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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Pulaski Town Council,
held February 17, 1970, at 7:00 P. M., in the Pulaski County Circuit
There were present: Mayor C. Robert Edens, presiding.
Councilmen: Glen K. Aust, Mason A. Vaughan, A. L. Graham,
J. H. White, S. G. Frye, Wm. A. House,
W. D. Macgill, Raymond F. Ratcliff
Also present: Town Manager: J. E. Marshall
Clerk: Gladys R. Dalton
Town Attorney: Alan Groseclose
Town Engineer: R. Lloyd Mathews
Chief of Police: C. E. Comer, Jr.
Members of the Planning Commission: Mr. John R. Powers, Chairman
Mrs. Charles Settle
Mr. A. D. Clark
The invocation was given by Councilman Macgill.
Mayor Edens welcomed the visitors present, and thanked them
for taking time to attend the meeting.
Minutes of the regular meeting of February 3rd and special
meeting of February 10th were approved as recorded.
Mayor Edens stated that as had been advertised in the local
newspaper, this was the time and place for a joint public hearing by the
Pulaski Town Council and the Pulaski Town Planning Commission on the
application of Claremont Corporation to rezone from R-2 Residence to B-2
General Business Zone along Bob White Boulevard, extending from Thomas
JOINT PUBLIC Street to the south line of the new Aldersgate United Methodist Church
RE-ZONING ON Property and belonging to the Claremont Corporation, in the Town of Pulaski,
BLVD. Virginia. Mayor Edens stated anyone who wished to speak for this proposal
would be heard at that time. Mr. Jesse Hopkins, one of the partners in
the Claremont Corporation, advised that the Corporation's request had been
set out in detail in the letter requesting the rezoning, and he was present
to see if there were any objections and the nature of same. Paul Roop,
another partner in the Corporation, favored the rezoning and asked that the
record show the 50 ft. strip to be 250 feet in length rather than: 200. This
was noted by Town Manager Marshall.
Mayor Edens then asked to hear those who opposed the rezoning.
Mr. Paul Ferguson stated that at a previous meeting of Council it had been
discussed that the fifty foot space would be used for parking. Mr. Ferguson
was advised that space must be provided for parking but that it could be
on either side of the strip.
February 17, 1970
A written petition of protest, signed by approximately
thirty property owners in the vicinity of Bob White Boulevard, was
PETITION OF presented by Mr. J. R. Boult, and filed with the Clerk, in which it was
RE-ZONING stated they opposed any change in the commercalzoning restriction or
bounds on Bob White Boulevard; that removal of this commercial zone
would lower the value of their property as well as increase the value
of the land owned by the Claremont Corporation. Further, it was their
feeling that Claremont Corporation should have requested a different
commercial zoning boundary bef ore the Corporation developed the sub-
division in which these property owners had invested between $20,000.00
and $30,000.00 a piece in their homes.
Mayor Edens advised that the Council would receive a
GIVE ITS recommendation from the Town Planning Commission at its next regular
NEXT MEETING meeting, March 3~d, at which time the Council would give their decision on
the matter.
Mr. J. B. Warner stated that in July 1969 the Council had
been petitioned to do something about the hazardous traffic conditions on
Peppers Ferry Road; that it appeared the same conditions existed and
wondered when some results could be expected. Mr. Warner also stated
J.B.WARNHE that at the same time mention was made of the rumor that the YMCA had
purchased a tract of land from the Bones Estate and that this would
TRAFFIC create more traffic in the area; that these rumors have now become fact
ALONG and wondered if Council would go on record as not approving the opening
FERRY RD. of Oakhurst Avenue for YMCA traffic.
Mayor Edens advised that the Council fully realizes the
hazardous traffic conditions on Peppers Ferry Road and that steps are
being taken to improve this situation; that the widening of Peppers Ferry
Road would be almost impossible, and that access roads to Peppers Ferry
Road would relive some of the situation. He further stated the State
Highway Department is making a survey relative to developing a street
from the vicinity of Allison Lane and Route 11 (Dublin Road) and it
was hoped this would relieve some of the heavy traffic on Peppers Ferry
Road. Mayor Edens stated further that this situation on Peppers Ferry
Road had been policed, and some speeders had been caught. But as to
February 17, 1970
making a statement about the opening of Oakhurst Avenue, the Town had
not been requested to do this, but it was felt with the new street at the
upper end, which would be an access to the "Y", would probably help the
Mr. Warner then asked if Council had approved the new subdivision
NO REQ. to be placed on the Bones Estate and if the "Y" had made application for a
OF SUBDIV. building permit. Mayor Edens advised that the Town had not been requested
ESTATE to approve a new subdivision, the opening of Oakhurst Avenue, or a building
Mr. Warner then requested that the situation be referred to
the Street Committee authorizing a study be made, and suggested sidewalks
be installed from Walnut Avenue to the Pulaski High School and Mashburn
Avenue to Newbern Road, for the protection of the school children.
