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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Pulaski Town Council,
held December 21, 1971 at 7 o'clock P. M., in the Council Chamber in
the Municipal Building.
There were present: Mayor C. Robert Edens, presiding.
Councilmen: Andrew L. Graham, William A. House, Raymond F.
Ratcliff, J. L. Congrove, J. H. White,
Mason A . Vaughan
Absent: Glen K, Aust, S. G. Frye
Also present: Town Manager: J. E. Marshall
Clerk: Gladys R. Dalton
Town Attorney: Garnett S. Moore
Chief of Police: E. K. Burroughs
Visitors: Esther Williams, Southwest Times reporter
Eugene L. Nuckols, Atty. for Diamond Cabs
Philip M. Sadler, Atty. for City Cabs and
George Mck.Ray
Approximately twenty-five citizens
The invocation was given by Councilman Ratcliff.
Minutes of the regular meeting of December 7th were
approved as recorded.
As required under Chapter 18 of the Town Code, Town Council
held its annual public hearing for the purpose of determining the
number of public vehicles, taxicabs and for hire cars for which
Certificates shall be issued for the calendar year 1972. Formal
applications for the operation of twenty-six (26) taxicabs were
presented to the Council along with recommendations from the Chief of
ON TAXI Police. At this time Attorney Philip M. Sadler stated that Mr. Ray had
been out of town and unable to comply with filing his application for
the renewal of a Certificate within the seven day period prescribed
by law, but asked Council to take this into consideration in determin-
ing the number of certificates to be granted. Mr. Nuckols stated he
was appearing on behalf of Sterling Kinser t/a Diamond Cabs, and
inasmuch as the original ordinance was adopted in 1959 with only
minor amendments since that time, he felt there should be some cl~.nges
.made. as well as rate changes to compensate for the constant cost rises.
Mr. Nuckols, as well as Mr. Sadler, suggested that to save time it
might be well for the matter to be considered first by a committee
and then brought back to the Council for final consid eration. He also
asked that they be informed of-the recommendations from-the Chief of
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December 21, 1971
Councilman House moved that Council establish and con-
tinue twenty-seven (27) certificates, the number issued for 1971;
that the whole matter be subject to a review by the Ordinance
Committee in conjunction with the Cab Companies and their representa-
tives, and a report on the entire matter brought back to Council
within thirty days. The motion was seconded by Councilman Vaughan,
and carried.
Mr. J. B. Warner discussed with Council the status as
WARNER ASKED well as certain aspects of the proposed street between Lee
ST. BET. RT.11
& PEPPERS FR. Highway (Route 11) and Peppers Ferry Road. He further asked
"BOB BUNTS Council to consider naming this portion of the street "Bob Bunts
Boulevard" in honor of the late Bob Bunts.
Mr. Frank Quesenberry appeared bef ore Council to contest
FRANK a bill submitted to him by the Town for legal costs incurred in his
CONTESTS petition for the closing of a portion of Adams Street. Council agreed
TOWN that this was a legal and just bill as rendered.
Maps concerning a right of way problem on Webb Avenue
WEBB AVE. were turned over to the Street Committee by Town Manager Marshall.
Councilman Graham reported that a letter had been received
from Mr. Kenneth Dobson, Superintendent of Schools, requesting
WATER SERV. water services to the new elementary school to be located on Route
ELEM. SCHOOL 611, and asked that. this matter be placed on the agenda for a report
UTILITY from Town Manager Marshall. Mr. Graham moved that the matter be put
on the agenda and ref erred to the Utilities Committee, which motion
was seconded by Councilman Vaughan, and carried.
Councilman H Qise reported that the Street Committee had met
STOP BAR and considered several matters, one being the intersection of Pico
& PEPPERS Terrace and Peppers Ferry Road. Mr. House stated it appeared that
FR . RD . TO
BE NDVED the stop-bar at this intersection should be moved forward and the
Town Manager had been requested to do this in an effort to make
a safer approach.
Mr. House also reported that the Street Committee had
YMCA ST. NOT considered the YMCA request that the street from Oakhurst Avenue to
TAKEN N TOE Routell be taken into the Town's street system, and if the YMCA
TOWN SYSTEM was only involved there might be some merit to this request, but
that the greater portion of the street is bounded by privately owned
property which is subject to development. Also, the Committee
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December 21, 1978
felt the street had not been constructed in accordance with the
spceifications and utility requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance,
and should not be to ken into the Town's street system, and so moved,
which motion was seconded by Councilman White, and carried.
Mr. House reported that in connection with this same street
where it intersects with Route 11, the Committee was of the opinion
NEEDED ON that a crossover is needed and asked Town Manager Marshall to contact
RT. 11, AT
YMCA ENTR. the Highway Department for a safer and more suitable arrangement on the
median strip.
The Street Committee also considered the request of Mr. Paul
Roop that Medallian Drive from Mark Alan Apartments to Bob White
MEDALLION Boulevard (Route 611) be taken into the Town's street system, but
MEET TOWN it was the recommendation of the Committee, as reported by its Chairman,
Mr. House, that inasmuch as the street construction did not meet the
Town specification, and utility requirements, it not be taken into
the Town's system, and so moved. The motion was seconded by Councilman
White, and carried. Councilman Graham abstained from voting.
ONE LOADING Councilman House also reported that it was the recommendation
FOR MAIN ST. of the Street Committee that only one loading zone be placed on Main
Street at this time, the specific location of which to be determined by
Town Manager Marshall and Chief Burroughs.
