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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Pulaski Town
Council held September 2, 1975 at 4:00 P. M. in the Council Chambers
in the Municipal Building.
There were present: Mayor Raymond F. Ratcliff, presiding.
Councilmen: Arthur L. Meadows, Andrew L. Graham,
James M. Neblett, C. William Hickam, Jr.,
William A. House, Blair B. Brockmeyer,
Bob J. Clark, Mason A. Vaughan
Also present: Town Manager: J. E. Marshall
Clerk: Gladys R. Dalton
Town Attorney: Garnett S. Moore
Visitors: J. R. Schrader, Jane Graham, Debbie Hudson
James F. Logan, Garnett M. Ritter,
James P. Ratcliffe
The invocation was given by Councilman Graham.
The minutes of the regular meeting of August 18th were
approved as recorded.
James F. Logan stated he was present along with Mr. Ritter
and Mr. Ratcliffe in protest to the construction of two houses on the
south side of 16th Street, NW, a matter which had been cited in a
letter to Town Manager Marshall on August 25th. Mr. Logan stated
they felt the anstruction to be in violation of the Town's Zoning
Ordinance. He stated he did not live near the site of the construc-
tion, but that Mr. Ritter lives on the opposite side of the street and
ZONING Mr. Ratcliffe's property is on one side of the site in question and
COMPLAINT Carl Smith's property on the other. Also, Councilman Meadows' pro-
RE: HC-USES perty was almost directly opposite the site. Mr. Logan stated the
ON SIXTEENTH lots are in Residential R-2 District which requires a minimum lot
STREET', NORTH width of at least seventy-five feet, and a minimum lot area of at
least ten thousand square feet, and neither of the lots in question
meet either requirement. Also, that the builder may have claimed
an exemption under Section 11-2-3, Nonconf orming Lots, of the Town
Zoning Ordinance, .but this paragraph states that a lot which is less
in area or width than the minimum may be used under certain condi-
tions. However, in this situation, both the area and width are
less than seventy percent of the minimum requirements, and he main-
tained permits should not have been granted. Mr. Logan also stated
September 2, 1975
it was felt this construction would downgrade the quality
of the neighborhood, and he felt one of the purposes of the
Zoning Ordinance was to prevent crowding in the Town. Mr.
Logan also stated, along with Mr. Ritter and Mr. Ratcliffe,
that perhaps nothing could be done about the present situation
inasmuch as construction had progressed too far, but they asked t
ZONING that Council reconsider the Zoning Drdinance so this would not
happen in the future. It was pointed out by 7lbwn Manager
Marshall that the two (2) building permits were issued pursuant
CONTINUED to Section 11-2-3 of the Ordinance. There was some discussion
relative to a layman's understanding of the wording of Section
COUNCIL TO 11-2-3, and Councilman Hickam moved that Section L1-2-3 of the
CONSIDER Town Zoning Ordinance be considered and a revision made in the
REVISION OF ordinance in order that the average layman can understand the
WORDING IN wording of same. The motion was seconded by Councilman Vaughan,
ORDINANCE and carried on the following recorded vote :
C. William Hickam, Jr. - aye William A. House - aye
Andrew L. Graham - aye Bob J. CLark - aye
Blair B. Brockmeyer - aye Arthur L. Meadows - aye
Mason A. Vaughan - aye James M. Neblett - aye
Councilman Hickam reported the Street Committee had
met briefly and discussed the downtown parking situation, and
METERS that the Committee is presently considering an anti-feeding
ordinance for the downtown parking meters. No final report
could be made at that time.
Councilman Graham reported the Utilities Committee had
met and considered a recent letter from the Consulting Engineers,
Wiley & Wilson, in which it was recommended that the firm of
UNDERGROUND Underground TV Inspection, Inc. of Durham, N. C. be employed
INC. OF N.C. to make a TV inspection of the sections of the sewer system
INSPECTION OF designated for closer inspection to determine actual conditions.
