by
COMPLAINTS phone and letter in regards to the noise and dust that trucks were causing
DUST AT when they dumped the crushed gravel at the Town Shops on First Street, SW.
FROM The Mayor suggested that the Town Manager and Public Works Director,
GRAVEL Leroy Early, see that the gravel be wet down at the quarry so there
.would not be as much dust. The citizens were also complaining about the
traffic problem and suggested the Town change the location of the stock
pile. The Mayor suggested that Council turn this matter over to the
Street Committee and have them bring back suggestion to the Council for a
solution to this matter. It was so moved by Councilman Clark, and
seconded by Councilman House and carried on the following recorded vote:
C. William Hickam, Jr. - aye
Andrew L. Graham - aye
Blair B. Brookmeyer - aye
John A. Johnston - aye
William A. House - aye
Bob J. Clark - aye
Arthur L. Meadows - aye
James M. Neblett - aye
~ ~`' October 5, 1976
Town Manager Marshall stated. that he had, during the various
Committee reports, been able to sandwich his report in for this meeting.
At 5:00 P. M. Councilman House moved the meeting be adjourned.
Seconded by Councilman Meadows, and so carried.
Mayor Ratc'iff
Acting C er of Council