SIDEWALKS Councilman Frye moved that in view of the specific request
FRY.RD. & asking that sidewalks be considered. to the Pulaski High School along Peppers
AV E. .REF. Ferry Road, and on Mashburn Avenue to Newbern Road, that the matter be
COMM. studied by the Street Committee and Town Manager, which motion was seconded
by Councilman Ratcliff, and carried.
At this point Paul Cox, Jr. brought to Council's attention
the traffic situation on Newbern Road, on which he lives.
Councilman House reported that with reference to the
approaches to the Northwood School, a meeting with the Pulaski County
REPORT School Board had been requested. He further stated it was felt some coopera-
SCHOOL tion with the Board is necessary in order to solve this problem.
Mr. House also reported that the traffic situation at the
corner of Main and Washington Avenue had been discussed many times, and
MAIN & .that many. suggestions-have-been made regarding this heavily traveled
intersection, but none favorable enough for making a change in the traffic
light at this time.
Mr. House also reported that the Committee had recommended
that "parking meter holidays" be referred to the Town Manager for administra-
TO DECIDE tive handling, and suggested that the Retail Merchants Association be con-
META taated relative to the most logical days to be observed as "free parking
meter holidays".
February 17, 1970
Councilman Ratcliff reported that a study is being made on
ALUM SPG. the request for a sewer line extension on the Alum Spring Road, and it would
appear that several easements would have to be secured. The matter
is still pending, no action was necessary at this time.
Reporting for the Land Buildings and Parks Committee,
Councilman Ratcliff stated that for several years the Town of Pulaski
has been talking about a building sufficient to take care of the needs
of the Town Government, and the Committee at this time offered the
following report on what has been done up to this time:
The Town Council over the last several years has been
studying the need for a Municipal Building and approximately
one year ago the present Council revived the studies and the
matter was placed in the hands of the Land and Building Comm-
REPORT OF ittee of the Council to develop and report with single line
sketches to be submitted for consideration by the entire
MUNICIPAL BUILDING ~ October 21, 1969, the firm of Eubank, Caldwell, Dobbins,
Shertz and Franklin, Architects and Engineers of Roanoke was
authorized to prepare preliminary sketches for consideration.,
After several study sessions where some basic changes were
made by Council, it was generally agreed that the proposal
would serve the needs of the Town of Pulaski and Council
authorized the Architects to proceed with working drawings
and specifications to be presented when complete.
The Council in their overall consideration is looking
for a building that would be functional for years to come,
would provide the public with an easy access building where the
Town's business would be conducyed and would be within the
economic possibility of the Town. In the plan development
these ideas have been foremost. Also, the Council in looking at t
the overall operation of the Town Government feels that the
consolidating under one roof of most of the Administrative
Departments will lead a more efficient and less fragmented
local government.
The working drawings have been reviewed with the
Architects by Council and the proposed building would be two
stories, constructed of concrete, block and brick. It is
presently proposed to be located on First Street to the rear
of the Post Office and will face to the South. It is pro-
posed to be seventy-five (75) feet wide and one hundred
twenty-nine (129.5) and one-half feet long and is proposed to
have a total floor area of 18,648 sq. ft.
Mr. Ratcliff stated that no formal action had been taken up to this'
time, and only shared the report with the public, that it was felt a
point had been reached whereby a cost estimate was necessary bef ore
any action could be taken.
Febrmary 17, 1970
At this point Mr.Warner asked if the Town would be
complying with the Town Ordinance relative to the parking situation
QUESTIONS ~ the new building was constructed on First Street. He was advised
AT NEW that the zoning ordinance would be complied. with at this site.
Councilman Ratcliff moved that the Architects be
BIDS ON authorized to proceed to advertise for bids for the construction of the
TO BE proposed Municipal Building. The motion was seconded by Councilman Macgill,
and carried.
Town Manager Marshall reported that a request had been
received from Mr. James Covey, Sr. for a non-conforming use permit
covered by Section 12-4 of the Town Zoning Ordinance, to operate a
neighborhood grocery store in a building owned by Mr. Covey at the
corner of Martin Avenue and Chestnut Street in the Town of Pulaski. Mr
REQ. Marshall stated the :Town Planning Commission had considered this request
CHANGE FOR at its meeting on February 16th and there were no objections to this
OF GROCERY non-conf orming use by the Commission. He stated the procedure now
PUBLIC would be for Council to hold a public hearing to see if there was any
BE HELD neighborhood objections. Councilman Aust moped that a public hearing
b e set for.~the next meeting of Council, March 3rd, which motion was
seconded by Councilman Vaughan,_and.carried.
Town.Manager-Marshall advised that work is still being
done on-the Garbage Collection Survey and it was hoped a report could
be made before too long.
There being-no°.further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:55 P.M.~
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