FOR PULASKI The estimated cost of approximately $10,400, which will be paid
from a Grant, would include the necessary cleaning of the pipe
prior to inspection where such cleaning is necessary.. Mr. Graham
stated it was the recommendation of the Committee that the Town
Manager advise the Engineers that they are authorized to employ
September 2, 1975
the North Carolina company to make the inspection,and so moved.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Neblett, and carried on the
following recorded vote:
C. William Hickam, Jr. - aye William A. House - aye
Andrew L. Graham - aye Bob J. Clark - aye
Blair B. Brookmeyer: - aye Arthur L. Meadows - aye
Mason A. Vaughan - aye Jemes M. Neblett - aye
Councilman Brookmeyer reported the Pollution-Sanitation
POLLUTION Committee met on August 28th and discussed the possibility of up-
TO MEET ON dating the Town's ordinance on "Weeds". He stated another meeting
FROM LEAGUE will be held on this as soon as the inf ormation from the League
Office is received which was requested by Town Manager Marshall.
Councilman Brookmeyer stated he had met with Town Manager
Marshall and two members of the State Air Pollution Control Board
STATE AIR relative to the situation existing on Spruce Street involving the
BD. TO Compton Lumber Company,. and they will be giving the Town a written
SITUATION report on this later. Mr. Brookmeyer advised the Board members
LBR, CO. indicated the air quality in Pulaski was good.
Councilman Brookmeyer inquired relative to the status
CONSOLIDATIO~f Consolidation. And Mayor Ratcliff suggested that the members
of Council be thinking about this and a meeting will be held at
their convenience.
Councilman Vaughan asked Town Attorney Moore to present
a Resolution for Council's consideration having to do with the trad-
ing of 7.4 acres of land on Draper Mountain to Foy Aust in exchange
RESOLUTION of 7.93 acres of land (including that portion of land south of the
EXCHANGE OF Mountain land; six (6) lots on Altoona Heights and the Dunnagan lot
NOTICE OF adjacent the Central School lot on West Main Street). The Resolution
BE GIVEN FOR was read by the Attorney and Councilman Vaughan moved its adoption.
COUNCIL ON The motion was seconded by Councilman Neblett. During the
discussion which followed, Councilman House stated the Council holds
public hearings when a street or alley is closed, and it was his
feeling that Council should hold a public hearing on the exchange
of properties. Several of the Councilmen expressed their opinions
relative to the exchange, stating they felt it to be a very fair
exchange. Councilman Neblett withdrew his second, and the motion
died. Councilman Hickam then moved that the matter be reconsidered
September 2, 1975
at the next meeting of Council. The motion was seconded by Council-
man Brockmeyer and carried. Councilman House moved that proper
notice be placed in the local newspaper that the Council will
consider the exchange of lands at its next regular meeting. Motion
was seconded by Councilman Meadows,-and carried.
Councilman House had no report.
Councilman Clark brought up several administrative
matters: grassing of softball field at Macgill Village Recrea-
tion Park; status of the request for a road through the landfill;
condition of house on Macgill Street - weeds and windows being
broken out, and the fact that windows in the town owned property
f ormerly known as the Gemme1L Warehouse on Newbern Road, are broken
Councilman Meadows reported the Ordinance Committee met
and considered the request for a taxi rate increase from Blue &
REPORT OF White Cabs, and in view of the fact only this company had re-
ORDINANCE COMM, quested a rate increase, the Committee felt the other taxicab
RE: TAXI RATE owners should be contacted relative to the request, and advised
that a report would be made Later on this.
Councilman Meadows reported that his Committee
ATTORNEY TO recommended that Town Attorney prepare an ordinance for Council's
FOR RAZING consideration to provide for the razing or repair of unsafe,
dangerous or unsanitary buildings and structures and to provide
for a procedure for the abatement of nuisances.-within the
corporate limits.