Councilman Congrove reported that in an effort to see what
could be done about getting rid of junked cars before the adoption of an
AUST TO ordinance governing same, he had talked with Mr. Douglas Aust and Mr. Aust
OF JUNKED had stated he could take care of old cars. However, Mr. Aust stated if
the old cars still contained motors it would be necessary that title be
transferred to him in order to legally destroy them. Mr. Congrove also
stated it would be necessary that some arrangement be made with Mr. Aust
by the owner before the junked car is delivered to Mr. Aust. As Chairman
of the Ordinance Committee, Councilman White stated he would follow
through on this before the adoption of an ordinance by the Town.
Town Manager Marshall presented an ordinance to dismiss a
ORD. DISMIS.petition to c-lose a certain portion of Second Avenue (now Adams Street),
CLOSE in the Town of Pulaski, and to provide for payment of costs of the pro-
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December 21, 197
ceedings. Councilman Graham moved the adoption of the ordinance,
which motion was seconded by Councilman House, and carried on the
following recorded vote:
J. L. Congrove - aye Raymond F. Ratcliff - abstained
William A, House - aye S. G. Frye - absent
Glen K, Aust - absent J. H. White - aye
Andrew L. Graham - aye Mason A.Vaughan - aye
WHEREAS, Frank Quesenberry, Ewell C. Quesenberry
and Vance H. Farmer filed their petiton on the 7th day of
September, 1971, with the Council of the Town of Pulaski,
Virginia, after posting on the 27th day of August, 1971,
notice as required by law in at Least three places in said
Town, which posting was at least ten .days prior to the
filing on September 7, 1971, said petition requesting the
ORDINANCE Town to vacate and abandon a certain portion of Adams Street
in the Town of Pulaski, Virginia, set out and described in
DISMISSING said petition; and,
PETITION RE: WHEREAS, by Resolution adopted on the 7th day of
September, 1971, the Council appointed C. C. Jordan, W. M.
ADAMS ST. Board and E. C. Grigsby as viewers, and C. L. Plunkett and
G. C. Hall alternates, pursuant to Section 15.1-364 of the
Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended; and,
WHEREAS, due to illness of some viewers, the Town
by Resolution adopted on the 19th day of October, 1971,
named as viewers the following:
G. C. Hall
C. C. Jordan
G. G. Gannaway
Edward L. Barr
Ray C. Simpson
WHEREAS, subsequent thereto, all the landowners who
would be affected by the vacation of the aforesaid portion
of said street in the Town were notified of the filing of
said petition and of thepublic hearing thereon set for the
5th day of October, 1971, in the 'down Office of Pulaski,
Virginia, by notice delivered to the landowners, if any,
and also by proper publication of Public Notice in the
Southwest Times, a local newspaper; and
WHEREAS on the 5th day of October, 1971, said public
hearing was convened pursuant to the aforesaid notice and
formally continued until November 1, 1971, at .which time the
viewers filed their written report with said Council stating
that in their opinion no inconvenience would result from the
abandonment and discontinuance of the use of or by closing
that portion of Adams Street described in the petition filed
with the Council; and after hearing further evidence the Council
continued the hearing until November 23, 1971, in order for
Council to go upon the said street to be closed and to view
same; and,
WHEREAS, the Council of the Town of Pulaski, Virginia,
prior to November 23, 1971, viewed the said portion of Adams
Street which petitioners had requested to be closed and announced
on the 23rd day of November, 1971, that in their opinion certain
December 21, 1971
inconveniences would result from the closing of the street
and that they would not close same and that petition should
be dismissed.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the
Town of Pulaski, Virginia, that:
The petition filed by Frank Quesenberry, Ewell C.
Quesenberry, and Vance H. Farmer on the 7th day of September,
1971, requesting the closing of that portion of Second Avenue
in the Subdivision of the lands of J. H. Powers and now known
as Adams Street, BE, and the same is hereby, Denied, and the
said Petition is Dismissed.
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that G. C. Hall, G. G. Gannaway
and Edward L. Barr, the aforesaid viewers, be paid the sum of
Ten Dollars ($10.00) each, and. that the aforesaid sum due the
viewers and the other costs involved in these proceedings be
paid by the petitioners.
DORIS CARSON On motion of Councilman White, seconded by Councilman
ISSUING Ratcliff, and carried, Mrs. Doris M. Larson was appointed Issuing
Justice for the Town of Pulaski.
Town Manager Marshall reported, as requested by Council, on
the status of Allison Lane project as to the Town's obligation on this
particular project. He called Council's attention to the three
TOWN MGR.. resolutions adopted by the Council, copies of which had been furnished
TOWNS to the Mayor and members of Council on December 10th, the first of which
ON CONSTR.was adopted September 2, 1969 in which the Town only agreed to the
LN. PROJ. construction of the project from Allison Lane intersection with Peppers
Ferry Road to Lee Highway. In the second resolution, adopted October 7,
1969, Council did not commit itself on construction or the purchase of
the right of way beyond Peppers Ferry Road and asked only that the plans
be prepared for the entire project. Mr. Marshall stated the third reso-
lution, adopted by Council on April 21, 1970, dealt with obtaining or
acquiring of the necessary right of way for the project within the
corporate limits. He stated the resolution did not delineate as to
whether the purchasing of the right of way would be for the entire project
or for just that portion between Peppers Ferry Road and Lee Highway, and
that he believed a broad interpretation of same was that the acquisition
of the entire right of way was implied. However, it was not specifically
so stated.
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December 21, 1971
Town Manager Marshall reported that application is being
TOWN NOT SUC.prepared for a possible grant in the total sewer and water system
FR. STATE: from another source, since the Town was not successful in its request
SOURCETO BE to the Water Control Board.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned
at 9:00 P. M.
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Mayor Edens
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