Councilman Neblett reported the Safety Committee had met
STUDY OF REPORT with the Citizens Review Committee and Town Manager Marshall and
COMM. - NO FINAL studied the report recently submitted by the Citizens Review
SAFETY COMM., Committee, however no action has been finalized as of todate.
Town Manager Marshall reported to Council on having
received the day of the meeting a letter from the New River Valley
DISTRICT ~~4 planning Dd~strict Commission, together with pamphlet briefly ex-
VA. ALCOHOL plaining the Virginia Alcohol Saf ety Action Program as proposed by
PROGRAM the Highway Saf ety Division. It appears that Chapter 601. Section
18.2-271.1 of the Code of Virginia recently enacted by the General
September 2, 1975
Assembly, states that a person arrested for driving while intoxicated
may now be given the option of entering a treatment program (V~,SAP)
in lieu of fine and/or revocation of his license at the court's
decision. He further stated no such program is available in the
4th Planning District. However, a Highway Safety Project Planning
Grant is being prepared for submission to the Highway Safety
Division, Richmond to provide for funds for the development of
COMM TO necessary background material methodologies, implementation,and
NAME OF evaluation procedures to allow for the institution of an Alcohol
REP. TOWN Saf ety Action Program in the New River Valley Planning District.
Mr. Marshall stated further the letter requested that someone be
appointed to represent the Town and that a letter supporting the VASAP
feasibility study be forwarded to the District Planning Commission
office. The Nominating Committee will bring in a name at the next
Council agreed to hold a special meeting Tuesday, September
SPECIAL 9, 1975 at 5:00 P. M. to give Sadler Hosiery Mills an opportunity to
FOR file a petition requesting the closing of an alley.
MILL"S In answer to a recent inquiry, Town Manager Marshall
reported that the Loving Field complex, in particular, softball
LOVING FIELDfield does meet national requirements thus enabling teams to qualify
NATL. REQR. for league tournaments.
Town Manager Marshall reported that on August 19th a
member of the staff met with the Consulting Engineers and representatives
of the State Water Control Board to discuss the procedures for the
TOWN. MGR. submission of the application for Step Two Grant for the sewage
MEETING: WITH treatment plant; the Consulting Engineers are presently preparing
CONTROI. BD. material pursuant to the Step Dne Grant and anticipate a completion
& STEP TWO of this by January of 1976, and if the facilities plan is presented
to the State Water Control Board by 1976 they would expect approval
of the plan from the Environmental Protection Agency by March of
1976. The completed facilities plan will outline what portion of
the sewage facilities will require upgrading which may involve re-
habilitation of sewer lines and expansions of the sewage treatment
J~~ September 2, 1975
plant or a combination of both. It was suggested by the
Water Control Board that the preparation of the Step Two
application could begin and they would review any preliminary
m3.terials submitted to their office. The Step Two Grant
would include preparation of plans and specifications to upgrade
items which are recommended in the facilities plan, and it is
hoped to submit the plans and specifications no later than
December 1, 1976. The Consulting Engineers, Wiley & Wilson,
have been requested to prepare the inf ormation xeecessary for
the Step Two Grant application.
Councilman Graham moved that the four employes who
EMPLOYES OVER are beyond the age of sixty-five and wish to be allowed to
REQ. FOR continue to work as fulltime employes for the fiscal year, submit
EMPLOYMENT their request to the Council. The motion was seconded by Council-
man Clark, and carried on the following recorded vote:
C. William Hickam, Jr.
Andrew L. Graham
Blair B. Brockmeyer
Mason A. Vaughan
- aye William A. House
- aye Bob J. Clark
- aye Arthur L. Meadows
- aye James M. Neblett
At 6:25 P. M. Councilman Vaughan moved that Council
adjourn. The motion was seconded by Councilman Clark, and
- aye
- aye
- aye
- aye
1 L-
-Mayor Ratcli
~ ~~/v
Clerk of ouncil